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Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised!: and Greatly to be Praised!
Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised!: and Greatly to be Praised!
Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised!: and Greatly to be Praised!
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Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised!: and Greatly to be Praised!

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"Great is Our God" will take you on a journey into the lives of the Marquarts and a deeper knowledge of God's abiding presence and power in your life. Between the covers of this book you will meet a small town family who will make you laugh, and make you cry; they are you ... your family ... the neighbors

Release dateJul 22, 2021
Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised!: and Greatly to be Praised!

Conniejean Marquart-Harper

"If you are looking for a book that will ... inspire you to believe God is a God of miracles, Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and the God of miracles can be your God for miracles in your own life, then this is the book for You!" Rev. David Snodderly"This book will excite you, enlighten you, educate you in the Word of God, and energize your faith, to see God move in your life" Rev. Mark Marquart.IN A WORLD, where there is Injustice, Brutality, and EXPLOSIONS! ... Where the media shows Sex, Violence, and GRATUITOUS GUN PLAY! .. Where the People have BAD ATTITUDES! From out of this Existence of Chaos and Bad Manners strolls a HEROIC FIGURE -A Woman, with long white braided Hair, like a whip, and long black Skirt, a Bible in her Hand.STANDING TALL, her Steely blue Eyes "piercing" through the INIQUITY. With a Wry Smile and a Hand as swift as a Gunslinger's, she snatches a " mar'd quart " of hot liquid from underneath her overcoat and says, " Would you like some coffee ?PASTOR MOMMA ! ... Angels Love her.PASTOR MOMMA ! ... Demons Fear her.PASTOR MOMMA ! ... General for JESUS,Guardian for the WORD of GOD ! !By our eldest son, Curtis James Harper.

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    Great is Our God...and Greatly to be Praised! - Conniejean Marquart-Harper


    Great is our God...and Greatly to Be Praised!

    This book is written to provide information and motivation to readers. Its purpose is not to render any type of psychological, legal, or professional advice of any kind. The content is the sole opinion and expression of the author, and not necessarily that of the publisher.

    Copyright © 2021 by ConnieJean Harper.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or distributed in any form by any means, including, but not limited to, recording, photocopying, or taking screenshots of parts of the book, without prior written permission from the author or the publisher. Brief quotations for noncommercial purposes, such as book reviews, permitted by Fair Use of the U.S. Copyright Law, are allowed without written permissions, as long as such quotations do not cause damage to the book’s commercial value. For permissions, write to the publisher, whose address is stated below.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    ISBN 978-1-955363-30-3 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-955363-31-0 (Digital)

    Lettra Press books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting:

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    What the Lord Jesus Christ has done for others he will do for you.









    [Raised From the Dead]


    [Still Born]


    [Mary Helen’s]


    [ConnieJean’s Birth]


    [Sonny & ConnieJean]




    [Seth -WWII]



    ‘2’ ... ‘4’ ... ‘6 EEE’

    [As a Little Child]


    [Check the Fruit]


    [Stomach Cancer]


    [ConnieJean Profoundly Deaf]


    [Mary Helen’s Dream]


    [Elton’s Questions]


    [ConnieJean Remembers]





    Gordon M Harper, Jr.

    Rev. David Snodderly

    Rev. Mark P. Marquart

    Linda Snodderly

    Sherry Hartman

    - And others

    who have edited, shared their time, knowledge, skills

    and encouragement to bring this book to its completion

    Thank you one and all!


    This book is humbly dedicated to:

    Gordon M. Harper, Jr., my husband,

    Without his support and love to sustain and encourage me this book could not have been written.

    To the descendants of :

    David Snider Marquart [1875-1961]

    May they truly know the rich heritage they have in our Lord and Savior.

    And to all who read its pages may the precious Holy Spirit permeate each page revealing the reality of God our Father. May you come to know our Lord’s presence and love in a deeper stronger way than you have ever known Him before, may you know our Lord’s heart desire is to love you, care for you, and meet your needs, and above all else may His will be done in your lives.

    NO ONE – will love you or be your constant companion and friend like our most precious Lord.

    ConnieJean Marquart-Harper


    If you are looking for a book that will inspire you to believe that God is a God of miracles, and that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and that the God of miracles can be ‘your’ God for miracles in your own life, then this is the book for you. Not only does ConnieJean share her miraculous life experiences, but she also shares about the God of those miracles; and where in the Word you can find Biblical confirmations.

    Do we need to see miracles today? Yes and absolutely! It will be the only way for today’s world to know that God is real, and that He can do the same for those who will believe and put their trust in Him. I have known ConnieJean and her husband for quite a few years now. As her Pastor, I can say her integrity and humility is without question. She is an excellent Bible teacher in our church, and truly loves to spend time in its study and with its Author. So follow along as ConnieJean unfolds the truths of God’s Word through her family members’ experiences. Th is is a must read for those who are truly searching for the real thing today, and I believe you will become excited as God makes Himself real to you as this powerful story unfolds.

    Pastor David Snodderly

    Souls Harbor Assembly of God

    Auburn, IN 46706


    I am elated to see ConnieJean Harper’s book published. ConnieJean is my cousin, Seth, my father, was the brother of Maurice, ConnieJean’s father. Dad and Maurice, and our families were very close. We spent a lot of time with each other over the years. I witnessed many miracles while attending the church where Uncle Maurice served as pastor, and I can testify to the authenticity of the miracles ConnieJean has related in the contents of this book.

    Growing up the first miracle I remember seeing God perform happened when I was fourteen years old. After that, being the son of a true charismatic Christian, I was privileged and blessed to be in Uncle Maurice’s bible believing church. Many times, around an old-fashioned altar, we witnessed God’s miracle giving power. Having been a part of this amazing family; I grew up hearing about the power of God and how He had brought back my uncle from the dead after a car accident. How He brought my cousin (ConnieJean’s brother) from the dead at birth. How He healed my aunt after Sonny was born. How He healed ConnieJean from being deaf. And so many more amazing and powerful miracles.

    These stories are factual, accurate, and told the way they happened. The contents of this book are testimonies to the fact that our God is still in the miracle working business! Th is book should be placed in the hands of anyone who needs God to work a miracle in their life. It will build their faith, encourage them, strengthen, and solidify their resolve to trust God for the answer. ConnieJean has included some excellent nuggets of teaching from God’s Word along with their related testimonies. This book will excite you, enlighten you, educate you in the Word of God, and energize your faith to see God move in your life. Once you have finished reading this powerful book, you will want to pass it on to everyone you know who needs a miracle to happen in his or her life.

    Pastor Mark Marquart

    Independent Full Gospel Church Ashley, IN 46705


    In the writing of this book, it is my desire to renew the wonder and awesomeness of our Lord and Savior in your life by recounting, to the best of my recollection, the mighty works of God in the lives of one family. It is my prayer God’s precious Holy Spirit accompanies each page of this book and reveals His desire to be your all in all, to bring your faith to a depth you have never experienced before in your lives, for it is written:

    Jesus answered and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, If ye have faith, and doubt not, ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall be done. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:21-22² Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. 1 John 3:21-22³ And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen. Mark 16:15-18, 20⁴ Doubt not, for the events you are about to hear are true. Let your heart be fed by ‘His Word’ and guided by ‘His Spirit’ as you read; reach out and claim all He has prepared for you. For there is no respect of persons with God. Romans 2:11⁵ Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. Hebrews 13:8⁶

    What He has done for others He will do for you!


    The Miracle Family

    1838 - 1953


    [Raised From the Dead]


    How about grabbing a cup of coffee and coming over here to sit and chat for a while - if you’re not too busy. I really would like to talk with you about something that has been on my mind for some time.

    There’s a yellow cup in the cabinet on the right side of the sink, the middle shelf - yeah, that’s the one. The coffee is on the counter in the corner next to the appliance garage, no silly, not the garage, the appliance garage on the counter!

    Sit here on the lounge chair next to me. All comfy?

    I’ve had something on my mind for some time and was wondering, do you ever wonder, where are the miracles and wonders of God these days?

    Right, I know it is a serious religious question, but have you? I really would like to know. I have wondered so many times. I keep thinking, what does it take to have a miracle and to see God’s wondrous works in our day and age. Are there any step­by-step instructions, this way to a miracle? Everyone wants to experience and see miracles; I do, don’t you? We long to see them with our own eyes. I’ve heard people say, If I could just see a miracle, experience the wonder of God, it’d make all the difference in the world; why, I’d never fall or backslide! I’d be so strong, so on fire for God! I keep thinking, we need that kind of demonstration of God’s power today, in our day and time. But, what does it take to have a miracle? Do you know?

    Have you ever experienced it yourself? Have you ever known anyone who has actually experienced a real miracle of God?


    Most folks I know today not only have not received a miracle, they haven’t even seen a real honest-to-goodness miracle and don’t personally know anyone who has!

    But I know a family who grew up and spent their early years in a small farm town in the state of Indiana, a family who received many wonders and miracles from our Lord. They weren’t really important to anyone but their own kin and friends, maybe a handful of others they had become acquainted with as they grew up and had their own families, but I was told those people who knew them in the 1940’s called them "the miracle family’. As most families in small farm towns in those days, they were very poor, just a family - a father, mother, son, and daughter - struggling to get by. Truth be known, their lives and struggles were greater than most, even in those days. On the surface, they just seemed like common folks, no different than you and me. Guess what, they were just like your mother and father, the neighbors next door, or the family on the other side of town - just like you and me. They were just plain, everyday folks.

    I can tell you what I heard and know if you would like to hear about them.

    You would.

    Okay. Well, Maurice, the father, was born on January 4, 1917, in the small town of Monroeville, to Dave and Cora. I really do not know a whole lot about Dave and Cora’s parents, except to say Dave was the fifth of seven children born to Isaac and Martha. Maurice’s grandfather, Isaac, was one of a set of triplet boys born in 1837 and later he became known as an old Allen County pioneer - one of the oldest and most prominent settlers of Madison township.

    Isaac enlisted in the thirtieth Indiana volunteer infantry at the age of twenty-four, and after he returned to Madison township, became known as one of the great hunters of the country. He hunted the hunting grounds of Maine as well as other known hunting states. It is said that at the young age of seventy-one, he joined a hunting party and spent part of a winter hunting big game in Wisconsin; and as a marksman, he had no known rival. When there were marksman competitions, often the sign would say something like, All are welcome, except Isaac Marquart. No one would pay the entrance fee if Isaac’s name was on the list of competitors.

    At the age of thirty-three, Isaac joined the German Baptist church, and it was said he was a faithful member until his death; he served several years as a deacon of the church. While Isaac was in Georgia during the Civil War, he was inspired by memorials seen there to sketch his own memorial. After returning home after the war, Isaac had the memorial carved and it still stands proud today in the Monroeville Memorial Cemetery with a cement replica of his beloved hunting rifle on the stone base and the flame of liberty on the left of the face of the stone.

    Isaac (1838-1913) & Martha (Clear/1840-1926) Marquart

    I’m really sorry to say I know very little about his wife, Martha, except to say their union gave birth to seven children - five boys and two girls. The fifth child born to Isaac and Martha was a strapping boy they named David [Dave].

    Dave grew up as a next-door neighbor to a sweet little girl named Cora Snider; the families were so close Dave’s parents gave him Cora’s maiden name, Snider, for his middle name. Hmm, I believe I smell a little plot brewing.

    I’m telling you all this family information so we can try to figure out if Maurice and Mary Helen’s upbringing or heritage might have had anything to do with them receiving all those miracles from God.

    Oh, so you’d like to hear more about them? Okay. Good.

    David (1875-1961) & Cora (Snider/1881-1959) Marquart

    Well, I don’t know exactly how this happened, but Dave, the son of a German Baptist, became a Methodist and married the sweet, little Catholic girl next door, Cora. And, the faithful German Baptist’s funeral was held in the United Brethren church, which makes me wonder if Martha was not of the German Baptist belief, but of the United Brethren. Maybe Isaac’s church spoke German and Martha didn’t. But, do you see where I am going with this? This miracle family appears to have come out of a religious mutt heritage; you know, sort of like the old Heinz 57 Varieties version. This little, seemingly unimportant fact gives us something to ponder - are wonders and miracles the property or gift of only a certain few or a particular church or denomination? Could it be all in the purpose and plan of our Maker to bring forth a demonstration of His power and love on a family of such diverse church affiliations? Is it possible He, our Lord and our God, was trying to show us it is not the denomination or the building you attend, but it’s the God you worship and serve and how you seek Him that matters. I looked up some Scripture. Here, let me read them to you.

    "But if from thence thou shalt seek the Lord thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul." Deuteronomy 4:29⁷ "Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you." 1 Samuel 12:24⁸ ...thou shalt find Him. (Now go back and read just the italicized portions of those scriptures.)

    These Scriptures tell me it’s God, and only God, that matters here. Sure, some churches are definitely more encouraging and seem to believe more strongly in miracles and healing, but to me, these Scriptures are saying, It’s all up to you. Receiving miracles and healing does not depend on which church you belong to or the denomination you are affiliated with; it’s your desire to seek the truth, to seek God and to serve Him with all your heart and soul.

    Is it possible this is one of the steps, a clue to receiving signs and wonders, miracles from our Lord? Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul, and fear the Lord your God and serve Him in truth with all your heart.

    Okay, wait a minute; I’m getting ahead of myself here. I’d really like you to come to know Maurice’s father, Dave. He was a big part of a couple of the miracles I am going to tell you, so maybe we can find some answers in knowing him a little bit better.

    I was told that as a young man, Dave worked on the railroad, and I was shown a picture of Dave and his crew. The story goes that one day he was assigned as the crew leader, but that did not go down very well with others on the crew. I believe they said he had not been part of this crew as long as some of the other workers. Anyway, I figure Dave must have been a very strong man. It seems he came up with a peaceful way to settle the dispute. He said they would each in turn throw a railroad spike at the rail car some distance away and the person who proved to be the strongest by throwing their spike the furthest would be the new crew leader. Hmm, I’m wondering what the man in charge would have thought of this arrangement, had he known. You know, the boss. Anyway, all agreed, each man thinking he was stronger than Dave and could possibly win this contest and become the new crew leader. Each in turn took his spike and threw it at the rail car with all his might. The spikes lay on the ground at various distances from the rail car; some much closer than others.

    Then Dave stepped up and picked up his spike. He threw it with all his might, and it hurled through the air towards the rail car. All the men stood in silence and unbelief as they witnessed Dave’s spike stuck in the side of that rail car. It was said there was never a question after that incident as to whom the strongest person was on that crew, or who would be their crew leader.

    Later in life, I’m told, Dave was well known in town, as he co-owned the Mercantile. A Mercantile was like a baby Super Wal-Mart; it had a little bit of everything most needed by the local folks, but not a whole lot of any one thing - especially in those days. This is the store where all the town folks would go for their food supplies, clothes, school supplies, pots and pans, and hardware. Why, one could even find those wonderful little penny candies in ole Dave’s store. But even greater than all those things, everyone could find a genuine neighbor and friend in dear ole Dave.

    I never heard when or what the circumstances were that led to Dave’s spiritual conversion, or how old he was when he made his decision to accept and serve our Lord. But I was told he was a Christian who lived what he believed at all times, one who the entire town knew would say he would pray for them and their needs - and he really honestly did! Although Dave was known for being a small businessman in town, to his family he had an even more impressive title. He was known as the town’s "official

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