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The Badlands Saga: Episodes 1-5
The Badlands Saga: Episodes 1-5
The Badlands Saga: Episodes 1-5
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The Badlands Saga: Episodes 1-5

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Corporations control everything. How you live. How many children you can have. What you do as an occupation.


George and Macy's father works for the corporations. When he discovers something the corporations want to remain hidden, they kill him and attempt to kill George. BUt Ma and Macy are gone when it happens.


George survives, but is changed. Knowing that the corporations will be back, Ma decides to move the family. Or what is left of it.


This is where their adventure begins as Macy and George begin to discover that they aren't ordinary children...and that Ma isn't an ordinary woman.

Release dateJul 1, 2021
The Badlands Saga: Episodes 1-5

Jaysen True Blood

Jaysen True Blood was born and raised in the Midwest where he currently resides. His first taste of writing came early in grade school with a class assignment. a few years later, his love for writing would return as he found himself with another class assignment, this time a poetry unit. through junior high, he would write a series of novels, many poems, and begin his long interest in writing song lyrics as well. In high school, he would learn the value of tall tales, myths and other kinds of stories as he continued to build his store of stories. upon graduation, he went for a semester at a university, where he would write two stories, one of which would become a serial online for about six months. Returning home, he worked at just about anything he could find, but never strayed far from his love of the story. After his first marriage, he signed on with Keep It Coming, an e-zine, where he wrote two serials, "Tales From The Renge" and "Breed's Command" (the same characters appear with Fancy Marsh in several subsequent westerns. The serial was taken from a manuscript written for a class assignment while in high school). H also wrote writing and music related articles for the print version of KIC that came out for just three issues. When KIC went under, Jay was once again forced to work at different jobs just to make ends meet. between 2007 and 2010, Jay would release "Seven By Jay: Seven Short Stories", "The Price Of Lust: Book One Of Faces In The Crowd" and "So Here's To Twilight And Other Poems".

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    Book preview

    The Badlands Saga - Jaysen True Blood

    Episode 1: Burning Sky

    George could not remember a time that pa had not worked for the corporations. At first, it had been as one of the many faceless underlings who plodded along and labored so that the powers that be could get fatter and more corrupt. Then, he had risen to a position George liked to term stooge. Then, finally, he had gone into being an independent contractor. George liked him in this role. He was home more. He didn’t have to hurt anyone. He didn’t have the health problems he’d had with the stooge jobs. The more questionable the job, the less likeable he had been.

    But pa had never had to do anything that was against the law. Never. But there had been some that had been less pleasant than others. And it was those that had made him decide to leave the relative security of the corporations for independent consultant status. He’d had enough of the corruption of upper management.

    Macy, too, loved having pa home more. She was the youngest. She needed more from pa. attention she had not gotten early on.

    At five, she was incorrigible. A precocious little imp, she seemed different from other girls her age. She tended to talk to things that weren’t there as if they existed. She acted as if she could see them. She awoke to nightmares that she could not explain, nor did he or ma ever take serious. After all, what could an imaginative five year old see that could be harmful to anyone? And so, her fears were basically ignored.

    But ma seemed to be afraid of what Macy’s nightmares and imagined friends might signify. George knew what ma thought. Macy wasn’t the only one haunted by unexplainable nightmares. He had them too, usually before something bad happened.  But then, that was also when Macy seemed to have her nightmares too. He could understand her fears. They were his own as well.

    But ma did not understand. So George did not voice his fears. Nor did he ever tell her about his nightmares. He did not want her to put him on neuroinhibitors to stop them. They had helped him avoid too many potentially deadly accidents. They had also warned him when the strangers had broken into their home in search of some of pa’s crucial files which he, George, had hidden so they couldn’t find them.

    But that business, he was afraid, was not finished. Someone had gone to some expense to attempt the theft of those files. Someone wanted them badly. And whoever it was would try again in the future. He was sure of it. Whatever those files held incriminated whoever was after them.

    That, in and of its self, was not good. If they were desperate to steal the files, they would later be willing to kill anyone who was connected to them in order to keep the information a secret. The files had to be hidden well enough that, should something happen to pa, only George would know where they were. So George hid them in his own journal-crystals until he realized that they would search everywhere for them.

    He put them back where he had found them after he made copies within his journal-crystals. He knew he might need them later, he just didn’t know why.  All he knew was that he could not let anyone know what he had done or why. If he did, he would risk becoming a target. So would ma and Macy. And he didn’t want that.

    So he kept his secret. No one would know what he had done. At least not until after they searched the files and found evidence of the transfer of data. Who knew when that would take place. He just wanted to have the information in case he needed it to see that justice was served.

    Over the next few weeks, he decided to make copies of all pa’s files. Perhaps those he had done first were only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. What the rest held might go into more depth. Only time would tell. He wanted to safeguard his family and the only way he could think of doing so was to make copies of his pa’s files.

    QUIT PUSHIN’, MACY shouted, at the top of her lungs, at an unseen assailant, you’ll have your turn soon enough!

    But it is my turn, the voice in her head objected, you’re not being fair, human child.

    But I make the rules! she squealed. It’s my game! I made it up!

    She knew what she saw. A stranger being part wolf, part bat, and all attitude stood next to her in ethereal-almost ghostlike-form. If anyone else could have seen the form, they would have thought it to be a hologram, but it wasn’t. The creature was there. Just not in a form any but Macy could see.

    There was an ant-like being there as well, not to mention a giant wormlike creature. But, again, there was a whole menagerie of beings around her that only she could see. And they came to test her. Each had a different task for her. This time, she was supposed to devise a game that they could enjoy. Last time had been a measure of her patience. Still, these beings were interesting to her. None had actually told her what they were. All she knew was that she was the only one who could see them. But they only came to her after school, and only if she was at home. Never if she was at someone else’s home.

    It was as if she was special. For some reason, they seemed drawn to her. But she could never understand why she was the only one who could see them.

    Watch where you’re goin’, George, she scolded her brother, you’re about to run into Sqenecht. Wereshaif is to your right and Throngif is to your left! Gronshrift is behind me with Shrebnaqcht and Blythnar.

    Macy, George replied, after the obligatory dodge to miss the invisible friend, "has anyone ever told you that your friends have the weirdest

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