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JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers
JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers
JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers
Ebook892 pages5 hours

JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers

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JavaScript on Things is your first step into the exciting and downright entertaining world of programming for small electronics. If you know enough JavaScript to hack a website together, you'll be making things go bleep, blink, and spin faster than you can say "nodebot."

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

Are you ready to make things move? If you can build a web app, you can create robots, weather stations, and other funky gadgets! In this incredibly fun, project-based guide, JavaScript hardware hacker Lyza Danger Gardner takes you on an incredible journey from your first flashing LED through atmospheric sensors, motorized rovers, Bluetooth doorbells, and more. With JavaScript, some easy-to-get hardware, and a bit of creativity, you'll be beeping, spinning, and glowing in no time.

About the Book

JavaScript on Things introduces the exciting world of programming small electronics! You'll start building things immediately, beginning with basic blinking on Arduino. This fully illustrated, hands-on book surveys JavaScript toolkits like Johnny-Five along with platforms including Raspberry Pi, Tessel, and BeagleBone. As you build project after interesting project, you'll learn to wire in sensors, hook up motors, transmit data, and handle user input. So be warned: once you start, you won't want to stop.

What's Inside

  • Controlling hardware with JavaScripti
  • Designing and assembling robots and gadgets
  • A crash course in electronics
  • Over a dozen hands-on projects!

About the Reader

Written for readers with intermediate JavaScript and Node.js skills. No experience with electronics required.

About the Author

Lyza Danger Gardner has been a web developer for over 20 years. She's part of the NodeBots community and a contributor to the Johnny-Five Node.js library.

Table of Contents

  1. Bringing JavaScript and hardware together
  2. Embarking on hardware with Arduino
  3. How to build circuits
  5. Sensors and input
  6. Output: making things happen
  7. Output: making things move
  9. Serial communication
  10. Projects without wires
  11. Building your own thing
  13. JavaScript and constrained hardware
  14. Building with Node.js and tiny computers
  15. In the cloud, in the browser, and beyond
Release dateFeb 22, 2018
JavaScript on Things: Hacking hardware for web developers

Lyza Gardner

Lyza Danger Gardner has been a web developer for over 20 years. She's part of the NodeBots community and a contributor to the Johnny-Five Node.js library.

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    JavaScript on Things - Lyza Gardner


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    Brief Table of Contents


    Brief Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    About this Book

    1. A JavaScripter’s introduction to hardware

    Chapter 1. Bringing JavaScript and hardware together

    Chapter 2. Embarking on hardware with Arduino

    Chapter 3. How to build circuits

    2. Project basics: input and output with Johnny-Five

    Chapter 4. Sensors and input

    Chapter 5. Output: making things happen

    Chapter 6. Output: making things move

    3. More sophisticated projects

    Chapter 7. Serial communication

    Chapter 8. Projects without wires

    Chapter 9. Building your own thing

    4. Using JavaScript with hardware in other environments

    Chapter 10. JavaScript and constrained hardware

    Chapter 11. Building with Node.js and tiny computers

    Chapter 12. In the cloud, in the browser, and beyond


    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Listings

    Table of Contents


    Brief Table of Contents

    Table of Contents



    About this Book

    1. A JavaScripter’s introduction to hardware

    Chapter 1. Bringing JavaScript and hardware together

    1.1. The anatomy of hardware projects

    1.1.1. Inputs and outputs

    1.1.2. Processing

    1.1.3. Power, circuits, and systems

    1.1.4. Logic and firmware

    1.1.5. Enclosures and packaging

    1.1.6. Embedded systems

    1.2. How JavaScript and hardware work together

    1.2.1. Host-client method

    1.2.2. Embedded JavaScript

    1.2.3. Other hardware-JavaScript combinations

    1.3. Is JavaScript a good fit for hardware?

    1.4. Putting together a hardware toolkit

    1.4.1. Development boards

    1.4.2. Input and output components

    1.4.3. Other electronic components

    1.4.4. Power, wires, and accessories

    1.4.5. Tools


    Chapter 2. Embarking on hardware with Arduino

    2.1. Getting to know the Arduino Uno

    2.1.1. Creating your first circuit with an Arduino Uno

    2.2. Working with the Arduino workflow

    2.2.1. Arduino Uno’s digital pins

    2.2.2. Sketches and the Arduino IDE

    2.2.3. Connecting the LED to a digital pin

    2.2.4. Programming the LED to blink

    2.3. Controlling the Arduino with JavaScript

    2.3.1. Configuring the Arduino as a client

    2.3.2. Installing the Johnny-Five Node.js framework

    2.3.3. Hello World blinking LED with Johnny-Five

    2.3.4. Firmata, Johnny-Five, and the host-client method

    2.3.5. Structuring scripts with Johnny-Five


    Chapter 3. How to build circuits

    3.1. Voltage, current, and resistance

    3.1.1. Ohm’s law

    3.1.2. Problems and dangers

    3.2. Building circuits

    3.2.1. Using breadboards to prototype circuits

    3.2.2. Wiring a simple LED circuit on a breadboard

    3.2.3. Expanding a series circuit with a button

    3.2.4. LEDs in series

    3.2.5. Parallel circuits and current dividers

    3.2.6. Powering your project with batteries


    2. Project basics: input and output with Johnny-Five

    Chapter 4. Sensors and input

    4.1. Working with analog sensors

    4.1.1. Analog-to-digital conversion

    4.1.2. Working with photoresistors

    4.1.3. Voltage dividers

    4.1.4. Wiring and using a photoresistor

    4.1.5. Using an analog temperature sensor

    4.2. Digital inputs

    4.2.1. Using a button as a digital input


    Chapter 5. Output: making things happen

    5.1. Lighting things up

    5.1.1. Fading LEDs with pulse-width modulation (PWM)

    5.1.2. Animating LEDs with PWM

    5.1.3. Combining input with LED output

    5.1.4. Going full-color with RGB LEDs

    5.1.5. Build your own weather ball

    5.2. Working with parallel LCD displays

    5.2.1. Making a full-featured timer with LCD

    5.2.2. Adding a visual LED chime

    5.3. Making noise with a piezo

    5.3.1. Adding an audible piezo chime to the timer


    Chapter 6. Output: making things move

    6.1. Making motors spin

    6.1.1. How motors work

    6.1.2. Controlling a motor with a push-button switch

    6.1.3. Controlling a motor with Johnny-Five

    6.2. Making servos go

    6.2.1. Controlling a servo with Johnny-Five

    6.3. Building your first robot!

    6.3.1. Robots and motors

    6.3.2. Building the robot’s chassis base

    6.3.3. Controlling the robot’s motors


    3. More sophisticated projects

    Chapter 7. Serial communication

    7.1. Communicating digital data in parallel and in serial

    7.2. The basics of serial communication

    7.3. Asynchronous serial communication

    7.3.1. UARTs

    7.3.2. Trying out software serial with a GPS breakout board

    7.3.3. Learn to solder!

    7.3.4. Building the GPS circuit

    7.4. Synchronous serial communication

    7.4.1. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

    7.4.2. I2C

    7.4.3. Making a digital compass with an I2C magnetometer

    7.5. Pulling it together: shake-to-change multisensor widget

    7.5.1. Step 1: combining a compass with LCD output

    7.5.2. Step 2: adding a multisensor to the device

    7.5.3. Step 3: updating the display to show temperature and pressure

    7.5.4. Step 4: adding a shake-to-swap display feature with an accelerometer


    Chapter 8. Projects without wires

    8.1. Why you’ve been tethered so far

    8.1.1. Data exchange, the I/O layer, and I/O plugins

    8.1.2. USB as a power source

    8.1.3. Options for wires-free project communication

    8.2. Toward wires-free projects using the Tessel 2

    8.3. Getting your Tessel set up

    8.3.1. Configuring the Tessel

    8.3.2. Hello World LED blinking on the Tessel

    8.3.3. Blinking an external LED with the Tessel

    8.3.4. Exploring the Tessel’s pins and capabilities

    8.4. Projects without wires on the Tessel

    8.4.1. Wires-free data: a remote weather station

    8.5. Powering projects with batteries

    8.5.1. A battery-powered robot with the Tessel


    Chapter 9. Building your own thing

    9.1. Hacking consumer electronics

    9.1.1. Modifying RF-controlled outlet switches

    9.2. Controlling the remote switches with a Johnny-Five component plugin

    9.2.1. Prototyping the switch project

    9.2.2. Writing the RemoteSwitch plugin

    9.3. Writing software for sophisticated hardware

    9.3.1. Project: Johnny-Five support for APDS-9660 gesture sensor

    9.3.2. Implementing constructor and initialization methods

    9.3.3. Integrating the gesture sensor and remote switches

    9.3.4. Pulling the whole project together


    4. Using JavaScript with hardware in other environments

    Chapter 10. JavaScript and constrained hardware

    10.1. The Espruino Pico platform

    10.1.1. Setting up the Pico

    10.1.2. Hello World LED blink

    10.2. Learning about new platforms

    10.2.1. Discovering a platform’s core features

    10.2.2. Finding a pinout diagram

    10.2.3. Learning about configuration and workflow

    10.2.4. Finding examples and tutorials

    10.2.5. Using reference API documentation

    10.3. Experimenting with the Pico

    10.3.1. The Pico and the BMP180 multisensor

    10.3.2. The Pico and the Nokia 5110 LCD

    10.3.3. Building a power-efficient weather gadget with the Pico

    10.4. Experimenting with the Kinoma Element platform

    10.4.1. The Element’s core features

    10.4.2. Pinout and hardware diagram

    10.4.3. Configuration, management, workflow

    10.4.4. Examples and tutorials

    10.4.5. API reference

    10.4.6. Case-study project: live-updating compass readings


    Chapter 11. Building with Node.js and tiny computers

    11.1. Working with tiny computers

    11.1.1. The Raspberry Pi platform

    11.1.2. Configuration option 1: the traditional way

    11.1.3. Configuration option 2: headless

    11.2. Learning about the Raspberry Pi 3

    11.2.1. Core features

    11.2.2. GPIO features and pinouts

    11.2.3. Configuration and workflow

    11.2.4. Examples and tutorials

    11.2.5. API documentation

    11.3. Writing Johnny-Five applications for different platforms

    11.3.1. Adapting the mini weather station for the Pi 3

    11.3.2. Adapting the mini weather station for the Arduino Uno

    11.4. Using the Raspberry Pi as a host

    11.5. Case study: BeagleBone Black

    11.5.1. Learning about the BeagleBone Black

    11.5.2. Adapting the weather station for the BeagleBone


    Chapter 12. In the cloud, in the browser, and beyond

    12.1. IoT and the cloud

    12.2. Containerized deployment with

    12.2.1. Creating a application

    12.2.2. Provisioning the BeagleBone Black

    12.2.3. Adapting the weather application software

    12.3. Hardware and the web browser

    12.3.1. The Web Bluetooth API

    12.3.2. The Generic Sensor API

    12.3.3. The Physical Web

    12.4. Exploring Bluetooth LE with Puck.js

    12.4.1. Core features

    12.4.2. GPIO features and pinouts

    12.4.3. Configuration and workflow

    12.4.4. Examples, tutorials, and API documentation

    12.4.5. Controlling the LED from a web page

    12.4.6. The Physical Web and Puck.js

    12.4.7. A web-based Bluetooth doorbell

    12.5. Pushing the frontiers of JavaScript and hardware



    List of Figures

    List of Tables

    List of Listings


    On a late summer day in 2013, I stood on a stage in a large tent on the grounds of Bletchley Park in England, the site where British codebreakers (famously including Alan Turing) defeated the Enigma machine in World War II. It was one of the better days of my life, as two fundamentally wonderful things had just happened.

    First, I’d just somehow managed to win a hacking contest (that’s why I was onstage). The National Museum of Computing—also located on the grounds of Bletchley Park—was seeking tech help in creating web-based, interactive timeline exhibits. I’d stayed up through the night, extending an open source JavaScript library and building a prototype: this was my entry, which was, to my great delight, declared best in show. The second wonderful thing was that I’d won a prize—and not just any prize.

    The reward I received was one of the original Arduino Uno starter kits—an Arduino board, a collection of electronic components, and an instructional book. It profoundly changed my life. I’d later find that combining my newly learned electronics skills with the stuff I did every day—coding open source, standards-based websites and apps—resulted in one of the most fascinating alchemies I’d ever experienced: JavaScript on Things. That is, I could use the JavaScript I already knew as a turbo boost to electronics hacking and the internet of things (IoT).

    That came later, however. Initially, I learned how to construct simple electronic circuits by working through the examples in the kit’s book and, later, avidly searching the web to learn more. I learned how to apply logical control to these circuits by programming the Arduino Uno’s microcontroller, writing simple sketches (programs) in Arduino’s (very) C/C++-like language, optimized for the board’s (very) limited program space and memory.

    And then, at the end of 2013, I discovered Johnny-Five. The open source Node.js framework was young at the time, but already powerful. Instead of writing lower-level, constrained Arduino code, I could write higher-level JavaScript programs to control my Uno. I thought, Wow, if I’d only discovered this earlier.

    The combination of JavaScript and microcontrollers isn’t just a parlor trick, performed for the sake of coating the entire known world with JavaScript. At first, even I, a Node.js adherent, was skeptical: maybe this is pointless; maybe it will never take root.

    Don’t worry. It’s not, and it did.

    Adding JavaScript into the mix perversely simplified my experience, and made prototyping little projects much, much faster. I could use development workflows that were more familiar to me as a web developer. I didn’t have to concern myself as much with lower-level memory and resource optimization. Johnny-Five’s encapsulation of behavior into high-level component classes is intuitive: the resulting code can be cleaner and easier to work with than many Arduino libraries. And it allowed me to take advantage of the almost fathomless depths of the worldwide Node.js ecosystem via npm. I could simply import modules, just like any other Node.js script out there. It was wonderful.

    I want to be very clear: there’s nothing wrong with Arduino or more traditional C-based microcontroller programming. There are very good reasons to care about memory management, for example, especially if you’re writing firmware or making production devices. And Arduino is rather a miracle: its entire raison d’être is to make embedded electronics accessible to novices. Starting from scratch with Arduino and the Arduino programming language is a perfectly reasonable, surmountable approach.

    But JavaScript can help web developers get up to speed with electronics faster. For one thing, introductory materials for Arduino (and other platforms) often assume no pre-existing knowledge of programming whatsoever, which means you may end up wading through explanations of what an array is and how loops work. The finicky constraints and particulars of microcontrollers can be distracting when you’re just learning how things work. IDEs can be clunky. In some cases, you can end up spending a lot of time getting things configured and not much time making things actually happen. JavaScript has the power to abstract much of this away, letting you focus on the essential new things you need to learn.

    From that notion, this book arose: the idea that JavaScript can serve as a gateway to electronics, making it easier for more people to learn how to make cool stuff with a minimum of cognitive pain. JavaScript is the most popular programming language in the world, the de facto language of the web; and the internet of things and maker culture is tantalizing both creatively and commercially. Why not make a happy blend of the two?

    At the end of the day, this stuff is fun. It’s a kick to be able to dream up and make real your own inventions. It’s confidence-lifting to have a basic competency with low-voltage electronic circuits, and to understand how embedded systems work in the real world.

    Maybe you’ll really love this like I do. Maybe you’ll help contribute to open source projects. Maybe you’ll construct a wildly clever gadget. Maybe you’ll teach other people what you’ve learned.

    Perhaps you’ll simply have fun. That, on its own, is more than enough.


    My gratitude starts right where my love of hardware hacking began: with the Over the Air conference crew and The National Museum of Computing (UK), whence my initial Arduino Starter Kit originated. None of this would have happened without that serendipitous event. Dan Appelquist, Margaret Gold, and Matthew Cashmore—thank you for creating such a superb conference and inviting me to it, more than once, even!

    Rick Waldron achieves more in a day than I do in a month. (Rick, your JavaScript genius is legend.) His involvement with TC-39, the ECMA working group responsible for the JavaScript language itself, means he is literally indispensable. Oh, and he also invented Johnny-Five, the leading open source Node.js framework for robotics and IoT, around which much of this book revolves. I could go on for pages, chapters, about Rick.

    Writing a book takes a ridiculously large amount of time. Huge thanks go to leaders and colleagues at Bocoup for giving me the time and support I needed, and for continuously pumping steady amounts of enthusiasm in my direction, as well as to the partners and staff at Cloud Four for their patience.

    Great editors are a true gift in a world that sometimes dismisses the value of editorial process and feedback. My editor, Susanna Kline, provided helpful and insightful support through the long haul. Brad Luyster, your technical review feedback was phenomenal; it’s hard to say thank you hard enough. Several other reviewers also provided helpful feedback on the manuscript at different stages: Alessandro Campeis, Amit Lamba, Andrew Meredith, Bruno Sonnino, Earl Bingham, and Kevin Liao. I also want to thank Manning’s publisher, Marjan Bace, and the rest of the editorial and production teams who worked on the book behind the scenes.

    Thanks also to Francis Gulotta for technical input, Kyle Jackson at Manning for fielding my tech support needs, and my pal Chau Doan for sharing his firmware and embedded-electronics wisdom.

    The Johnny-Five and related JavaScript-on-Things communities have been just brilliant. Thanks, Derek Runberg of SparkFun! Thanks, Donovan Buck, David Resseguie, Brian Genisio, and all the other Johnny-Five contributors!

    Shawn Hymel’s Arduino library for the APDS-9960 sensor—a handsome piece of work—served as a springboard for parts of chapter 9. And the rover examples in chapters 6 and 8 are adapted from code written by Rick Waldron. (Again, Rick, thanks!)

    Equally important to those who help you on a project itself are those who help you keep your sanity while enduring it: thank you, my splendid family and friends.

    I saved this extra-best spot right here to thank my partner (and all-round fantastic person) Bryan Fox: without his joyful and steady presence, this book could not possibly exist.

    About this Book

    I’m curious about hardware and electronics and IoT, but I have absolutely no idea where to begin. I’ve heard that notion, in many variations, from many (dozens?—at least—maybe a hundred?) web developers. Yes, it certainly would be fun to be able to build robots and clever gadgets. Yes, it would be useful to know how to read data from sensors and do interesting things with the data, to be able to construct your own automated, web-connected devices (for feeding your pet on time, detecting rainfall amounts, displaying the latest rugby scores—the mind really does boggle at all the possibilities). But also, yes, it can feel like a daunting, even overwhelming, new landscape if you’ve never so much as made an LED blink, much less written and flashed optimized firmware to an embedded microcontroller.

    Good news! You can take advantage of your understanding of JavaScript and general programming metaphors to frame your learning adventure, and make wrapping your head around this new world a bit less chaotic. JavaScript can lend a sheen of familiarity, providing a touchstone to ease your introduction to electronics, hardware, and the internet of things (IoT).

    This book teaches the fundamentals of electronics and embedded systems for folks who are comfortable with basic JavaScript but who may have no experience whatsoever wiring up even the simplest circuit. Emphasis is put on the topics that will be new to software developers: the critical basics of designing and building circuits, hardware components (sensors, motors, resistors, and the like), and the interface between hardware and software.

    Over the course of this book, you’ll get hands-on with a variety of development boards, hardware components, and software platforms. For the experiments (small projects) in the first two-thirds of the book, we’ll use the Johnny-Five open source Node.js framework with the Arduino Uno development board. Johnny-Five’s API provides many intuitive component classes that you can use to quickly prototype your gadgets and inventions. The Uno is the most ubiquitous hobbyist board in the world, boasting stability, simplicity, reliability, and a huge community of users and educators. The last third of the book surveys a broader range of platforms, including the Node.js-capable Tessel 2 and the very popular Raspberry Pi.

    By the end of the book, you should have a foundational toolkit—both mental and physical—for planning, designing, implementing, and extending your own JavaScript-controlled electronic creations.


    The book consists of 12 chapters:

    Chapter 1 defines what embedded systems are and enumerates the physical components from which they’re built. It explains the ways in which JavaScript and hardware can work together.

    Chapter 2 introduces the Arduino Uno development board and gets you hands-on, quickly, with some basic blinking LEDs. We’ll briefly look at how to control the Uno with the Arduino IDE before jumping into JavaScript and Johnny-Five.

    Chapter 3 zooms way in on the fundamentals of electronics that serve as the foundation for all the circuits you’ll ever build. You’ll plumb the depths of Ohm’s law and build a few different kinds of simple circuits.

    Chapters 4 through 6 are a romp through key electronics and concepts for embedded gadgets, exploring input (sensors), output (actuators), and physical movement (motors and servos). Using the Johnny-Five framework, you’ll get a chance to build a bunch of different experiments with an Arduino Uno board.

    Chapter 7 examines serial communication, which is used for exchanging more sophisticated data. You’ll try out several serial components, including a compass (magnetometer), an accelerometer, and a GPS, again using Johnny-Five and the Arduino Uno.

    Chapters 8 and 9 introduce the Node.js-capable Tessel 2 development board. In chapter 8, you’ll learn how to make projects that aren’t tethered by wires. In chapter 9, you’ll explore the process of taking an original project from idea to inception.

    Chapters 10 and 11 delve into other I/O-capable embedded hardware and JavaScript. Chapter 10 looks at JavaScript and JavaScript-like environments on constrained platforms like the Espruino Pico. Chapter 11 explores more general-purpose single-board computers (SBCs) like the Raspberry Pi.

    Chapter 12 touches on cloud services and hardware control from the browser, and it looks to the future. You’ll learn how to use a cloud service,, to manage and deploy a Johnny-Five application to a BeagleBone Black, and you’ll build an in-browser wireless doorbell with the Puck.js device and the Web Bluetooth API.

    Who should read this book?

    This is a book for people who have some experience with JavaScript, but who know little or nothing about electronic circuitry and microcontroller programming.

    Code examples in this book are not, for the most part, complex. My philosophy is that it’s better for code to be readable and understandable than for it to be show-offy and clever. You certainly don’t need to have a deep familiarity with every word in the ECMA-262 spec (that’s the document that defines the JavaScript language); but if you feel faint at the sight of arrow functions or haven’t yet gotten to know Promises, for example, you may want to brush up a bit or keep a friendly companion at your side, such as the very excellent Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja, Second Edition, by John Resig, Bear Bibeault, and Josip Maras (Manning, 2016; Code complexity and the use of modern language features increase toward the end of the book.

    Although the step-by-step instructions for the experiments provide all the commands you’ll need to make your creations go, you should have basic competency in installing, managing, and using Node.js and the npm package manager. You should also be comfortable with executing commands from within a terminal environment.

    A working knowledge of HTML and general grasp of CSS is helpful, although not essential. (You could always cut and paste source markup for those components.) Chapter 12 involves the use of Git version control software—prior experience with Git is helpful but not critical.

    Code conventions and downloads

    This book includes copious examples, which include various resources needed for applications and experiments: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JSON, and so on. Source code in listings, or in text, is in a fixed-width font to separate it from ordinary text. Additionally, method or class names, variable names, object properties, method parameters, HTML elements, and the like, in text are also presented using a fixed-width font.

    Johnny-Five is open source, released under the (liberal) MIT software license. The book makes use of many other open source software projects, including a dozen or so third-party npm modules. Most of the hardware platforms explored are open source as well; an exception is the Raspberry Pi 3, covered in chapter 11. To complete the weather ball example in chapter 5, you’ll need a (free) API key from Dark Sky (

    Code annotations accompany many of the source code listings, highlighting important concepts.

    The source code and assets for all examples in this book are available at Most examples in the book include all the needed code and markup in the text (source code for third-party modules isn’t included). But you can find the complete source of a few longer examples toward the end of the book, as well as binary assets for examples (such as the MP3 used in the web-controlled doorbell in chapter 12), in the code repository.

    A zip file containing source code at the time of publication will also be available on the publisher’s website:

    Book forum

    Purchase of JavaScript on Things includes free access to a private web forum run by Manning Publications where you can make comments about the book, ask technical questions, and receive help from the author and from other users. To access the forum, go to You can also learn more about Manning’s forums and the rules of conduct at

    Manning’s commitment to our readers is to provide a venue where a meaningful dialogue between individual readers and between readers and the author can take place. It is not a commitment to any specific amount of participation on the part of the author, whose contribution to the forum remains voluntary (and unpaid). We suggest you try asking the author some challenging questions lest her interest stray! The forum and the archives of previous discussions will be accessible from the publisher’s website as long as the book is in print.

    About the author

    Lyza Danger Gardner likes figuring out how to do things. In turn, she likes to teach others how to do new things, too. Lyza cofounded Cloud Four, a web consultancy in Portland, Oregon. She’s been building web things for over 20 years, advocating for elegant standards, education, and compassion in pursuit of the best possible future web. You can find her online at or @lyzadanger on Twitter. As a counterpoint to her futuristic technical vantage, she lives in the forest in Vermont and enjoys anachronistic hobbies. She reads and reads and reads.

    Part 1. A JavaScripter’s introduction to hardware

    This part of the book will introduce you to the fundamentals of embedded systems and electronic circuits. In chapter 1, you’ll learn what embedded systems are and how to analyze their constituent components. We’ll spend some time looking at what it means for JavaScript to control hardware, and we’ll examine the different ways that JavaScript and electronics can work together.

    You’ll meet the Arduino Uno R3 development board in chapter 2, which we’ll use with all of the experiments through chapter 7. You’ll learn what the main parts of development boards do and how they interact with other software and hardware components. You’ll try out some basic LED experiments with the Uno using both the Arduino IDE and the Johnny-Five Node.js framework.

    Chapter 3 will teach you the key fundamentals of electronic circuitry, diving into Ohm’s law and the relationships between voltage, current, and resistance. You’ll work on a breadboard, constructing series and parallel circuits that contain multiple LEDs.

    When you’re finished with this part of the book, you’ll have grasp of the basic embedded-system underpinnings and core circuit concepts. You’ll be ready to start building small, JavaScript-controlled projects with different kinds of inputs and outputs.

    Chapter 1. Bringing JavaScript and hardware together

    This chapter covers

    Components and hardware involved in hobbyist projects and the internet of things

    Common components of embedded systems

    Different methods for using JavaScript with embedded systems

    Tools and supplies you’ll need to start building

    As a JavaScript-savvy web developer, you make logical alchemy happen every day. But now it’s possible to wield your software-development skills in a new way, to program and control things in the real world. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the hardware involved in different kinds of projects and devices, and you’ll also see how JavaScript and hardware can work together.

    We’re surrounded by little magical things that blend the physical world with the realm of the logical, connected, and virtual (figure 1.1). A keychain that broadcasts its location wirelessly so you can find it with an app on your smartphone. A plant pot that makes whining noises when it needs to be watered, or, better yet, sends you a petulant text message. Billions of such objects blink, beep, tweet, automatically dim the lights, make customized pots of tea, and otherwise perform their specialized duties across the planet.

    Figure 1.1. Oh, the magical things in our world!

    It’s fun to build this stuff. The creativity involved when crafting with these kinds of physical gadgets, the grassroots charm of inventive homebrew projects—these are the kinds of things that hold appeal for web developers. We’re cut out for prototyping, experimenting with new technologies, and blazing our own trails.

    But getting started can be intimidating. When we see all the wires and components, hear the jargon, stand on the outside looking in at hardware-hacking communities, the kinds of skills involved can feel formidable, foreign. As a JavaScript developer, you may be faced with some hurdles—perceived complexity, overabundant and scattered information, conflation of hardware and software concepts—as you make your tentative first forays into the world of physical hardware.

    We’re going to use your JavaScript know-how as an advantage, an aid to learning how to design and build the kinds of things that make up the internet of things (IoT) and inspire hardware hackers. You’ll be able to use your software-development skills to skip past some distractions and get focused, quickly, on the new skills you need to learn.

    To get a feel for the journey we’re taking, let’s first take a look at the kinds of things you’ll be learning to build. Let’s explore what we mean, exactly, when we say things or hardware.

    1.1. The anatomy of hardware projects

    We could build a little gadget that would automatically turn a fan on when it gets warm. This miniature, independent climate-control device would continuously monitor the temperature of the surrounding environment. When it gets too hot, the fan comes on. When it’s nice and cool again, the fan turns off.

    While we wouldn’t win any prestigious awards for the invention of this admittedly pedestrian contrivance, its basic ingredients are common to the other—more inspiring—things you’ll learn to build.

    1.1.1. Inputs and outputs

    The most important thing—really the only thing—our temperature-triggered device needs to do is turn a fan on when it’s too toasty and turn it back off again when the area around it has cooled off. The motor-driven fan is an example of an output device.

    To get continuous information about the temperature of the immediate environment—so that the device can make decisions about when to turn the fan on or off—we need data from an input, in this case a temperature sensor (figure 1.2).

    Figure 1.2. The automatic fan system needs to take input from a temperature sensor and manage the output of a motorized fan.

    Inputs provide incoming data to the system, and sensors are a type of input that provides data about the physical environment. There are all kinds of sensors you can use in projects: sensors for light, heat, noise, vibration, vapors, humidity, smells, motion, flames—you name it. Some, like our fan’s temperature sensor, provide simple data—just a single value representing temperature—whereas others, like GPS or accelerometers, produce more elaborate data.

    A project’s outputs represent its net functionality to someone using it. Blinking lights, irritating beeping sounds, status readouts on LCD screens, a robotic arm moving sideways—all these are kinds of outputs. For this project, the fan is the sole output.

    Not all inputs and outputs necessarily manifest in the physical world. A customer encountering an error when trying to order a product online (virtual input) might cause a red light to go on (physical output) on a device sitting on a support technician’s desk. Conversely, a change in soil humidity (physical sensor input) might cause a plant pot to send a demanding text message (virtual output).

    1.1.2. Processing

    Our automatic fan also needs a brain, something that can pay attention to the temperature sensor’s readings and turn the fan on when it gets too warm. The kind of brain it needs is in fact a tiny computer: a processor, some memory, and the ability to process inputs and control outputs. When processor, memory, and I/O functionality are contained in a single physical package, we call the resulting chip a microcontroller (figure 1.3).

    Figure 1.3. The automatic fan needs a brain. A popular option is a microcontroller, which combines a processor, memory, and I/O capabilities in a single package.

    Microcontrollers (MCUs) aren’t as powerful as the general-purpose processors in laptops. Most can’t run a full operating system (most, not all, as you’ll see), but they’re cheap, reliable, small, and consume minimal power—that’s why they’re positively ubiquitous in hardware projects and products like our apocryphal automatic fan.

    1.1.3. Power, circuits, and systems

    We’ve now got input, output, and a brain—time to pull the bits together into a system. We’ll need to connect the components using one or more electronic circuits and provide some power. Constructing a system involves both circuit design and the manipulation of components in physical space (figure 1.4).

    Figure 1.4. A rough schematic drawing showing how the fan’s inputs, outputs, and microcontroller are connected in a system with power and circuitry. Don’t stress out if the symbols are new to you—you’ll be learning about circuitry as we continue our journey.

    Connecting wires directly to a microcontroller’s tiny pins would require solder and a very steady hand. Not to mention that we’d end up with a lot of loose parts awkwardly floating around. To aid hardware developers, microcontrollers are often mounted onto physical development boards (figure 1.5). Among other things, boards make it easier to connect I/O devices to the microcontroller.

    Figure 1.5. Microcontroller-based development boards make it more convenient to connect input and output devices.

    A development board helps, but we’re still left with a number of loose wires and components. To help corral this, hardware developers use a prototyping tool called a breadboard (figure 1.6) to lay out circuits in physical space.

    Figure 1.6. A breadboard provides an electrically connected grid on which to prototype electronic circuits.

    1.1.4. Logic and firmware

    Our hardware design is moving along, but you might be wondering how the microcontroller knows what to do. There’s logic involved here, as shown in the following listing: listening to the sensor, making decisions, sending instructions to turn the fan on or off.

    Listing 1.1. Pseudo-code for temperature-triggered fan logic

    initialize temperatureSensor

    initialize outputFan

    initialize fanThreshold to 30 (celsius temperature)


    loop main

        read temperatureSensor value into currentTemp

        if currentTemp is greater than fanThreshold

            if outputFan is off

                turn outputFan on

        else if currentTemp is less than or equal to fanThreshold

            if outputFan is on

                turn outputFan off

    The dominant language for programming microcontrollers has long been C (or C-like derivatives). Writing C for microcontrollers tends to be platform-specific and can be quite low-level. References to specific memory addresses and bitwise operations are common.

    The code is compiled to architecture-specific assembly code. To get the code into the project, it is physically uploaded, or flashed, to the microcontroller’s program memory.

    This program memory is usually non-volatile memory—ROM, the kind of memory that lets the microcontroller remember the program even if it’s powered off (in contrast with RAM, which only retains its contents if it’s powered). The space available for programs is constrained, often on the order of a few tens of kilobytes, meaning programs that run on microcontrollers need to be carefully optimized.

    Once the program is flashed to the microcontroller, it functions as the microcontroller’s firmware—when powered, the microcontroller runs the program continuously until it’s programmed with something different (or otherwise reset).

    For JavaScript developers accustomed to higher-level logic, this lower-level specificity may feel off-putting. Fret not. This is where JavaScript can help us, allowing us to write programs for microcontroller-based hardware without having to use C or tangling ourselves up in the nitty-gritty of hexadecimal register addresses right off the bat.

    The process of getting program firmware onto microcontrollers has also become a lot easier thanks both to advances in chip technology and the wide availability of hobbyist-friendly development boards (figure 1.7).

    Figure 1.7. Non-volatile program memory (EEPROM and Flash) and user-friendly boards have made it easier to program microcontrollers with firmware.

    EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable ROM), exemplified by the well-known flash memory medium, is commonly used in microcontrollers. This kind of rewritable memory makes it feasible to reprogram microcontrollers over and over again with different logic.

    Development boards, in addition to making I/O connections easier, also aid hardware hackers by providing convenient interfaces for programming the board’s microcontroller (USB is quite common). This alleviates the need for specialized hardware programming devices. These days, programming microcontrollers is often as easy as plugging in a USB cable and clicking a button in an IDE.

    1.1.5. Enclosures and packaging

    Our fan’s design is almost done. But we can take it to the next level by packaging the auto-fan inside a nice enclosure—embedding our system inside of something, where its wires and circuits will be hidden from view (figure 1.8). Ta-da!

    Figure 1.8. The completed, packaged, automatic fan is an example of an embedded system. Inputs and outputs are processed by a microcontroller-based microcomputer and supported by power and circuitry. And the whole thing is hidden inside a pretty fancy box, because, why not?

    1.1.6. Embedded systems

    Though the term embedded system can sound a bit formal or forbidding, it’s not really too complicated. A tiny computer combining processor, memory, and I/O forms the brain. As you saw with our automatic fan, connecting the inputs, outputs, and microcomputer together and giving them power creates an independent system. We say it’s embedded because it’s often squirreled away inside of something—an enclosure, a teddy bear, a washing machine’s control panel, an umbrella.

    Though an automatic fan, an umbrella that lights up when it rains, and a tweeting teddy bear don’t seem immediately similar, they have more in common than you might think. These examples, along with the majority of hardware projects and devices that form the IoT, can be described as embedded systems.

    Now let’s see how JavaScript fits into the picture.

    1.2. How JavaScript and hardware work together

    When combining JavaScript with embedded systems, we still build electronic circuits in the same way as we would for other types of hardware projects. There are still inputs and outputs, wires and components. However, instead of using assembly code or C to define what the project’s microcontroller or processor does, we use JavaScript.

    There are several ways to do this, different methods

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