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The Language Learner's Pocketbook: Bypass Years of Struggle & Become Fluent in a Foreign Language
The Language Learner's Pocketbook: Bypass Years of Struggle & Become Fluent in a Foreign Language
The Language Learner's Pocketbook: Bypass Years of Struggle & Become Fluent in a Foreign Language
Ebook107 pages1 hour

The Language Learner's Pocketbook: Bypass Years of Struggle & Become Fluent in a Foreign Language

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About this ebook

Have you wasted countless hours trying to learn a foreign language and still speak like a child?

Stop the mindless study and learn how to learn languages. This book will teach you:

  • How to calculate goals that set yourself up for success.
  • How to use methods that
Release dateDec 1, 2018
The Language Learner's Pocketbook: Bypass Years of Struggle & Become Fluent in a Foreign Language

Cristian Dávila

Cristian Davila is a simple man with a passion for learning. While trying to learn Spanish, he struggled with constant misdirection. It wasn't until four years later, when he began learning Japanese, that he came to understand why he was struggling. He has made it his mission to help other struggling language learners and has gone on to create - The Social Network for Language Learners. For more on Cristian Davila, go to:

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    Book preview

    The Language Learner's Pocketbook - Cristian Dávila


    My name is Cristian Dávila. I may not be the most experienced language learner in the world, but after failing for so many years (four to be exact) something clicked within me.

    I don’t even count the four years in school. I only count the four long years of self-learning. I know I’m not the only one who has or will suffer through this, so I wanted to lay out all the key details here.

    I believe most people fail to learn a language not because they can’t, but because they don’t know how to.

    I want to remove the years of suffering so we can all improve ourselves and become better connected with the world by learning languages.

    There is much more information on language learning than I’m able to provide in this short book, but this will, at least, cut any excuses you’ve ever made.

    If you learn more beyond this; all the better for you.

    If you can still find an excuse, you should learn more about having a growth mindset. I won’t go into detail here, but having the right mindset is everything! Not only in language learning, but in life.

    The only one stopping you is yourself.

    If you believe you CAN’T learn languages, you are correct.

    If you believe you CAN learn languages, you are correct.

    Aside from this book I have been building a language learning platform.

    (The website is

    I’ll tell you more about the site when you finish this book.

    For those who don’t want to suffer through years of not knowing what to do.

    Set-up of the Book

    This book is split into four sections:

    Section 1 – Diving into Languages:

    Describes general ideas about language learning and proficiency and will help calculate goals to set yourself up for success.

    Section 2 – Language Learning Methods:

    Takes you through the methods you will use during your studies.

    Section 3 – The Game Plan:

    Lays out a roadmap for starting a language and introduces new concepts and personal tips.

    Section 4 – Parting Information:

    Useful information that didn’t fit into the other sections and also clears up misconceptions.

    Diving into Languages


    How many hours have you studied? How many words do you know? Do you have a solid understanding of grammar?

    Did I hear an, Huh, out there? Don’t worry, I was the same way. If you’re like me, you jumped in and hoped for the best with no thought of how to track your progress in a productive way.

    If you don’t know what you are aiming for, you will never reach it.

    We must understand the basic levels of proficiency first to be able to set our goals.

    This is the most important part and is a vital step that most people skip. This is why most people fail at language learning.

    I will use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) as the basis of my descriptions.

    You may have seen this used in other language learning sites to display your proficiency.

    The Levels are as follows:

    * Notice *

    I will be putting my own spin on the CEFR descriptions and will give you estimates of the number of words you should know through each level. All names, numbers, and descriptions are my own; built around the CEFR levels to try and give an easy-to-understand description of what each level holds. The Word Count is my educated guess.

    Before I describe the levels, I need to define Active vs Passive Vocabulary:

    Active Vocabulary - Words that are understood [with] the ability to use them in a real context.

    Passive Vocabulary - Words that are understood [without] the ability to use them in a real context. (Ex. Able to read a word, but not able to speak it in conversation).

    In the chart, all word counts are defined as Active Vocabulary. (Ex. 250 words means 250 words of Active Vocabulary)

    Now for the levels!

    The Levels of Proficiency

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