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The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices
The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices
The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices
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The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

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About this ebook

Time for another election—are you strapped in for the ride of your life?

Do you feel like election season is a roller coaster of emotion that leaves you nauseated in the end?

The Power of Your Vote introduces a different way to ride the election campaign train. You will need to do some work at t

Release dateMar 15, 2020
The Power of Your Vote: Look past theatrics, Assess your priorities, and Make educated choices

Marie-Agnès Pilon

Marie-Agnès Pilon is a first-time author who chose to talk about elections in a way that creates communication between the voters and candidates. She went back to school to learn communication and its structure. She worked for twenty years as a programmer analyst but found her passion for language pulls her back to school. Communication theory gave her inspiration to investigate the balance between the author of the message and the audience of the message. This book is the result of what she learned in school and her life experiences with elections. She looks forward to each election and engaging with candidates of all parties. She is not a member of any political associations, though she has signed a few petitions. She is not a donner to any political party. She truly believes in voting and choosing to bestow power to a political formation for the next four years.

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    Book preview

    The Power of Your Vote - Marie-Agnès Pilon

    Look past theatrics,

    Assess your priorities, and

    Make educated choices

    Marie-Agnès Pilon

    Copyright © 2019 Marie-Agnès Pilon. All right reserved.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by Author Academy Elite

    P.O. Box 43, Powell. OH 43035

    All rights reserved. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without express written permission from the author.


    LCCN: 2019915277

    ISBN: 978-1-64085-969-2 (paperback)

    ISBN: 978-1-64085-970-8 (hardback)

    ISBN: 978-1-64085-971-5 (ebook)

    Available in paperback, hardback, and e-book.

    Any Internet addresses (websites, blogs, etc.) and telephone numbers printed in this book are offered as a resource. They are not intended in any way to be or imply an endorsement by Author Academy Elite, nor does Author Academy Elite vouch for the content of these sites and numbers for the life of this book.


    I dedicate this to all the voters that reach the point of confusion yet manage to still vote. To all the courageous people protesting, signing petitions, and engaging with politicians and policy makers. To people who ensure that politicians remember they are employed by the voters, not the lobbyists, not the party members, and not the people who donate money to their parties. To Canadian citizens who vote and engage in the democratic process, this is for you.

    To the next generations, the current generations, and the generations to come who will participate in democracy and elections, this is for you.


    Introduction: There is Power in Voting

    Part 1: What’s in the message?

    Chapter 1: Political Spectrum

    Chapter 2: Agenda, Bias, and Propaganda




    Chapter 3: Opinion, Perception, and Perspective




    Chapter 4: The Medium of Emotions

    Part II: Sources and Resources

    Chapter 5: Elections Resources

    Chapter 6: Sources

    Partisan Sources and Information

    Traditional Media

    Social Media

    Chapter 7: The Myths

    Lowering taxes will put more money in the pocket of electors

    Promising to cancel contracts costs nothing

    Politicians with no experience should not govern

    Politicians are all the same

    People do not lie on the internet

    Politicians are expert at politics

    Saving the environment will cost our economy

    My vote will not make a difference

    Part III: Your priorities, Your Perspectives, Your Strategies

    Chapter 8: It Starts with You

    Chapter 9: Interviewing the Candidates

    Chapter 10: Promises, Promises

    Chapter 11: Let the Debate Begin

    Part IV: Choices and Voting

    Chapter 12: Marking a Choice

    Chapter 13: Voting Time!

    Afterword: Democracy starts with a vote but does not end there


    About the Author

    List of Illustrations

    Figure 1 - Political Spectrum

    Figure 2 - 2015 Federal Election Results

    Figure 3 - 2015 Federal Election with non-voters

    Figure 4 - 2011 Federal Election Results

    Figure 5 - 2011 Federal Election with non-voters

    Figure 6 - 2008 Federal Election Results

    Figure 7 - 2008 Federal Election with non-voters

    List of Abbreviations

    AB: Province of Alberta

    AI: Artificial Intelligence

    BBC: British Broadcasting Company

    BC: Province of British-Columbia

    Bloc: Bloc Quebecois party (also BQ)

    CBC: Canadian Broadcasting Company

    CRTC: Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission

    GP: Green Party of Canada and different provinces

    MB: Province of Manitoba

    NB: Province of New Brunswick

    NL: Province of Newfoundland and Labrador

    NS: Province of Nova Scotia

    NWT: Northwest Territories

    NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

    MP: Member of Parliament (Federal)

    MPP: Member of Provincial Parliament

    PEI: Province of Prince Edward Island

    PM: Prime Minister of Canada

    NDP: New Democratic Party (of Canada and each province)

    PC: Progressive Conservative Party

    QC: Province of Québec

    SK: Province of Saskatchewan

    YK: Yukon territories

    WWI: World War one

    WWII: World War two


    Thank you to all the generations before me that fought to ensure all Canadian citizens get the right to vote and the freedom to do so without interference. Thank you to my mom and dad they inspired me to make my own mind about who to vote for.


    There is Power in Voting

    I remember the election of 1984 for two reasons. First, it was held on my 16th birthday. Second, the Progressive Conservative of Brian Mulroney won a majority to govern in Canada. I voted in my first election in 1988. I was 20 years old and it was all about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). I remember almost nothing about the campaign itself. A friend who was studying economics at University was told by one of the professors that it was a good thing to vote for the NAFTA agreement. I remember who I voted for, but I am not going to say because it does not matter. What matters is that I have participated in all Federal and Provincial Elections ever since, even when I was not 100% sure who I was going to vote for until I was facing the ballot in front of me.

    What has kept me on track is the realisation that elections are about imparting the power to citizen’s representatives to govern a country, province, and municipality. People of all walks of life would say that an election is about jobs, health care, the environment, or education. Those are issues that may be discussed and debated during the election campaign. Issues drive the government to

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