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Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology
Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology
Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology
Ebook138 pages1 hour

Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology

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An easy to understand text on Practical Astrology. Events are analyzed with the help of the natal chart, transits, solar and lunar revolutions and fixed star directions. The author, who is known for his many publications on the Web and on YouTube has enriched the text with his theories including the 16 rules of a potentially disastrous natal chart, astral coincidences and other theories. *Page 211 third edition. For more than 20 years Antares Stanislas has worked as a professional astrologer and card reader. He is also the author of some successful books on card reading and the Tarot.

Giampiero, Artist’s Name Antares Stanislas is known for his many activities and articles on the web but also for his publications on the Tarot, Astrology, and predictions published in advance of the events that then occurred. Such as are documented in Facebook posts or Youtube videos, and reported on social profiles on Facebook.
Antares Stanislas Site:
Release dateSep 13, 2016
Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    Total false information. And besides, very bad grammar, ununderstandable language

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Investigating Events with Astrology - Antares Stanislas

Antares Stanislas

Investigating Events with Astrology: Practical Astrology

Natal charts – Transits – Revolutions

Antares Stanislas productions

Author: Giampiero Tirelli in the Antares Stanislas art

© 2016, Giampiero Tirelli

All rights reserved. The reproduction, in part or whole, by any means, is forbidden without the prior permission in writing by the author.


Those who read and follow me are used to very practical texts, with actual examples that have been confirmed. On the one hand I analyze and interpret consultations or events for the reader based on my personal and other viewpoints, I attempt to present the new hypothesis and theories that arise from my experience.

In this text I will attempt to unite the two sides of the same coin. We will analyze a few incidents using the classical methods of astrology and, where possible, we will use the event to show that my new theories are not lacking astrological logic. The reader who knows the basics of astrology, or the more experienced, will definitely be able to read and analyze my methods of interpretation of the natal sky, transits and revolutions.

Beginners will learn other interpretation methods – the stars – while experts will come away with a few good suggestions for going deeper into some of my assumptions and interpretation methods. I am not interested in writing a long treatise on astrology or prediction in the sense that there are talented writers who have used rivers of ink to explain individual planetary transits, the aspects, what they are, and so on.

I must say that in the most part these authors have done a great job and, humbly, I would not know how do better, or at least I would have written an additional book about the same things that they have already written about only much more. I thought, though, that I would offer a different and original input for the reader.

A prerequisite for the reading and understanding of this text is knowledge of the concept and value of the elements such as: aspects, planets and astrological houses. However, even the reader who enjoys this sector, despite having a minimal knowledge of the subject, will enjoy reading this text since I will not only explain the event from the viewpoint of astrology, but will tell you the story as if it were a good movie so as to keep you tuned to the channel.

Some of these events have meant that I have had to engage in historical research that was sometimes difficult, but often an astrologer, in order to study a known character (or less known) must research a person, from how they are through to their career, etc. Often I have read astrological interpretations about past events on the web and in a few books that have been ‘forced’.

My intent is not to apply force in explaining the event. There are colleagues also assign to the seventh sector the value of accidents or problems, while I limit myself to interpreting it as bureaucracy, law partners, attacks, and all meanings that most astrologers assign to the astrological houses. Otherwise we may end up being wrong, every time, explaining an accident if the Sun, an ascendant star, or Mars is present in the revolution or transiting in every house. This is too easy. I don’t like to force interpretations. I remember how many colleagues write about murderers and their natal charts by inventing absurd, forced interpretations, only to find out months later that the murderer was someone else.

To give a purely simplified example, if I have to analyze a change of home, then I want to have an astrological method that signals the fourth sector. For example, to say that I'm not going to interpret the 7th as bureaucratic problems that are inherent to the house, just to prove that transits or revolutions work. If then the seventh were linked to values of 4 for revolutions or transits, then it maybe possible, but try to understand what I mean by ‘forcing’ an interpretation. I could have included events, where there are many charts that speak quite clearly, but the idea neither stimulates nor rewards me.

Fundamentals for a productive reading

Every astrologer interprets the stars according to their school or the author they follow or whose texts they read. I recommend reading as many authors as you can, learn from them all, as this is not such a bad thing. Doing consultations, our experiences, and then our art, leads to the personalization of our methods, which then become, gratifyingly, our philosophy of interpretation. I follow authors such as Barbault, Ciro Disciple, Volguine, Antares, Erik Van Slooten, and Morpurgo. Whoever buys this text, which may not be for everyone, but for beginners and professionals, will surely have read the authors mentioned and then will understand my comments and explanations that have been provided to analyze the events.

I will also bring my own interpretation, don’t think that following certain authors means to copy their methods and ways of interpretation ‘all and everything’, but it is definitely a required premise, and will help you understand some of my interpretations of events. Since we'll talk a lot about planets, signs, aspects and houses; of this last, I would like to make a brief summary of their meanings so that I will not always have to mention them every time I analyze an event or name the specific house.

Houses and sector of experience:

First House:

Being and acting. Autonomy. Indicates the most effective way of expressing a person’s individuality and how we orient ourselves externally. How others perceive us.

Second House

Secure on the material level. Material possessions: money, property and means. Potential of the personality. Our image.

Third House:

Learn and communicate. Practical intelligence, the mode of communication. The surrounding circle: siblings, relatives, close friends. Writings. Short trips.

Fourth House:

The roots of being. Interior life, family, parents. Home and the environment

Domestic. Sense of security. Admissions to hospital, the end of life, the second part of life.

Fifth House:

Creativity. Creation, recreation and procreation (love affairs, entertainment and sports, games, children, ...)

Sixth House:

Adaptation and training. Every-day life (health, employment), such as growth or as a defeat (awareness, suffering, disease, addiction).

Seventh House:

Being and acting towards others. Way of relating. Relationships in general and especially marriage, associations.

The partner. Declared enemies, aggression.

Eighth House:

Feeling of security on the emotional level. Method of managing relationships and assets.

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