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Day of the Lord: Great Bible Prophecies Soon to be Fulfilled
Day of the Lord: Great Bible Prophecies Soon to be Fulfilled
Day of the Lord: Great Bible Prophecies Soon to be Fulfilled
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Day of the Lord: Great Bible Prophecies Soon to be Fulfilled

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According to the Bible, Jesus will return on the day of the Lord (2 Peter 3:10-13).On that day the dead who believed in him will be resurrected and rise to meet him in the air (1 Thes. 4:16-17). And these prophetic questions will be answered:1. Does God have a plan of perfect justice yet to unfold for dealing with the surviving perpetrators of 9

Release dateApr 1, 2020
Day of the Lord: Great Bible Prophecies Soon to be Fulfilled

David S. Heeren

This is Heeren's 17th book, ninth with Christian theme, sixth about the end-time. The other eight are about sports, mostly basketball and internationally-used TENDEX statistical system for rating players. Author was an award-winning journalist for 40 years, winner of 15 honors. Book The High Sign re Jesus' return received maximum double-four-star rating from Online Book Club and was a book of the day for the OBC.

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    Day of the Lord - David S. Heeren

    Day of the Lord

    Copyright © 2020 by David S. Heeren. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author except as provided by USA copyright law.

    The opinions expressed by the author are not necessarily those of URLink Print and Media.

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    URLink Print and Media is committed to excellence in the publishing industry.

    Book design copyright © 2020 by URLink Print and Media. All rights reserved.

    Published in the United States of America

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020905082

    ISBN 978-1-64753-274-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN 978-1-64753-276-5 (Hardback)

    ISBN 978-1-64753-275-8 (Digital)




    Preface: ‘Tell the Story…’

    Chapter One: Is God Finished with 9/11?

    Chapter Two: Why Pray for the U.S.A.?

    Chapter Three: Tyranny of Liberalism

    Chapter Four: The Great Omission

    Chapter Five: Treasure of Tribulation

    Chapter Six: Sign of Jesus’ Return

    Chapter Seven: The Final Revival

    Chapter Eight: Strong and Courageous

    Epilogue: Will we See Billy Again?


    The author is appreciative of personal contributions to this little book:

    Quotable Comments:

    D. James Kennedy (decd.)

    Richard Wurmbrand (decd.)

    Cliff Lea

    John Ernest

    Written Words:

    NIV Bible translation

    Jonathan Cahn

    Oswald Chambers (decd.)

    Sound Advice:

    Art Ayris

    Derek Prince (decd.)


    Tony Hoffman

    Joan Heeren (decd.)


    ‘Tell the Story…’

    This is about an unusual kind of miracle, if that’s what it should be called. It stretches the laws of probability to an extreme I previously had not experienced.

    In 2005, when Bible reading brought me to Isaiah 6:8, I hesitated long enough to consider the dialogue between the prophet and the Lord. Isaiah overheard God speaking: Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?

    Isaiah said, Here am I. Send me.

    I prayed the same five words. The next day I started perceiving a pattern in Isaiah’s prophetic imagery looking beyond the life of Jesus on earth to the era of his prophesied Second Coming on what the Bible refers to as the Day of the Lord.

    This was a noteworthy first for me because for a half-century before then I had read biblical prophecies with great fascination but negligible understanding. Suddenly, I was beginning to make sense of some of the Bible’s most mysterious passages.

    Within weeks the number of pertinent prophetic images I was finding reached forty. All of them supported my first impression concerning the identity of the celestial sign of Jesus’s Second Coming (Mat.24:30). I decided to write a manuscript. In 2007 it was published as a book, The Sign of His Coming.

    Historic Events

    The sudden recognition of forty previously unnoticed biblical mages surprised me, but amazing things were yet to happen. The next time I read through the Bible’s historical records, I found two-dozen important events adding much more evidence to that which had been presented in the original book.

    After finishing my research, which included the use of scientific methodology, I wrote a second manuscript. It contained more than 200 points of evidence including and expanding the primary points of the first book.

    Most of the points were enhanced by sub-points. For example, one of the images in evidence appeared in dozens of Day of the Lord prophecies. There were also multiple points of evidence related to each of the historic events.

    I hold a degree in mathematics and, according to my calculation, by that time the pile of factual evidence had grown to the point of virtual certainty identifying the sign of the Lord’s Second Coming.

    Equally important to the supporting weight of evidence was the lack of evidence to the contrary. I searched but could not find a single point of scriptural or scientific evidence opposing the identification of the sign that had sprung from my research.

    If all of the evidence could be placed on a scale, the weighty side would fall with a crash. This is so important that it seems as if God wants us to be sure.

    I wrote a proposal for the second manuscript and submitted it to a literary agent. I thought it was going to be printed by a major Christian publishing house. However, the agent could not place the manuscript with a publisher.

    The agent’s failure left me in a state of dejection. I believed God had initiated this project and could not understand why it had failed. I had no idea how things could turn around. But they did.

    Mysterious Message

    A short time after the agent’s failure, I received a mysterious e-mail message from a well-respected Christian publisher who never had printed a book of mine. Since my name was practically unknown in publishing circles outside of the world of sports, I didn’t think I had written anything that would interest this publisher.

    He hadn’t read any of my books. I hadn’t queried him. He didn’t even know the theme of my new manuscript. The only thing he knew about me was that I had written What the Bible Has to Say about the U.S.A. But that book already had been printed by a smaller Christian publishing house.

    In spite of what appeared to be an enormous heap of negativity, he informed me that he wanted to publish my book, period, no questions asked, no formal proposal necessary, not even preliminary review of the manuscript.

    At a time when Christian publishers were depending more and more on author subsidies, he offered me a traditional contract. I paid no subsidy fees.

    In May of 2017, a little more than a year after the book was published, there was another disappointment. The publisher informed me that he was going out of business and would print no more books.

    At that point, including all sources, only a few copies of my new book had been distributed. I had sold four. I had given two away. I’m not sure how many were sold through the publisher’s website or, but it wasn’t enough to qualify me for a royalty check.

    Personal circumstances and ill health in the family had practically eliminated the time I ordinarily would have spent promoting the book. So there I was with the book I considered my most important fading into obscurity.

    Rare and Valuable

    A few days later the thought

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