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Let's Play with Excel
Let's Play with Excel
Let's Play with Excel
Ebook203 pages1 hour

Let's Play with Excel

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About this ebook

Excel is a very powerful application. But we only use it for simple data entry purpose. We do some plus-minus and a little multiplication etc. Let's do little more with Excel. Let’s play with excel. It has 51 Macros written by me. They are useful programs having original VBA coding. If you are Computer Student/ VBA Learner/ Excel Professional then you would find this book really helpful.

Namaskar! I am Anurag Pandey (since 1978). I am writer, author, poet, lyricist and computer programmer. My poems have been published in national newspapers and magazines of India like Navbharat Times, Kadambini etc. I have written Story/ Dialogues/ Screenplay for various TV Shows like Lady Inspector, Shaka Laka Boom Boom, Indonesian TV shows etc. At present I live in Bhubaneswar, India. Meditation, yoga, mystery, paranormal, supernatural, love, relationships are some of my favorite topics to read and write.

PublisherAnurag Pandey
Release dateMay 14, 2021
Let's Play with Excel

Anurag Pandey

Anurag S Pandey is a writer, poet and computer programmer. His poems have been published in national newspapers and magazines of India like Navbharat Times, Kadambini etc. He has written Story/ Screenplay/ Dialogues for various TV Shows like Lady Inspector, Shaka Laka Boom Boom, Indonesian TV shows etc. At present he lives in Bhubaneswar, India. Meditation, yoga, mystery, paranormal & supernatural activities are some of his favorite topics to read and write.

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    Let's Play with Excel - Anurag Pandey

    Let’s Play with Excel


    Dear Reader! I am Anurag Pandey. I am a writer, a poet and also a passionate programmer. I like writing codes. I use coding to automate required tasks in my office, which have reduced particular tasks completion time from hours and even days to just a few minutes. I remember, once an official from Income Tax Department of India had said to me that you are an Excel expert. I had replied him that I am not an Excel expert. I only use logic in anything, if I can.

    We know that Excel is a very powerful application. But we only use it for simple data entry purpose. We do some plus-minus and a little multiplication etc. and all that. Let's do a little more with Excel. Let’s play with excel.

    Let’s Play with Excel has 51 Macros written by me. They are useful programs having original VBA coding. If you are Computer Student/ VBA Learner/ Excel Professional then you would find this book really helpful. I would like to tell you about a few programs of this book here.

    One of its’ Macro is able to give you ready to print Invoice with auto retrieving data. Another Macro is able to take details of entire class (any number of students and subjects) and to provide ready to print Mark-sheet of each student along with Result Sheet of all students at one place.

    Another Macro provides you simple and easy format to enter data of one or many Invoice/s at once. Then another Macro creates JSON file from that data, which you can use for bulk upload for generating E Invoices.

    Other two Macros are able to Encode/Decode data of your Excel sheet. Using this you can encode your data and can send the encoded Excel file on Mails etc. At the other hand the file can be decoded only if you have provided the Macro for decoding the sheet. You can very easily make changes in those Macros and then you would have unique Macros for encoding and decoding your Excel sheets.

    Another Macro of this book has the ability to check two sheets and to list all those cells which have dissimilar data along with both the data. Using this you can check for changes in two sheets having similar data with some expected/ unexpected/ accidental/ unknown mismatches.

    Some Macros from this book would help you to learn and do manipulation of data your way, some other would help you to exercise logic and programming and some other would help you to learn a little about Excel and VBA.

    With great excitement and expectation, I request you to check Let’s Play with Excel and provide your invaluable feedback.


    Bhubaneswar, India


    List of Macros:

    Sub Ex01_Simple_If_Statement()

    Sub Ex02_Simple_If_Statement()

    Sub Ex03_Nested_If()

    Sub Ex04_Nested_If_Elseif()

    Sub Ex05_For_Next_Loop()

    Sub Ex06_For_Next_Nested_Loop()

    Sub Ready_to_Print_Invoice_with_Retrieving_Data()

    Sub Ready_to_Print_Marksheet_and_Result_of_Entire_Class()

    Sub Ready_to_Print_Invoice_Format_and_Formulas()

    Sub Amount_in_Words()

    Sub Encode_the_Sheet_100_Columns_Upto_100_Rows()

    Sub Decode_the_Sheet_100_Columns_Upto_100_Rows()

    Sub Find_Square_Roots_Up_To_15Decimal_Places()

    Sub Code_to_Copy_All_Records_of_Selected_ID_to_Sheet2()

    Sub Sample_Code_for_Manipulating_Data()

    Sub Find_Palindromes_in_A_Range()

    Sub Find_Palindrome_of_Extra_Big_Whole_or_Decimal()

    Sub To_See_Records_having_Common_Fileter_Word_All_Columns()

    Sub Create_Inv_Data_for_Json_E_Invoice_Sample_Given()

    Sub Create_Json_File_for_E_Invoice()

    Sub Find_Prime_Numbers()

    Sub Find_Mismatches_or_Differences_Between_Two_Sheets()

    Sub Show_Time()

    Sub Rupees_in_Words()

    Sub Merge_Cells_by_Separating_Data_Using_Double_Quotes()

    Sub Unmerge_Cells_by_Separating_Data_Using_Double_Quote()

    Sub Get_Data_of_50columns_15rows_in_One_Cell()

    Sub Get_Data_of_Selected_Cells_in_One_Cell()

    Sub Encode_the_Sheet_Selected_Rows_N_Columns()

    Sub Decode_the_Sheet_Selected_ Rows_N_Columns()

    Sub Reverse_the_Digit_Logic_1()

    Sub Reverse_the_Digit_Logic_2()

    Sub Reverse_the_Digit_Logic_3()

    Sub Sum_of_Odd_Numbers_1to100()

    Sub Sum_of_Even_Numbers_1to100()

    Sub Table_of_Given_Range_Way1()

    Sub Table_of_Given_Range_Way2()

    Sub Display_Product_of_Selected_Cells()

    Sub Change_Case_Selected_Cells()

    Sub Trim_All_Selected_Cells_Removes_All_Extra_Spaces()

    Sub Shift_Data_of_Selected_Cells_in_Reverse_Order()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_Ex_One()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Two()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Three()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Four()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Five()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Six()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Seven()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Eight()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Nine()

    Sub Animate_the_Sheet_ Ex_Ten()

    Create a Macro Enabled Workbook; name it Play with Excel.xlsm with at least one Sheet named Sheet1. Copy & Paste entire Code starting below to the end of this book to the Visual Basic Editor of that Workbook. And now you are ready to play with excel. All the best!

    Sub Ex01_Simple_If_Statement()

    'We shall prompt the user to enter an alphabet and will reply him/her whether it was Vowel or Consonant.

    Dim s As String

    s = InputBox(Please enter an Alphabet.)

    s = Left(s, 1)

    s = UCase(s)

    If s = A Or s = E Or s = I Or s = O Or s = U Then

    MsgBox (You had entered a Vowel.)

    ElseIf Asc(s) > 64 And Asc(s) < 91 Then

    MsgBox (You had entered a Consonant.)


    MsgBox (You had not entered a Alphabet.)

    End If

    End Sub

    Sub Ex02_Simple_If_Statement()

    'We shall prompt the user to enter a Digit. Then we shall tell the user whether it was Odd or Even.

    Dim i As String

    i = InputBox(Enter a digit.)

    If IsNumeric(i) = True Then

        If Int(i) <> i Then

        MsgBox (You didn't enter an Integer. So we shall convert it in to an Integer i.e. from & i & to & Int(i) & .)

        i = Int(i)

        End If

        If i Mod 2 = 0 Then

        MsgBox (You had entered & i & . It is an Even number.)


        MsgBox (You had entered & i & . It is an Odd number.)

        End If


    MsgBox (You hadn't entered a Digit!)

    End If

    End Sub

    Sub Ex03_Nested_If()

    'Logic - Any Male >= 18 Years, citizen of India, having Income >= 50000 per month, having Cricket as hobby can participate in the game.

    Dim s, s1 As String

    Dim i As Long

    s = InputBox(Enter your name.)

    s = UCase(s)

    i = 0

    While i < 1 Or i > 100

    s1 = InputBox(Hello & s & ! & Chr(10) & Please enter your age in years.)

    If IsNumeric(s1) = True Then i = s1


    If i >= 18 Then

        s1 = InputBox(s & ! Please enter your Country of Citizenship.)

        s1 = UCase(s1)

        If s1 = INDIA Then

            i = 0

            While i < 1 Or i > 100000000

            s1 = InputBox(s & ! Please enter your Monthly Income.)

            If IsNumeric(s1) = True Then i = s1


            If i >= 50000 Then

                s1 = InputBox(Enter you Hobby, please.)

                s1 = UCase(s1)

                If s1 = CRICKET Then

                MsgBox (Congrats & s & ! you can participate in this Game!)


                MsgBox (Sorry & s & ! Due to your Hobby mismatch, you can't participate in this Game!)

                End If


            MsgBox (Sorry & s & ! Due to your Income mismatch, you can't participate in this Game!)

            End If



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