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The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom
The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom
The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom
Ebook227 pages2 hours

The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom

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The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic

Since 2008, callers into the Rush Limbaugh radio program have been expressing a common despair about why the Republicans did not fight to protect individual freedoms from the socialist transformation of America, when the moment of battle with global socialist tyranny arrived.

This book explains why the Republican Party can never be expected to defend individual natural rights. It offers solutions to the consequences of the Republican abdication by outlining the restoration of a natural rights republic that restores the American cultural ethic of the "self-made" citizen.

The Republicans need to be seen as representing a special interest group, operating within the framework of the checks and balances of social classes, created by Madison and the Founding Federalists.

It is a mistake for the callers to Rush Limbaugh's program to believe that the Republicans were anything other than the incarnation of the natural aristocracy, under Madison's flawed system of checks and balances. Those callers just assumed that the U. S. Constitution had safeguards that would protect freedom when the battle with socialist tyranny arrived.

They have discovered that the Republicans have abdicated their historic responsibility to defend constitutional natural rights, because Madison's arrangement did not require that of the Republicans.

For Republicans, a "more perfect union" means promoting a single special interest of corporate globalism, protected and enhanced by the Federal government.

For Republicans, corporate globalism, and the defense of natural rights, do not connect.


PublisherGabby Press
Release dateMay 15, 2021
The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic: Correcting the Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom

Laurie Thomas Vass

GABBY Press is the publishing company of The Citizens Liberty Party News Network. The Gabby website is owned by Laurie Thomas Vass, the General Partner, and author of books at Gabby Press and of articles at She is a regional economist and a constitutional economist. Her political ideology is natural rights conservative. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with an undergraduate degree in Political Science and a Masters degree in Regional Planning. She was a solo practitioner registered investment advisor for 30 years. She was cited by Peter Tanous, in The Wealth Equation, as one of the top 100 private money managers in the nation. She is the inventor and holder of a research method patent on selecting technology stocks for investment. Method of Identifying A Universe of Stocks for Inclusion Into An Investment Portfolio United States Patent 7,251,627 Vass July 31, 2007 The method explained in her patent is based upon her theory of how technology evolves. She is the author of 12 books and over 130 scholarly articles on the Social Science Research Network author platform, and is currently ranked in the top 1.1% of over 580,000 economic authors, worldwide, on the SSRN platform. In addition to her interest in economics, she also has an interest in North Carolina history and public policy issues. Many of her articles and books about North Carolina are archived in the Carolina Collection at Wilson Library at UNC. She has an interest in the topic of entrepreneurship. One of her early economic research papers, written for the North Carolina Department of Labor, included the policy guidelines for creating what eventually became The North Carolina Council For Entrepreneurial Development. Prior to starting her investment advisory company, she was a regional economist and advisor to the Board of Directors of  B.C. Hydro, and also served as an economic advisor to the N. C. Commissioner of Labor. She learned the retail stock trade as a broker, at E. F. Hutton.

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    Book preview

    The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic - Laurie Thomas Vass

    Laurie Thomas Vass

    The Restoration of the American Natural Rights Republic:

    Correcting the Economic Consequences of the Republican Party Abdication of Natural Rights and Individual Freedom

    First edition eBook version Copyright © 2014 The Great American Business & Economics Press

    Second edition printed version Copyright © 2017 The Great American Business & Economics Press

    Laurie Thomas Vass

    All rights reserved under Title 17, U.S. Code, International and Pan-American copyright Conventions. 

    No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, scanning, recording or duplication by any information storage or retrieval system without prior written permission from the author(s) and publisher(s), except for the inclusion of brief quotations with attribution in a review or report.

    Requests for reproductions or related information should be addressed to the author c/o Great American Business & Economics Press, 620 Kingfisher Lane SW, Sunset Beach, N. C. 28468.

    Printed in the United States of America

    2cd Edition ISBN: 978-0-9794388-7-5  0-9794388-7-X 

    Published by The Great American Business and Economics Press, GABBY Press


    Table of Contents

    Introduction: The Political Consequences of the Republican  6

    Failure To Defend Natural Rights Against The Socialists


    Chapter 1: The Macro Economic Consequences of   19

    Republican Trade Policies


    Chapter 2: The Consequence of the Republican Trade  25

    Policies on Job Creation


    Chapter 3: The Consequence of the Republican    36

    Abdication On  American Ingenuity and Technological Innovation


    Chapter 4: The Consequences of the Republican    54

    Abdication on New Venture Creation and



    Chapter 5: Regional Economic Decline Caused By   58

    The Republican Abdication


    Chapter 6: How the Internet Enabled the     72

    Republican Abdication


    Chapter 7: The Politics of Managing The Future    86

    Relationship Between An American Natural Rights

    Republic And American Global Corporations


    Chapter 8: The Principles of the American     100 

    Natural Rights Republic

    Chapter 9: Fair Constitutional Rules of the    110

    American Natural Rights Republic

    Bibliography         123

    Schedule of Diagrams and Charts

    Chapter 1: The Macro Economic Consequences of  Republican Trade Policies

    Diagram 1.1. Trends In Corporate Profit Rates Following Offshoring


    Diagram 1.2. The Direct Loss in Manufacturing Jobs Since 1998


    Diagram 1.3. Trends In Minimal Rates of Investment Just To Run-In-Place


    Chapter 2: The Consequence of the Republican Abdication on Job Creation

    Diagram 2.1.  The Rate of Job Destruction vs. Job Creation


    Diagram 2.2. Job Gains and Losses


    Diagram 2.3. Chronology of Economic Collapses Caused by Speculation


    Diagram 2.4. The Rate of Job Destruction vs. Job Creation by Firm Size


    Diagram 2.5. Job Search Duration


    Diagram 2.6. Establishment Entry and Exit, Employment Weighted:  BDS vs SUSB by Year


    Diagram 2.7. Net Job Creation By Firm Age


    Diagram 2.8. Trends In Citizen Economic and Financial Insecurity Following Offshoring


    Diagram 2.9. Cisco Income Statement


    Chapter 3: The Consequence of the Republican Abdication On  American Ingenuity and Technological Innovation

    Diagram 3.1. Rate of Offshoring American R&D Innovation


    Diagram 3.2. Effect of Offshoring on Job Functions


    Diagram 3.3. Immediate Effect of Offshoring on Occupations


    Diagram 3.4. Loss of Intermediate Demand Value Chains Resulting From Offshoring


    Diagram 3.5. Apple Inc. (AAPL) Profits


    Diagram 3.6. Wages and Salaries Related to Offshoring


    Diagram 3.7.  Trends in Corporate Technology Sector  Investment Since Offshoring Started


    Diagram 3.8. Trends In Corporate Profit Rates Following Offshoring


    Diagram 3.9. Rate of Direct Domestic Investment Since Offshoring Started


    Chapter 4: The Consequences of the Republican Abdication on New Ventures and Entrepreneurship

    Diagram 4.1. Birth Rate of American New Ventures Since 1992


    Diagram 4.2. Seed Stage Investing


    Diagram 4.3 Rate of Angel and Venture Capital Investing


    Diagram 4.4. Venture Capital Investing By State


    Chapter 5: Regional Economic Decline Caused By The Republican Abdication

    Diagram 5.1. Why Corporations Locate In Regions


    Chapter 6: How Internet Telecommunications Technology Enabled Corporations to Take Advantage of The Republican Economic and Trade Laws

    Diagram 6.1. Global Market Instability Caused by ICT


    Diagram 6.2. What ICT Does To Corporate Operations and What That Means to a Corporation


    Diagram 6.3. Prediction of How Unstable Global Market Will Affect Corporate Behavior


    Diagram 6.4. Summary of the Enduring Conflicts Over Knowledge Between Free Citizens and Corporations Caused by ICT


    Chapter 7: The Politics of Managing the Relationship Between An American Natural RightsRepublic And American Global Corporations

    Diagram 7.1. Summary of the Conflicts to Be Managed Between Free Citizens and Corporations


    Introduction: The Political Consequences of the Republican Failure To Defend Natural Rights Against The Socialists

    Since 2008, callers into the Rush Limbaugh radio program have been expressing a common despair about why the Republicans did not fight to protect individual freedoms from the socialist transformation of America, when the moment of battle with global socialist tyranny arrived.

    This book explains why the Republican Party can never be expected to defend individual natural rights. It offers solutions to the consequences of the Republican abdication by outlining the restoration of a natural rights republic that restores the American cultural ethic of the self-made citizen.

    In Madison’s flawed arrangement of checks and balances, the Republicans obtained a privileged position to be one party of a two party system, based upon social class interest of the well born. Madison wanted to restore the British class system of aristocratic government.

    Madison’s two party class political system has devolved into a dysfunctional global tyranny, where no political party represents the common interest of citizen liberty.

    The Democrats have morphed into a global socialist party, and no longer represent the working class.

    The Republicans have morphed into a global corporatist party, which no longer defends American sovereignty.

    Limbaugh’s response to the callers has gone through a transformation, primarily from being a defender of the status quo Republicans, to being more like the arguments of the anti-federalists in 1787.

    His words for this criticism are that the Republicans are part of the political elite in Washington.

    An early explanation, before the election of 2012, offered to callers by Limbaugh for the Republican abdication of liberty, is that the Republicans were scared of being called racists, if they opposed Obama.

    The caller below is representative of this expression of despair about why the Republicans were failing to fight against the socialists, with Limbaugh’s response about racism.

    April 26, 2011.  BEGIN TRANSCRIPT

    CALLER: I want to tell you up front I'm on a cell phone, so we have that out of the way. But I wanted to try to explain why I think that Donald Trump, who I think is just a horrible candidate for the Republicans, is catching on with so many Republicans. It's because he talks like he's got some balls. And I'm begging, I'm begging for somebody in the Republican Party to step forward that's got some balls. You know what I'm saying?

    RUSH: I do think he has a skewed view of conservatism. I do. I think somebody's given him a bit of a misread on the conservative base. So I'll grant you that. But it is a problem. Look, I'm not being serious. I was joking. I know what you mean when you say people lack some fortitude. I don't know what the fear is. I mean I've tried to figure it out. I've considered still a fear of race, any criticism of Obama is gonna result in being called racist. That fear I think is always gonna be there. I think fear of the Republican hierarchy. There is this notion that you wait 'til it's your turn.

    Over a period of several years, Limbaugh’s explanation of the Republican behavior began to change to incorporate a type of political symbiosis between the Republicans and the Democrats.

    He began to explain that all special interests tended to form a coalition in Washington, that he calls the political elite.

    June 14, 2013. BEGIN TRANSCRIPT.

    RUSH:  Kansas City.  Betty, hi.  Welcome to the EIB Network.  Great to have you here.  Hello.

    CALLER:  Hi, Rush.  I was reading the website, and I think that someone said this yesterday, but I was driving down the road, and you were saying we're just missing something on the amnesty bill, why in the world would Republicans support something that will cause their party to lose in the future. And I was just thinking, well, they'll just become the Democrats—now, I'm probably being reactionary, but I'm thinking, they'll probably just become the Democrats that they are already are.  I am so disappointed in my party.  I expect to disagree with the Democrat Party.  But I disagree with my party.  I'm a Republican, or at least I thought I was.

    RUSH: The bottom line is that the Republican Party is embarrassed by its own base.  The Republican Party is ashamed of its base.  They accept the Democrat caricature of the Republican base.  Southern, hayseed hicks, pro-lifers, pickup-truck-driving, gun-rack-in-the-back-window people, chewing tobacco and going to church and talking about God all the time. 

    But they really see 'em as a bunch of zealots when it comes to abortion.  And all these guys I'm talking about have wives who nag 'em about it, don't want any part of the pro-life crowd, embarrassed to be with them at the conventions.  So the theory goes that this is a way to get rid of the Republican base.  Supporting amnesty and having the Democrats win big-time elections after this is a way for the party to finally get rid of its base.  Now, you say, Well, replace it with what? 

    In the most recent period, Limbaugh has sharpened his analysis of Republican Party to include an explanation of why Republicans cooperate with Democrats, when cooperation could possibly result in the death of the Republican Party.

    January 14, 2014. BEGIN TRANSCRIPT.

    RUSH: Look at every issue that comes up. They give the Democrats all or a part of what they want trying to buy peace and love and affection, and it just never works.  So extending unemployment benefits... Here's Obama's economic policy: Extending federal unemployment benefits, raising the federal minimum wage, and amnesty.  That's Obama's big economic push.  That's what we're told is going to be his focus in the State of the Union show.

    January 24, 2014. BEGIN TRANSCRIPT.

    RUSH: So, I mean, the upshot here is that you take a look at any national poll, immigration reform, amnesty, it's nowhere near the top when people are asked to name the most important issues they think are facing the country. No reason to do this. And yet the Republican leadership is as desirous and as action oriented, if not more so, than the Democrat majority is in pushing for amnesty. Yet it's the law of the land. But the House Republican leadership wants to go for it.

    Now, we know why. Chamber of Commerce and moneyed donors. Donors to mainstream Republicans are saying they want amnesty, they need the new cheap labor, they can't keep going like this. They need it and they'll do anything they can to get it. If it takes amnesty, fine. They don't care about the cultural impact or the rest of it; they just need the labor. And these people depend on these donors for reelection, and so that explains it. Yet it's the law of the land.

    By 2014, Limbaugh was becoming increasingly skeptical about the principles that guided the Republican Party.

    January 31, 2014. BEGIN TRANSCRIPT.

    RUSH: Now, let me close the loop on immigration.  We sit here, it doesn't make any sense.  It's the end of the Republican Party.  The polling data all shows it.  The people that would be granted amnesty are not gonna vote Republican because of this or anything else.  I mean, not without a lot of work.  And the Republican Party being so publicly for amnesty is not going to change how these people vote.  I don't know if the Republicans think that's going to happen.  I do know that the prevailing thought or theory is really baked in total defensiveness.

    Why are the Republicans willing to commit suicide?  Because that's what it is.

    The fact is we haven't seen the Republican Party act much like the opposition party yet. Whenever some individual Republicans do pop up in opposition, they get cut down by other Republicans.  I'm gonna tell you, folks, sometimes I end up angrier at Republicans and what they're saying than I get at Democrats these days.

    Limbaugh’s most recent explanations are getting closer to the truth about the Republican Party. In this most recent incarnation, under Madison’s rules of procedure, the Republicans are the party of corporate globalism.

    The Republicans need to be seen as representing a special interest group, operating within the framework of the checks and balances of social classes, created by Madison and the Founding Federalists.

    It is a mistake for the callers to Rush Limbaugh’s program to believe that the Republicans were anything other than the incarnation of the natural aristocracy, under Madison’s flawed system of checks and balances. Those callers just assumed that the U. S. Constitution had safeguards that would protect freedom when the battle with socialist tyranny arrived.

    They have discovered that the Republicans have abdicated their historic responsibility to defend constitutional natural rights, because Madison’s arrangement did not require that of the Republicans.

    For Republicans, a more perfect union means promoting a single special interest of corporate globalism, protected and enhanced by the Federal government.

    For Republicans, corporate globalism, and the defense of natural rights, do not connect.

    The Republicans do not see themselves as the opposition party to the socialists because the socialist agenda of global socialism is not detrimental to the Republican end game of advocating global corporatism.

    In Madison’s 1787 arrangement, one party, the virtuous elites, advocated the financial interests of the elites. The other party, representing the non-elites, could vote every four years to accept or reject the elites who were to rule them.

    This book explains one part of the dysfunctional political system in terms of what the Republican abdication of freedom means to American citizen liberty

    Madison’s idea was to create a U. S. Senate that functioned like the British House of Lords, and have a President that functioned like the British king.

    Madison supported the

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