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Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World
Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World
Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World
Ebook364 pages5 hours

Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World

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About this ebook

The men depicted in the Bible were not perfect by any means. We find story after story marked by scandal, failure, and intrigue. Yet we also find many stories of men who were able to look beyond their circumstances, completely trust in the Lord, and follow Him wherever He chose to them. Like us, these men made both good and bad decisions along the way—and experienced both good and bad consequences—and we find our struggles and hopes in the pages of the Bible that tells their stories.

In this 10-session workbook, Max Lucado tells some of his favorite stories of these men in the Bible. Stories include:


  1. Noah: When You're Low on Hope
  2. Job: The Most Famous Conversation in the Bible
  3. Jacob: Wrestling with the Past
  4. Moses: The Voice from the Mop Bucket
  5. David: Colossal Collapses
  6. Joseph: Unanswered Questions
  7. Matthew: Friend of Flops
  8. Peter: The Gospel of the Second Chance
  9. Lazarus: The Final Witness
  10. Paul: Don’t Write Off Anyone


Each session includes five insights on each character and Bible study questions to help you delve into the stories and apply them to your life.

Release dateJul 14, 2015
Ten Men of the Bible: How God Used Imperfect People to Change the World

Max Lucado

Desde que entró en el ministerio en 1978, MAX LUCADO ha servido en iglesias de Miami, Florida; Río de Janeiro, Brasil; y San Antonio, Texas. Actualmente sirve como ministro de enseñanza de la Iglesia Oak Hills en San Antonio. Ha recibido el Premio Pinnacle 2021 de la ECPA por su destacada contribución a la industria editorial y la sociedad en general. Es el autor inspirador más vendido de Estados Unidos, con más de ciento cuarenta y cinco millones de productos impresos. Siga su sitio web en

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    Ten Men of the Bible - Max Lucado



    The ten men of the Bible we’re going to focus on in this study weren’t exactly all what you’d call a list of Who’s Who in Purity and Sainthood. In fact, some of their antics and attitudes would make you think of the Saturday night crowd at the county jail. What few halos there are among this cast of characters could probably use a bit of straightening and polishing.

    Their stories are marked by scandal, stumble, and intrigue. Yet they are also marked by remarkable faith.

    Noah, who built an ark but then drank a bit too much wine from his vineyard.

    Job, who thought he knew more about God than God did until God showed up and set him straight.

    Jacob, who hijacked his brother’s birthright and stole his blessing.

    Moses, who murdered an Egyptian and fled to the wilderness.

    David, the giant-killer who couldn’t corral his testosterone.

    Joseph, the man who went out on a shaky limb.

    Matthew, the tax collector who left it all to follow Christ.

    Lazarus, who . . . well, died.

    Peter, who betrayed Jesus three times and then fled the scene.

    And Paul, the killer of Christians who did a 180-degree-turn when he met Jesus on the Damascus Road.

    We find our stories in theirs. We find our hope where they found theirs. And in the midst of them all . . . hovering over them all . . . we find the hero of it all: God. Maker. Shaper. Rescuer of sinking hearts. God. Passing out high callings, second chances, and moral compasses to all comers and takers. So if you ever wonder how in the world God could use you to change the world, just look at these men. This ragbag of ne’er-do-wells, down-and-outs, has-beens, failed followers, and despairing church leaders found hope not in their performance but in God’s proverbially open arms.

    Each of us should do the same.


    This study guide is designed to help you delve into God’s Word and learn more about these ten fascinating men in the Bible. Each lesson contains the following elements:

    OPENING INSIGHTS: To help you get to know more about these ten men, each lesson opens with an insight and a retelling of the character’s story as drawn from Max’s books. Two reflection questions will then get you thinking about how each person’s story relates to your own.

    DAILY BIBLE STUDY: Each lesson contains five days of Bible study with insights drawn from Max’s books and leading questions to help you navigate the stories in Scripture.

    POINTS TO REMEMBER: Each day’s lesson concludes with a summary of the main points in the study. These serve as reminders to the key points of Max’s teaching and a review at the close of your study time.

    PRAYER FOR THE DAY: Each day’s lesson includes a prayer to help you focus your thoughts on God and move into your quiet time with him.

    WEEKLY MEMORY VERSES: Our lives are changed when we encounter Jesus, and our hearts are changed by what is kept there. The weekly memory verse will relate to the main theme of the lesson and help you hide God’s Word in your heart.

    SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS: Many Scripture quotes have been provided in the margins to help you follow the retelling of the story in your Bible. (Note: All of these quotes are from the New International Version.)

    During the daily Bible study portions, in addition to answering the questions that have been provided, you will also want to make notes of what comes to mind when you read the selected passage of Scripture. Be sure to have pen and paper for writing. Commit this time to the Lord, and ask him to reveal himself to you as work through each of the lessons in this study guide.


    If you would like to lead a group through the material in this study guide, please see the section at the end of the guide for a basic design of how to set up your group time, navigate problems and opportunites that may come up during your discussion time, and get the most out of the study as a group.

    LESSON 1



    WATER. A LL N OAH CAN SEE IS WATER . The evening sun sinks into it. The clouds are reflected in it. His boat is surrounded by it.

    Water. Water to the north. Water to the south. Water to the east. Water to the west. Water.

    All Noah can see is water.

    He can’t remember when he’s seen anything but. He and the boys had barely pushed the last hippo up the ramp when heaven opened a thousand fire hydrants. Within moments the boat was rocking, and for days the rain was pouring, and for weeks Noah has been wondering, How long is this going to last? For forty days it rained. For months they have floated. For months they have eaten the same food, smelled the same smell, and looked at the same faces. After a certain point you run out of things to say to each other.

    Finally the boat bumped, and the rocking stopped. Mrs. Noah gave Mr. Noah a look, and Noah gave the hatch a shove and poked his head through. The hull of the ark was resting on ground, but the ground was still surrounded by water. Noah, she yelled up at him, what do you see?


    He sent a raven on a scouting mission; it never returned. He sent a dove. It came back shivering and spent, having found no place to roost. Then, just this morning, he tried again. He pulled a dove out of the bowels of the ark and ascended the ladder. The morning sun caused them both to squint. As he kissed the breast of the bird, he felt a pounding heart. Had he put a hand on his chest, he would have felt another. With a prayer he let it go and watched until the bird was no bigger than a speck on a window.

    All day he looked for the dove’s return. In between chores he opened the hatch and searched. The boys wanted him to play a little pin the tail on the donkey, but he passed. He chose instead to climb into the crow’s nest and look. The wind lifted his gray hair. The sun warmed his weather-beaten face. But nothing lifted his heavy heart. He had seen nothing. Not in the morning. Not after lunch. Not later.

    Now the sun is setting, and the sky is darkening, and he has come to look one final time, but all he sees is water. Water to the north. Water to the south. Water to the east. Water to the . . .

    You know the feeling. You have stood where Noah stood. You’ve known your share of floods. Flooded by sorrow at the cemetery, stress at the office, anger at the disability in your body or the inability of your spouse. You’ve seen the floodwater rise, and you’ve likely seen the sun set on your hopes as well. You’ve been on Noah’s boat.

    And you’ve needed what Noah needed; you’ve needed some hope. You’re not asking for a helicopter rescue, but the sound of one would be nice. Hope doesn’t promise an instant solution but rather the possibility of an eventual one. Sometimes all we need is a little hope.

    That’s all Noah needed. And that’s all Noah received.

    1. Think of your life as an ark. What conditions are you facing right now? Are you docked in a port, feeling safe, secure, and full of hope? Are you drifting a little? Are you feeling the water level around you start to rise? Or are you, like Noah, riding out a massive flood with no dry ground—and very little hope—in sight?

    [Your Response]

    2. What affects the water level in your life? What things can make you lose sight of hope? List them in the order they affect you.

    [Your Response]

    Noah faced a literal extinction-level threat. The world as he knew it was gone, yet his hope could not be destroyed. He sent out the raven and the doves to get a sense of when—not if—God would ease the flood. In the first study, we’ll see how God rewarded Noah’s hope in a small but profound way.

    978071803698_0008_015.jpg PRAYER FOR THE WEEK 978071803698_0008_014.jpg

    Heavenly Father, thank you for making yourself known to us through your Word. Thank you for filling its pages with stories of hope. Thank you for keeping the spark of hope alive in us, no matter how dark our world becomes. Bless our efforts to understand better the incredible hope you offer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Day One: Olive Leaves


    The old sailor stares at the sun bisected by the horizon. Could hardly imagine a more beautiful sight. But he’d give this one and a hundred more for an acre of dry ground and a grove of grapes. Mrs. Noah’s voice reminds him that dinner is on the table and he should lock the hatch, and he’s just about to call it a day when he hears the cooing of the dove. Here is how the Bible describes the moment: When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! (Genesis 8:11 NIV).

    An olive leaf. Noah would have been happy to have the bird but to have the leaf! This leaf was more than foliage; this was promise. The bird brought more than a piece of a tree; it brought hope. For isn’t that what hope is? Hope is an olive leafevidence of dry land after a flood. Proof to the dreamer that dreaming is worth the risk.

    1. When the dove delivered the olive leaf, it brought hope to Noah of a new world to come. Read Genesis 6:9–21. What was the problem with the old world of Noah’s day? How would you summarize the events that led up to the Flood?

    [Your Response]

    2. How would you summarize Noah’s role in those events? Why did God choose him and his family to be rescued from the Flood?

    [Your Response]

    3. Read Genesis 7:17–24. What emotions do you imagine Noah experienced when he saw the waters rise? What thoughts were running through his mind?

    [Your Response]

    4. Notice the waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days (verse 24). How would that have affected Noah’s hope? How do you think his attitude toward God helped him as he waited for the waters to recede?

    [Your Response]


    Don’t we love the olive leaves of life?

    It appears the cancer may be in remission. I can help you with those finances. We’ll get through this together.

    What’s more, don’t we love the doves that bring them? When the father walks his son through his first broken heart, he gives him an olive leaf. When the wife of many years consoles the wife of a few months, when she tells her that conflicts come and all husbands are moody and these storms pass, you know what she is doing? She is giving an olive leaf.

    5. To be able to give an olive leaf is a hard-earned privilege. Hope doesn’t always come easily. In Noah’s story, we know his first attempt at avian exploration ended in disappointment when the raven didn’t come back. Read Genesis 8:1–12. Based on what does—or doesn’t—happen with each bird release, what can we learn about the way God chooses to work in certain situations?

    [Your Response]

    6. The olive leaf was good news, but not necessarily miraculously good news. God hadn’t caused the floodwaters to vanish overnight, even though that’s probably what more than one person in the ark had been hoping. What does that tell us about hope and expectations?

    [Your Response]

    7. Noah and his family knew the conditions outside were improving, but they had no idea how much longer they would have to stay in the ark. Read Jeremiah 29:11. What’s the secret to maintaining hope for an indefinite period of time?

    [Your Response]

    8. What are some olive leaves of life that you would like receive right now? What are some leaves you could give to others?

    [Your Response]

    The thread of hope—regardless of circumstances—that runs through the story of Noah weaves its way throughout the rest of Scripture. That hope found its personification in Jesus. As we’ll see in the next study, no one brought hope like Christ.

    978071803698_0008_015.jpg POINTS TO REMEMBER 978071803698_0008_014.jpg

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg During trying times, God sends an olive leaf of hope to assure us there is dry land after a flood.

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg The olive leaves of life—and those who bring them—prove to the dreamer that the dream is work the risk.

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg We make a tremendous impact on another person’s life when we offer them an olive leaf of hope.

    978071803698_0008_015.jpg PRAYER FOR THE WEEK 978071803698_0008_014.jpg

    Father, we praise you for making all things happen in your perfect, perfect time. We thank you for your loving concern. Even in the midst of your judgment of the world, you kept Noah and his family safe. You gave them reason to hope, just as you give us reason to hope. May we never forget that. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Day Two: The Hope We Need


    We love olive leaves. And we love those who give them. Perhaps that’s the reason so many loved Jesus.

    He stands near a woman who was yanked from a bed of promiscuity. She’s still dizzy from the raid. A door slammed open, covers were pulled back, and the fraternity of moral police barged in. And now here she stands. Noah could see nothing but water. She can see nothing but anger. She has no hope.

    But then Jesus speaks, If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her (John 8:7 NIV). Silence. Both the eyes and the rocks of the accusers hit the ground. Within moments they have left, and Jesus is alone with the woman. The dove of heaven offers her a leaf.

    Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?

    No one, sir, she said.

    Then neither do I condemn you, Jesus declared. Go now and leave your life of sin (verses 10–11 NIV).

    Into her shame-flooded world he brings a leaf of hope.

    1. Hope can be given and hope can be taken. Read John 8:1–11. In this story, the moral police put the woman in a seemingly hopeless position. In what other ways do people tend to rob other people of hope?

    [Your Response]

    2. Who in the past has robbed—or attempted to rob—you of hope? How did they do it? How successful were they?

    [Your Response]

    3. What did you learn from those experiences?

    [Your Response]

    4. Based on what you read in John 8, what do you think Jesus would say to the people who attempted to rob you? What do you think he would say to you about those encounters?

    [Your Response]


    Jesus also brings a leaf of hope to Martha. She is bobbing in a sea of sorrow. Her brother is dead. His body has been buried. And Jesus, well, Jesus is late. If you had been here, my brother would not have died. Then I think she might have paused. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask (John 11:21–22 NIV). As Noah opened his hatch, so Martha opens her heart. As the dove brought a leaf, so Christ brings the same.

    I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?

    Yes, Lord, she told him, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world (verses 25–27 NIV).

    How could he get by with such words? Who was he to make such a claim? What qualified him to offer grace to one woman and a promise of resurrection to another? Simple. He had done what the dove did. He’d crossed the shoreline of the future land and journeyed among the trees. And from the grove of grace he plucked a leaf for the woman. And from the tree of life he pulled a sprig for Martha.

    And from both he brings leaves to you. Grace and life. Forgiveness of sin. The defeat of death. This is the hope he gives. This is the hope we need.

    5. Martha essentially told Jesus, If you had been here when my brother was sick, we would have had reason to hope. In light of what Jesus did minutes later—raise her brother from the dead—her words seem shortsighted. In what other ways do people tend to be shortsighted when it comes to hope?

    [Your Response]

    6. Earlier in the story, it’s revealed Jesus could have arrived in Bethany while Martha’s brother, Lazarus, was still alive. Instead, he delayed his visit. Why do you suppose Jesus allowed Mary and Martha to endure such a seemingly hopeless situation?

    [Your Response]

    7. Has Jesus ever done something similar in your life? In what ways has he allowed you to endure seemingly hopeless situations to cause you to rethink your definition of hopeless?

    [Your Response]

    8. Jesus’ defeat of death and forgiveness of sins gives us hope for eternal life, but what about in the meantime? What present hope does his salvation give us?

    [Your Response]

    Jesus’ raising of Lazarus opens the door for all kinds of hope for those who believe in him. In many instances, holding on to hope may not seem logical. However, as the next study will make clear, the Lord has a perspective—a vision of the here and now as well as of what’s to come—that we do not. And that perspective makes all the difference in the world.

    978071803698_0008_015.jpg POINTS TO REMEMBER 978071803698_0008_014.jpg

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg Jesus enters our shame-flooded world when everything seems the most hopeless and offers us a leaf from the grove of grace.

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg Jesus comforts us in our sorrow and assures us he is the way and the truth and the life (John 14:6 NIV).

    97807180369_0010_013.jpg Jesus promises all who believe in him will one day have the ultimate hope of eternal life.

    978071803698_0008_015.jpg PRAYER FOR THE DAY 978071803698_0008_014.jpg

    Father, thank you for sending your Son. Thank you for sacrificing that which was most precious to you in order to give us hope. May that hope burn so brightly in us that it inspires others to hope—and to claim the gift of salvation that you offer. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Day Three: Bobby Pins and Rubber Bands


    In his book The Grand Essentials, Ben Patterson tells of an S–4 submarine that sank off the coast of Massachusetts. The entire crew was trapped. Every effort was made to rescue the sailors, but every effort failed. Near the end of the ordeal, a deep-sea diver heard tapping on the steel wall of the sunken sub. As he placed his helmet against the vessel, he realized he was hearing a sailor tap out this question in Morse code: Is there any hope?¹

    To the guilty who ask that question, Jesus says, Yes!

    To the death-struck who ask that question, Jesus answers, Yes!

    To all the Noahs of the world, to all who search the horizon for a fleck of hope, he proclaims, Yes! And he comes. He comes as a dove. He comes bearing fruit from a distant land, from our future home. He comes with a leaf of hope.

    Have you received yours? Don’t think your ark is too isolated. Don’t think your flood is too wide. Your toughest challenge is nothing more than bobby pins and rubber bands to God.

    1. The question the submarine crew posed was desperate and simple: Is there hope? How many people in your circle of acquaintances do you suppose are asking the same question—if not aloud, then alone in a quiet, desperate panic? How can you spot those who need an answer?

    [Your Response]

    2. What makes people assume their ark is too isolated or their flood is too wide to allow for any hope?

    [Your Response]

    3. How can we counter that way of thinking without sounding delusional?

    [Your Response]

    4. Whatever hope the crew of the sunken S–4 submarine may have had, it ended with their deaths. But death is not the only cause of hopes being left unfulfilled. What would you say to someone who’s been scarred by hopes that never came to fruition?

    [Your Response]


    Bobby pins and rubber bands? My older sister used to give them to me when I was a child. I would ride my tricycle up and down the sidewalk, pretending that the bobby pins were keys and my trike was a truck. But one day I lost the keys. Crisis! What was I going to do? My search yielded nothing but tears and fear. But when I confessed my mistake to my sister, she just smiled. Being a decade older, she had a better perspective.

    God has a better perspective as well. With all due respect, our severest struggles are, in his view, nothing worse than lost bobby pins and rubber bands. He is not confounded, confused, or discouraged.

    Receive his hope, won’t you? Receive it because you need it. Receive it so you can share it.

    What do you suppose Noah did with his? What do you think he did with the leaf? Did he throw it overboard and forget about it? Do you suppose he stuck it in his pocket and saved it for a scrapbook? Or do you think he let out a whoop and assembled the troops and passed it around like the Hope Diamond it was?

    Certainly he whooped. That’s what you do with hope. What do you do with olive leaves? You pass them around. You don’t stick them in your pocket. You give them to the ones you love. Love always hopes. "Love . . . bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things" (1 Corinthians 13:4–7 NKJV, emphasis added).

    Love has hope in you.

    5. Noah wasn’t the only one to receive an olive leaf the day the dove came back bearing the twig in its talons. His whole family was fervently hoping for something to happen. From your own perspective, why is it easier to maintain hope when you are not going through tough times alone?

    [Your Response]

    6. What happens when a community of people experience hope? How does that shape their lives and the lives of generations to come?

    [Your Response]

    7. As believers in Christ, we have hope because we know God has a greater perspective on our troubles than we do. What do the following verses say about why we can always trust in God’s plans for our lives?

    Proverbs 3:5–6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (NIV).

    [Your Response]

    Jeremiah 1:5: Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work. I appointed you as a prophet to the nations (NCV).

    [Your Response]

    Matthew 6:25–27: Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

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