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Unraveled - And Made Whole Again
Unraveled - And Made Whole Again
Unraveled - And Made Whole Again
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Unraveled - And Made Whole Again

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A must-read inspiring book if you have ever had faith in God! Deanna's experience of miracles, faith, sadness, and joy will inspire you not to give up. You will be encouraged and challenged to use your faith. From blind eyes being opened, to going through a divorce, God is the foundation that pulls Deanna through. You will be changed after readi

Release dateJan 12, 2021
Unraveled - And Made Whole Again

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    Unraveled - And Made Whole Again - Deanna Wood Priddy



    And Made Whole Again

    Jeremiah 29:11

    Trilogy Christian Publishers

    A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Trinity Broadcasting Network

    2442 Michelle Drive

    Tustin, CA 92780

    Copyright © 2020 by Deanna Priddy

    Scripture quotations marked (KJV) taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Cambridge Edition: 1769.

    All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

    For information, address Trilogy Christian Publishing

    Rights Department, 2442 Michelle Drive, Tustin, Ca 92780.

    Trilogy Christian Publishing/ TBN and colophon are trademarks of Trinity Broadcasting Network.

    For information about special discounts for bulk purchases, please contact Trilogy Christian Publishing.

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    Trilogy Disclaimer: The views and content expressed in this book are those of the author and may not necessarily reflect the views and doctrine of Trilogy Christian Publishing or the Trinity Broadcasting Network.

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available.

    ISBN 978-1-64773-750-4

    ISBN 978-1-64773-751-1 (ebook)


    As I sit in my dining room just off the kitchen, I hear drums thumping from the front room. That would be my husband, who is a drummer. Not just any drummer, the best drummer. In my book, anyway.

    The sun has just gone down and I am sipping coffee as I try to lay down words to tell you about my past fifty three wonderful, and very adventurous, years on this earth. Wonderful years I say, yes, because God has been good to me in so many ways. I am blessed with two sweet daughters who are A and B Honor students and at the time of this writing, are attending Southern Methodist University. My oldest is starting her third year in college and my youngest her second year. As this writing takes time, I will update you on any changes in my life at the end of this book.

    Things were not always this smooth. You see I grew up as a preacher’s daughter. I wasn’t just a typical preacher’s daughter I truly felt the call of God for ministry of my own someday. I loved the revivals, most of all I loved God. I guess you could say my father was fiery preacher. He had silver in his black hair and sweet dark brown eyes with warm hands that would make any cold heart melt. He wasn’t always a preacher. My dad was a preacher’s kid too. Yep, that honorary preacher’s son that stole my mother’s heart at the age of fourteen years. They married in Gainesville, Texas, Dad was fifteen and mom was fourteen years old. I think he could have stolen any girl’s heart, but my mother was the lucky one. Lucky in so many ways or blessed really. They made it forty-three years through the ups and downs of life with many adventures most people can only dream of.

    After working in Las Vegas, where I and my older sister of five years were born, mom and dad moved back home. On the trip back to their home in Oklahoma I guess I gave my sisters and my mom a very tiring trip. I was only a baby and I cried all the way to Oklahoma from Las Vegas I am told. Dad said that is why I have such a strong singing voice.

    When they arrived back in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Dad started his painting and drywall business and mom busied herself with keeping our home and raising us girls; four of us to be exact.

    I was in kindergarten and I loved it when my dad came home for lunch and Paul Harvey filled the air with the rest of the story. I remember so well the sun shining through the front screen door with a spring breeze blowing through. Dad in his white painter pants and mom pouring sweet tea and serving sandwiches.

    Sleeping in on Sunday was a usual thing in our house but this Sunday morning when I woke up my mom was ironing a shirt and dad was drinking coffee. My sisters were running around looking for hair pins and hair spray. I was not fully aware of what was happening. All I knew was my oldest sister Sheila had been to a Pentecostal revival and she had given her heart to God and my dad had a dream he missed the rapture. Not to mention they had to bring another sister Theresa home from church like a drunk person. They said she was high on the Holy Ghost. Whatever that was, I wasn’t sure, I wanted to see that Ghost if it made her act like that.

    That morning, we wound up at a little Assembly of God church just a few blocks from our house. I had been taken to a room they called Sunday School. I joined in with other kids as we played a fishing game, something about being fishers of men. Then we sang a song that told the devil he could go sit on a tack.

    I went back into the main auditorium where joyful music was being played by musicians on a stage. I was so amazed that I couldn’t help but stare in awe. A man stood up at the pulpit and he spoke with a strong and powerful voice. He began to preach about Jesus and how He came to save us and give us life. My whole family listened as if they had heard directly from God. Apparently, my dad did.

    My dad made a lot of changes in his life. He threw out his beer and cigarettes, he started acting sweeter than normal. So much was changing and then he told us he was going to begin preaching. Well, I did not know where that decision would lead us, but I am going to tell you my memory of it all.


    I remember walking holding my mom’s hand, I felt the grass that was dry from the summer sun stick through my sandals into my feet. I saw a huge tent, a circus sized tent. I heard the most wonderful sounds of music coming from inside. It was as if the whole earth shook from the beats of the drums and the guitars along with an organ and singing like angels. The jubilant singing and lifting of arms in the air, praises lifted to God, I knew it was going to be an exciting night of church.

    A man got up and began to talk about a pile of crutches and wheelchairs that lay beside the platform. He spoke of ambulances bringing in sick people to get prayed for. He told how the Lord would heal them and they came back to testify about it. Doctors testified that they could not believe what was taking place. They documented some of these people, so we knew it had to be so.

    I personally saw the pile of wheelchairs and crutches. I saw ambulances who had brought people who were sick to be prayed for. They said God can heal you if only you ask Him. That night I saw many get up and walk out praising God for a miracle. Along with all of this going on, the preacher man said he was taking shoes to the poor and if you felt led to give your shows so a needy person could

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