Introduction to Health Careers
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Introduction to Health Careers - Sabrina Hutton Edmond MA.Ed
Copyright © 2011 by Sabrina Hulton Edmond.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011918772
ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-4653-8421-8
Softcover 978-1-4653-8420-1
Ebook 978-1-4653-8422-5
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Exploring Health-Care Careers
Course Outline and Objectives
Classroom Contract
Interview Log
Introduction to Health-Care Careers
Minimal Skill Requirements for Health-Care Careers
Some Other Careers in the Health Field
Student’s Interview Sheet
Health Careers
The Reproductive System
Communicable Diseases
Communicable Diseases Grouped According to Transmission
Universal Precautions for Communicable Diseases
Common Bacterial and Viral Communicable Diseases
Safety for Health-Care Careers
General Rules for Institutional Safety
Oxygen Safety
Fire Safety
Fire Safety
Electrical Safety
Chemical Safety
Generic Incident Report
A Ten-Step Triage Disaster Plan
Evacuation Plans
Universal Precautions
Seven Areas of Precaution
Universal Precautions
Material Safety Data Sheet
More Terminology
Safety for Health-Care Careers
Safety Review Worksheet
Answer Sheet for Safety
Eat a Variety of Foods
Eat Foods with Adequate Starch and Fiber
What’s in a Serving?
Introduction to Body Systems
The Skeletal System
The Muscular System
The Digestive System
The Circulatory System
The Respiratory System
The Nervous System
The Integumentary System
The Urinary System
The Endocrine System
The Reproductive System
Worksheet 1
Worksheet 2
Worksheet 3
Worksheet 4
Worksheet 5
Worksheet 6
Worksheet 7
Worksheet 8
Worksheet 9
Worksheet 10
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Vocabulary Worksheet
Body Systems
Skeletal System
Muscular System
The Skeletal System
The Muscular System
The Digestive System
The Circulatory System
The Respiratory System
The Nervous System
The Integumentary System
The Urinary System
The Endocrine System
Individualized Shadowing Evaluation Worksheet
Introductory Health Science
Body Systems 3
Medical prefixes & suffix
Sabrina’s Anatomy Puzzle
Body Systems 2
Career Planning
Introduction to Medical Terminology
Infection Control
Understanding the Patient as a Person
Basic First Aid
The Safe Workplace
Disasters: Preparedness, Hazards, and Prevention
Exploring Health-Care Careers
Course Title: Exploring Health Service Careers
Instructor: Mrs. S. Edmond
Course Description: This course is designed to give the student an overview of the various entry-level occupations and work sites available in the health-care field. It will also provide them with pre-entry skills to help them when they take courses for the entry-level health-care field of their choice.
Course Objectives: When you complete this course, you will
1. have an overview of what the term health-care team refers to;
2. have a basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology;
3. have a general knowledge of health-care terminology;
4. be familiar with the skills, education, and duties of at least two health-care careers;
5. be knowledgeable of universal precautions in the health-care field;
6. be aware of the various employment environments in the health-care field (hospital, HMOs, private offices, insurance offices, convalescence homes, etc.);
7. perform basic vital functions;
8. take basic vital functions;
9. be knowledgeable of common communicable diseases;
10. write a résumé and generic letter of application for entry-level employment in the health career field of your choice.
Course Outline and Objectives
Course: Health Science
Phase: 1
Description: Introduction to the Body Systems
I. General Objectives
The student who successfully completes this phase will be able to do the following:
1. Identify the ten body systems.
a. The skeletal system
b. The muscular system
c. The digestive system
d. The circulatory system
e. The respiratory system
f. The nervous system
g. The integumentary system
h. The urinary system
i. The endocrine system
j. The reproductive system
2. Demonstrate understanding of the major functions of each of the ten body systems.
3. Complete each unit worksheets.
4. Define body system.
5. Define the major organs in each body system.
II. Performance Objectives
This phase consists of ten units. For each unit, the student will
1. read the instructor-developed reading materials for each unit,
2. actively participate in lecture/discussions,
3. complete each unit worksheet,
4. complete each unit test with a minimum score of 60%,
5. complete the final phase evaluation test with a minimum score of 70% or better.
III. Instructional Strategies
The instructional strategies will include the use of various commonly acknowledged teaching techniques, including lectures, class discussions, quizzes, demonstrations, individualized instructions, group instructions, and guest speakers when possible. Audio and video materials will be used when available. Students will be encouraged to read outside materials covering the concepts being taught.
IV. Grading System
1. Each unit will have a twenty-question quiz.
2. Each unit quiz will carry the same weight as far as grading is concerned.
3. Quiz grades will be as follows:
90% to 100% A
80% to 85% B
70% to 75% C
60% to 65% D
Lower than 60% No Pass
4. A final evaluation quiz will cover all ten units. It will weigh as 50% of the final phase score.
The final evaluation quiz will be graded as follows:
90% to 100% A
80% to 85% B
70% to 75% C
60% to 65% D
Lower than 60% No Pass
5. The final grade will be based on the average score of the ten unit tests combined with the final evaluative test scores.
V. Evaluation
1. The final grade will be based on the average score of the ten unit tests combined with the score of the final evaluation test.
2. To pass this phase, the student must meet the following standards:
a. The student must receive a minimum score of 60% in each of the unit test.
b. The students must receive an average score of 70% in the ten unit tests.
c. The student must receive a minimum score of 70% in the final evaluation test.
d. The student must achieve an average score of 70% in the ten unit tests combined with the final exam.
VI. Retaking Test
1. Students may retake the test during the last week of the quarter if they
a. score less than 60% in any unit test,
b. have an average score of less than 70% on the unit test,
c. score less than 70% on the final evaluation test.
2. Students failing to meet the minimum standard of a 70% average score will retake the class.
1. The skeletal system can be compared to a _________.
a. car
b. movie
c. telephone
d. horse
e. none of the above
2. The basic framework of the body is called the _________.
a. cardiac system
b. endocrine system
c. skeletal system
d. muscular system
e. none of the above
3. The muscular system can be seen as the body’s _________.
a. framework
b. movers
c. workers
d. digestive system
e. none of the above
4. Muscles work in _________. by pulling.
a. sections
b. place
c. composition
d. pairs
e. none of the above
5. Muscles compose nearly _________. of our body weight.
a. 95%
b. 90%
c. 9%
d. 25%
e. none of the above
6. Bones are composed of _________.
a. tissues
b. blood vessels
c. nerves
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
7. The body has _________. kinds of muscle tissues.
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
e. none of the above
8. Bones are connected by _________.
a. ligaments
b. nerves
c. muscles
d. joints
e. none of the above
9. Smooth muscles are _________. muscles.
a. involuntary
b. voluntary
c. the strongest
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
10. Immovable joints are _________.
a. fibrous
b. cartilaginous
c. synovial
d. skeletal
e. none of the above
11. Skeletal muscles are _________. muscles (controlled by will).
a. involuntary
b. reflex
c. smooth