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Angel First Aid: RX for Excellence: 1st Edition, #1
Angel First Aid: RX for Excellence: 1st Edition, #1
Angel First Aid: RX for Excellence: 1st Edition, #1
Ebook173 pages2 hours

Angel First Aid: RX for Excellence: 1st Edition, #1

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About this ebook

Angel First Aid, Rx for Excellence, is a prescription for personal and professional prosperity. It is a guide to discovering and achieving one's life purpose through simple techniques, affirmations, and remedies. Also included are case studies, miracle stories, and contributions from already successful individuals.

PublisherSue Storm
Release dateMay 25, 2021
Angel First Aid: RX for Excellence: 1st Edition, #1

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    Angel First Aid - Sue Storm

    Cover art by Michelle Silverman


    To my daughter, Rochelle, who inspires me to write.

    She has contributed to my success by providing her

    encouragement and support throughout the years.




    Easy to Use





    Angel First Aid, Rx Series

    Clues to My Life’s Purpose












    Contact the Angel Lady


    Each individual is born with unique gifts. My inherent talents include the ability to hear, see, feel, and communicate with Angels. Through my presentations, interviews, seminars, consultations, and media appearances, I have been able to show thousands of individuals how to transform and enrich their lives.

    My story begins in East Grand Rapids, Michigan when I was eighteen months old. I had   a near-death experience in my crib. My blankets somehow twisted tightly around my face and almost caused suffocation. White lights that were flying over my head communicated to me through an indescribable warm and dynamic feeling, that I would be saved. Now I realize that these lights were Angels.

    At four years of age, a strong sense of special guidance in the form of a voice that I called My Little Man entered my life. He told me about some events that would take place in the future and how to make things happen. Growing up, I trusted his advice. Around age ten, My Little Man revealed that, as an adult, I would speak to large audiences and not be nervous. This has all come to pass.

    After attending the University of Michigan, I married, raised a daughter, and then moved to Naperville, Illinois. About ten years later, an extraordinary intervention occurred that has changed the course of my life. One night while filling orders in the warehouse of my bowling supply company, the ceiling seemed to separate and a booming voice called out, Sue, you have to help people. Every cell in my body resonated with the power that came from this Divine command. With my body trembling, I managed an immediate response, Yes, God...what do you want me to do?

    Although the answer was not revealed instantly, the next few years were very exciting as my purpose in life became increasingly apparent; I could obey God’s explicit instructions to help people by pursuing a career as a Prosperity Consultant. Through numerous media appearances and presentations, I shared my definition of prosperity; the achievement of success in every aspect of a person’s life.

    The next major occurrence was instructions from My Little Man to make a writing room. I set about completing this task. The Divine plan was for the authors, Barbara Mark, and her sister, Trudy Griswold, to use this space for editing their second book. As the three of us spent time together, these incredible women provided me with many insights; the most important was the revelation:  My Little Man was actually Archangel Michael. All along, he was that voice of special guidance.

    Great at public relations, the Angels have blessed me with countless media opportunities. The popularity of Angels has resulted in my being interviewed on thousands of programs worldwide. After answering questions on various topics, I realized that people wanted a simple way to improve their lifestyles. From this insight, Angel First Aid was born. The wisdom, acquired through many years of angelic guidance, is what I now offer to you as my angelic prescription for Excellence.


    Angel First Aid, Rx for Excellence is a guide to connecting with Angels and receiving the benefits of their insight and wisdom. In this book you will learn how to enhance your life by communicating with the Guardian Angels. Practicing the remedies, also referred to as exercises or techniques, will improve physical, mental, spiritual, and financial well-being. Using Angel First Aid as a daily reference and handbook has a cumulative effect that can hasten your progress. By creating a stronger connection with the Angelic Realm, your life will be continually supported and blessed.

    Easy to Use

    This book is designed to offer suggestions for creating a successful and more prosperous lifestyle. By gaining clarity through performing the techniques, you can then implement positive changes. Consider the remedies as recipes from an Angelic cookbook. They can be practiced individually or combined for added benefit. When utilized on a regular basis, these exercises become valuable tools for attaining prosperity.

    Divided into two sections, the Angel questions address the topics of interest to audiences at programs, lectures, and seminars. Questions about Angels provides an explanation of the Celestial Beings, reveals why they were created, and then describes how they can be of assistance in your daily life. Questions about Success offers answers to queries posed about striving for excellence in a career or business endeavor.

    Miracle Stories are personal accounts given by individuals who have experienced Divine intervention. Each dramatic episode demonstrates the benevolence of the Angelic Realm. These amazing encounters with Angels, which occurred in many different circumstances, have left a dramatic impact on the lives of those they touched.

    Steps to Success is a detailed review of Sue Storm’s professional career path and success with various business endeavors. The Angel Lady provides points of interest and insights that are listed as Steps to Success. This section also details how Sue Storm identified her own life’s purpose through assessing clues from her childhood.

    The main section of the book consists of ten chapters:  Focus, Organization, Relaxation, Strength, Understanding, Creativity, Confidence, Energy, Support, and Success. Topics chosen were selected as they represent areas of focus for greater prosperity. The chapters present ways to learn about Angels and include the following:

    Angel Specialists:  a partial listing of Celestial Beings with descriptions of their particular areas of guidance and wisdom.

    Affirmations:  declarative statements that are recommended for providing positive effects on the mind, body, and spirit.

    Case Study:  real life stories highlighting positive results experienced from performing the

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