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How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization
How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization
How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization
Ebook138 pages1 hour

How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization

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Many corporates need to strengthen their industries in the global seethed technology and economic changes, particularly those from Africa. Products and services from the West and Central African regions are merely recognized as poor with low quality and lack of fitness. Productivity and cost are not under control and accordingly impact the level of competitiveness of many organizations. These organizations need to adapt their operations management processes to the environmental change by maintaining a creative outlook in the never-ending search for ways to solve customer problems and respond to customer needs by providing with speed a high-value product or service. Understanding change in operations-based forms of organization is made difficult by the dispersed nature of management practices in such organizations and their effects upon the reinforcement of localized practices and routines that militate against the spread of organization-wide change initiatives.

By developing dynamic operations management based on project management methodology, employees and operators could improve the quality of product or service and optimize their productivity.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 14, 2017
How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization

Albert L. Matha

Doctor Albert L. MATHA is married and father of 06 children; he has more than 25 years of professional experience, he is: ? SFA (Strategic Financial Analyst for Business Evaluation) - “Harvard Business School, Boston – MA” ? PhD (major: Business Administration) from “Warren National University” Cheyenne - WY – USA ? MBA (major: Business Administration) of « Université du Québec à Montréal / UQAM » - CANADA ? Engineer (Electromechanical) from « Centre International de Formation Professionnelle » of Liège - BELGIUM ? Financial Expert – High Court of Justice ? Certified in Financing for Development from « EdX – Harvard University » - MA, Boston - USA In professional area, he had the following assignments: ? Lecturer (Masters level) – FSEGA & ESSEC, Faculty of Sciences, ENSET / Douala University, teaching o Project management and evaluation (cost, time, quality, procurement, risk, human resources...), o Finance (strategic financial analysis and business evaluation; corporate finance; various ratios) o Entrepreneurship process and start up creation ? Vice President of Marketing (former) – PMI Consulting SIG ( Project Management Institute, Specific Interest Group – USA) ? General Manager – SMIC (Société de Maintenance Industrielle et de Construction) He served as a consultant or as a guest speaker at the: ? European Commission in the AFUR (African Forum for Utility Regulators) project regarding: o Organisation of power market structure and model – review and assessment in five member countries; Ghana, Senegal, Cameroon, Uganda, Zambia; o Comparison of supply cost and electricity selling price in five member countries, Côte d’Ivoire, Niger, Cameroon, Tanzania, Namibia.. ? AFUR (African Forum for Utility Regulators) as o Guest speaker in international conference at Johannesburg – SA, o Moderator of international forums in Banjul (The Gambia) and in Nairobi (Kenya)

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    How to Enhance Productivity Under Cost Control, Quality Control as Well as Time, in a Private or Public Organization - Albert L. Matha

    Copyright © 2017 by Dr Dr Albert L. Matha, Eng, MBA, SFA, PhD.

    Library of Congress Control Number:            2017906243

    ISBN:               Hardcover                        978-1-5434-1808-8

                  Softcover                          978-1-5434-1807-1

                              eBook                                978-1-5434-1806-4

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    Rev. date: 05/05/2017







    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter 2 Review Of Related Literature

    Chapter 3 Methodology

    Chapter 4 Data Analysis

    Chapter 5 Summary, Recommendations, And Conclusions





    Readers of this book are mostly for leaders of developing countries and for those who are willing to increase their business and have a total cost control within a time limit period. In addition, this book is also suitable for students or for self-business men who could understand how to design their business and have better results.

    What we are proposing to African organizations, is a specific model which leads to improvement of current practices in order to ensure better productivity within budget, quality and time limit period, and then compete in the global market. Despite obsolete technology as well as equipment, in addition of poor technical knowledge and skills, most African firms are involved in low practices of operations management.

    This situation hindered productivity improvement and process upgrading, as direct consequence, African firms are not capable to compete even in the domestic market where competition with imported products become harsh in the globalization context. With this proposed management approach, African firms will transform their ability and competitiveness by taking control timely of productivity, quality, and costs. Two specific markets are concerned with the current approach, as follows:

    1. The primary market is for the production and construction industries, because leaders will recognize that operations management based on project management methodology contribute a lot to increase profitability and reduce risks; in addition, they will also experience the role of metric measurement as part of monitoring and control, to combine with time tracking throughout operations management life cycle in line with the organization strategy.

    2. The secondary market is for the supporting services to production and construction industries, because leaders will recognize that operations management based on project management methodology contribute to increase productivity, cost and time control, as well as profitability.

    The topic is so important in such a way that each company is facing competitors, even though they are not known. Companies need to prepare themselves, anticipate in the changing business environment. So they need to stay above competitors’ challenge and have a total cost and time control from the beginning to the activities end. Users of this book will have all necessary instruments to minimize losses, increase profit and stimulate workers’ motivation.

    Process design is the current methodology target. It involves time, cost and quality control. The efficiency and effectiveness of this methodology is far different from standard operations methodology. First this book makes a literature review about the related operations management throughout the repetitive production activities. Second, the book shows how you change the activities stream, enhance productivity, control resource consumption adequately, improve product or service quality within a time limit period, of course with high profitability.

    Last but not the least, this book is for all of you, who are willing to boost their productivity and maximize their profit. I would like to apologize to those who will not have a total satisfaction with this approach or who will find some mistakes or omissions along this book. I take note of all these discrepancies and commit to do better in the next edition.



    Many corporates need to strengthen their industries in the global seethed technology and economic changes. Products and services from developing countries and regions are merely recognized as poor with low quality and lack of fitness. Productivity and cost are not under control and accordingly impact the level of competitiveness of many organizations. These organizations need to adapt their operations management processes to the environmental change, by maintaining a creative outlook in the never-ending search for ways to solve customer problems and respond to customer needs, by providing with speed a high-value product or service. Understanding change in operations-based forms of organization is made difficult by the dispersed nature of management practices in such organizations and their effects upon the reinforcement of localized practices and routines that militate against the spread of organization-wide change initiatives.

    By developing dynamic operations management based on project management methodology, employees and operators could improve the quality of product or service, and optimize their productivity.


    A survey web-based questionnaire and interviews in addition of supporting documents was used for data collection, and the sample consisted of 160 companies representing a variety of industries in west and central Africa regions. These data were then classified and analysed by group of industries in such that analysis was performed with additional queries of information when needed.


    This research identified external pressure and internal complexity as drivers for introducing project-based management to improve operations management. The results recognize that achieving benefits from operations management based on project management methodology requires both a wide, consistent, and thorough use of project management methodology throughout the firm, and local success in introducing project culture.

    The study revealed benefits from introducing operations management based on project management methodology in the form of improvement in the daily operations management culture, and efficiency improvement. These findings emphasize the necessity to locally adjust and modify (local success) the thorough, company-wide solution (depth of project culture adoption) to reap the practical benefits of operations management based on project management methodology.



    In the context of business, effectiveness combines with capacity and capability to meet mission, goals and objectives, corporates in developing countries need to survive in a global seethed technology and economic changes. Industries which will not be ready, will be beaten in their private field and be called to disappear. Most of these companies are found in Africa.

    They need to adapt themselves to the environmental change, by maintaining a creative outlook in the never-ending search for ways to solve customer problems and respond to customer needs, by providing with speed a high-value product or service.

    Developing a high-value product or service, requires substantial Executive management commitment and staff knowledge sharing with adequate skill level and strengthen relationships between employees of the organizations. In addition these organizations will establish their product and service competitiveness on the quality of their organizational work-flow, processes and quality of the production and operations management system. Production and operations management should be aligned to the triple constraints of Time, Cost and Quality. Production and operations can be evolved within the project

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