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The Money Cycle: Your Personal Journey to Financial Independence
The Money Cycle: Your Personal Journey to Financial Independence
The Money Cycle: Your Personal Journey to Financial Independence
Ebook156 pages1 hour

The Money Cycle: Your Personal Journey to Financial Independence

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About this ebook

You lose your income! What’s next?
This was the question Dr. White had to ask herself. Life can change in a matter of minutes. The techniques in the MoneyCycle allowed her to survive for over eight months without a regular salary. Her theory is "The techniques in the MoneyCycle work if you apply them." This book is a product of principles and practices she has lived by and taught others for over thirty years.

The MoneyCycle will help you:
• Determine your financial fitness score
• Understand how to invest in yourself
• Develop wiser money management skills
• Find smart ways to spend your money

Practicing the techniques in the MoneyCycle will improve your financial position within 6 months. It is a must have to assist with your personal journey to financial independence.
Release dateNov 20, 2020
The Money Cycle: Your Personal Journey to Financial Independence

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    The Money Cycle - Dr. Karen Totten White


    Copyright © 2020 Dr. Karen Totten White.

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    ISBN: 978-1-7166-3247-1 (sc)

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    To my children Roderick and Kristen.

    Thank you for supporting me through this journey.


    Over my thirty plus years of working in the financial industry, I quickly learned it rarely matters how much money individuals earn. Instead, the important fact is to understand how to manage what we earn. I have encountered some individuals with large salaries. The more they earn, the more they spend digging themselves deeper into the dangers of debt. I have encountered others who seemed to barely have any money. Yet they managed to live within their means making their resources last from paycheck-to-paycheck with extra to spare.

    The MoneyCycle is a tool to provide financial wisdom, life lessons, assessments, and experiences from individuals who took the time to share their knowledge. The MoneyCycle is not a get rich quick gimmick. Inside, the MoneyCycle reveals methods to resolve financial issues which need to be addressed in order to take the journey to financial independence. The rest is up to you. Be persistent. Read and apply the techniques you learn and you will improve your financial position as well as accomplish your goals. Whatever level of knowledge you have in personal finances, you can start where you are to progress to where you want to go. I hope you enjoy your journey.


    Many thanks to my family whom I love dearly, and friends who believed in me and inspired me. A special thanks to the following individuals: Dr. Rev. Alvin Edwards, Phyllis Holly Hankins, Dr. Lovell A. Maxwell, Reveda Merritt, and Wanda Owen for providing insight and positive criticism on the manuscript. Above all, to the Great Almighty for leading me through this process.


    You are traveling to a new destination in life-Financial Independence. The MoneyCycle is designed to help you map your journey to financial independence. The fastest route might be the highway, yet it is more costly because of tolls. The longer route might be through the city. You will have more stoplights, yet you will travel fewer miles. Warning! Whichever route you select, the journey is rarely smooth. The roads have potholes and manholes. The sun will shine, the rain will pour, the clouds will linger, the lighting will flash, and the thunder will roar. It’s called life; the inevitable happens. Life might alter your route, but it will not deny your journey. Mapping your voyage provides tools to access your situation in order to adjust to life as it shifts gears along the way.

    Financial literacy is simply financial education. How does this lack of personal financial education happen? Perhaps there is an assumption everyone naturally understands financial literacy. Maybe we believe the subject is being taught in the school system. Others may think the subject is personal, therefore it is being taught at home. Instead, we find personal financial education becomes a speed bump in our journey. We run over it before we realize it and get tossed around in the mishap. After hitting it, we just move on. But I believe there is a better way. The MoneyCycle is designed to help us correct any damage done in the past and prepare us with maintenance tips to assist us in our voyage to financial independence.

    Topics such as How to become wealthy, How to get rich, or How to become financially independent were not taught in any of the schools I attended between kindergarten and twelfth grade. My teachers did a great job teaching Government, English, Biology, Math, History, Calculus, Trigonometry, and Geometry. Some of these classes were mandatory for me to graduate. Our goal is to graduate from high school and get a job. You work your way up in the company to be the construction manager, administrative assistant, or physical therapist. Perhaps you loved school and decided to go to college. After you graduate, you become a doctor, lawyer, engineer, chemical scientist, physician’s assistant, paralegal, or another professional. You are doing excellent in your career and producing a generous salary. Yet, something is missing. You learned how to handle business for your industry, but did you ever have an opportunity to learn how to handle your personal financial business? If you are a Baby Boomer (born 1946-1964), Generation X (born 1965-1984), or Millennial (1984-1996), you may not have been privileged to personal financial training. Or perhaps the one day you missed class was the one day your teacher discussed How to become wealthy, How to get rich, or How to become financially independent. Now is the time to treat ourselves to a financial refresher on the lost lesson from the one day we missed class. This will liberate us to move forward to the healthy place we desire to be with our finances.

    So, right here, right now, let your journey begin! The MoneyCycle provides you with a personal SSP (Strategic Spending Plan) to assist you guide your hard-earned cash in the direction to benefit you the most. Imagine yourself driving on the highway at sixty miles per hour. The speed limit sign reads fifty-five, so you feel like you are within a safe range. Yet, as you look around everyone is passing by you. Suddenly, you feel like you are driving forty-five miles per hour on the same highway. What does this have to do with your financial journey? Everything! Always remember, everyone’s journey is different, just like your financial situation. You can learn from another person’s journey, but unless they are driving your vehicle or paying your debts, then you stay in your lane and maintain control of your financial situation. The main point is

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