Three “In” Factors in College Admissions: How Interests, Involvement, and Being an Influencer Impact Your College Admissions
About this ebook
When youre in high school, you only have three years to make an academic, social, and leadership statement that will convince college admissions officers that youre a great fit for their schoolsso you make each year count.
While you probably know the credits you need to graduate and what courses colleges want to see on your transcript, you need to do more to capture their attention. In this guide to the college admissions process, youll learn how to showcase interests and activities on your application. Learn how to:
develop amazing content to strengthen your resume;
take control of your high school activities and the college process;
articulate robust experiences to colleges you may want to attend; and
chart an intentional path on your college-bound journey.
By focusing on the three IN factorsinterests, involvement, and being an influenceryoull be showcasing talents and accomplishments as you navigate the college admissions process.
Wendy Bolen Andreen
Wendy Bolen Andreen, PhD, is an independent educational consultant with over thirty-five years of academic experience. She formerly led thousands of high school students in Houston through the college admissions process as a college counselor and in her private work. She earned her bachelor of business administration and PhD from The University of Texas at Austin and her master of education from Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. She and her husband have two children who successfully navigated the college admissions process multiple times.
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Three “In” Factors in College Admissions - Wendy Bolen Andreen
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Thomas, Michael, and Anna
F ormer Students and Current Clients —Without you, this book wouldn’t exist. You are the reason I continue to search for answers, stay current with college admissions, and strive to provide encouragement and direction.
Memorial Senior High School (Spring Branch ISD) 1996–2010: The counselors, principals, faculty, and staff—You were an amazing team of professionals who taught me how to maintain the highest professional standards for our students and families.
College Admissions Officers – Thank you for everything you do to guide students and counselors through the admissions process.
Anna Katharine Andreen—You are an amazing daughter, human being, and art director. You never deviated from your path