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Find Your Voice in the Darkness: Shine Your Light to Serve Your Soul Purpose
Find Your Voice in the Darkness: Shine Your Light to Serve Your Soul Purpose
Find Your Voice in the Darkness: Shine Your Light to Serve Your Soul Purpose
Ebook124 pages1 hour

Find Your Voice in the Darkness: Shine Your Light to Serve Your Soul Purpose

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About this ebook

If you are longing for connection and a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm so you can find the answers, clarity, and peace your soul so desperately seeks, this book is for you.


If you feel abandoned in the midst of a sea of darkness, know that you are not alone. Whatever issues you are encountering, a way exists to move past them, to evolve and to rise beyond them.


Inside this book, Medium Sky Raye shares her wisdom, insights, and journey as a spiritual teacher and intuitive empathic healer to help you overcome losses, grief, and obstacles, and find hope when you may not want to go on. You'll discover how to let go of wounds from the past and move forward to accomplish your mission and uncover your purpose as you follow your heart, listen to your spirit, and walk your own unique path.


About the Author


Sky Raye is a natural-born psychic medium from central Pennsylvania who is a public speaker, spiritual teacher, intuitive empathic healer, and best-selling author. Known for her fine-tuned skills developed over many years of her journey, she can read the energies of both the living and the dead. From the age of eight, she has devoted her life to helping others find answers to help explain and understand the unknown.


Sky also shares her own powerful, personal story of love, loss, light, and shadow, including how she faced both darkness and her own demons and experienced death itself to find her own path to wholeness and peace again.

PublisherSky Raye
Release dateFeb 22, 2021
Find Your Voice in the Darkness: Shine Your Light to Serve Your Soul Purpose

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    Find Your Voice in the Darkness - Sky Raye

    Spiritual Awakening After Loss, Transformation and Serving Your Higher Self


    The Bond That Never Breaks: Life After Death

    We are more than our physical form. We are mind, body, and soul, but our essence is the soul or the etheric body, our connection to all things. Once we leave this physical shell or shed our bodies when we die, our soul still exists.

    The easiest way to explain it is that we are spiritual beings in a physical body having a human experience. My loved ones who have passed came to me and told me, I am not in pain; I am so happy and at peace. Believe it or not, they hang around us because we are the ones not doing so well after they leave. Since I have lost many close family members and friends, I have seen this on several occasions.

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    We do not need to ask permission to grieve. Just do it in your own way without any expectation of how it will unfold or how long it will last. We all need to embrace healing by going through our own process, allowing time to understand how to move on and find out who we are again after a major change like a traumatic loss or death.

    Through the mourning process, we rediscover who we are and what our purpose is. This is a gift that our loved ones want us to be aware of. They did not go away because they wanted to leave us or make us hurt. They left knowing that we would have an opportunity to make the best out of our own lives. Life is a gift, and it is short. We often do not know when we will say our last words or kiss and hug them for the last time. Through our losses, we learn to appreciate life on a much deeper level.

    When a tragedy happens, we are eventually forced to awaken. That is heartbreak’s gift to us. Of course, I certainly didn’t always see it that way. I struggled with suicidal thoughts and depression after the loss of my dad, who was my best friend. Around the same time he was going through his cancer treatments and surgeries, I also was experiencing some major health issues. I was in denial about the situation, and I honestly did not believe he wouldn’t make it. My faith was always with me throughout this journey.

    A Priceless Bond and Heartwarming Validations

    In the beginning of March 2020, I took an online spiritual entrepreneur business class and was introduced to so many talented people—CEOs and self-made individuals with spiritual businesses who have so much to offer with their leadership skills and gifts. I was amazed to have connected with these people who were all networking as I was. We were offered a private group in which to chat and connect during several weeks of training. It was a great experience for me.

    I offered free psychic and mediumship email readings within the group. As I was going through my emails to respond to all of them, one stood out to me. It was from an angelic woman in the group named K.C. She asked for a one-question reading. I looked at her message and decided to reply in hopes she would set up a Zoom session with me.

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