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The Good Boss: How Empowering Leaders Create Great Teams
The Good Boss: How Empowering Leaders Create Great Teams
The Good Boss: How Empowering Leaders Create Great Teams
Ebook102 pages1 hour

The Good Boss: How Empowering Leaders Create Great Teams

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The Good Boss is someone who has clear focus, inspiring language, and impactful actions that get results for their team. This book is purposely written with the intent of delivering crucial topics that are simple, credible, and tactful. It is for anyone who is committed to being a Good Boss and not just interested when it is convenient for you. Your duty in this role is to inspire, listen, and lead your team down a path that has clear results defined. As a boss I know that it is you who sets the tone for your team and provides a place of certainty and growth. You make people feel significant and what they do determines the companys success. You definetly encourage new ideas for the business, and contributing back to the team and the community. I am proud to be called an expert on the topic of what it means to be The Good Boss, and I am able to support my advice with experiencing the things that work and dont work as a boss myself. I hope that in reading this book, you will discover something that you could be doing better to make your team successful and happier. Again, take it from me. I have managed many people and have compiled the simple things that actually work. It doesnt matter what type of business you have, there is a simple code that will make you and your employees lives easier and fulfilled. It is how to get the legacy of the Good Boss is created.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateOct 30, 2017
The Good Boss: How Empowering Leaders Create Great Teams

Troy Aberle

Troy Aberle brings incredible value to the business table. He has extensive experience, a proven track record, and a determined attitude. Having successfully overcome both economic and personal challenges, Troy has taught himself how to function as a professional sales force and has become an awarded advisor and success coach. In his work, Troy commits himself to helping people accomplish great achievements and strives to build new business opportunities for those wanting noting but the best. Having studied under many great mentors like, Trevor McGregor, Tony Robbins, Lou Tice, Dale Carnegie, Steven Covey, Jack Canfield, Robert Kiyosaki, Jeff Walker, Brendon Bouchard, among others. Troy believes that the foundation for any successful business lies at the intersection of attitude, marketing, coaching, and management. He has a successful track record of innovation and achievement in agriculture, natural resources, and the manufacturing industry. Troy is also the creator of the proven, cutting-edge system that he designed and used to become one of the top sales & businessmen in Western Canada. Troys unique perspective and can-do attitude took him to the top as a high-producing salesman for several companies, including a dealer of John Deere. He has also been instrumental in helping several major corporations to fast-track and grow vast business and infrastructure networks. Troys mission is to teach, inspire, and guide you to reach the level of success you deserve to have, and to teach you how to be much more than just a transactional person. Managing yourself and empowering other people is what will create powerhouse teams. You were meant to achieve success, happiness, and provide the same for those you love, and Troy wants to empower you to implement the same bold steps that he created in his life to get there on YOUR own terms! Designing the life you want is within your reach Its time to step up and start making it happen.

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    The Good Boss - Troy Aberle

    Copyright © 2017 Troy E Aberle.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8948-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8950-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-8949-5 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017915957

    Balboa Press rev. date: 01/24/2018


    I dedicate this book to my best friend and wife Robie. Thank you for continually supporting me to set new goals to reach for, and to pay our research and experiences forward. Hopefully we can help people to make the world a better place


    1. Your State and Attitude

    2. Be the Leader You Are Expected to Be

    3. Approachability and Open Door

    4. Company and Department Goals

    5. After a Management or Planning Meeting

    6. Performance Reviews

    7. Business and Marketing Plan

    8. Involve Your Employees’ Families

    9. Sick and Personal Days

    10. Benefits Program

    11. Stress Management

    12. Destructive Conversations

    13. Establish Clear Job Descriptions

    14. Reward Achievements

    15. Always Offer Help and Support

    16. After Hours Time with People Who Report to You

    17. Ask Your Customers for Their Feedback of Your Team

    18. Enforce Time Balance

    19. No Deadbeats or Bullies Allowed!

    20. Empowerment

    21. Ownership

    22. Your Demeanor

    23. Human Resources—The Most Important Role in Your Company

    24. Your Sales Force Is Everyone

    25. Accountability

    26. Recruiting, Hiring, and Replacing


    I am an author and an expert when it comes to creating and living chapter 2 of your life. I’ll help you transform your business from the stagnant chapter 1 to a robust and vibrant chapter 2. I am also a business acceleration coach who helps people transform into superstar bosses, and their staff and customers love it.

    Over the past seventeen years, I have intensely studied human behavior and the way business is conducted in many industries. My extensive business experience and education under many great mentors have taught me the value of systematic practice and study, especially when combined with hard work and commitment. I grew up on a farm in Southern Alberta, and through hard work and 4H, I learned what it meant to earn the things or experiences you want for yourself. That work ethic and my desire to be a top producer has always been with me throughout my journey. Every day I decide to be the best that I can be, and I help others to do the same. I have built a very diverse work resume that captures key roles that were part of an interesting growth sequence that developed my well-rounded perspective and capabilities. My number one interest was learning how to be a good boss, and how powerful it would be to help teach all bosses how to become people who treat employees with the respect they deserve.

    My time and experience in business management can be summed up with four words.

    Fear, Failure, Stagnation, Success

    If you’ve been in business for some time or want to start, I’m sure you’ve also experienced one or more of these four outcomes. I’m sure you agree with me that success is the only desirable outcome of these four.

    Since entering the workforce, I have worked for both privately owned companies and large, publicly traded corporations. The most important of these companies and roles are as follows:

    1. Western Tractor Company Inc.: Territory manager for a privately owned dealer of John Deere

    2. Fastenal Company: Branch manager, sales, manufacturing, and efficiency management

    3. CAP Solar Pumps: International sales and marketing, product design, and manufacturing

    4. Exterran: Oil and gas services, regional management and sales

    I’ve held mostly management and sales roles since I was twenty years old. I was given those opportunities of leadership because I related very well with staff and the customer. As a leader, I learned to respect and understand that there are people wiser than me, and because of their experience, they could teach me how to grow and achieve huge results. Most people don’t know the value of having mentors and the time they can save you with people who can teach what works and what doesn’t. These powerful relationships I’ve formed and the track record I have built over the years continue to benefit me today.

    During this period, I also spent a great deal of time and resources taking courses, studying books, going to seminars, and interviewing CEOs and managers from all walks of life, in search of information that the high achievers have figured out. Key mentors of mine who have made the largest impact are Anthony Robbins, Cloe Madanes, Dale Carnegie, Brendon Burchard, Napoleon Hill, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Warren Buffet, Steven Covey, Robert Kiyosaki, Lou Holtz, and Lou Tice. There are many more, but these people have been some of the most notable in my life. Most important is my personal coach, Trevor McGregor. He is an outstanding leader who has helped me bring so many pieces of my journey to one solid center, and he’s supported me to be where I have risen to today. As my coach, he taught me, Success leaves clues. I followed those clues until I learned how to apply the success principles that worked

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