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The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA
The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA
The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA
Ebook276 pages5 hours

The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA

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How would your world transform if you suddenly recognized your physical body as a multidimensional, holographic kaleidoscope of consciousness that is just one container of life force that you know to be your human self?

What if you understood that DNA is a blueprint for how your Spirit sculpts you into expressing a unique purpose designed contribute to life as only you can?

What does your life look like when ask your body and your DNA to meet you every morning in complete alignment with your heart's desires, soul's intention, authentic feelings? Who would you be? What would you share? How would you choose?

PublisherAnaiis Salles
Release dateJul 20, 2021
The Living Spiral of Transformation: Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA

Anaiis Salles

Anaiis guides others in discovering and living through the unique life purpose and powerfully co-creative capacity that is each Source-sparked individual's birthright. She’s also a way-shower with regard to divine feminine and divine masculine co-creation, supporting those in sacred union awareness through Meeting the Beloved Retreats and Sacred Master Key Retreats, "Heart of Being" workshop, online courses, and the Golden Flow Protocol: Clinic for Advanced Healing.Through a three-year certification curriculum, workshops, retreats, and small group gatherings in the United States and abroad, Anaiis ignites and inspires co-creation catalysts.A co-creative catalyst since her awakening in 1989, Anaiis Salles found herself on the cutting edge of hands-on energy healing on a spontaneous trip to Moscow, Russia. While there in 1991, Anaiis initiated an unpaid internship with physicians caring for seriously ill burn and cancer patients medically verified repeated, consistent results of her hands-on energy healing methods. Highlights of this first trip to Moscow are shared in her documentary ‘Heart to Heart’.Born with access to soul memory from childhood on, Anaiis experienced multiple siddhis, or awakening gifts, described in eastern spiritual traditions. Anaiis’ spiritual development isn’t the result of initiation by a guru or studying with spiritual guides. Her spiritual and healing journey has been and still is completely inner directed, living lessons coming straight from Source and Gaia.In collaboration with two soul family companions, Anastacia Townsend and Cynthia Aldrich, in 2018 Anaiis developed a physical vitality product, the Essences, from Sourced Solutions. In 2019, in collaboration with Wissahickon Wellness she established a Bio-Energetics Wellness practice holistic education center and retreat space in Philadelphia.Anaiis is grateful for a wonderful circle of friends, close family members, international contacts and clients who share heart and mind in an awakening global community.

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    Book preview

    The Living Spiral of Transformation - Anaiis Salles

    The Living Spiral of Transformation

    Discover the Hidden Power in Your Diverse, Unique DNA

    Anaiis Salles

    © 2021

    Copyright Anaiis Salles

    National Library of Congress  

    Author: Salles, Anaiis  

    The Living Spiral of Transformation:

    Discover the Hidden Powers in Your Diverse, Unique DNA

    ISBN: 978-1-63972-094-1

    Publisher: Anaiis Salles

    Distributed by: Smashwords, Inc.

    Imprint: Primedia eLaunch LLC 



    Salles, Anaiis  

    Transformation and Self-Healing

    Creativity and Healing; Self-Development 

    Self-Help - Transform past traumas by releasing painful emotions 

    Spiritual Transformation - Discovery of one's true and  authentic self through the hidden power in diverse, unique DNA

    Second Edition Published 2021

    In the United States

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    ISBN: 9781639720941

    Author Anais Sales

    ©Anaiis Salles 2021

    First Edition Published 2020 

    Author Anaiis Salles

    ©Anaiis Salles 2020

    In the United States

    Published by Smashwords, Inc.

    ISBN: 9781005422370

    ©Anaiis Salles 2020

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or stored in any retrieval system. No part of this publication may be transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the copyright owner and Author, Anaiis Salles, of this book.


    This book is dedicated to my sons Max and Seth, to their wives Kasha and Aisha, respectively, and to their children, my grandchildren, Sasha, Gyasi and Nadja. Our family of souls has a desire to express self-awareness as we share our love for life through our diverse, unique DNA.

    The soul longs to feel pure passion embodied.

    The body hungers for experience. The heart burns to know love.

    The person, born, seeks safety and comfort.

    Life thrives in transformation: our bodies, our voices, our breath, and our cellular songs. Some will do anything to acquire status. Some will do anything to wield power. Some will do anything to catch and keep a lover. Some will be anything to anybody. Some will say anything to stay safe. But not all of us.

    There are those who will not eat fear for breakfast.

    There are those who never dabble in hope or doubt.

    There are those who break themselves open the better to know how to break through the hell into which we were born. we are unseen, but how we love touches everything that bodies need to be free. For this path, there are no degrees, no honors, and little recognition. There is only the safety of grace and its joy.

    We see you. We know you. We remember.

    We trust in that day when you awaken and dare to see yourself.


    Self-Awareness is your KEY to a happy, contented, and meaningful life.

    With more than twenty-five years of experience world-wide healing and co-creating with personal clients, groups, and students, Anaiis Salles has designed numerous programs for enhancing self-empowerment, self-care, self-love, and Self-Awareness.

    Anaiis Salles is an Energy Medicine and Certified Bioenergetics health and wellness practitioner, a life coach and mentor, founder of Living Lessons Heart -Centered Energy Healing, Claim Your Wisdom Body, Accelerated Conscious Evolution, and The Living Spiral of Transformation.

    She is the product innovator of Sourced Solutions Essences.

    Her methods include a knowledge base of advanced techniques of Bio-spiritual Anatomy and quantum field perspectives for holistic practitioners so that there is a path for those who choose it to learn the fundamentals of effective self-healing as co-creative mastery.

    Innovator of Sourced Solutions Essences, Director of Accelerated Conscious Evolution Certification Course, and creator of multiple personal development programs, Anaiis Salles is part of an international community that is deeply committed to health, wellness, and to self-empowered healing wherever needed in our world.

    Visit the Accelerated Conscious Evolution website:

    Contact email:

    [email protected]


    Following the tracks of an animal in the wild, some trackers have the keen awareness to know: what kind of animal, was it walking or running, how long ago did it step in that spot, was it healthy? Anaiis is gifted with a keen awareness and perception for tracking souls and illuminating the knowing that can guide us to just what we need.

    Doing so with a compassionate but no-nonsense directness. Anaiis traverses the vast wilderness of dimensions beyond time, she somehow includes the depth, emotions, and complexity of the human experience.

    Distilling super-consciousness down to a map you can navigate, with clear landmarks and guideposts to use for one's own journey, Anaiis has a way of transforming the overwhelming into something within one's grasp and abilities right now.

    ~ Jacquelyn Lown, Vashon, WA ~

    From the very first moment that I started Anaiis Salles’ A.C.E. Certification course; I knew that I was onto something incredibly precious. All facets of my life started transforming at an extremely rapid pace. Everything that was toxic in my life, was immediately revealed to me and for the first time in my entire life, my mind became still! I also started losing weight without changing my eating habits at all. But it goes way beyond anything I could possibly ever have imagined. The information, techniques, activations, and more are quite simply priceless! The name of the course speaks for itself.

    ~ Julia Read, Vienna, Austria ~

    I came into the A.C.E. course not long after making the decision to depart from my educational track, something I never thought I would do. Something within me was burning for a truly all encompassing, rounded, DEEP, and truly holistic approach, but nowhere I could go would give me all of what I was looking for.

    After the birth of my son, I found myself on a wild goose chase for the answers to my questions and landed in a whole world of information I did not even know was available.

    I longed for a group of like-minded people who could provide some support in navigating this ocean of information in a way that was useful to me. When I found my answers, I knew deeply that I had found what I had come here to do. Suddenly I did not feel so ‘out there’ when I grew up around so many people who didn’t seem to have any inclination to know or question what feels so ‘off’ about this world.

    While I will continue to take part in other courses that are like pieces of my personal puzzle that teach me how to navigate the practical pieces of my world, the Accelerated Conscious Evolution course has been truly the glue; it is the core of the work and direction that I want to take in my life acting as the siren, the lighthouse that guides all the parts of myself into powerful coherence.

    I want this direction to lead me to deeply integrating into my personal life, evolution, and every form of work and co-creation in my life.

    Anaiis Salles truly is a no BS person and a clear mirror; you are safe to explore your own intricacies no matter how tangled they may be. The A.C.E. class group has been like a womb, a safe place to bring all of myself.

    As a facilitator, Anaiis demands nothing less. It is clear the amount of time, and true heart discernment Anaiis has put into curating the content she shares as a class as a guide to explore, re-align, activate, and re-claim your innate wholeness.

    The information shared in our classes, unlike many other sources of information I have come across, provides truthful answers to my questions from the practical to the universal and existential.

    But it doesn’t stop there! The possibilities are truly endless with the sense of empowerment that comes from having the tools and confidence to walk your own path, free of distortions that only bind your life force energy.

    You will truly get out of this class what you put in. You will know if the Accelerated Conscious Evolution course is right for you. Are you ready to truly step up to your highest, biggest self, in love, in this lifetime? Then you’ll find that you’re in the right place.

    ~ Julia R., Washington, State; US ~


    Writing this book has been like giving birth and being born as one simultaneous event. Who is the book for? The broke and broken-hearted who are not broken. Youth ages sixteen to twenty. Parents. Teachers. Doctors. Nurses. Social workers. Holistic health and wellness practitioners. Investors. Spiritual Seekers. Disillusioned victims of the New Age movement. Reiki practitioners. Healers and Helpers. Gardeners. Chefs. Animal lovers. Stand-up comedians. Anyone struggling to remember – everything – as our world is forced to wake up.

    The number one benefit from and the primary purpose for reading this book is it can validate wisdom that you already possess deep inside. This is wisdom your DNA will help you consciously recognize and share.

    Why my specific focus on your diverse, unique DNA as being pivotal to personal transformation that can surpass currently trending emotional body healing of trauma – brutality, punishment, sacrifice, loss?

    That our emotional bodies are finally being seen and valued as essential to healing drama/trauma/PTSD is a huge leap. We are waking up to how trauma is held in the body and just how much trauma is deliberately, generously and diabolically embedded in the human experience as ‘unconscious’ behavior that is fundamentally about imbalanced power dynamics.

    DNA is the physical expression of the gift of having a sense of ‘self’ What if this ‘self’ is meant to evolve into full, embodied consciousness? What if your personal evolution and transformation completely disrupts the stable energetic and emotionally dysfunctional triangular paradigm of Victim/Perpetrator/Rescuer? What if evolution and transformation of our human collective, finally released from this imposed paradigm, exploded into bottom to top (re)evolution and into a healthy, healed planet?

    Your DNA is your body! Your DNA belongs only to you. It mustn’t be casually handed over to for-profit or non-profit corporate, governmental, or pharmaceutical entities created to serve corporate and governmental agendas. DNA is the living, holographic and multidimensional bridge between spirit and matter. Which why 23 & Me and CRISPR wants access to and use of all they can get access to.

    These entities expertly seduce us into giving away our power and our blood, so they don’t have to struggle with gaining explicit consent. Have you given your unconscious consent through your under-informed or innocent, disbelieving free will? The fight for ‘taking’ collective consent of the entirety of humanity ultimately amounts to war and poverty. This is how consent is forced from people who still believe that healing only happens from the outside, in.

    The magnificent capacity for DNA empowered self-healing is woven into the blood, nerves, and bones of your unique, beautiful body. This is how diverse, unique DNA shares its ‘magic’ with you, and with our world.

    Being aligned, a twenty-first century new buzz word, means you have learned how to align your personal values with a rich, diverse, and unique genetic history which you celebrate. Being multidimensional means learning to be good at being/doing one ‘thing’ or being good at being/doing many things in one lifetime. Go ahead and be the DNA exception to the ‘rule’ Jack of all trades, master of none.

    The Living Spiral of Transformation adventure is an oblique, non-liner path on which your DNA code embraces your soul path destiny.

    You live and thrive within a co-creative circle of sharing and receiving. Every need is met through exchanges of energy that are sharing and receiving in grace and with radical gratitude for co-creation.

    It has taken a global pandemic to help us sort through this planetary mess! Masks on. Masks off.

    This global pandemic is a stern, transform-or-die, living lesson that no one can avoid. This lesson is not yet complete for many as the end of the term approaches. The stories I share are personal; client and students’ stories are and remain confidential.

    What is your One True Thing?

    Whatever this is? Celebrate it! This is the foundation from which your DNA branches out and evolves: Explore, explore, explore.

    You are not here to master a trade. You are here to master yourself.


    "Everything is energy. All energy is conscious. Energy.

    Conscious energy emits sound and light in precise relationships that become information. Information is organized into frequency to which DNA responds.

    Through loving intention and laser-focused attention in the quantum field and to heart frequency, you perceive, become aware of, and then live life as your embodied multidimensional Higher Self.

    Consciousness. Information. Frequency. Relationship. DNA.

    Information-rich, conscious relationships are Source regenerative energies that are your DNA molecules."

    ~ Anaiis Salles ~


    of Transformation

    Today, hundreds of thousands of people and their families grapple with keeping loved ones safe and healthy amidst the exploding and mutating Covid-19 pandemic. Warnings of the inevitability of this kind of health threat were sounded, even predicted, for more than a decade. We ignored those warnings just as we ignored warnings about the huge, destructive burden humanity foisted onto our Blue Jewel Mother, when a mind infection assured men (mankind) that their purpose is to assume and maintain dominion over nature. Now, we each face choices, changes, and responses to challenges we will individually be forced to make thanks to men with weapons and the women who love, obey, and buy the ‘mankind dominion’ pitch.

    Shortly before the 2020 presidential election in the United States, millions of frontline health care providers expressed their concerns, calling for new paradigms for public health and wellness: ‘We need transformation in the fundamental concept of health care systems around the world so care that is urgently needed doesn’t result in personal bankruptcy or the denial of the health care one needs because of inability to pay.’

    It’s reassuring that a significant and increasing number of us in America and in the world feel a personal and powerful impulse to participate in transformation. Our individual hopes and fears are part of a much larger story, one of polarized forces of energy that are forcing humanity to wake up, whether or not we like the means and method.

    My life purpose is sharing wisdom and power of the human imagination when both align with healing intention. I am unpacking the topic of empowered self-healing and asking you to notice if any of the following resonate with you: Where, how, and why do millions of human beings feel lost? How do we become misaligned with the best version of ourselves that we sense within? What leads to self-abandonment? Why can’t we shake that feeling that we are missing important information, like the ‘missing’instructionmanual on how to be a whole, happy, and healthy person?

    Stewarding the soulful and professional growth of hundreds of people around the world, I realized that the creation of myth is a shabby substitute for direct experience. Direct experience is immediate and undeniable. A myth is an abstraction of a direct experience that someone else has had.

    Only when we take direct experience into sacred space through dance, song, visual images, and symbolic art to marry them to a specific location (L.E.Y. Lines), do myth and ritual serve waking consciousness, freeing direct experience to flow through channels of ever-renewing access.

    In maintaining myth as culture and preserving mythologies separated from the sacred space that is the body, myth devoid of connection or contact to the body prevents psychological synthesis of non-ordinary reality with ordinary, fixed time/space bound experience.

    Temples, mosques, and cathedrals become ‘hard and fixed’ replicas of the house of Source God that is the living body. Through technically engineered sleights of hand, love of life and body has become hunger for money and grandeur.

    We no longer live in the energies from which myth is born. We act, imitate, and identify with mythological characters through storytelling and legend. Sound and song beautifully preserve mythic patterns that hold access to personal power. However, living, powerful, energetic direct experience is often left behind, ignored, or dismissed in the wake of rote retelling unless we have the wisdom to bring a personal intention to surrender ego/Mind so that it is transformed in the retelling of a myth. Myth becomes a sound/light carrier of living DNA-sparking frequency that pulses throughout your body.

    This is an awakening.

    When it happened to me, I had no context for myths about spiritual awakening. My direct experience was that of a silver ball of liquid light flowing and flashing up my spine and then exploding in the center of my brain. This internal event took place in less than thirty seconds, and I had no prior context, whatever, for its profound, life-changing magnitude!

    I made a decision to find a useful purpose for these out-of-body ‘skills’ or to set aside being able to travel without my body or to bilocate. Are these experiences cheap thrills that rarely benefit me or anyone else? I arranged to be in a safe retreat space at a research institute with twelve other folks from all walks of life who were as curious about expanded states of consciousness as I am.

    Sound technology is known to shift conscious awareness, and it turned out that SOUND was the ignition for starting my multidimensional engines! I subsequently learned that Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Carolyn Myss, and other well-known movers and shakers had similar experiences at this research institute.

    These two women went back into the world to break new ground and nurture the evolution of human consciousness. Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ inner shooting star soul path destiny was to be the trailblazer of a new paradigm that would transform traditional medicine’s relationship with the dying. She became the guiding heart light of the non-religious, in-hospital Hospice movement.

    To the surprise of many physicians, terminally ill patients and their families had an interest in welcoming death with dignity. Choosing to align with Dr. Kubler-Ross’s vision, there were enough younger physicians who were open to exploring a new perspective that offered the great benefits of palliative care to dying patients and their families. In less than twenty years, Hospice became a for-profit arm of the medical establishment. The insurance industry fell in line. Insurance companies now cover the cost of a variety Hospice expenses that provide a potentially less painful death process; massage, energy work, live music and even beloved pets being allowed in a hospital room or hospice accommodation.

    Before my awakening, I had trained to be a Hospice volunteer for a local hospital in my community. This training program organized an event in honor of Dr. Kubler-Ross. I attended this event at St. Peter’s Hospital in Schenectady, New York and I met Dr. Kubler-Ross in person.

    I was at the end of a long line of people wanting a signed copy of her book On Death and Dying. Dr. Kubler-Ross left the reception line to walk over, take me by the hand, and sit with me for quite some time as she acknowledged some an unspoken bond between us. I thanked her for her courage, for the difference her work had made in the medical community, and for signing my copy of her book.

    When I met Dr. Kubler-Ross, I couldn’t imagine what in the world had turned her attention from a group of local notables and reporters eager to speak with her to moving in my direction to speak with me.

    I only understood her motivation after my awakening when there was no denying that something astonishing had taken place.

    I thought the staff at the research institute where we three women had exploded into our Star Shine, each in our own time, was a professional attempt to offer comfort and reassurance. The staff suggested trusting that something remarkable in my life would develop over time. Yes, it was helpful to know I was in the good company of Dr. Kubler-Ross. I had no idea who Carolyn Myss was. Even so, I was thrown off my seat, irritated, and not all that reassured. I considered leaving the retreat two days early.

    Instead, in coming clean with the other participants about what I had experienced and their feeling the energy radiating from my body, I was able to relax, receive support, release all judgment, and ride the waves of massive energy flowing through me. ‘You’ve earned this time off. Enjoy these lively, gregarious people from across the country and not having to cook or clean for a few more days.’

    When the retreat ended, the Saturday I left the institute, while fully conscious and driving back home this massive shift in energy literally lifted me and my car out of ‘present’ time/space agreement. Taking the exact same route, the seven-hour drive it had taken to arrive at the institute was only a four-hour return drive home.

    The exact same route. Cruise control engaged. Direct experience. No plausible explanation.

    This was the first super-conscious ‘turn’ of my kaleidoscope of consciousness in the quantum field. This time warp couldn’t be logically explained. It broke every ‘rule’ about time and space, and I was gifted with the direct knowing that what we have been taught to believe are fixed boundaries of time/space are in fact not fixed. Time and space arise through quantum field functionality as an expression of conscious co-creation.

    When responsibilities, work commitments, and the demands of family life close us off from the direct experience of making our Hero's journey, we

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