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About Enlightened and Ascended Masters
About Enlightened and Ascended Masters
About Enlightened and Ascended Masters
Ebook121 pages54 minutes

About Enlightened and Ascended Masters

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About this ebook

I’ve had a number of enlightenment and paranormal experiences in my life so naturally I’m curious about fully enlightened or ascended masters. These Masters probably exist and would have some incredible abilities since paranormal powers are a side effect of the spiritual development process.

I have never met any of these beings (although I might have met an immortal briefly when I was five years old.)

India, the Himalayas, and China are the traditional locations of where these beings have resided for thousands of years. But these beings live all over the world.

My perspective on enlightened and ascended Masters is pretty unique. In addition to having a lot of my own experiences I also met a person who claimed to be an immortal. He claimed to be 2800 years old and his statements about Immortals, Demi Gods, and Gods are just incredible. The chapter discussing this here is about my book “The Commentaries of Living Immortals”.
The Great White Brotherhood is also reviewed which was written about by many Theosophists including Madame Blavatsky.

The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the East is about a group of westerners who spent three and one half years with masters in the mountains of Tibet in 1894.
Also, who was the immortal Saint Germain and was he enlightened?

If you are interested in learning more about enlightened and ascended Masters around the world you should read this book.

Release dateMay 29, 2021
About Enlightened and Ascended Masters

Martin Ettington

The owner Martin K. Ettington is an Engineer by training and has had multiple careers. These include technical sales for GE and HP. Martin also Owns his own software and consulting business.Martin’s interest in the Paranormal and Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 35 years.Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply.His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies.Not many technical persons or scientists spend a lot of time in parallel studying the Metaphysical and have had many spiritual or psychic experiences too.Therefore, Martin believes that he can provide a unique vantage point to integrate Western Scientific thinking with Eastern exploration of the mind and spirit.

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    Book preview

    About Enlightened and Ascended Masters - Martin Ettington

    1.0 Introduction

    I’ve had a number of enlightenment and paranormal experiences in my life so naturally I’m curious about fully enlightened or ascended masters. These Masters probably exist and would have some incredible abilities since paranormal powers are a side effect of the spiritual development process.

    I’ve had many experiences of prophecy, an enlightenment experience, and much more. If you want to read more about my experiences see my book My Incredible Paranormal, Spiritual, and Out of the Box Experiences-An Autobiography.

    I have never met any of these beings in person. (although I might have met an immortal briefly when I was five years old.)

    India, the Himalayas, and China are the traditional locations of where these beings have resided for thousands of years. But I’m sure enlightened beings exist all over the world.

    My perspective on enlightened and ascended Masters is pretty unique. I also met a person who claimed to be an immortal. He claimed to be 2800 years old and his statements about Immortals, Demi Gods, and Gods are just incredible. The chapter discussing this here is about my book The Commentaries of Living Immortals.

    The Great White Brotherhood is also reviewed which was written about by many Theosophists including Madame Blavatsky.

    The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the East is about a group of westerners who spent three and one half years with masters in the mountains of Tibet in 1894.

    Also, who was the immortal Saint Germain and was he enlightened?

    There are many interesting tales about the enlightened, ascended beings, and immortals. Let us see if they fit together.

    2.0 Who are the Ascended Masters?

    Just what is an ascended master? How do they help us and humanity and who are the ascended masters of our world?

    Let's define the term ascending master. This is a person whether it be male or female who has mastered the cycle of incarnation on earth instead of starting a new cycle of experiences on a more advanced planet. They've decided to remain on earth in order to help the rest of humanity. A few of these figures are Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, and Saint-Germain.

    The ascended masters choose to remain behind in an attempt to help us all evolve faster. These people are not your ordinary Souls. They actually differ from us in a variety of ways for one these individuals have probably been through hundreds or thousands of more incarnations than the average person. As a result they've spent more time evolving the quality of their consciousness each lifetime they've lived on earth has served as a cumulative learning experience. By doing so they've graduated from the earth plane and do not need to reincarnate here any longer yet they remain now.

    One thing to keep in mind is that not all of us are on the same age on a spiritual level. Actually humanity is all across the board when it comes to spiritual age and evolution of each individual. This is because individuated units of consciousness which is each one of us were created at different times. Some people are old souls and some are new. Others are in the middle. The more lifetimes you live the greater your chance of being more spiritually evolved. However this isn't always the case.

    That is because our spiritual evolution is also governed by the choices we make and how fast we learn from them. The ascended masters have used many lifetimes to learn to reduce their fear and become loved. In the process they gain great powers these powers typically manifest over the course of their last final earthly incarnations. Such powers include precognition, the ability to heal, telepathy and using their intent to manifest whatever they

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