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Puzzle-based Learning: An introduction to critical thinking, mathematics, and problem solving
Puzzle-based Learning: An introduction to critical thinking, mathematics, and problem solving
Puzzle-based Learning: An introduction to critical thinking, mathematics, and problem solving
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Puzzle-based Learning: An introduction to critical thinking, mathematics, and problem solving

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What is missing in most curricula - from elementary school all the way through to university education - is coursework focused on the development of problem-solving skills. Most students never learn how to think about solving problems.
Besides being a lot of fun, a puzzle-based learning approach also does a remarkable job of convincing students t
Release dateFeb 1, 2014
Puzzle-based Learning: An introduction to critical thinking, mathematics, and problem solving

Zbigniew Michalewicz

Internationally renowned new technologies expert.

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    Puzzle-based Learning - Zbigniew Michalewicz


    Come, Watson, come!, he cried. "The game is afoot.

    Not a word! Into your clothes and come!"

    The Adventure of the Abbey Grange

    How to solve it? This question is the holy grail of many disciplines – from mathematics and engineering, through to the sciences and business. We are constantly faced with this question during our lifetimes, both in the work environment and at home. How much money should we invest? What are the best connections when flying from Australia to Europe? How should we schedule operations in the factory to minimize cost, while satisfying due dates and other requirements? All these represent problems which require some solutions … hence the question: How to solve it?

    Over the years, two primary approaches to problem solving have emerged. One is the technical approach (represented in many textbooks), which concentrates on specific problem-solving techniques. The other is the psychological approach, which is based on structural thinking – meaning that some structure is imposed on the thinking process during the problem-solving activity.

    Let us discuss these two approaches in a bit more detail; for that purpose we have selected two popular texts. The first one is Operations Research: An Introduction by Hamdy A. Taha, and the other is a book by Edward de Bono, Six Thinking Hats. The first book illustrates the technical approach very well, as it is loaded with mathematical techniques for a variety of different problems. On the other hand, the second book presents a particular way of thinking. Let us have a closer look at these two books.

    Operations Research: An Introduction by Hamdy A. Taha consists of several chapters, each of which relate to a specific problem type. For example, there is a chapter on linear programming, which is a particular technique for solving problems with many variables and where the objective and the constraints are expressed as linear expressions (puzzle 3.1 provides an example of a problem well suited for the linear programming approach, which is later outlined in chapter 6). Another chapter of Taha’s book discusses a transportation model and its variants, while another presents a series of techniques applicable to network models (you should not be discouraged by this technical terminology – we only use it to make a point). There are chapters on goal programming, integer linear programming, dynamic programming, inventory models, forecasting models, etc. Each chapter includes selected references and a problem set.

    For example, the chapter on inventory models includes the following exercise:

    McBurger orders ground meat at the start of each week to cover the week’s demand of 300 lb. The fixed cost per order is $20. It costs about $0.03 per lb per day to refrigerate and store the meat. (a) Determine the inventory cost per week of the present ordering policy. (b) Determine the optimal inventory policy that McBurger should use, assuming zero lead time between the placement and receipt of an order. (c) Determine the difference in the cost per week between McBurger’s current and optimal ordering policy.

    Clearly, the problem is well-defined and very specific. Earlier parts of the chapter on inventory models discussed a general inventory model (where the total inventory cost is given as a total of purchasing cost, setup cost, holding cost, and shortage cost) and the classic economic order quantity models. The formula is derived in the chapter to provide the optimum value of the order quantity y (number of units) as a function of setup cost K associated with the placement of an order (in dollars per order), demand rate D (in units per time unit), and holding cost h (in dollars per inventory unit per time unit). The model suggests to order:

    units every y/D time units. Again, it is not our goal to scare you by providing a formula in the introductory part of this text (especially that the derivation of this formula requires some calculus), but rather to point out the specific nature of the problem and the specific (and very precise) solution. This example is a perfect illustration of the technical approach.

    It seems that Taha’s text is similar to many other texts from disciplines such as engineering, mathematics, finance, and business, in that it has two main characteristics:

    (a) the problem types and corresponding techniques are very specific; and

    (b) mathematics is used extensively.

    However, there is usually no discussion on how to solve a problem – the text gives some formulas on how to arrive at a solution once the problem has already been reduced to the problem type defined in the text. As mentioned in the Preface, students are constrained to concentrate on textbook questions at the back of each chapter, using the information learned in that chapter.

    There is nothing wrong with such texts – indeed, they are very useful in the classroom environment and make good textbooks for a variety of different courses. After all, students should master the appropriate techniques/methods/algorithms/etc. as this is expected from the educational system. In other words, the students are taught how to apply particular methods to particular problems, but only within the context of knowing that these methods are appropriate for these particular problems. They almost never learn how to think about solving problems in general. The same observation applies to all levels of education: in elementary school children are taught how to multiply two numbers, as this is considered (and rightly so) one of the basic skills needed for further advancement. On the other hand, children are not taught when to multiply two numbers. So in many elementary texts you can expect to find problems of the type:

    It takes 48 hours for a rocket to travel from the Earth to the Moon. How long will this trip take if a new rocket is twice as fast?

    whereas problems like:

    It takes 48 hours for a rocket to travel from the Earth to the Moon. How long will this trip take for two rockets?

    which force a child to think (whether to multiply or divide 48 by 2, or whether it would still take 48 hours), are not included. So all these specialized texts (whether on probability, statistics, simulations, etc.) that represent the technical approach for problem solving, do not present a problem-solving methodology. They just provide (very useful) information on particular techniques for particular classes of problems.

    So let us now turn our attention to the other book, Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats, which represents the psychological approach. As we have indicated earlier, the book suggests some structure for the thinking process during the problem-solving activity. In particular, each of six hats represents some function of the thinking process:

    White Hat: collection of objective facts and figures

    Red Hat: presentation of emotional view

    Black Hat: discussion of weaknesses in an idea

    Yellow Hat: discussion on benefits of the idea

    Green Hat: generation of new ideas

    Blue Hat: imposition of control of the whole process

    The general idea is that instead of thinking simultaneously along many directions, a thinker should do one thing at the time. Edward de Bono explains it very clearly:

    The main difficulty of thinking is confusion. We try to do too much at once. Emotions, information, logic, hope and creativity all crowd in on us. It is like juggling with too many balls.

    What I am putting forward in this book is a very simple concept which allows a thinker to do one thing at a time. He or she becomes able to separate emotion from logic, creativity from information, and so on. The concept is that of the six thinking hats. Putting on any one of these hats defines a certain type of thinking.

    It seems that Six Thinking Hats is characterized by two facts (as are many other texts on thinking processes, which includes texts on critical thinking, constructive thinking, creative thinking, parallel thinking, vertical thinking, lateral thinking, confrontational and adversarial thinking, to name a few):

    (a) the problem types and corresponding techniques are not very specific. The approach is very general and it applies to most problems (as opposed to specific problem types); and

    (b) the approach is mathematics-free.

    Indeed, the examples given in Six Thinking Hats vary from house selling activities, to advertising and marketing issues, to pricing products. Furthermore, mathematics is non-existent despite the fact that some problems may require more precise mathematics. There is no question that the approach proposed by Edward de Bono is very useful and that many corporations benefited from the Six Thinking Hats. On the other hand, the rejection of mathematics in Six Thinking Hats expresses itself even in the author’s statements, such as:

    In a simple experiment with three hundred senior public servants, the introduction of the Six Hats method increased thinking productivity by 493 percent.

    Well, this is very impressive, but any person with any critical thinking skills (or some fancy for precision) may ask for clarifications:

    • What is the definition of productivity (especially in cases of senior public servants)?

    • How is productivity measured?

    • How is an improvement in productivity measured (with such great precision)?

    Indeed, these are very important questions, and we will discuss the issue of understanding all terms and expressions present in the description of a problem in the first chapter of this book (as this is a key issue and the starting point of all problem-solving activities). In the case of the public servants, did three hundred employees fill out forms that evaluated their (increased) productivity? If so, then this can be compared to an example provided by Darrell Huff in his book How to Lie with Statistics. The San Francisco Chronicle published an article entitled British He’s Bathe More Than She’s and the story supported the title with the following facts (based on a survey that asked people to report their hot-water usage, carried out over 6,000 representative British homes):

    The British male over 5 years of age soaks himself in a hot tub on an average of 1.7 times a week in the winter and 2.1 times in the summer. British women average 1.5 baths a week in the winter and 2.0 in the summer.

    Darrell Huff, discussing this case, made an excellent (and very important) observation. He wrote:

    … the major weakness is that the subject has been changed. What the Ministry really found out is how often these people said they bathed, not how often they did so. When a subject is as intimate as this one is, with the British bath-taking tradition involved, saying and doing may not be the same after all.

    It seems that the same argument can be applied to the public servants. Most likely, their productivity was measured in hours (i.e., the shorter the time to make a decision, the better). Edward de Bono explains:

    A major corporation used to spend twenty days on their multinational project team discussion. Using the parallel thinking of the Six Hats method, the discussions can now take as little as two days.

    However, if this was the case, then it seems there is something fundamentally very wrong with the whole picture, as the quality of the decisions reached is completely ignored and not measured! We acknowledge that the time to arrive at solution is important (as time is money), but in many cases the quality of solution is the most important aspect.

    There is an excellent book (on science and education, one can say) by Eliyahu M. Goldratt and Jeff Cox, The Goal. The book describes the struggle of a plant manager who tries to improve factory performance. He worries about productivity, excess inventories, throughput, balancing capacities, and many other measurements. Only with a help of a consultant does he realize that there is only one goal and one measurement:

    The goal of a manufacturing organization is to make money and everything else we do is means to achieve the goal.

    Similarly, in the problem-solving processes there is only one goal: to find the best possible solution. Of course, very often there is a tradeoff between the time needed to find a solution and the quality of the solution (this is often discussed in computer science courses on analysis of algorithms), but it seems that the Six Thinking Hats method is concerned with only the secondary aspect of problem-solving: time efficiency. Precise evaluation of the solution is of lesser importance.

    Thus the psychological approach looks like the opposite extreme of the technical approach in the spectrum of problem-solving methodologies, as the former focuses on organizational issues of thinking for general problems, rather than specific techniques on how to arrive at a solution. Furthermore, the psychological approach uses natural language to describe its mechanisms, whereas the technical approach uses mathematics as a problem-solving language.

    Which of these two approaches (technical versus psychological) should be used in the real world? Well, each of these two approaches has a crowd of enthusiasts and supporters; however, it seems that the technical approach is based on the solid fundamentals of science. Even some philosophers and psychologists tend to agree. One of the pearls of wisdom taught by Anthony de Mello in his famous book, One Minute Wisdom, was the following observation:

    Better to have the money than to calculate it; better to have the experience than to define it.

    It is easy to extend the above statements (while preserving their spirit) by stating that:

    Better to have the problem-solving skills than to discuss them.

    On the other hand, representatives of the technical approach admit that:

    Although mathematics is a cornerstone of Operations Research, one should not ‘jump’ into using mathematical models until simpler approaches have been explored. In some cases, one may encounter a ‘commonsense’ solution through simple observations. Indeed, since the human element invariably affects most decision problems, a study of the psychology of people may be key to solving the problem. (Hamdy A. Taha, Operations Research: An Introduction)

    These comments are followed by a delightful example, where the problem of slow elevator service in a large office building was solved not with mathematical queuing analysis or simulation, but by installing full-length mirrors at the entrance to the elevators: the complaints disappeared as people were kept occupied watching themselves (and others) while waiting for the elevator!

    There are many merits in concepts related to critical, vertical, lateral, and other thinking paradigms. We will see in the following chapters in this text that the ability to ask the right (critical) questions, the ability to follow a (vertical) line of thought, and the ability to think laterally (out of the box) are essential in the process of problem solving. However, mathematics – the queen of all sciences – must remain the universal language of problem solvers. Otherwise, as we saw, there is a danger of making imprecise statements, and what is worse, there is a danger of finding (and implementing) poor solutions! In this text we have tried to combine these two approaches: despite the fact that the text is elementary, we have used mathematical notation (as simple as possible) all the way through. At the same time, we have introduced a few problem-solving rules (that are related to various categories of thinking) to guide the process.

    Interestingly, puzzle-based learning mixes different learning paradigms together. Twenty-five centuries ago Confucius⁴ said:

    By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is bitterest.

    Indeed, puzzle-based learning allows us to learn problem-solving skills by all the above methods. We learn by experience (as we can learn problem-solving skills only by solving problems). We learn by imitation, as it is helpful to imitate (apply) some principles and techniques. And above all, we learn by reflection, as puzzle-based learning encourages us to reflect on:

    • What are we learning?

    • How are we learning it?

    • How are we using what we have learned?

    There are also other approaches proposed in the past that address the key question: How can I get my students to think and solve problems? The problem-based learning approach proposed in the 1960s at McMaster University Medical School (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) is an instructional method that challenges students to learn to learn, working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real-world problems. Problem-based learning aims at enhancing content knowledge and fostering the development of communication, problem-solving, and self-directed learning skills. It has since been implemented in various undergraduate and graduate programs around the world.

    Today the defining characteristics of problem-based learning are:

    • Learning is driven by challenging, open-ended problems.

    • Students work in small collaborative groups.

    • Teachers take on the role of facilitators of learning.

    Accordingly, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their group and organize and direct the learning process with support from a tutor or instructor. In other words, problem-based learning is any learning environment in which the problem drives the learning. That is, before students learn some knowledge they are given a problem. The problem is posed so that the students discover that they need to learn some new knowledge before they can solve the problem. Student participation involves hands-on investigative/laboratory activities that develop inquiry and intellectual skills. These activities give students an opportunity to appreciate the spirit of science and promote the understanding of the nature of learning.

    A classic example of problem-based learning is the famous Egg-Drop experiment which has been a standard in science instruction for many years. In this experiment students are asked to construct some type of container that will keep a raw egg from cracking when dropped from everincreasing elevations. A number of different groups can be set up to search for ways of approaching this problem. Students will be confronted with some long-standing and resilient misconceptions concerning free-fall (for instance, that heavy objects fall to the earth quicker/slower than lighter objects). By encouraging experimentation and communication of their results, some students may see the need to use mathematics in their approach to this problem – however, many students would stay with intuitive solutions.

    Students may come to value the notion of a prototype as they take part in the design process, and their investment in the project should increase accordingly. The solution presented for this project can be either a group or individual accomplishment depending on how the instructor wishes the dynamics of the class to develop.

    But puzzle-based learning offers a very different intellectual feast for the Egg-Drop experiment. Suppose you wish to know which floors in a high building are safe to drop eggs from in a special container and which floors will cause the eggs to break upon landing? We can eliminate chance and possible differences between different eggs (e.g., one egg breaks when dropped from the 7th floor and another egg survives a drop from the 20th floor) by making a few (reasonable!) assumptions:

    • An egg that survives a drop can be used again (no harm is done and the egg is not weaker).

    • A broken egg cannot be used again for any experiment.

    • The effect of a fall is the same for all eggs.

    • If an egg breaks when dropped from some floor, it would break also if dropped from a higher floor.

    • If an egg survives a fall when dropped from some floor, it would survive also if dropped from a lower floor.

    Obviously, if only one egg is available for experimentation to determine the first egg-breaking floor, we have to start with dropping the egg from the first floor. If it breaks, we know the answer. If it survives, we drop it from the second floor. And we continue upward until the egg breaks. Clearly, the worst-case scenario would require as many drops as the number of floors in the building. Now, the challenge begins when we have two available eggs. What is the least number of egg drops required to determine the egg-breaking floor?

    To solve this problem, no laboratory is required: just basic problem-solving skills plus the ability to add and subtract numbers! We believe that this puzzle-based version of the Egg-Drop problem is of equal intellectual value and complements the original Egg-Drop experiment offered by the problem-based learning approach.

    Since problem-based learning starts with a problem to be solved, students working in a problembased learning environment should be skilled in problem solving or critical thinking or thinking on your feet (as opposed to rote recall). Many educators believe that some qualifying examinations – in which the problem-solving (thinking) skills of the candidates are tested – should be conducted before the candidates are admitted. In the McMaster University Medical School, one of the five criteria for admission is a test of the candidates’ problem-solving skills. Unfortunately, many universities introduce problem-based learning courses without pre-screening or developing their students’ skills in problem solving. So a puzzle-based learning course (or unit) fits very well as a prerequisite for later problem-based learning activities.

    As stated in the Preface, the lack of problem-solving skills in general is the consequence of decreasing levels of mathematical sophistication. People (again, in general) have difficulties dealing with numbers, to say nothing of basic mathematical concepts! There is a great book written by John Allen Paulos, Innumeracy: Mathematical Illiteracy and Its Consequences, where the author demonstrates how much mathematical ignorance pervades both our private and public lives and results in misinformed government policies, confused personal decisions, and an increased susceptibility to pseudo-sciences of all kinds. The book is largely concerned, in the author’s words, with … a lack of numerical perspective, an exaggerated appreciation for meaningless coincidence, a credulous acceptance of pseudo-sciences, an inability to recognize social trade-offs, and so on …

    Indeed, it is a scary picture when a university student argues that hair does not grow in miles per hour or an educated grown-up believes that if there is a 50 percent chance of rain on Saturday and 50 percent chance of rain on Sunday, then there is a 100 percent chance of rain during the weekend (these examples were taken from John Paulos’s book). A version of the latter example was turned into a joke, where a travel agent advises a male traveler to date only women with brown hair while in a particular country, as statistics about women in that country are very clear: 50 percent of the women have brown hair and 50 percent of women suffer from tuberculosis! Such mathematical ignorance may explain a growing popularity of psychological approaches for problem solving, but this does not seem the right way to address problems …

    To make sure this text is not beyond the understanding of readers who are not well versed in mathematics, we have assumed an elementary level of mathematical skills. In fact, basic knowledge of high school mathematics is more than sufficient to follow the whole text. We also believe that mathematical notation used in this text will not spoil the enjoyment of solving many entertaining puzzles! Further, we tried to convince the reader that mathematics is not just a bunch of techniques invented in 19th century and before. New mathematics is constantly being generated – but it is impossible to teach how to generate new mathematics. It comes down to solving puzzles and inventing new techniques to do so.

    Let us conclude this introduction with the following observation. Numerous mathematicians have put a lot of effort into finding a middle ground between the technical and psychological approaches to problem solving. The best known work, without a doubt, is Gyorgy Polya’s How to Solve It, which stands out as one of the most important contributions to problem-solving literature of the 20th century. Even after moving into the new millennium the book continues to be a favorite among teachers and students for its instructive methods. Other works include I Hate Mathematics written by Marilyn Burns, which is full of tips and methods for solving problems.

    Another trend represented by several mathematicians is based on the belief that puzzles (usually mathematical puzzles) are quite educational and that we should educate students by incorporating puzzles into various curricula. Probably the unquestioned leader of this trend is Martin Gardner, who collected and published thousands of fantastic puzzles – on all levels – in his books (e.g., My Best Mathematical and Logic Puzzles, Entertaining Mathematical Puzzles, The Colossal Book of Mathematics, or The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems) and various journals (e.g., he ran a puzzle column in Scientific American for many years).

    Many other mathematicians were also believers in this approach. Joseph Konhauser, while at Macalester College, published Problem of the Week for 25 years to attract students’ interest as his problems (or rather puzzles) which had special appeal and often some surprising twists. His best puzzles were published in the volume Which Way Did the Bicycle Go? by Joseph D. E. Konhauser, Dan Velleman, and Stan Wagon. The Polish mathematician, Hugo Steinhaus, published a collection of entertaining puzzles in the volume One Hundred Problems in Elementary Mathematics; the American mathematician Frederick Mosteller wrote Fifty Challenging Problems in Probability with Solutions, and the German mathematician Arthur Engel published Problem-Solving Strategies, a volume that includes over 1,300 examples and problems. Peter Winkler also wrote Mathematical Puzzles: A Connoisseur’s Collection, Boris A. Kordemsky published The Moscow Puzzles, and Barry Clarke: Puzzles for Pleasure. And the list goes on.

    We wholeheartedly support this trend and direction, and believe this book provides an important contribution. And with all these remarks, clarifications, and explanations, we are ready to proceed.

    ⁴ A Chinese thinker and social philosopher (551 BC–479 BC), whose teachings have influenced thought and life of millions of people of Far East.

    ⁵ This problem is discussed in chapter 6 of this text (puzzle 6.8).

    1The Problem: What are you after?

    I confess that I can make neither head nor tail of it. Don’t you think that you have kept up your mystery long enough, Mr. Holmes?

    Silver Blaze

    To illustrate one of the main points of this chapter, let us introduce the first puzzle:

    It seems that one can answer this puzzle without much thought. If 6 strikes take 30 seconds, then a single strike takes 5 seconds. Hence 12 strikes will take 12 × 5 = 60 seconds, a full minute. Right? Well, not exactly. Problem-solving activities require some reasoning skills (and this is what this book is about), and the first skill required is the ability to understand the problem (which is the theme of this chapter).

    Actually, the problem is not that easy: as a matter of fact, if we do not make any additional assumptions, there would be no unique solution! Simple (but careful) reasoning should convince us that this is the case. To start with, note that between any two consecutive strikes there is a break. So if the clock struck 6 times, then the time between the first and last strokes in the puzzle is really the total of: (a) the time for all 6 strokes, and (b) the time for 5 breaks in between strokes. If x and y represent the times required for a single stroke and for a break in between two strokes, respectively, then the information given in this puzzle can be written as:

    6x + 5y = 30

    The question is, on the other hand, how long will the clock take to strike 12 times? As there would be 11 breaks in the sequence of 12 strokes, the equation is:

    12x + 11y = ?

    Of course, the first equation leads us to the following:

    12x + 10y = 60

    so we know that the time between the first and last strokes would take more than 60 seconds (by one y, which is the time for one break), as:

    12x + 11y = (12x + 10y) + y = 60 + y

    If we do not know the length of a break, it would be impossible to solve the problem. For example, if it takes 1 second to strike (i.e., x = 1) then a break takes 4.8 seconds (i.e., y = 4.8) as 6x + 5y = 30. In this case, it will take 64.8 seconds for 12 strikes. If, on the other hand, it takes 2 seconds to strike (i.e., x = 2), then a break takes 3.6 seconds (i.e., y = 3.6). In this case it will take 63.6 seconds for 12 strikes. As you can see, the puzzle has many possible solutions …

    To get a unique solution we have to assume something. We may, for instance, assume that the strikes take no time (i.e., x = 0). Then 5 breaks take 30 seconds, so the break between two strikes takes 6 seconds. For 12 strikes, there are 11 breaks between strikes, so it would take 66 seconds for the clock to strike 12 times.

    In this puzzle it was essential to distinguish between strikes and breaks, and understand that it is not the case that a strike takes 5 seconds but rather that a break between two strikes takes 6 seconds. Without this understanding we may jump to the wrong conclusion.

    The following puzzle also illustrates the process of understanding the problem:

    The vast majority of people say that the average speed for the whole trip was 50 km/h, as they do not have a clear understanding of the term average. Furthermore, the correct answer of 48 km/h seems very counterintuitive to them!

    How it is possible that 48 km/h is the correct answer? After all, the average of 40 and 60 is 50. To see it clearly, we have to understand the question (i.e., the problem we are trying to solve). Note that the term average speed is defined as a ratio between the distance and time, thus:

    vavg = D / T

    where D and T represent the total distance and total time of the whole trip, respectively. There are no other definitions of average speed for a trip! In all circumstances, while calculating average speed, we need to know the total distance traveled and the total time for the whole trip. Other reasoning, like averaging numbers 40 km/h and 60 km/h, are simply wrong!

    In our case, the total distance D is equal to 2d, where d is the distance between points A and B (as the trip takes us from point A to point B and back). On the other hand, the total time T for the whole trip consists of two components: the time tAB to get from point A to point B and the time tBA to get from point B to point A. Thus T is equal to tAB + tBA. So, the average speed for the whole trip is given as a ratio:

    vavg = D/T = 2d /( tAB + tBA)

    How long would it take us to drive from point A to point B if we drove at constant speed of 40 km/h? Note that the travel time is a ratio between the distance and the speed, so:

    tAB = d/40


    tBA = d/60

    With this in mind, we easily arrive at the final answer:

    vavg = 2d /( tAB + tBA) = 2d /( d/40 + d/60) = 2/(1/40 + 1/60) = 48

    The above two puzzles illustrate the most important point in all problem-solving activities: we should have a solid understanding of the problem before we attempt to solve it! This includes understanding the concepts that we are dealing with. The term average is especially confusing.⁶ Consider another example that shows how important the definition of average is in many circumstances: There is a common perception that we always join the slower line. If we imagine two lines of equal length and assume that in the absence of any other information they will behave (on average) the same, then the probability of joining the slower line should be 50 percent. So where does this intuition come from? The reason is the following: the 50 percent probability of joining the slower line is an event-average, whereas the intuition above is based on the timeaverage. For example, if we calculate the probability of being in the slower line (rather than just joining it) we will (on average) spend more time in the slower line, and this time-average will result in us having a higher probability of being in this line.

    So the precise definition of average being used in a problem is really important and not always fixed in stone (as the above example illustrated). This discussion leads us to the first rule of problem solving, which we can formulate as:

    Rule #1. Be sure you understand the problem, and all the basic terms and expressions used to define it.

    Note that quite often we use a variety of terms, like: average, middle, larger, better, without a proper understanding of these terms in the context of the problem at hand. Apart from understanding these terms, confusion can also arise from the way a problem (or a situation, event, etc.) is described. You have probably heard people say the summer of 2001 was much nicer than the summer of 2002 or the students in my class this year were smarter than the students last year. We usually know (intuitively) what such statements mean, but upon closer inspection we might find our intuition giving way to some lingering doubts about how exactly we should interpret these sorts of claims. The following story illustrates Rule #1 very well.

    Two groups of students are attending school. The students in group A boast that they are taller than the students in group B, while the students in group B enjoy the reputation of being smarter than the students in group A.

    One day, one of the students from group A approached a student from group B, and said We are taller than you! The student from group B thought about this statement and replied: "What do you mean that statement? Do you mean that:

    1. Each a is taller than each b?

    2. The tallest a is taller than the tallest b?

    3. Each a is taller than some b?

    4. Each b is smaller than some a ?

    5. Each a has a corresponding b (and each of them a different one) whom he surpasses in height?

    6. Each b has a corresponding a (and each of them a different one) by whom he is surpassed?

    7. The shortest b is shorter than the shortest a?

    8. The shortest a exceeds more b ’s than the tallest b exceeds a ’s?

    9. The sum of heights of the a ’s is greater than the sum of heights of the b ’s?

    10. The average height of the a ’s is greater than the average height of the b ’s?

    11. There are more a ’s who exceed some b than there are b ’s who exceed some a?

    12. There are more a ’s with height greater than the average height of the b ’s than there are b ’s with height greater than the average height of the a ’s?

    13. Or that the median height of the a ’s is greater than that of the b ’s?"

    These are excellent questions, and the student from group A could only reply: I’m not sure. I’ll need to think about that …

    Indeed, there is something to think about. Not only can the expression We are taller than you! be interpreted in many different ways (and the above list of 13 different interpretations is far from complete, as we can invent more sophisticated – and sometimes crazy – interpretations, such as: the product of heights of the a’s is greater than the product of heights of the b’s), but these interpretations are not independent from each other, as some of them are stronger in the sense they imply other interpretations. For example, the answer yes to question #1 (i.e., each a is taller than each b?) implies yes to question #2 (i.e., the tallest a is taller than the tallest b?) – this is obvious. It might be less obvious to find all pairs of questions from the above list of 13 questions, where an answer of yes to the first question implies the answer yes to the second question. If we find these pairs, we would also find questions that are equivalent in a sense that the answer to both questions must be the same.

    Rule #1 has some powerful consequences, as the process of understanding all the terms and expressions used in the description of the problem can often be the hardest part of the problemsolving activity! Especially given that real-world problems are usually described in imprecise terms. When people communicate with one another, they rarely resort to a high level of exactness. This simply is not practical. For the question What time is it? we should not expect the answer: It is 5:43:27. People understand and operate on terms based on their own individual understanding of the degree to which those terms represent some particular condition. Words like low, high, close, very old, red, early, and so forth, each have a general meaning that we understand. Those meanings are imprecise, but useful nevertheless. Trying to impose a precise meaning to each term is not only impractical, it is truly impossible, because each term means something different to each person.

    The classic example, used quite often by Lotfi Zadeh (the scientist who invented fuzzy logic) in his presentations, was to quote some article:

    Late afternoon was partially cloudy, yet there were many people on the streets of this large city.

    In this statement, what does "Late afternoon mean? Would 3:25 p.m. qualify as a late afternoon hour? What does partially cloudy mean? Are there three or four clouds on the sky? More? Less? It seems this is a bit unclear. But what does many people mean? Forty? Fifty? More? And what does large city" mean? One million inhabitants? More? Less?

    Problems are often expressed in natural (thus imprecise) language and so the process of understanding all the terms and expressions necessary for solving the problem is not always straightforward. A perfect example of this is given later (e.g., see puzzle 12.28); however, even the following simple puzzle illustrates the case quite well:

    The hard part of this puzzle is not finding the answer, but rather, trying to understand all the information given in the problem. It is not difficult to solve the problem once we understand it – once we know how to transform the information into the appropriate equations. We will return to this puzzle in chapter 3, where we discuss the importance of building a model of the problem.

    Now let us turn our attention to a delightful puzzle about cats and rats. Contrary to the previous puzzle, the following one seems very clear; however, closer examination will reveal that not everything is as straightforward as it appears:

    Indeed, there is very little to think about here! The typical reasoning is as follows: If it takes three cats three minutes to catch three rats, then it takes them just one minute to catch one rat. So, these three cats catch one rat per minute, and would catch 100 rats in 100 minutes. Easy.

    But take another look at the puzzle and the solution. We have made an important assumption without any justification (as this assumption was not stated in the problem): We have assumed that all three cats go after the same rat; it would take them one minute to catch it, and then they turn their attention to the next rat. But again, this was just our assumption. It might be that the cats’ strategy is very different – it might be that each cat chases a different rat and it takes three minutes to accomplish the task. If this is the case, it would take them 6 minutes to catch 6 rats, 9 minutes to catch 9 rats, and so on. It would take them 99 minutes to catch 99 rats. But this was not the question: we have to find out, how long it would take them to catch 100 rats (and not just 99 of them)! Again, this is unclear and there is nothing in the problem description that can assist us in getting the answer. It might be that it takes them a full 3 minutes to catch the final rat (one cat goes after the rat and the other two cats just watch), so the total time would be 102 minutes. But maybe they can do it quicker, if all of them participate in the chase?

    As we can see, to solve this puzzle we need to look deeper into the problem. What is the cats’ strategy for catching rats? Do they work together or individually? We need this information to come up with the correct

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