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Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes: Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes
Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes: Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes
Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes: Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes
Ebook957 pages6 hours

Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes: Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Kubernetes

  • Microservices

  • Software Development

  • Istio

  • Docker

  • Technology

  • Mentor

  • Chosen One

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Strong Female Protagonist

  • Misunderstandings

  • Journey

  • Nostalgia

  • Social Differences

  • Collaboration

  • Go Programming Language

  • Deployment

  • Service Mesh

  • Delinkcious

  • Cloud Computing

About this ebook

Enhance your skills in building scalable infrastructure for your cloud-based applications

Key Features
  • Learn to design a scalable architecture by building continuous integration (CI) pipelines with Kubernetes
  • Get an in-depth understanding of role-based access control (RBAC), continuous deployment (CD), and observability
  • Monitor a Kubernetes cluster with Prometheus and Grafana
Book Description

Kubernetes is among the most popular open-source platforms for automating the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts, providing a container-centric infrastructure.

Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes starts by providing you with in-depth insights into the synergy between Kubernetes and microservices. You will learn how to use Delinkcious, which will serve as a live lab throughout the book to help you understand microservices and Kubernetes concepts in the context of a real-world application. Next, you will get up to speed with setting up a CI/CD pipeline and configuring microservices using Kubernetes ConfigMaps. As you cover later chapters, you will gain hands-on experience in securing microservices, and implementing REST, gRPC APIs, and a Delinkcious data store. In addition to this, you’ll explore the Nuclio project, run a serverless task on Kubernetes, and manage and implement data-intensive tests. Toward the concluding chapters, you’ll deploy microservices on Kubernetes and learn to maintain a well-monitored system. Finally, you’ll discover the importance of service meshes and how to incorporate Istio into the Delinkcious cluster.

By the end of this book, you’ll have gained the skills you need to implement microservices on Kubernetes with the help of effective tools and best practices.

What you will learn
  • Understand the synergy between Kubernetes and microservices
  • Create a complete CI/CD pipeline for your microservices on Kubernetes
  • Develop microservices on Kubernetes with the Go kit framework using best practices
  • Manage and monitor your system using Kubernetes and open-source tools
  • Expose your services through REST and gRPC APIs
  • Implement and deploy serverless functions as a service
  • Externalize authentication, authorization and traffic shaping using a service mesh
  • Run a Kubernetes cluster in the cloud on Google Kubernetes Engine
Who this book is for

This book is for developers, DevOps engineers, or anyone who wants to develop large-scale microservice-based systems on top of Kubernetes. If you are looking to use Kubernetes on live production projects or want to migrate existing systems to a modern containerized microservices system, then this book is for you. Coding skills, together with some knowledge of Docker, Kubernetes, and cloud concepts will be useful.

Release dateJul 5, 2019
Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes: Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes

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    Book preview

    Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes - Gigi Sayfan

    Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes

    Hands-On Microservices

    with Kubernetes

    Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices

    on Kubernetes

    Gigi Sayfan


    Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes

    Copyright © 2019 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    Commissioning Editor: Pavan Ramchandani

    Acquisition Editor: Rohit Rajkumar

    Content Development Editor: Amitendra Pathak

    Senior Editor: Rahul Dsouza

    Technical Editor: Prachi Sawant

    Copy Editor: Safis Editing

    Project Coordinator: Jagdish Prabhu

    Proofreader: Safis Editing

    Indexer: Manju Arasan

    Production Designer: Jayalaxmi Raja

    First published: July 2019

    Production reference: 1050719

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

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    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78980-546-8

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    About the author

    Gigi Sayfan is a principal software architect at Helix – a bioinformatics and genomics start-up – and author of Mastering Kubernetes, published by Packt. He has been developing software professionally for more than 20 years in domains as diverse as instant messaging, morphing, chip-fabrication process control, embedded multimedia applications for games consoles, and brain-inspired machine learning. He has written production code in many programming languages including Go, Python, C#, Java, Delphi, JavaScript, and even Cobol and PowerBuilder, for operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, Lynx, and Sony PlayStation. His technical expertise covers databases, low-level networking, unorthodox user interfaces, and the general SDLC.

    About the reviewers

    Guang Ya Liu is a senior technical staff member for IBM Cloud Private and is currently focused on cloud computing, container technology, and distributed computing. He is also a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. He was an OpenStack Magnum Core member from 2015 to 2017, and now serves as an Istio maintainer, Kubernetes member, Kubernetes Federation V2 maintainer, Apache Mesos committer, and PMC member.

    Shashidhar Soppin is a senior software architect with over 18 years' experience in IT. He has worked on virtualization, storage, the cloud and cloud architecture, OpenStack, machine learning, deep learning, and Docker container technologies. Primarily, his focus is on building new approaches and solutions for enterprise customers. He is an avid author of open source technologies (OSFY), a blogger (LinuxTechi), and a holder of patents. He graduated from BIET, Davangere, India. In his free time, he loves to travel and read books.

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    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright and Credits

    Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes

    About Packt

    Why subscribe?


    About the author

    About the reviewers

    Packt is searching for authors like you


    Who this book is for

    What this book covers

    To get the most out of this book

    Download the example code files

    Download the color images

    Conventions used

    Get in touch


    Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers

    Technical requirements

    Installing Docker

    Installing kubectl

    Installing Minikube

    The code

    Kubernetes in a nutshell

    Kubernetes – the container orchestration platform

    The history of Kubernetes

    The state of Kubernetes

    Understanding the Kubernetes architecture

    The control plane

    The API server

    The etcd store

    The scheduler

    The controller manager

    The data plane

    The kubelet

    The kube proxy

    The container runtime


    Kubernetes and microservices – a perfect match

    Packaging and deploying microservices

    Exposing and discovering microservices

    Securing microservices


    Service accounts


    Secure communication

    Network policies

    Authenticating and authorizing microservices

    Role-based access control

    Upgrading microservices

    Scaling microservices

    Monitoring microservices



    Creating a local cluster

    Installing Minikube

    Troubleshooting Minikube

    Verifying your cluster

    Playing with your cluster

    Installing Helm


    Further reading

    Getting Started with Microservices

    Technical requirements

    Installing Go with Homebrew on macOS

    Installing Go on other platforms

    The code

    Programming in the small – less is more

    Making your microservice autonomous

    Employing interfaces and contracts

    Exposing your service via APIs

    Using client libraries

    Managing dependencies

    Coordinating microservices

    The uniformity versus flexibility trade-off

    Taking advantage of ownership

    Understanding Conway's law




    Troubleshooting across multiple services

    Utilizing shared service libraries

    Choosing a source control strategy


    Multiple repos


    Creating a data strategy

    One data store per microservice

    Running distributed queries

    Employing Command Query Responsibility Segregation

    Employing API composition

    Using sagas to manage transactions across multiple services

    Understanding ACID

    Understanding the CAP theorem

    Applying the saga pattern to microservices


    Further reading

    Delinkcious - the Sample Application

    Technical requirements

    Visual Studio Code



    Other options

    The code

    Choosing Go for Delinkcious

    Getting to know Go kit

    Structuring microservices with Go kit

    Understanding transports

    Understanding endpoints

    Understanding services

    Understanding middleware

    Understanding clients

    Generating the boilerplate

    Introducing the Delinkcious directory structure

    The cmd subdirectory

    The pkg subdirectory

    The svc subdirectory

    Introducing the Delinkcious microservices

    The object model

    The service implementation

    Implementing the support functions

    Invoking the API via a client library

    Storing data


    Further reading

    Setting Up the CI/CD Pipeline

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Understanding a CI/CD pipeline

    Options for the Delinkcious CI/CD pipeline

    Jenkins X


    Travis CI and CircleCI


    Argo CD

    Rolling your own


    Building your images with CircleCI

    Reviewing the source tree

    Configuring the CI pipeline

    Understanding the script

    Dockerizing a Go service with a multi-stage Dockerfile

    Exploring the CircleCI UI

    Considering future improvements

    Setting up continuous delivery for Delinkcious

    Deploying a Delinkcious microservice

    Understanding Argo CD

    Argo CD is built on Argo

    Argo CD utilizes GitOps

    Getting started with Argo CD

    Configuring Argo CD

    Using sync policies

    Exploring Argo CD


    Further reading

    Configuring Microservices with Kubernetes

    Technical requirements

    The code

    What is configuration all about?

    Configuration and secrets

    Managing configuration the old-fashioned way

    Convention over configuration

    Command-line flags

    Environment variables

    Configuration files

    INI format

    XML format

    JSON format

    YAML format

    TOML format

    Proprietary formats

    Hybrid configuration and defaults

    Twelve factor app configuration

    Managing configuration dynamically

    Understanding dynamic configuration

    When is dynamic configuration useful?

    When should you avoid dynamic configuration?

    Remote configuration store

    Remote configuration service

    Configuring microservices with Kubernetes

    Working with Kubernetes ConfigMaps

    Creating and managing ConfigMaps

    Applying advanced configuration

    Kubernetes custom resources

    Service discovery


    Further reading

    Securing Microservices on Kubernetes

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Applying sound security principles

    Differentiating between user accounts and service accounts

    User accounts

    Service accounts

    Managing secrets with Kubernetes

    Understanding the three types of Kubernetes secret

    Creating your own secrets

    Passing secrets to containers

    Building a secure pod

    Managing permissions with RBAC

    Controlling access with authentication, authorization, and admission

    Authenticating microservices

    Authorizing microservices

    Admitting microservices

    Hardening your Kubernetes cluster using security best practices

    Securing your images

    Always pull images

    Scan for vulnerabilities

    Update your dependencies

    Pinning the versions of your base images

    Using minimal base images

    Dividing and conquering your network

    Safeguarding your image registry

    Granting access to Kubernetes resources as needed

    Using quotas to minimize the blast radius

    Units for requests and limits

    Implementing security contexts

    Hardening your pods with security policies

    Hardening your toolchain

    Authentication of admin user via JWT tokens

    Authorization via RBAC

    Secure communication over HTTPS

    Secret and credentials management


    Cluster RBAC


    Further reading

    Talking to the World - APIs and Load Balancers

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Getting familiar with Kubernetes services

    Service types in Kubernetes

    East-west versus north-south communication

    Understanding ingress and load balancing

    Providing and consuming a public REST API

    Building a Python-based API gateway service

    Implementing social login

    Routing traffic to internal microservices

    Utilizing base Docker images to reduce build time

    Adding ingress

    Verifying that the API gateway is available outside the cluster

    Finding the Delinkcious URL

    Getting an access token

    Hitting the Delinkcious API gateway from outside the cluster

    Providing and consuming an internal gRPC API

    Defining the NewsManager interface

    Implementing the news manager package

    Exposing NewsManager as a gRPC service

    Defining the gRPC service contract

    Generating service stubs and client libraries with gRPC

    Using Go-kit to build the NewsManager service

    Implementing the gRPC transport

    Sending and receiving events via a message queue

    What is NATS?

    Deploying NATS in the cluster

    Sending link events with NATS

    Subscribing to link events with NATS

    Handling link events

    Understanding service meshes


    Further reading

    Working with Stateful Services

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Abstracting storage

    The Kubernetes storage model

    Storage classes

    Volumes, persistent volumes, and provisioning

    Persistent volume claims

    In-tree and out-of-tree storage plugins

    Understanding CSI

    Standardizing on CSI

    Storing data outside your Kubernetes cluster

    Storing data inside your cluster with StatefulSets

    Understanding a StatefulSet

    StatefulSet components

    Pod identity


    When should you use a StatefulSet?

    Comparing deployment and StatefulSets

    Reviewing a large StatefulSet example

    A quick introduction to Cassandra

    Deploying Cassandra on Kubernetes using StatefulSets

    Achieving high performance with local storage

    Storing your data in memory

    Storing your data on a local SSD

    Using relational databases in Kubernetes

    Understanding where the data is stored

    Using a deployment and service

    Using a StatefulSet

    Helping the user service locate StatefulSet pods

    Managing schema changes

    Using non-relational data stores in Kubernetes

    An introduction to Redis

    Persisting events in the news service


    Further reading

    Running Serverless Tasks on Kubernetes

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Serverless in the cloud

    Microservices and serverless functions

    Modeling serverless functions in Kubernetes

    Functions as code

    Functions as containers

    Building, configuring, and deploying serverless functions

    Invoking serverless functions

    Link checking with Delinkcious

    Designing link checks

    Implementing link checks

    Serverless link checking with Nuclio

    A quick introduction to Nuclio

    Creating a link checker serverless function

    Deploying the link checker function with nuctl

    Deploying a function using the Nuclio dashboard

    Invoking the link-checker function directly

    Triggering link checking in LinkManager

    Other Kubernetes serverless frameworks

    Kubernetes Jobs and CronJobs






    Further reading

    Testing Microservices

    Technical requirements

    Unit testing

    Unit testing with Go

    Unit testing with Ginkgo and Gomega

    Delinkcious unit testing

    Designing for testability

    The art of mocking

    Bootstrapping your test suite

    Implementing the LinkManager unit tests

    Should you test everything?

    Integration testing

    Initializing a test database

    Running services

    Running the actual test

    Implementing database test helpers

    Implementing service test helpers

    Checking errors

    Running a local service

    Stopping a local service

    Local testing with Kubernetes

    Writing a smoke test

    Running the test


    Installing Telepresence

    Running a local link service via Telepresence

    Attaching to the local link service with GoLand for live debugging

    Isolating tests

    Test clusters

    Cluster per developer

    Dedicated clusters for system tests

    Test namespaces

    Writing multi-tenant systems

    Cross namespace/cluster

    End-to-end testing

    Acceptance testing

    Regression testing

    Performance testing

    Managing test data

    Synthetic data

    Manual test data

    Production snapshot


    Further reading

    Deploying Microservices

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Kubernetes deployments

    Deploying to multiple environments

    Understanding deployment strategies

    Recreating deployment

    Rolling updates

    Blue-green deployment

    Adding deployment – the blue label

    Updating the link-manager service to match blue pods only

    Prefixing the description of each link with [green]

    Bumping the version number

    Letting CircleCI build the new image

    Deploying the new (green) version

    Updating the link-manager service to use the green deployment

    Verifying that the service now uses the green pods to serve requests

    Canary deployments

    Employing a basic canary deployment for Delinkcious

    Using canary deployments for A/B testing

    Rolling back deployments

    Rolling back standard Kubernetes deployments

    Rolling back blue-green deployments

    Rolling back canary deployments

    Dealing with a rollback after a schema, API, or payload change

    Managing versions and dependencies

    Managing public APIs

    Managing cross-service dependencies

    Managing third-party dependencies

    Managing your infrastructure and toolchain

    Local development deployments







    Further reading

    Monitoring, Logging, and Metrics

    Technical requirements

    The code

    Self-healing with Kubernetes

    Container failures

    Node failure

    Systemic failures

    Autoscaling a Kubernetes cluster

    Horizontal pod autoscaling

    Using the horizontal pod autoscaler

    Cluster autoscaling

    Vertical pod autoscaling

    Provisioning resources with Kubernetes

    What resources should you provision?

    Defining container limits

    Specifying resource quotas

    Manual provisioning

    Utilizing autoscaling

    Rolling your own automated provisioning

    Getting performance right

    Performance and user experience 

    Performance and high availability

    Performance and cost

    Performance and security


    What should you log?

    Logging versus error reporting

    The quest for the perfect Go logging interface

    Logging with Go-kit

    Setting up a logger with Go-kit

    Using a logging middleware

    Centralized logging with Kubernetes

    Collecting metrics on Kubernetes

    Introducing the Kubernetes metrics API

    Understanding the Kubernetes metrics server

    Using Prometheus

    Deploying Prometheus into the cluster

    Recording custom metrics from Delinkcious


    Embracing component failure

    Grudgingly accepting system failure

    Taking human factors into account

    Warnings versus alerts

    Considering severity levels

    Determining alert channels

    Fine-tuning noisy alerts

    Utilizing the Prometheus alert manager

    Configuring alerts in Prometheus

    Distributed tracing

    Installing Jaeger

    Integrating tracing into your services


    Further reading

    Service Mesh - Working with Istio

    Technical requirements

    The code

    What is a service mesh?

    Comparing monoliths to microservices

    Using a shared library to manage the cross-cutting concerns of microservices

    Using a service mesh to manage the cross-cutting concerns of microservices

    Understanding the relationship between Kubernetes and a service mesh

    What does Istio bring to the table?

    Getting to know the Istio architecture






    Managing traffic with Istio

    Routing requests

    Load balancing

    Handling failures

    Injecting faults for testing

    Doing canary deployments

    Securing your cluster with Istio

    Understanding Istio identity

    Authenticating users with Istio

    Authorizing requests with Istio

    Enforcing policies with Istio

    Collecting metrics with Istio

    When should you avoid Istio?

    Delinkcious on Istio

    Removing mutual authentication between services

    Utilizing better canary deployments

    Automatic logging and error reporting

    Accommodating NATS

    Examining the Istio footprint

    Alternatives to Istio

    Linkerd 2.0


    HashiCorp Consul

    AWS App Mesh


    The no mesh option


    Further reading

    The Future of Microservices and Kubernetes

    The future of microservices

    Microservices versus serverless functions

    Microservices, containers, and orchestration

    gRPC and gRPC-Web


    HTTP/3 is coming

    The future of Kubernetes

    Kubernetes extensibility

    Abstracting the container runtime

    Abstracting networking

    Abstracting storage

    The cloud provider interface

    Service mesh integration

    Serverless computing on Kubernetes

    Kubernetes and VMs



    Kata containers

    Cluster autoscaling

    Using operators



    Further reading

    Other Books You May Enjoy

    Leave a review - let other readers know what you think


    Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes is the book you have been waiting for. It will walk you though the parallel paths of developing microservices and deploying them on Kubernetes. The synergy between microservice-based architecture and Kubernetes is very powerful. This book covers all angles. It explains the concepts behind microservices and Kubernetes, discusses real-world concerns and trade-offs, takes you through the development of fully fledged microservice-based systems, shows you best practices, and provides ample recommendations.

    This book covers an amazing amount of ground in great depth and with working code to illustrate. You will learn how to design a microservice-based architecture, build microservices, test the microservices you've built, and package them as Docker images. Then, you will learn how to deploy your system as a collection of Docker images to Kubernetes and manage it there.

    Along the way, you will become familiar with most important trends to be aware of, such as automated continuous integration / continuous delivery (CI/CD) , gRPC-based microservices, serverless computing, and service meshes.

    By the end of this book, you will have gained a lot of knowledge and hands-on experience with planning, developing, and operating large-scale cloud-native systems using microservice-based architecture deployed on Kubernetes.

    Who this book is for

    This book is targeted at software developers and DevOps engineers who want to be at the forefront of large-scale software engineering. It will help if you have experience with large-scale software systems that are deployed using containers on more than one machine and are developed by several teams.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers, introduces you to Kubernetes. You will receive a whirlwind tour of Kubernetes and get an idea of how well it aligns with microservices.

    Chapter 2, Getting Started with Microservices, discusses various aspects, patterns, and approaches to common problems in microservice-based systems and how they compare to other common architectures, such as monoliths and large services.

    Chapter 3, Delinkcious – the Sample Application, explores why we should choose Go as the programming language of Delinkcious; then we will look at Go kit.

    Chapter 4, Setting Up the CI/CD Pipeline, teaches you about the problem the CI/CD pipeline solves, covers the different options for CI/CD pipelines for Kubernetes, and finally looks at building a CI/CD pipeline for Delinkcious.

    Chapter 5, Configuring Microservices with Kubernetes, moves you into the practical and real-world area of microservices configuration. Also, we will discuss Kubernetes-specific options and, in particular, ConfigMaps.

    Chapter 6, Securing Microservices on Kubernetes, examines how to secure your microservices on Kubernetes in depth. We will also discuss the pillars that act as the foundation of microservice security on Kubernetes.

    Chapter 7, Talking to the World – APIs and Load Balancers, sees us open Delinkcious to the world and let users interact with it from outside the cluster. Also, we will add a gRPC-based news service that users can hit up to get news about other users they follow. Finally, we will add a message queue that lets services communicate in a loosely coupled manner.

    Chapter 8, Working with Stateful Services, delves into the Kubernetes storage model. We will also extend the Delinkcious news service to store its data in Redis, instead of in memory.

    Chapter 9, Running Serverless Tasks on Kubernetes, dives into one of the hottest trends in cloud-native systems: serverless computing (also known as Function as a Service, or FaaS). Also, we'll cover other ways to do serverless computing in Kubernetes.

    Chapter 10, Testing Microservices, covers the topic of testing and its various flavors: unit testing, integration testing, and all kinds of end-to-end testing. We also delve into how Delinkcious tests are structured.

    Chapter 11, Deploying Microservices, deals with two related, yet separate, themes: production deployments and development deployments. 

    Chapter 12, Monitoring, Logging, and Metrics, focuses on the operational side of running a large-scale distributed system on Kubernetes, as well as on how to design the system and what to take into account to ensure a top-notch operational posture. 

    Chapter 13, Service Mesh – Working with Istio, reviews the hot topic of service meshes and, in particular, Istio. This is exciting because service meshes are a real game changer.

    Chapter 14, The Future of Microservices and Kubernetes, covers the topics of Kubernetes and microservices, and will help us learn how to decide when it's the right time to adopt and invest in newer technologies.

    To get the most out of this book

    Any software requirements are either listed at the beginning of each chapter in the Technical requirements section, or, if the installation of a particular piece of software is part of the material of the chapter, then any instructions you need will be contained within the chapter itself. Most of the installations are software components that are installed into the Kubernetes cluster. This is an important part of the hands-on nature of the book. 

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    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Note that I made sure it's executable via chmod +x.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    version: 2




        - image: circleci/golang:1.11

        - image: circleci/postgres:9.6-alpine

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    $ tree -L 2


    ├── LICENSE



    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: We can sync it by selecting Sync from the ACTIONS dropdown.

    Warnings or important notes appear like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Introduction to Kubernetes for Developers

    In this chapter, we will introduce you to Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a big platform and it's difficult to do justice to it in just one chapter. Luckily, we have a whole book to explore it. Don't worry if you feel a little overwhelmed. I'll mention many concepts and capabilities briefly. In later chapters, we will cover many of these in detail, as well as the connections and interactions between those Kubernetes concepts. To spice things up and get hands-on early, you will also create a local Kubernetes cluster (Minikube) on your machine. This chapter will cover the following topics:

    Kubernetes in a nutshell

    The Kubernetes architecture

    Kubernetes and microservices

    Creating a local cluster

    Technical requirements

    In this chapter, you will need the following tools:




    Installing Docker

    To install Docker, follow the instructions here: I will use Docker for macOS.

    Installing kubectl

    To install kubectl, follow the instructions here:

    Kubectl is the Kubernetes CLI and we will use it extensively throughout the book.

    Installing Minikube

    To install Minikube, follow the instructions here:

    Note that you need to install a hypervisor too. For the macOS, I find VirtualBox the most reliable. You may prefer another hypervisor, such as HyperKit. There will be more detailed instructions later when you get to play with Minikube.

    The code

    The code for the chapter is available here:

    There is another Git repository for the Delinkcious sample application that we will build together:

    Kubernetes in a nutshell

    In this section, you'll get a sense of what Kubernetes is all about, its history, and how it became so popular.

    Kubernetes – the container orchestration platform

    The primary function of Kubernetes is deploying and managing a large number of container-based workloads on a fleet of machines (physical or virtual). This means that Kubernetes provides the means to deploy containers to the cluster. It makes sure to comply with various scheduling constraints and pack the containers efficiently into the cluster nodes. In addition, Kubernetes automatically watches your containers and restarts them if they fail. Kubernetes will also relocate workloads off problematic nodes to other nodes. Kubernetes is an extremely flexible platform. It relies on a provisioned infrastructure layer of compute, memory, storage, and networking, and, with these resources, it works its magic.

    The history of Kubernetes

    Kubernetes and the entire cloud-native scene is moving at breakneck speed, but let's take a moment to reflect on how we got here. It will be a very short journey because Kubernetes came out of Google in June 2014, just a few years ago. When Docker became popular, it changed how people package, distribute, and deploy software. But, it soon became apparent that Docker doesn't scale on its own for large distributed systems. A few orchestration solutions became available, such as Apache Mesos, and later, Docker's own swarm. But, they never measured up to Kubernetes. Kubernetes was conceptually based on Google's Borg system. It brought together the design and technical excellence of a decade of Google engineering, but it was a new open source project. At OSCON 2015, Kubernetes 1.0 was released and the floodgates opened. The growth of Kubernetes, its ecosystem, and the community behind it, was as impressive as its technical excellence.

    Kubernetes means helmsman in Greek. You'll notice many nautical terms in the names of Kubernetes-related projects.

    The state of Kubernetes

    Kubernetes is now a household name. The DevOps world pretty much equates container orchestration with Kubernetes. All major cloud providers offer managed Kubernetes solutions. It is ubiquitous in enterprise and in startup companies. While Kubernetes is still young and innovation keeps happening, it is all happening in a very healthy way. The core is rock solid, battle tested, and used in production across lots and lots of companies. There are very big players collaborating and pushing Kubernetes forward, such as Google (obviously), Microsoft, Amazon, IBM, and VMware.

    The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) open source organization offers certification. Every 3 months, a new Kubernetes release comes out, which is the result of a collaboration between hundreds of volunteers and paid engineers. There is a large ecosystem surrounding the main project of both commercial and open source projects. You will see later how Kubernetes' flexible and extensible design encourages this ecosystem and helps in integrating Kubernetes into any cloud platform.

    Understanding the Kubernetes architecture

    Kubernetes is a marvel of software engineering. The architecture and design of Kubernetes are a big part in its success. Each cluster has a control plane and data plane. The control plane consists of several components, such as an API server, a metadata store for keeping the state of a cluster, and multiple controllers that are responsible for managing the nodes in the data plane and providing access to users. The control plane in production will be distributed across multiple machines for high availability and robustness. The data plane consists of multiple nodes, or workers. The control plane will deploy and run your pods (groups of containers) on these nodes, and then watch for changes and respond.

    Here is a diagram that illustrates the overall architecture:

    Let's review in detail the control plane and the data plane, as well as kubectl, which is the command-line tool you use to interact with the Kubernetes cluster.

    The control plane

    The control plane consists of several components:

    API server

    The etcd metadata store


    Controller manager

    Cloud controller manager

    Let's examine the role of each component.

    The API server

    The kube-api-server is a massive REST server that exposes the Kubernetes API to the world. You can have multiple instances of the API server in your control plane for high-availability. The API server keeps the cluster state in etcd.

    The etcd store

    The complete cluster is stored in etcd (, a consistent and reliable, distributed key-value store. The etcd store is an open source project (developed by CoreOS, originally).

    It is common to have three or five instances of etcd for redundancy. If you lose the data in your etcd store, you lose your cluster.

    The scheduler

    The kube-scheduler is responsible for scheduling pods to worker nodes. It implements a sophisticated scheduling algorithm that takes a lot of information into account, such as resource availability on each node, various constraints specified by the user, types of available nodes, resource limits and quotas, and other factors, such as affinity, anti-affinity, tolerations, and taints.

    The controller manager

    The kube-controller manager is a single process that contains multiple controllers for simplicity. These controllers watch for events and changes to the cluster and respond accordingly:

    Node controller: Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.

    Replication controller: This makes sure that there is the correct number of pods for each replica set or replication controller object.

    Endpoints controller: This assigns for each service an endpoints object that lists the service's pods.

    Service account and token controllers: These initialize new namespaces with default service accounts and corresponding API access tokens.

    The data plane

    The data plane is the collection of the nodes in the cluster that run your containerized workloads as pods. The data plane and control plane can share physical or virtual machines. This happens, of course, when you run a single node cluster, such as Minikube. But, typically, in a production-ready deployment, the data plane will have its own nodes. There are several components that Kubernetes installs on each node in order to communicate, watch, and schedule pods: kubelet, kube-proxy, and the container runtime (for example, the Docker daemon).

    The kubelet

    The kubelet is a Kubernetes agent. It's responsible for talking to the API server and for running and managing the pods on the node. Here are some of the responsibilities of the kubelet:

    Downloading pod secrets from the API server

    Mounting volumes

    Running the pod container via the Container Runtime Interface (CRI)

    Reporting the status of the node and each pod

    Probe container liveness

    The kube proxy

    The kube proxy is responsible for the networking aspects of the node. It operates as a local front for services and can forward TCP and UDP packets. It discovers the IP addresses of services via DNS or environment variables.

    The container runtime

    Kubernetes eventually runs containers, even if they are organized in pods. Kubernetes supports different container runtimes. Originally, only Docker was supported. Now, Kubernetes runs containers through an interface called CRI, which is based on gRPC

    Each container runtime that implements CRI can be used on a node controlled by the kubelet, as shown in the preceding diagram.


    Kubectl is a tool you should get very comfortable with. It is your command-line interface (CLI) to your Kubernetes cluster. We will use kubectl extensively throughout the book to manage and operate Kubernetes. Here is a short list of the capabilities kubectl puts literally at your fingertips:

    Cluster management


    Troubleshooting and debugging

    Resource management (Kubernetes objects)

    Configuration and metadata

    Just type kubectl to get a complete list of all the commands and kubectl --help for more detailed info on specific commands.

    Kubernetes and microservices – a perfect match

    Kubernetes is a fantastic platform with amazing capabilities and a wonderful ecosystem. How does it help you with your system? As you'll see, there is a very good alignment between Kubernetes and microservices. The building blocks of Kubernetes, such as namespaces, pods, deployments, and services, map directly to important microservices concepts and an agile software development life cycle (SDLC). Let's dive in.

    Packaging and deploying microservices

    When you employ a microservice-based architecture, you'll have lots of microservices. Those microservices, in general, may be developed independently, and deployed independently. The packaging mechanism is simply containers. Every microservice you develop will have a Dockerfile. The resulting image represents the deployment unit for that microservice. In Kubernetes, your microservice image will run inside a pod (possibly alongside other containers). But an isolated pod, running on a node, is not very resilient. The kubelet on the node will restart the pod's container if it crashes, but if something happens to the node itself, the pod is gone. Kubernetes has abstractions and resources that build on the pod.

    ReplicaSets are sets of pods with a certain number of replicas. When you create a ReplicaSet, Kubernetes will make sure that the correct number of pods you specify always run in the cluster. The deployment resource takes it a step further and provides an abstraction that exactly aligns with the way you consider and think about microservices. When you have a new version of a microservice ready, you will want to deploy it. Here is a Kubernetes deployment manifest:

    apiVersion: apps/v1

    kind: Deployment


      name: nginx


        app: nginx


      replicas: 3



          app: nginx





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