About this ebook
A hit or run or something else? The District Attorrney does not like what she sees and the police report is not conclusive. She assigns her part-time investigator Brad Petrpnella to look into the case. The case quickly expands into much more than just a possible road accident. Ranging over a number of upstate Ny counties, a major drug network is uncovered.
fj donohue
I’m a retired International Sales Director, having worked in the commercial and military flight simulation industry for over 30 years. I lived in Brussels (Belgium) and Bonn (Germany) for eight years and met my British wife in Brussels. Before my career in the flight simulation industry, I was an Armaments and Electronics Maintenance Officer in the USAF during the Viet Nam era conflict. We have three children and seven grandchildren. Since retirement I continue to chase an ever-elusive golf game. Home is a small town in central New York State where the novellas are set. I'm a volunteer mediator and Lemon Law arbitrator and this occasionally appears in the stories. An underlying theme in my novellas is people helping people. In spite of the difficulties and crime that may surround us, there is always hope in friendship and good neighbors. Go to my website below for information about my novellas and to contact me for a FREE short story. I won't use your information for any other purpose.
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Book preview
Hit and Run - fj donohue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
With grateful thanks to my good friend
Thomas E Burch
For his technical help,
And to my wife
For her editing
©2020 FJ Donohue. All Rights Reserved
THE SEASONS WERE CHANGING. Fall had not quite arrived but now the nights were clear and the summer heat long gone. The driver of the car was on his way home after having dinner and watching a movie at his soon to be wife's house. On the way home his car started to run rough and then the engine quit. It was not a lack of fuel as he had almost three-quarters of a tank of gas. Could be electrical but the lights, radio and navigation system were still working. He pulled the car over on the shoulder of the two-lane county road to see what he could do. He got some tools from the trunk and opened the hood to look around. No odor indicating an electrical or oil leak issue, just a funny sort of sweet smell from around the engine. He tried repeatedly to start the car but it only drained the battery. He would need to get the car towed to a repair shop. He called his local guy on his mobile phone and waited.
He was outside the car waiting when an oncoming vehicle slowed down a bit and flashed its high beams. He stepped out from the hard shoulder and waved his hands to make sure the driver saw him and the car. The oncoming car put on its right signal indicator showing he was pulling over. Standing near the middle of his car he waved at the driver. The driver slowed the car to about 30mph and then at around 60 feet from the disabled car with the driver standing next to it, he accelerated rapidly and struck both car and driver. The victim never had a chance. He tried to run to the front of the car but only got as far as the left front fender. The victim was smashed against the side of his car and killed instantly. He ended up 20 feet in front of his disabled car.
Chapter 1
SHIT-OH-DEAR, HE WAS glad that was over.
You never know how a mediation will turn out. The parties in a mediation may genuinely want to reach an agreement or they may spend all their time pissing on each other's shoes. This one had a definite urine component, a strong one! The parties in this mediation were in the process of divorcing and were attempting to sort out their responsibilities regarding their children. The court had sent them to the Resolution Center where Brad volunteered. The mediation process would allow them to sort matters out for themselves rather than have an overworked judge decide their future.
Custody, visitation, primary residence. It either goes well or is a dog fight. Brad knew he had a problem when they referred to the children as my children
, not our children.
Long sessions ahead he thought. He usually worked with the parties in two-hour blocks as history told him that after that, the fatigue factor set in and any progress could even go negative. After three two-hour sessions the parties, John, aka Jake and Linda had finally arrived at an agreement. An agreement? Well, that is what the court order would say, but Brad knew it would not work. With all the holidays split down to the arrival and departure time on each of the days, it was bound to crash and burn but for now, take the money and run. They could always come back and modify it as required and maybe, in time, they would.
Anyway, it was over - for now!
Chapter 2
BRAD WAS RETIRED FROM the District Attorney's office in upstate New York. He had been an investigator. His job had been to review pending cases to provide an input and guidance on the crime in question. Did they have sufficient evidence? Would it survive a Grand Jury hearing? Was it solid? If so, send it forward. If not, do some more digging. Don’t go in front of the Grand Jury without all your ducks in a row.
Before working at the DA’s office, he had been a police detective and had been badly wounded while apprehending a fugitive who had murdered one of his colleagues. After that, front-line police work was not really an option. The investigator job with the DA allowed him to do the work he loved in a less hostile environment. His work had been more of a desk job. If an arrest was required, the police were called. The nature of the work had suited him and he enjoyed the complexity of it. Let the evidence show the path forward.
Although there was not a mandatory retirement age with the county DA, he had finally reached a point where he felt it was time to make the big adjustment - retire and move on. Long winters in Tampa, then back in Broome County doing mediations at the Resolution Center. And working on a mediocre golf game soon became part of his lifestyle in both places. He had trained to become a mediator, and handling cases made for busy days. Even after his years of investigative work, mediation turned out to be a real eye opener. The goal is to help the parties reach decisions regarding their life and the children’s life outside of Family Court. The courts were always very busy with cases and they worked with the Resolution Center to allow the parties to reach their