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Remote Audit: From Planning to Implementation
Remote Audit: From Planning to Implementation
Remote Audit: From Planning to Implementation
Ebook61 pages32 minutes

Remote Audit: From Planning to Implementation

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The Remote Audit - Virtual Remote Audits
From Planning to Implementation

Quality management creates trust - especially in complex and specialized economic relationships across borders.
Additionally, there is a demand for adjusting organizational structures and processes fast and as needed.
Therefore, quality managers who are charged with such jobs and external auditors are faced with new challenges.

Remote audits - also referred to as virtual remote audits over the internet - make approaches possible that offer completely new solutions here. Particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, remote audit solutions are frequently the only alternatives for handling audits within specified deadlines due to short-term travel warnings and very time-consuming quarantine requirements.

Furthermore, remote audits can significantly reduce traveling expenses and efforts.

On the one hand, this book is addressed to auditors who want to open up new clienteles through remote auditing. Yet on the other hand, it is likewise a good working basis for quality managers, controllers, and other decision-makers on the corporate side.
Release dateJun 14, 2021
Remote Audit: From Planning to Implementation

Roland Scherb

Als langjähriger, international tätiger Auditor dokumentiert Dr. Roland Scherb, MBA mit diesem Buch den aktuellen Sachstand. Er geht in kompakter Form auf die notwendigen Voraussetzungen ein, erörtert Vor- und Nachteile und gibt Tipps aus der Praxis, die sich sofort umsetzen lassen. Der Autor ist geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der PeRoBa Unternehmensberatung GmbH mit Sitz in Baldham bei München. Er arbeitet als Berater, Trainer und Auditor bereits seit Ende der 80er Jahre im Bereich Qualitätsmanagement. Der Autor ist der Erfinder der iVision(R) Remote-Audit-Lösung, welche nach der Grundlage der DIN EN ISO 19011 entwickelt wurde.

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    Book preview

    Remote Audit - Roland Scherb



    Starting from the first lockdown in March 2020, quite a few things regarding company processes have changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

    That impacted the area of management systems as well. Audits could not be performed any more as originally planned.

    On a supplementary basis, safety and security restrictions were altered within companies, and regular audits on-site have usually become impossible or only feasible under severe limitations due to traveling restrictions.

    Audits are well described in DIN EN ISO 9000:2015-11; citing subsequently from standard section 2.4.2 on developing the quality management system (QMS), 5th paragraph, page 24,

    Auditing is a means of evaluating the effectiveness of the QMS, in order to identify risks and to determine the fulfilment of requirements. In order for audits to be effective, tangible and intangible evidence needs to be collected. Actions are taken for correction and improvement based upon analysis of the evidence gathered. The knowledge gained could lead to innovation, taking QMS performance to higher levels.¹

    Remote auditing is a special kind of auditing, which needs to meet all the other requirements on auditing as a matter of principle in order to generate efficient results in terms of quality management.

    The performance of remote audits can also constitute a reasonable solution so that audits can still be conducted in spite of the existing restrictions.


    DIN EN ISO 19011² mentioned remote audits as such for the first time in the English version in 2011. They were further elaborated on in the version of 2018 and referred to as virtuelle Audits (virtual audits) or Fernaudits (remote audits) in the German translation. In Annex A.16 of ISO 19011, virtual or remote audits are described more precisely. It is stated there, that remote audits may be performed irrespectively of Remote audit activities are performed at any place other than the location of the auditee, regardless of the distance.³

    In standard section 5.5.3 of ISO 19011:2018, remote audits are depicted in more detail, Audits can be performed on-site, remotely or as a combination. The use of these methods should be suitably balanced, based on, among others, consideration of associated risks and opportunities.

    Meanwhile, other regulations have been providing information on remote audits, too.

    Figure 1: Requirements from regulations - as of December 2020

    IAF MD4:2018


    Requirements on remote audits are formulated in 4.1 Security and Confidentiality and in 4.2 Process requirements. It is mentioned here under point 4.2.5 that impacts on the auditing time may result from determining the auditing and assessment time for additional requirements.

    Furthermore, in this document, reference is made to the following computer assisted auditing techniques (CAAT) as remote auditing techniques, for instance:

    Telephone conferences

    Sessions on the internet

    Interactive web-based communication

    Electronic remote

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