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How God Remembers Me
How God Remembers Me
How God Remembers Me
Ebook137 pages1 hour

How God Remembers Me

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About this ebook

My inspiration for this book and its title comes from what I have learned in the Bible about the mercy of God. For example, the Old Testament presents the true story about the history of King David, who made some terrible decisions that he deeply regretted. But, because David came to God in brokenness, confessing his failures and repenting with all his heart while hoping in God’s mercy, he received forgiveness. David was given the understanding that for all who repent and believe in God through Christ, nothing is remembered against us. David wrote, “Blessed is the one to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no deceit” (Ps 32:2). Because of his confession, his genuine faith and repentance, God remembered nothing against him. After David had finished his lifetime on earth, God made a statement about “My servant David, who kept My commandments and who followed Me with all his heart, to do only what was right in My eyes” (1Kings 14:8).

So, I wanted to write a book that gives an example of loving others the way God loves us.

Release dateApr 9, 2021
How God Remembers Me

Donnalee Griffin

Patrick Griffin is the lead writer of ghost-written biographies for two highly successful Fresno businessmen as well as a motivational speaker on the John Maxwell Leadership Team. At age twenty-three, Patrick experienced a life-transforming faith in Jesus Christ while preparing to commit suicide in his cell in a California state prison. Although he did not parole until age sixty-one, he used those years to develop his skills for research and writing, along with personal growth and deep involvement in prison ministry. At age fifty-five, he received from God the miracle gift of his wife, Donnalee, who works as his assistant in research and writing projects. He and his wife are members of non-denominational Inner City Christian Fellowship in San Diego, where he serves as a teacher and mentor under Pastor Mark Seramur. Patrick and Donnalee live with their two beautiful cats in a family-owned house in Southern California.Donnalee Griffin has co-written three published books with her husband, and also works part-time as a professional caregiver for the elderly. She is the author of the soon-to-be-released book How God Remembers Me. Donnalee is the youngest of thirteen children and was raised in Bayshore, Long Island, New York. Her childhood experience of scarcity helped to later develop in her a deep passion for individuals who are challenged with basic survival needs, such as those without homes. From 2014 to 2018, while waiting for her husband’s release from prison, she started and maintained a food and basic-care ministry to provide help to the homeless in the Chinatown section of Salinas, California. She loves sharing the testimony of Christ Jesus and doing Bible studies with her husband and other family and church members. Also, one of her greatest joys is FaceTiming with her grandchildren in Florida.

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    How God Remembers Me - Donnalee Griffin


    How God Remembers Me

    Copyright © 2021, Donnalee Griffin

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical (including any information storage retrieval system) without the express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations for use in articles and reviews wherein appropriate attribution of the source is made.

    Published in the United States by

    Ignite Press

    5070 N 6th St. #189

    Fresno, CA 93710

    ISBN: 978-1-953655-61-5 (Amazon Print)

    ISBN: 978-1-953655-62-2 (IngramSpark) PAPERBACK

    ISBN: 978-1-953655-63-9 (Ebook)

    For bulk purchase and for booking, contact:

    Fred Mendrin

    [email protected]

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, web addresses or links contained in this book may have been changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The content of this book and all expressed opinions are those of the author and do not reflect the publisher or the publishing team. The author is solely responsible for all content included herein.

    All Scripture quotations are taken from the

    Holy Bible, New King James Version®.

    Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson.

    Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Cover design by Salman Sarwar

    Interior design by Michelle M. White

    This book is dedicated to my grandchildren.

    May each chapter encourage you to know that no matter what trials and tribulations you encounter in life, nothing is impossible to those who overcome through Christ Jesus who is our strength.

    Table of Contents

    One: MOM

    Two: DAD

    Three: ANITA

    Four: DIANA

    Five: EMPSON

    Six: MICHAEL

    Seven: VALENE

    Eight: WILLIAM

    Nine: NANCY

    Ten: MARYANN

    Eleven: EDWARD

    Twelve: CARMEN

    Thirteen: EMILY

    Fourteen: PATTY

    Fifteen: DORIS

    Sixteen: DONNALEE

    About the Author



    My beautiful Mother, how I miss you. I believe with all my heart that one day we will see each other again in the presence of God. Looking back, I acknowledge your love and goodness toward all your children on a daily basis. I was grateful then, but my gratitude at that time could never compare with my gratitude now. Thank you, Mom, for all the wonderful memories you left me with, and for the times of being there when I needed a listening ear.

    I can only imagine how many personalities, attitudes, and emotional roller coasters you tried to smooth out in your job at Pilgrim State Hospital, while at the same time raising a houseful of sons and daughters. I am so grateful for all your loving care toward us. If I could give you a certificate of praise, it would read, What an incredible mother of the universe! You were my angel, and you left me with so many precious memories, even the simple things like smelling your Vanderbilt perfume when you hugged me. You probably never knew it, but there were times when you were still at work and I was missing you so much that I would go into your closet just to smell that perfume on your clothes.

    Your gentle smile always warmed my heart, then and now. Whenever you were home, I felt so complete in happiness, because your presence always made me feel comfort and assurance.

    Mom, thank you so much for making it possible for us to attend the Church of the Nazarene, where we learned some knowledge of who God is. Although it took a while for that living knowledge to work out in my life, we learned at the church about why God sent His Son Christ Jesus to die on the cross for us—to reconcile us back to Himself. You put us on the right path by sending us to that church to learn about Christ, and to this day, Mom, I am still following the light of Jesus. His presence and word are the light of my path and the lamp unto my feet.

    God has shown me in His word that, for those who repent and believe, when our body dies, our soul goes to Him. For me, nothing on this earth could be more beautiful, peaceful, and joyful than knowing this is where you are right now, with our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

    I am so grateful that God our Creator chose you to be my mother.

    Of all the many memories, what stands out most is when you and Dad would pull into the driveway, and us kids would run out the back door to see who would be first to get to your side of the car. Knowing that you were home was something to celebrate, like joy itself had just arrived. I will never forget how you always had some kind of treats inside the pocket of your nurse’s uniform, and as you handed each of us a goodie you would look into our face, because it was a joy for you to watch our excitement.

    Another wonderful memory is the way you moved your hands on the piano as you played the Chopsticks. I especially loved it when you did that song, I like coffee sweet and hot, rattle-tat-tat on the coffee pot. Thank you for getting me started on the piano by teaching me the songs you knew how to play. You planted in me a desire for making music with a piano, and to this day I have one that I use to offer songs to our God.

    Also, thank you, Mom, for making me feel special on my sixth-grade graduation. I will never forget how sister Valene put baloney curls in my hair, making me look like Goldilocks. You also bought me a nice outfit for the occasion. You always made each of us feel so special, and only God knows how many birthday cakes you baked for us every

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