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The Armor of God Bible Study
The Armor of God Bible Study
The Armor of God Bible Study
Ebook101 pages59 minutes

The Armor of God Bible Study

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Enjoy digging deeper into Ephesians 6 and find out the meaning of each piece of the armor of God, its historical background, and its application to your spiritual battles today with Rose’s Armor of God Visual Bible Study. Using historically-accurate illustrations of Roman armor, this 6-session Armor of God Visual Bible Study pulls out relevant insights and applications, showing you how to be equipped to fight the good fight of faith with the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet Prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the Shield of Faith, the Helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit. Bible study groups and individuals will learn to “stand firm in the faith.” Features include:
  • 6-session, flexible Bible study (30-minutes long with extension options)
  • Includes over a dozen pictures, charts, maps, and more
  • Leader’s guide is included within each study guide, so no extra book purchase is required
  • Discussion questions for each session, lots of space for writing, optional reading plan
Most Bible studies don’t include visuals. Imagine having one that does! Perfect for small groups, individual use, young adult study, homeschool, church library, to give to a friend, and more!

Dive Deep into Each Piece of the Armor of God

In this 6-session study, you’ll cover:
  • The Reality of Spiritual Warfare
  • The Armor of God
  • The Belt of Truth
  • Prayer & the Sword of the Spirit
  • The Gospel of Peace & the Shield of Faith
  • The Breastplate of Righteousness & the Helmet of Salvation
5 Key Features of Rose’s Armor of God Visual Bible Study
  • Packed with Visuals & Graphics. Unlike other studies on the Armor of God, which are mostly text, Rose’s full-color Visual Bible Study is packed with full-color illustrations, a map of the Roman Empire, and charts that show the key themes and important information at a glance!
  • Clear and Easy to Understand. It’s never been easier to dig deeper and get a solid overview of how each key part of the Armor of God points to Christ.
  • Practical Life Applications. Start this life-changing Bible study today and discover the promises and blessings the Lord has for you in His Word.
  • Flexible & Easy-to-Use Format. Whether you want a 30-, 60-, or 90-minute study (3 plans included), this book is designed to help you dive into Scripture and retain information, the format of the Rose Visual Bible Study Series helps you focus on key takeaways, applications, and important lessons.
  • Anyone Can Lead This. Each Bible study contains a leader guide to help anyone guide their small group or church through discussions and important lessons. No additional purchase necessary! Packed with the Do’s and Don’ts of leadership, group guidelines, 3 Bible study plans for flexibility, and more, this simple leader guide will get you and your group up and running in no time!
Release dateJun 25, 2019
The Armor of God Bible Study

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    Book preview

    The Armor of God Bible Study - Rose Publishing

    "Put on the full armor of God,

    so that you can take your stand

    against the devil’s schemes."

    Ephesians 6:11

    The Armor of God

    Suit up! There’s a war going on.

    That’s the message of the apostle Paul in one of the most famous passages of Scripture: the armor of God in Ephesians 6:10–20.

    But it’s not a worldly war that we fight; it’s a spiritual one. Jesus conquered humanity’s great enemies: sin, death, and the devil. Our Savior dealt with our sin at the cross and defeated death on that first Easter morning. While we wait for Jesus to return again in a final victory, our doomed adversary, the devil, tries to inflict pain and claim as many victims as he can. He prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

    Our Lord knows well the dangers and the stakes of this conflict. So he has outfitted

    us—his soldiers—with powerful spiritual armor. These are the weapons of faith, truth, the Word, salvation, righteousness, and much more.

    In these six sessions, we’ll explore what it means to put on the full armor of God every day and get fighting the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12).

    A World at War

    The Reality of Spiritual Warfare

    If you’re not a combat veteran or have not lived in a war-torn land, war might not seem very real to you. When we haven’t felt the explosions, when we’ve only seen the wounded and dying on TV, war can seem abstract and distant.

    This is even more true when the subject of spiritual war comes up. Invisible forces? Cosmic conflict? Angels and devils? Spiritual armor? Many people think such talk is more suited to the seventeenth century than the twenty-first. Others immediately think of scary, paranormal movies and say, All this stuff creeps me out. Can we talk about something else?

    Here’s the question: who braces for a fight they’re not even convinced is real?

    In this first session, we’ll explore what the Bible says about the reality of this spiritual war. And we’ll see why we so urgently need

    to put on the full armor of God as we go into battle.

    Read It Read It

    Key Bible Passage

    For this session, read about the spiritual battle in Ephesians 6:10–20.

    Optional Reading

    Read 2 Kings 6:8–17.

    When the king of Aram sent troops to surround and capture the prophet Elisha, Elisha’s servant panicked. The prophet prayed that his servant’s spiritual eyes might be opened by God. As you read this account, consider what it reveals about invisible spiritual realities.

    Ephesians 6

    Know It Know It

    At the beginning of Ephesians 6:12, the apostle Paul uses the Greek word pale, which different Bible versions translate as struggle, wrestle, fight, or battle. In your own words, how would you describe the kind of struggle Paul is writing about?

    What thoughts or images come to mind when you hear Paul use each of the following phrases in Ephesians 6?


    The full armor of God (v. 11)

    What I think of:


    The devil’s schemes (v. 11)

    What I think of:


    The powers of this dark world (v. 12)

    What I think of:


    Spiritual forces of evil (v. 12)

    What I think of:


    The day of evil (v. 13)

    What I think of:


    The flaming arrows of the evil one (v. 16)

    What I think of:

    What is your honest reaction to Paul’s sobering challenge about spiritual warfare and the need for armor?

    I’m shocked

    I’m skeptical

    I have chills

    I feel scared

    I’m curious

    I feel humbled

    I’m convicted

    Other: ____________________

    Explore It Explore It

    Who Was Paul?

    Paul was an apostle of

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