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Invisible Wounds: The Memoirs of a Broken Man
Invisible Wounds: The Memoirs of a Broken Man
Invisible Wounds: The Memoirs of a Broken Man
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Invisible Wounds: The Memoirs of a Broken Man

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In a day and age where we are all running away from our own pain and stressors, it is time we all begin our journey for Self-Development and Personal Growth together. This journey you will go through reading Invisible Wounds, will take you down a path of isolation, emotional pain, anguish, disappointment, frustration, depression, and heartbreak.

Release dateApr 29, 2021
Invisible Wounds: The Memoirs of a Broken Man

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    Invisible Wounds - Anonymous

    Chapter 7

    Seventh Grade, The Change

    I will begin this with a commiseration due to the fact that in the 6th grade there was a tragic event we all know as 9/11. May everyone’s soul rest easy.

    So, the big day finally comes. The first day at St. Vincenzo’s School, I thought I wasn’t going to know anyone, but to my surprise a fellow student from Valentine Crescent also transferred to St. Vincenzo. His name is Eduardo and to be fair we got along, was he annoying at times yes, but I knew his family and we were cool didn’t really bump heads often. The school had this weird way of setting up and dividing classes. It was weird honestly, I guess because I wasn’t used to it, but I wasn’t stuck with Eduardo lol we had different homerooms and a few classes together, so it wasn’t that bad honestly.

    Always good to see a familiar face every now and then. Once the principle was done talking all the classes start heading to their homerooms. At this point I am already trying to analyze who is who in the school and the class. Of course, we have the obvious tough guy, the jokester, the one that gets all the girls, the one that knows all the gossip, and who is labeled the best-looking girl in the school you know that’s important lol. It is not to judge people, but school is school, and these people are roaming so it is always best to identify them early. Eventually after hallway traffic, we finally get to class annnddddd, I get stuck with the tough guy and asshole but of course who would have thought. Any way that’s just my luck, this just means I have to prove myself so people don’t get this viewpoint that they can just walk over me, and things will be ok. At this point in my life I am a very outspoken and outgoing guy I get along with everyone. I begin talking to the people in the class and meet Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, lol yes it was for some reason a very common name in that school, Fabien, Justin, Amber, Josephine, Lucy, and Valerie. As the day progressed, I met more people which were Marcel, a few other people I forgot their names I can’t lie to you and Roland. Roland furthermore becomes a very close friend of mine but that is a bit later, but a great dude just wanted to mention. These kid’s mentalities are well above and beyond mine. It turned into a mystery I had to solve. It gravitated me to them, like what happened by the age of 13 that you have such a high level of perspective about life, but that’s not for me to say everyone has their story and I wish I could tell you all of theirs but it wouldn’t be fair to them. Their story is theirs to tell if they choose to but just great people all in all. Back to the story.

    Clearly as the new guy I am awaiting my initiation into their school. A few days go by and it is initiation day lol. It was nothing serious just Fabien and Little Dennis wrote a 16-bar freestyle for me. It was pretty funny I can’t even lie. Honestly, I don’t remember much of it except the end when they spit the last bar which went go back to Valentine Crescent and take a seatin. The actual school name rhymed with seatin so it was pretty funny but, the whole class just broke out in laughter, it was pretty funny I am telling you, you had to be there they had this whole presentation and called me out in front of the entire class. They waited for the teacher to step out for a moment and they looked at each other and looked at me, stood up and Fabien took this paper out of his pocket flipped it open and just started rapping it was hilarious.

    The class was as follows, I had class with Fabien, Roland, Natalia, Dennis, Little Dennis, Lucy, Justin, and a couple with Eduardo. Afew other classes I had with were Josephine, Valerie, Dennis and others I honestly do not remember. Josephine was mad cool and cute but, Justin had a huge crush on her it was pretty obvious. Every day he would try and ask her out and every day it wouldn’t work lol. It was great seeing him try though I couldn’t blame him for trying though. I want to talk about Valerie even though I really shouldn’t, I mean at first she was cool and quiet, but I felt bad for her because well most teachers already had a negative view point of me because I hung out with the fuck ups of the school or the class clowns or whatever you would like to call them. Some of the fuck ups I hung around used to tease her and at the time I didn’t know they did, you know I just met everyone and one day they had called her Anne Frank, so at the time I could see how they would say that she had some facial similarities, and I laughed and felt so bad afterward like they were just teasing it was harmless but you would see it in her face she felt hurt about it but these kids were harmless, but the way I understand people is not the way everyone understands people especially someone who was clowned and considered anti-social so I did really feel bad but, that day when she caught me laughing at their joke was the day she labeled me. From there on I had absolutely no chance at getting to know her or understanding her mentality, so I honestly just stayed away from her. She was cute I tell ya she just didn’t talk much and that’s what intrigues me about people a lot is why don’t they talk why are they to themselves when there’s just so much to learn from people.

    Dennis he was a very intelligent kid, very book smart real cool kid. He was funny too and the initials of his full name spelled out DAD lol I told him that wasn’t a coincidence his parents planned that lol. He was a good kid great sense of humor, and made me some mixtapes I still have to this day lol I would ask him yo Dennis make me a Tupac mix cd he would be like sure no problem Mikey I’ll bring it in tomorrow. He was so down to Earth nothing ever bothered him or annoyed him. The other Dennis was a quiet cool kid. His parents owned a restaurant across the street from the school. I don’t ever recall eating there but people spoke very highly of the restaurant. Little Dennis was Fabien’s apprentice. They were the best of friends it was great to have them both in class lol. Class was always stopped due to their shenanigans lol. Every time Fabien would get in trouble in class and try to explain himself to the teacher, he digs himself in to a worse situation. Little Dennis starts calling him and laughing like yelling at him telling him to shut up before he gets sent to Sister Rose’s office. It would be vice versa as well when Dennis would get in trouble. I loved being in class with them, class wasn’t just exciting or entertaining but simply being around a great group of individuals felt like home it felt like Valentine Crescent.

    Interestingly enough Fabien and Natalia were extremely close friends, sort of like me and Lydia. Every time someone would say something like a joke or similar to Fabien, Natalia would step in and defend him or quickly make jokes back at the other person for trying to make fun of Fabien and Fabien would do the same instantaneously. But, (yes, I am starting a sentence with but so calm down) there was a little something there between them. I’m not talking tension, well yea there was but that’s beside the point, there were feelings in that little friendship of theirs. I kind of felt like I was the only one who noticed too. I asked Roland about it he said they never went out but that doesn’t mean they never creeped. Anyway I asked Fabien about it and he said I don’t like her like that we just friends, and I said yeah ok you two are going to end up together sooner or later lol, and he just laughed and told me to shut up and we went on our way to the next class.

    So, Roland, Roland, Roland that is my main man lol. Everyone called him Taz, why well till this day I still don’t know lol. He was the player this man knew everyone and their families from Bayer County to Concord to Long Island I mean everything, and everyone in between knew him. Honestly just a great genuine dude man, can’t speak highly of him enough in this book, just likes to laugh, get girls, achieve his goals, and see everyone happy, when I say that I don’t mean just the immediate people around him happy I mean just everyone in general. He was like the brother I never had. He was always talking to me about girls and not to smoke weed and to be mindful of people who just want to use you so they can benefit from you. I always listened to him due to the fact that not only that he sounds like he knows what he is talking about, but he has been through a lot so his viewpoint of life and people has a lot of weight. He wasn’t just some 13-14-year-old kid going to school studying and taking exams, well actually none of these kids from St Vincenzo were like that at all, they just lived in the streets honestly. They had a wealth of life experience before they even hit high school. Yes, for those of you who are reading and are thinking well you were in 7th grade what could you have possibly gone through, well life that’s what you ignorant fuck. As much as I would like to tell you their stories I simply can’t because it’s not mine to tell.

    He was pretty much my best friend in St Vincenzo. He was always telling me who he slept with, his experiences getting drunk and high, pretty much everything. Let me tell you that he has some funny stories lol. So, if my memory serves me correctly it was October and Fabien’s birthday was coming up. Roland told me I should go to his birthday party. I said me and Fabien are cool and all but, I doubt he would even invite me because I have only known him barely a month and I became close friends with Roland more so than anyone else. He told me not to worry Fabien is cool as hell he will invite me. Sure, enough so he did and Fabien told me to make sure I made it because there was going to be mad girls and liquor there, so I was like word I’m in, he said alright see you there. But there was one thing I overlooked lol, good ol momma dukes lmfao. Man listen lol you already know the answer lol. She doesn’t know these kids from a dime in a dozen, well I honestly don’t even know what that phrase means but it felt like it fit good there, so we are sticking with it lol. Anyway, she clearly said no. Now how do I go back and tell this man I can’t go, see these kids didn’t have curfew, and they all live in broken homes and they are the men of the house. I don’t recall what I told them lol I think it was something along the lines of I was hanging out with friends from my old school and got caught coming home at like 1 in morning and got grounded. I apologized and said I will definitely make it next time, he said cool no worries man, but you missed a hell of a party lol. Man, everyone came up to me and told me how crazy the party was and in my head I’m like damn ma why just whyyyyy. Roland comes and makes it worse lol he said yo you missed it, there were hella girls there man I racked up all them digits lol.

    So, from being around Fabien and Roland so much I ended up meeting the 8th graders. Whom were clearly the popular ones, but it was Alexander, Jaxson, and Jayla. Let us take a pause rite now so I can clearly state that Jayla was by far thee best looking girl not only in that school but probably in that area as a whole.

    Anyways moving on lol, Alexander was a big dude not like fat, but he had weight on him, and he was funny well all in all that whole school had a lot of comedians in it; never a dull day at that school. Jaxson was pretty much the school athlete; he would leave basketball practice early to go play baseball for the city kid was talented. They were all good kids honestly. They all just wanted to laugh and have fun and have a good time.

    There were no problems in the school or anyone. Except for this one minor incident. It stemmed from nothing honestly. So, one day after going back to homeroom from one of our classes, our teacher says she has to step out for a meeting and no other teacher can cover her because they are all teaching their said classes. So, she says be good and don’t cause no trouble lol. We have Dennis, Fabien, and Justin in the class why she would say such a thing is unknown lmfao. So, everyone begins chit chatting talking laughing. I reach for a pen under my desk because I usually bring packs, so it seems to be that all my pens are gone again. I think to myself dam I lost all those pens again that’s crazy I don’t know how I keep losing them. Boy was I wrong lol. I then turn around to Justin he is drawing or writing or something (his seat is behind mine in our homeroom), and this kid is using my pen like what thee fuck. So, I ask him straight forward Justin is that my pen? He replies, yea so what I said, wait so you been the one robbing my pens? He said, yea you aint going to do nothing about it anyway? I said yo you owe me like 2 packs of pens he replied, I don’t owe you shit. Whoa, whoa, whoa lol hold up now, at this point the class got quiet and Dennis and Fabien of course instigating. So, Fabien got this all played out in his head already, so he starts walking towards the front of the class lol. I told Justin shut up you robbed my pens now you have to buy me the two packs back you robbed and how the fuck you use two packs of pens in like 2 weeks he stood up and said I aint buying you shit, you aint going to do nothing about it anyway. I get rite the fuck up, and Fabien yells from the door yo fight go ahead you in the clear no teachers around I’ll tell you when they come. So, what thee actual fuck? I’m supposed to be scared of you because you’re 6 inches taller than me and weigh 70 more pounds than me? That didn’t make sense to me, so I punched him then he punched me then I punched him back and now we were going at it and the class was loud as hell. Fabien yells while running to his chair teacher, teacher, teacher! Lol so we all sat down real fast and acted like we were talking and laughing. So, Mrs. Dayanna was like what is all the commotion I’m trying to teach my class down the hall, and I can hear you guys. So, we apologize and tell her our homeroom teacher said she had to go to a quick meeting with Sister Rose and she would be back. Mrs. Dayanna said, ok just keep it down so we apologized again.

    She walks off to go teach her class and listen we as a class already knew, Fabien go rite up with me and Justin and ran to the door and once we were in the clear he said ya clear ya clear ya clear! Justin swung and missed I saw an opportunity and hit em again and everyone was like ohhhhh! Then he hit me good if I remember correctly, he caught me rite over my left eye and that shit hurt, then I got upset he caught me good. So, I cocked back rite after and hit him as hard as I could at the time and boy was it a game winner lol. So, in the back of the class we have those sliding wood closet doors where the kids put their coats and umbrellas, before that is a long tall table to the right and to the left is our homeroom computer. So, me and Justin are the last 2 chairs in the third row, so when I hit him as hard as I could the kid flew back broke the closet door and fell inside lol. The whole class was in an uproar and Dennis and Fabien were like OH SHITTTTT! Fabien turned around and said while running to his chair teacher, teacher, teacher! Lmfao So Mrs. Dayanna came in angry as all, saw Justin in the back trying to fix the door and said, what in heavens name is going on in here. As a class we were all in sync we all said we don’t known Justin was getting something in the back and fell and broke the door and now he is trying to fix it but it was funny you should have seen it lol. Clearly, she didn’t believe us, and boy was she mad we interrupted her class lmfao. When Justin fell back and hit that closet that shit was loud. Since she didn’t believe us, she said I am going to stay here and wait till your teacher comes back. Clearly, we were still loud and laughing and Justin finally got the door fixed and sat back down. Another few moments she turns around and yells Roland get back to class rite now! Lmfao Just a situation that didn’t need to happen but there was tension it was going to happen sooner or later.

    Our homeroom teacher comes back and she asks Mrs. Dayanna if everything was ok, she replied yes but they were very loud but she let us off the hook because she couldn’t prove anything other than Justin fixing the door lol. We finish class and start walking to our next class down the hall and up the stairs and I don’t recall who I saw first Roland or Jaxson but when I saw Jaxson he gave me daps and was like yo I heard you fucked up Justin good shit! Lol I was so confused, like how did everyone know because after that everyone gave me daps which confused me because at this day and age no one was carrying cell phones in 7th grade and this was literally rite after we left homeroom like who told everyone and how? Clearly either Dennis or Fabien but they never left homeroom. Anyways moving forward lol Justin never fucked with me again and there was still tension because the whole school knows he got fucked up by a kid way smaller than him. I am well past that though I didn’t care enough about it we literally fought over pens like it wasn’t that serious just off the principle of him believing just because he was bigger than me I am somehow supposed to fear him or allow for him to rob me, ehhh I don’t play that bullshit I don’t care about your size, if you about it then we about it we can throw hands.

    As months progress we get a new kid named Jeremiah from Finnegan School. Let me tell you this school is completely hidden from the rest of the universe. It’s on 51st in Tunica Avenue and if you don’t know where the school is, you my friend will never find it lol. He was a cool dude, he was a comedian as well, so obviously he was going to fit in well. Fabien and Roland were both like hey Mikey I said, what’s up they said, at least you aint the new guy anymore so I asked is that a good thing? They said yes lol I said, ok good. So, Jeremiah just added onto our group and all the teachers were upset. We were all loud and reckless in class everyday constantly getting in trouble, I mean it was fun we were getting along perfectly fine. Basketball season approaches and we all try out, me, little Dennis, Fabien, Roland, Justin, Jaxson, Javier, Alexander, and Jeremiah. The coach, whose ironic name was Javier as well was cool he said we all made it but really we were all pretty good all we did was play basketball I mean we aren’t organized basketball players we all just try and score but that’s the point isn’t it lol.

    While playing basketball me and Justin became cool, I mean we weren’t the best of friends, but all the problems were settled and there wasn’t tension anymore we shook hands. So, one week after tryouts we get a new transfer. He is Jo Han, Mrs. Dayanna’s son. This kid is tall and strong he joined the basketball team and he was good but, oh boy did he have an ugly jump shot, this kid would bring the ball up over his head and have a late release, but it worked for him. He was a funny guy. The thing about the school was that the people, they didn’t really like problems everyone just got along well we all meshed together. There was one exception, his name was Marcel. Just nothing serious he would just say little smart remarks that were extremely annoying, we were going to fight in one gym class session but Roland grabbed me and took me from the locker room and brought me out to the gym and told me to drop it. So, nothing ever progressed from it.

    Weeks progress we play a few basketball games win some lose some as always. In school we had a basketball meeting and we had to go to the girl’s coach’s room why I don’t remember but anyways, as we are walking over to the other side of the school the 6th graders are walking out towards us the opposite way as if they were going to our classroom. We see Javier and say what’s up I mean you can’t miss the kid he’s almost 6ft tall and a 6th grader lol so he is towering everyone and a couple students behind him, she was there, this girl was so short and adorable she was beautiful, man listen. Her eyes caught my attention, just an intense, deep, mystical look in her eyes. Iwouldn’t say like seeking for help but there was definitely sorrow in her eyes, and they just grabbed a hold of me and took me as prisoner for those seconds that seemed like a life time in that hallway it was weird like I felt like I took a glimpse at her soul. So, as she walks by, I turn and gaze at her like not break my neck, it was much worse. It was like she paralyzed me, like I wanted to say something to her but couldn’t, like I tried but we continued walking past each other and I kept trying to see where she was gong but I couldn’t she was too short I lost her. Then I felt these two hands on my shoulders and heard a laugh and Roland was behind me, he was laughing the entire time and spun me around. He said, dam Mikey that girl broke ya neck and made you do a 360 that’s embarrassing. So, I said hey bro you know everyone in the school who is she? He replied, yea I know her, but you have no chance so forget about her and move on there are other girls in the school. That definitely broke my spirit especially hearing it from him but, from him you know it’s true, so I dropped it, I mean I definitely thought about her for a while but left it alone and eventually forgot about it.

    So, a few weeks go by and guess what? Fabien is going out with Jayla lmfao of course I mean of course. It was just a matter of time; we knew he liked her and the thing about it is we never seen him talking to her then all of a sudden, he’s making out with her in the hallway out of the blue lol. Then we went to homeroom and our teacher left for a few minutes and Jayla popped rite up out of the blue like in the movies and they start making out and you could feel the school rumble lol all you heard was Sister Rose’s voice with an angry tone in it yelling Fabien get in my office rite now I will not say it again. Man was that hilarious this kid just stayed getting in trouble. Fabien looks at us in the class and he says, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit she is going to expel me I’ll see you guys next year. I mean like really though in the hallway they couldn’t just come into class like they had one foot out the door and one foot in the door just come in, so no one sees you lol. Anyways lol that shit was funny the whole entire class hit the floor laughing. Well we are in class and time is going by 20 minutes, 30 minutes, an hour lol and this kid is nowhere to be seen and we all have the same thought, that he is a goner lmfao. The class is just laughing and of course Dennis is about to lose his best friend he’s telling jokes and a bit sad at the same time. Then the floor begins to rumble the door opened all you hear is now get back to class. So, he walks back into class and we are just dying of laughter. He tells us how she lectured him I don’t remember if it was about kiddy love or just doing anything sexual in the school or both honestly, but he said if she catches him again no remorse, he’s a goner lol. Obviously, they still do, they just are very cautious where and when they have their little fun. The day continues and we go out until lunch and Fabien and Roland are always talking to the eighth graders, Lucas, Alexander, Jaxson, Jayla, Demi and some other eight graders they introduced me to all of them, but I don’t remember half of them. Then you have Roland who walks around to the back fence and starts talking to all the Richmond Hillers from the high school he just makes rounds saying what’s up to all his friends that’s pretty much a lot of his day lol. Kids like a mini politician I swear.

    The day comes to an end, and I am thinking I really don’t want to go to school tomorrow because I have catechism class every Thursday. Which I usually pick up Elian at his house and we go together. We have different teachers he has Father Ricardo, and I have Joshua and an assistant I always forget her name and guess what, I forgot her name now too so I don’t mean any disrespect so we will call her Agnes is that ok? Ok we’ll go with Agnes. So, Elian has class with Lydia, and Charlotte, I have class with Camren, Raymond, and Nate we sat in the back of the class always getting in trouble. So, on this day Joshua and Agnes were not there, heyyyyyy that means substitute teacher which means easy night. Well, oh boy was that the furthest from the truth, boy were we so wrong. So, the sub walks into class and starts to gather her things and settle in me, Cam, Raymond, Nate, were all just laughing and joking. The sub starts talking and I am in my chair by my self-minding my own got damn business and Raymond, Nate, and Cam just keep making me laugh while the sub was talking, and I felt bad, but these guys are funny. The sub was trying to tell us her name and Raymond made me laugh so she told me to move up, I said I wasn’t even talking I was just laughin. Nope she was wasn’t having it and then Raymond said something funny as hell and I just busted out laughing and she gave me thee meanest look and she gave me a last warning. So the thing was Raymond is like a mini Vin Diesel and he transferred out of Valentine Crescent too and went to Lincoln School rite across the street from Valentine Crescent and he was telling us stories about there and they were funny then the sub caught me laughing again and ok at this point I felt bad so I just moved up. Then Cam, Raymond, Natalia, and Nate were all laughing at me and said yea that’s what you get I told the sub see I wasn’t even talking I was just laughing now everyone’s laughing at me. She replied, well you shouldn’t have said nothing in the first place. Ohhhhh so the sub got a mouth ok, ok that’s cool that’s cool because now I can play the game too so well see how far it goes before, I get kicked out of class. She asked if I knew her name because she told the class her name, and I had no response then I felt really bad just because she’s just trying to do her job, but what kind of elementary school kids would we be if we let the sub get one on us you know. So, since she was right, I just stopped in my head I was like fuck it I’ll talk to everyone after class but damn this class going to drag out now.

    So, I apologized for my actions and said it won’t happen again, she said ok it better not my name is Melina. The crew is in the back and you can hear them whispering and laughing and shit, man fuck them lol they all are talking and I’m the one in trouble lol. Natalia, I met there at catechism class, she was cute, cool, and down to Earth. So the class finally begun, Melina was talking she made the class interesting to say the least but I was still bored up front, so what did I do I just started playing with a pen or pencil I don’t remember honestly but one of them. I would just twist in with my fingers or flicking it, but it kept falling, and every time it fell Melina gave me this look like if you keep dropping that damn pen, I’m going to hurt you. I couldn’t help it I was bored. So, it dropped again lol and she got mad and said, if that pen drops one more time, I’m going to kick you. Well I didn’t believe her but I know I was getting annoying so I stopped but kept playing with it just not flicking it so it wasn’t like it can fall again rite? Ok well wrong lol it fell and I was actually listening to her lecture and when I went to go write notes it actually flew out of my hand I don’t know how lol and I was about to go pick it up and Melina picked it up before me walked to my desk and kicked thee shit out of me with her pointed heels man, that was one of thee worst shin kicks, Jesus Mary and Joseph, I was like damn that hurt, it was funny though because I didn’t believe she was actually going to do it. She said that’s what you get for testing me. I replied it was an accident that time it really was but since I was laughing while I said it, she didn’t believe me. So, I was like I’m not going to even chance it this time, so I put the pen in the groove on the desk, so I don’t play with it anymore or take notes. As I was putting it back in the groove it fell, and everyone started laughing and Raymond was like she is going to kick your ass then kick you out the class lol. She walked to my desk and I explained I was going to put it in the groove and not use it and I guess she believed me because she didn’t kick me. Anyways the class finished, and she apologized to me and I was like its ok I know I deserved it I was getting annoying. Then we all met up downstairs me, Elian, Lydia, Cam, Charlotte Adelyn, Raymond, Bruce, Angelina, Nate and Ms. Emma. We were all talking like always and Elian and Ms. Emma told me that the community was having a meeting again every Thursday.

    So, you know this isn’t a continuous story. It pains me to write this out honestly and I cry a lot, more than any man ever should. It has been months since I actually opened this and wrote out a few pages. I have so much to say and I hope that I may be able to finish this and let this story get into the hands of a person who needs to hear this story and advice I provide. People need to know they are not alone, and I am here for you and I care about you.

    Hopefully this story may help you in any way to uplift you from your regression and depression. I guess we will get back to the story, please bear with me. So, I told Ms. Emma and Elian I will go to a meeting and see how it is. So next week comes and it is Thursday and Elian called and asked me to pass by and check out the community. So, Elian’s my brother and I told him I would go, and I am a man of my word so I went, and let us just say my thoughts were in the premise of what the fuck did I get myself into. First off it was all in Spanish lol if you haven’t figured out, I don’t know Spanish very well, second, I didn’t know anyone in there except Elian and Ms. Emma and Father Ricardo. So, they helped me and told me that they have a nice lady who is willing to translate for me. So, to my surprise guess who showed up to translate for me? Go ahead guess shits crazy I tell ya. If you haven’t guessed the very nice woman who came and translated for me was no one other than Melina. Yes, the substitute teacher who kicked the shit out of me. Amazing rite lol she actually was really nice. She was my translator for the whole time I went to the meetings on Thursday nights. I apologized to her again for the whole ideal that happened in class and with me disrupting the class I felt really bad. She was cool about it. So, these meetings were pretty serious though, this wasn’t like your regular church settings and people talking about their sins. They were talking about everything, all life experiences good and bad. Women talking about being raped and prostituting or the not understanding why their parents hated them and they were alcoholics both child and parent, people who abused drugs on an everyday basis, homeless people finding success, it was more of I guess we can say group therapy but this group wasn’t simply people from church it was a family in which we all helped each other with our problems and depressions and suicidal ideation and manifestations.

    Listen, people don’t really understand that many times the thoughts we have that weigh us down, is pressure that must be relieved. At times I am telling you that you need to open up and talk about it. Sometimes the best person to talk to about these stressors is someone you don’t even know. Allow me to elaborate. You speaking about issues stressing you out and holding you down, to an individual you don’t know may be more comforting in the sense that you may feel that this person does not hold the ability to judge you because they do not know you. Now if you trust someone and you want to openly express a concern and or thoughts that bother you and you hold yourself back and don’t allow yourself to fully express these stressors, thoughts, concerns then you have an issue with the person you are confiding in. This may be a biased subjective concern because you know the person. So, you may believe that you are able to predict the outcome of the conversation and you already know the advice they will give you and if you do that you are doing yourself a disservice. You are basically giving yourself your own advice.

    Christmas of 2017 just passed, and it was definitely a depressing one I really would like to tell you all about it but I can’t just jump 13, 14, 15 years after everything I have to explain as much as I would like to but I guess we will just continue and we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

    So, the meeting ended, and Elian and Melina asked if I would come next week and I said yea sure. I don’t know why but I said yes already so I am a man of my word and I had to go. So back to school, we got a new girl in our class and man was she Beautiful. Her name was Gracelynn but, there was something familiar about her but whatever I just dismissed it as fast as the thought came. She came from Nixon school right across the street from us, literally like 10 feet away lmfao. So, she was real nice, down to earth funny too. We all got along from the start the girls accepted her in really easy like she was always with us. In the morning I would always get bread and butter you know hood breakfast lol, before class begins usually with whoever wants to go. Jeremiah went with me and Gracelynn was there so we all started talking and what not then headed back to school, when we got there I kept talking to her so I asked her was she always in Nixon or did she ever go to school somewhere else and you know what man, she did lol. Man listen she told me she went to Valentine Crescent for preschool and part of kindergarten and there it was that’s why she looked so familiar to me lol. I know like I’m capable of remembering what someone looked like 10 years ago as a child and are able to detect facial definitions and characteristics as they grow and develop. No, lol she just seemed familiar and she was lol. I had told her previously that she looked familiar and she remembered when I told her so when we were talking, she started laughing like see I knew it lol. We got real cool after that, that was home girl. Our lunch table was huge at this time people kept coming in and adding to our table it was great we had Roland, Fabien, Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, lol Jo Han, Eduardo, Justin, Marcel, Gracelynn, Lara, Josephine, and actually I think if I remember correctly Lucas, Jerome, and Demi were there also but I would have to ask Roland that but either way there were plenty of 6th and 8th graders. So many laughs at that table and weird ass conversations I won’t discuss here lol, but I really do miss those days, people and school they treated me well.

    We had basketball practice and it was a funny one. We played a scrimmage and 5 on 5. With each other after running up and down them damned stairwells, Jesus Christ I hated running laps incorporated with steps. It was like the basketball court but the entrance was a hallway and stairs on both sides so you run laps and when you pass buy the entrance you had to go up the steps to the other side of the hallway and back down the other steps and go finish the laps. Roughly 35 laps before practice then the scrimmage. So me and Jeremiah were on the same team and this one time during the scrimmage it was mad random but funny for some reason I was in the paint and Jeremiah threw me the ball and said skittles and I shot the ball up and said taste the rainbow and made it. Ok so first off you ever say some weird shit and don’t know where it came from yea that is what happened to Jeremiah and instead of me saying yo what the fuck lol taste the rainbow came out it was the weirdest thing but everyone was laughing like me and him had some type of inside joke or something lol and we didn’t. So, at this time I was very fast and pretty athletic, I was decent in organized basketball, but street ball was were my skills were at, never could explain it. But hey listen we went on a like an 18-2 run and I was always in the paint after the fast break and Jeremiah was throwing that basketball across the court to me yelling skittles lmfao. We won 2-3 scrimmages though it was a good practice. After practice I went to Jeremiah’s house and hung out for a while. Jeremiah was a funny guy, great sense of humor, he didn’t live too far from the school and there was a basketball court by his house. We played some video games and listened to the new 50 cent album. He called a few of his friends over and were went to the court and played a couple 2 on 2 games, shit I was exhausted and on top of that I still had to walk like 34 blocks home.

    So Thursday comes and Elian is asking me if I’m going to the community, so I said yea I had already told him I’d go, I just don’t know why I kept going back, but I did, I guess it was just nice seeing all those people being comfortable around each other and trusting each other to the point they have no problem talking about personal issues around one another. I think the best part also was the priest, he wasn’t the only one giving advice, and it wasn’t what you would call bible advice or typical priest advice you know. Everyone had their own input on it and if someone had experienced it everyone would quiet down and let that person share their experience and how they got through the situation. Which I thought was pretty interesting. Also, if someone needed a place to stay or food for their family or help paying bills everyone would chip in and help or state where they may find government assistance or aid or open their doors to said individual. Hearing everyone’s problems and seeing how many people had it worse than me I guess it helped me mature. I mean yea I was only 13 at the time had no bills or real problems but, all my problem were there waiting for me to run into them on this road called life and having and hearing these people’s experience and how they ventured through their issues definitely helped. So, we left and the night ended and me and Elian, Melina and a few others stayed and talked and then we all went home. Back at it again in school laughing being mischievous little delinquents that we are getting detention and just having fun. After school me, Lucy, Dennis, and Gracelynn were going out and Gracelynn and Dennis went to the store, I didn’t go in at first but then I was like eh the hell with it I’m hungry and if were walking why not grab a bite for it. Well lol so I’m looking around to get a drink and I walk to the back and sure enough Dennis and Gracelynn just back there making out, in my head I was like Gracelynn noooooo lol, but then rooting for my boy Dennis lol. Well I stopped having a crush on her and stopped flirting after that lol.

    So, the big basketball game is coming up, you know St Vincenzo vs Valentine Crescent me vs my old school lol. Guess what the game we’re all supposed to go all out Jaxson can’t make it because he has a playoff baseball game. Anyway, game day is here their team had Nate, Elian, Rome, Cam and I can’t recall who else, we had Roland, Fabien, Dennis, Jo Han, Justin, Jeremiah, Javier and me. I don’t remember much of the game honestly but, I do remember Nate knocking down threes, Elian was getting all his fast break layup points and Rome made a couple buckets. Roland was dropping his left- handed threes; I say that because he is right-handed but does pretty much everything lefty it was weird I don’t know how he did that. Jo Han dropped a few threes and Jeremiah was dropping buckets Fabien had several points and I think I made a layup. Either way we won the game. Hung out for a bit with them and then had to head back to school for God only knows the reason why they didn’t let me walk 2 blocks home, but my father came to pick me up. We went home and I went to hang out with Elian at his house across the street ate then I went home. Me and Elian hung out a lot, usually when we hang out for some reason, we always find money like this kids a magnet I swear. Seriously if you hang out with this guy you are almost guaranteed to find money on the street. I think the most interesting currency we found was a blank check, yea it’s not currency but it could have been lol. No, seriously who finds a blank check laying on the street and yea we contemplated on putting a number and finding someone to cash it because it was all signed and everything, we just needed a dollar amount and the write out of it. We were on the way to his house and we cut it up, it would have been wrong to fill it out I would have felt bad if we went through with it but Elian isn’t like that either so I guess the decision was already made when we found it, just the thought of cashing it out was entertaining.

    If it wasn’t the next day or some time that same month we found a check for like 600 and some odd dollars, that was a simple 300 split we found it on 16th street and Bristol Ave and it had some lady’s name on it and her address. When we looked at the address it was the building next door to where we found it at, so we thought damn how we are going to know which apartment she is in. So we walked like 50ft to the apartment and you know these apartments you need a key to get in the front door before the hallway so someone can buzz you in, luckily for us some lady was walking out as we were coming upon the door and she let us in and she held the door for us. And simultaneously me and Elian looked at each other like what if, then paused and shook our heads like nah lol. So, we looked at the check for her name again and by this time the lady was at the end of the block and Elian was like I’ll go ask her just in case. Whelp sure enough she gave Elian a huge hug lol I was like wait what just happened was he hitting on her lol, so I started rooting for my boy quietly lol. Turns out it was her lol she showed Elian her license and names matched on the check and her license she said she was going to the bank to cancel the check but now she doesn’t have to.

    Anyway back to the story lol we found like 20 dollars on the floor while heading back to his house so at this point we were on 15th street and New Post Ave rite in front of the school literally across the street from his house, I was about to cross but a huge Ford van was parked on the corner I couldn’t see but I made a judgment call because the street phone I passed 20 feet away I looked to see if any cars were coming and the light was green and no cars were around, I continue to cross and as I pass the White Ford van I feel a strong tug on the back of my shirt and all I hear is NOOOOOOO MIKEY!!!!!

    And I just fly backwards and all I see is this massive 18- wheeler speeding up the road, now I’m talking this truck was literally inches in front of me if Elian didn’t pull me back, I would have been splattered. It just didn’t make any sense how in those few seconds did a heavy ass 18- wheeler gain enough momentum and speed from 15th and Bristol Ave to 15th and New Post Ave maybe like 200- 300 feet maximum is the length of that block Lincoln school is on. I got up and we both laughed I said thanks bro and asked any crazier drivers heading up the street, he laughed and said no man we good to cross lol. I miss my boy Elian man if you are reading this, I love you man thanks again lol. We went to his house picked up his skateboard and he lent me his bike and some candles we use to wax surfaces for board slides and grinds and went to 1st Street Park.

    It has been a while since I have written in this book, me and Amelia are going through it man, you will meet her towards the end of the story, an amazing woman but I am a bit depressed at the moment I will try and pick up and continue tomorrow. Have a good night.

    Well good morning ladies and gentlemen, back to the story, my birthday is coming up, so I decided to do something small it was a small bowling party at Bowlers Den something to get everyone out and just relax and converse, something different. Well lol let me tell you that it did not turn out as planned lmfao. So, no one came like no one showed up just me my mom, my sister, and her friend Yalena, but an hour later rite after Adina the owner of Bowlers Den said hey Mikey don’t worry if no one comes I will only charge you for who is here. Adina was great hands down one of the nicest women I have ever met. I was always in a bowling league she knew me and my mom very well, so she charges per person no matter if they show or don’t for parities because you’re taking up lanes but since I been going there for so many years she comped it, I loved that woman. Any who a bit after she said that Roland showed up, my boy. He was ready to bowl and relax and we just had fun ate pizza he hit on my sisters’ friend lol it was a good time. So, I write lol a lot at the moment because recalling these events and remembering the situations and conversations they were pretty funny so I apologize if you don’t understand the lol or if it’s annoying but it will stop soon just for your information. Any who, talking to Roland I really wasn’t that upset to be honest. These kids just want to drink, smoke bud, and have sex and none of those variables or coefficients are involved in a bowling party. Roland just doesn’t care about anything if you invite him, he will be there no matter the event no matter how far the event he just enjoys being around people it’s just that simple for him. Going back to school Monday nothing changed there was no animosity no hate we all hung out at lunch laughed we were all still cool, you know I understood why they didn’t come I wasn’t bothered by it. So, it was coming close to the end of the school year and my mom was asking me if I wanted to stay at St Vincenzo or transfer back to Valentine Crescent. This killed me because I got real cool with so many people in that school I felt like I grew up there you know the girls were beautiful the teachers were mean we all got in trouble and got detention together grew bonds and connections with them, they welcomed me like their own and I appreciated that. On the other hand, I had Elian, Lydia and the whole class in Valentine Crescent and I didn’t have to take a bus or walk 30 blocks back home lol. So, Valentine Crescent it was lol.

    So I told the people in the class and they were cool like the class was just mellow you know they knew I liked them they were liked don’t worry about it we will still hang out and you know back in elementary school signing the back of pictures K.I.C, we will keep in contact or keep in touch. We were so corny back then lol.

    During the summertime my mom had me in a recreational program housed in Warwick School back on 17th street by The Towers. Pretty much all we did was eat breakfast, play basketball or baseball and certain days we would have movie day or pool day I believe if my memory serves me correctly movie day was every Friday and pool day was Thursdays. So, my mom enlisted me and my sister, but my sister now finished Freshman year of high school from Saint something or St Colide High I don’t know I don’t remember honestly it wasn’t far from the viaduct on Washington street in Fairfield. Any which way, I met a lot of people there I think Galvin and Fabien were the names of people I spent the most times with.

    Galvin was a tall black kid sense of humor was great and he was into all the anime and card games so I picked up Yu-Gi-Oh from him which may be a foreign language to many people but it’s a television cartoon that was about monsters and had a card game developed from it. And Fabien was the popular kid that knew pretty much everyone, and he got all the girls. Hmmm you know looking back a bit I did have a pretty good history of hanging out with a huge diversity of kids from the geeks to the popular kids to the athletes huh dam good thing to notice. So, Fabien lived across the street from Warwick School so when his parents would not be home, we would go to his house and hang out after recreation. So, this whole recreation thing was pretty much from what I tended to gather is to keep us all delinquents out of trouble until our parents came home from work.

    Well ok that kind of made sense but not. We have to be there at 8am and it finishes at 12-1pm. Let me explain something, all that accomplished was waking us up early, recreation was not a deterrent to keep us from roaming the streets unsupervised and getting into trouble I would like to just clarify that. If us kids were not in recreation trust me we would be getting up at 11am 12pm to go hang out and wait for all our other friends to wake up so we wouldn’t even be leaving the house till 2-3pm just about when some parents are coming home and catch us at the time we are leaving to hang out then ask us to go to the grocery store or run errands then we wouldn’t even be able to meet up with our friends till almost 4-5pm. Day to day I hung out with everyone unless someone didn’t show up one day then I just spent time with the geeks or the popular kids it all depended. Mainly the day consisted of breakfast then play dodgeball or baseball

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