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Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life: Spiritual Teachings of Quran, Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, and Ibn Al-Jawzi to Calm Your Mind and Reduce Your Sadness
Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life: Spiritual Teachings of Quran, Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, and Ibn Al-Jawzi to Calm Your Mind and Reduce Your Sadness
Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life: Spiritual Teachings of Quran, Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, and Ibn Al-Jawzi to Calm Your Mind and Reduce Your Sadness
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life: Spiritual Teachings of Quran, Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, and Ibn Al-Jawzi to Calm Your Mind and Reduce Your Sadness

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

This is a short book that explains how the mind works and waswasah (the evil whisperings of Shaitaan). It is based on the teachings of scholars such as Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Rajab, an-Nawawi, Saalih al-Uthaymeen, Saalih Al-Munajjid, Saalih al-Fawzaan (May Allah have mercy on them). It is also based on evidence-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It teaches us how to live a valued mindful and meaningful life while avoiding the plots of Shaitaan and following the straight path of Islam.

This book was written for the person who is desirous of becoming a good Muslim. For the worried, anxious, and depressed Muslim. For the one who is longing to improve himself. For the person who has sinned but wants to repent to his Lord. This book is for all Muslims - the newly converted and for those who have been Muslims since birth.

This book serves as a source of light in the darkness of sins that surround us. You will learn how to experience true faith when you read this book. This book will not only purify your soul but will also teach you how to escape sins. It contains authentic events, advice, and stories that will inspire you to move to the next level in your journey towards the Hereafter.

If you have been desiring to have a loving relationship with your Lord, then this book is written so that you can achieve this goal with ease.

This is not just a self-help book but is a manual of your journey towards becoming a good Muslim. This book will keep your heart from becoming hard and dark. It is a book of hope and forgiveness. You can heal your heart and improve yourself no matter where you have started this journey. This book can serve as a source of your awakening and returning to the Islamic version of yourself.

By reading this compact but comprehensive book with a pure intention and attentive heart, you can cultivate your love for Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and live a life of patience, gratitude, and contentment.

Release dateMar 6, 2021
Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life: Spiritual Teachings of Quran, Sunnah, Ibn Taymiyyah, Ibn Al-Qayyim, and Ibn Al-Jawzi to Calm Your Mind and Reduce Your Sadness

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    Book preview

    Divine Timeless Secrets To An Exceptional Muslim Life - Dr. Muddassir Khan


    All praise is due to Allah. We praise Him, seek His assistance and forgiveness and we seek refuge with Him from the evil of our souls and our misdeeds.

    I testify that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone. He has no partner. I also testify that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is His slave and Messenger.

    This is a short book which explains how the mind works and waswasah (the evil whisperings of Shaitaan). It is based on the teachings of scholars such as Ibn Qayyim, Ibn Katheer, Ibn Rajab, an-Nawawi, Saalih al-Uthaymeen, Saalih Al-Munajjid, Saalih al-Fawzaan (May Allah have mercy on them). It is also based on evidence based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). It teaches us how to live a valued mindful and meaningful life while avoiding the plots of Shaitaan and following the straight path of Islam.

    This book was written for the person who is desirous of becoming a good Muslim. For the worried, anxious, and depressed Muslim. For the one who is longing to improve himself. For the person who has sinned but wants to repent to his Lord. This book is for all Muslims - the newly converted and for those who have been Muslims since birth.

    This book serves as a source of light in the darkness of sins that surround us. You will learn how to experience true faith when you read this book. This book will not only purify your soul but will also teach you how to escape sins. It contains authentic events, advice, and stories that will inspire you to move to the next level in your journey towards the Hereafter.

    If you have been desiring to have a loving relationship with your Lord, then this book is written so that you can achieve this goal with ease.

    This is not just a self-help book but is a manual of your journey towards becoming a good Muslim. This book will keep your heart from becoming hard and dark. It is a book of hope and forgiveness. You can heal your heart and improve yourself no matter where you have started this journey. This book can serve as a source of your awakening and returning to the Islamic version of yourself.

    By reading this compact but comprehensive book with a pure intention and attentive heart, you can cultivate your love for Allah and the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and live a life of patience, gratitude, and contentment.

    How your mind works

    A lot of the things we do are things we want to do. So these are deliberate actions. You can choose to pray in the Mosque and this is a deliberate action where you want to earn more good deeds that will help you on the Day of Judgment.

    But some of the things we do are done automatically. We don't even have to think about them because our mind does them automatically for us. Automatic actions are often directly controlled by the mind. These include breathing, walking, driving, cycling, and eating.

    Actions that are always under our own deliberate control including planning, vacationing, buying a car, the choice of the name of a baby or reciting the Quran.

    Some of our actions happen without our thinking about them, or even noticing what we are doing. For example, we can travel a familiar route without making a conscious decision about which direction to turn or how far to go. And we often eat without noticing the taste of food or thinking about what we are eating. Sometimes when someone is talking to us we can be ‘turned off’, such that what they are saying goes into one ear and out the other. So you hear them, but you don't really listen. We are on autopilot. When come out of autopilot, we often ask ourselves, ‘how did I get here? What did I just eat? What did she tell me?’

    The autopilot is ideal for simple actions carried out under normal conditions, but when things are different or dangerous or important, autopilot is not helpful. For example, if we are going down the stairs in the dark, or if someone is giving us vital information, we have to take over the autopilot and be very careful.

    An example of an automatic action is to breathe all day. And you probably haven't thought about your breathing once until now. This is because breathing is almost always automatic. We don't need to think about our breathing or do anything to control our breathing, but we can, if we want to.

    So now, for just three or four breaths, notice your breath. Just notice what happens to your body when you breathe in and out. Take control of your breathing for a little while. So gently take a deep breath and breathe out slowly. Most of the time we breathe naturally without thinking about it and without controlling it, but we can notice our breathing if we want to.

    If we think and then decide what we're going to do, it is often better for us. If we put in a little effort and think carefully, it often pays to consciously manage actions that are usually performed automatically.

    For example, there are two ways to shop. One way is by doing foolish purchases, which are impulsive. They are rushed purchases without thinking. And then there is the conscious buying, which is careful. This is where you match the price with the quality, and this type of shopping will take your time. Mindless shopping involves a lot less effort and it's a lot faster. In other words, conscious shopping is clearly the wiser option.

    Your mind is always active. It never goes out. Even when you sleep, your mind continues to function. It makes sure you keep breathing for example and controls what you dream of.

    Our mind never goes out, but we often do. When we turn off, people may say that we are lost in our thoughts, carried away by reverie in a world of our own. It is natural for our attention to drift away so that we are often elsewhere. We pray our Salah (prayers) without being aware of the great verses and supplications that we are reciting.


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