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The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model: A crucial model for understanding international economics
The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model: A crucial model for understanding international economics
The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model: A crucial model for understanding international economics
Ebook62 pages46 minutes

The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model: A crucial model for understanding international economics

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About this ebook

Achieving macroeconomic equilibrium

This book is a practical and accessible guide to understanding the Mundell-Fleming model, providing you with the essential information and saving time. 

In 50 minutes you will be able to: 

   •  Learn about the IS-LM model that the Mundell-Fleming is based on and how each of the three curves of the model graph are formed, as well as how to interpret them
   • Analyze different exchange rate regimes and the effect they have on production, income and interest rates 
   • Understand the effectiveness of budgetary, fiscal and monetary policies and how they interact with exchange rates

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Release dateSep 17, 2015
The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model: A crucial model for understanding international economics

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    The Mundell-Fleming Economic Model - 50MINUTES

    The Mundell-Fleming economic model

    Key information

    Names: Mundell-Fleming model, IS-LM model for an open economy, IS-LM-BoP model, IS-LM-BP model.

    Uses: this model is at the heart of international macroeconomics as it includes foreign trade and capital movements within a closed economy (national scale). It is:

    the basic model of the IMF (International Monetary Fund);

    the theoretical argument in favour of establishing a European monetary union;

    the general framework of economic policy within the Eurozone.

    Why is it successful? The Mundell-Fleming model:

    helps us to understand how the choice between a fixed or variable exchange rate affects the efficiency of economic policies in an economy that is open to international trade;

    generalises Keynesian theory in the case of an open economy;

    allows us to anticipate the effects of the removal of customs duties and the explosion of capital markets, as well as the international transmission of economic monetary shocks;

    shows how a country can use budgetary and monetary policies to simultaneously achieve balance both within its borders and outside of them;

    states that both monetary policy with flexible exchange rates and fiscal policy with fixed exchange rates are effective;

    defends the idea that the European Central Bank must be independent and responsible for price stability so as not to flood the money market, which would induce a loss in value.

    Key words:

    Balance of payments (BP): balance sheet of all movements of goods and services, capital and currencies across the borders of a country over a specific period.

    Central rate: the official exchange rate of one currency against another. In the EMS (European Monetary System), the central rate is the official parity of a currency as determined by the ECU (European Currency Unit).

    Currency: all means of payment used in a country.

    European Monetary System (EMS): a system based on the principle of stable exchange rates between the currencies of the member countries of the EMS. This system was based on the ECU (European Currency Unit, a basket of the currencies of the countries involved, firstly those in the European Economic Community (EEC), then those in the European Union before the adoption of the euro). It was approved during the European summit in Bremen in July

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