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How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?
How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?
How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?
Ebook33 pages37 minutes

How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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  • Prayer

  • Cultivation

About this ebook

Prayer is a crucial part of the Christian life, and believers must give it careful attention and cultivation. As they pray, Christians exercise their faith in repentance, in submission to God’s will, and in praise to God. Believers in Christ, then, must grow in their prayer life—in their communion with God. In this pamphlet, Joel R. Beeke gives readers helpful, practical ways to improve their prayer lives by first disciplining themselves, in dependence on the Holy Spirit, and by then taking hold of God. Learn what a blessing it is to pray!

Table of Contents:
Take Inventory of Your Prayer Life
Take Hold of Yourself
Take Hold Of God
Series Description

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that what the church needs to do most all is “to begin herself to live the Christian life. If she did that, men and women would be crowding into our buildings. They would say, ‘What is the secret of this?’” As Christians, one of our greatest needs is for the Spirit of God to cultivate biblical godliness in us in order to put the beauty of Christ on display through us, all to the glory of the triune God. With this goal in mind, this series of booklets treats matters vital to Christian experience at a basic level. Each booklet addresses a specific question in order to inform the mind, warm the affections, and transform the whole person by the Spirit’s grace, so that the church may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.

Release dateApr 21, 2016

Joel R. Beeke

Dr. Joel R. Beeke, PhD is president and professor of systematic theology and homiletics at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids.

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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A punch in the gut at every page, but the best kind there is. Hopeful that the truths and practical tips expressed by Dr. Beeke here will spur me on to a more richer, fruitful prayer life.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Greatly encouraged to pursue a life of deeper communion with God through prayer.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book is small but incredibly powerful. I would highly recommend it for all christians.

    1 person found this helpful

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How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer? - Joel R. Beeke







Series Editors

Joel R. Beeke and Ryan M. McGraw

Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones once said that what the church needs to do most of all is to begin herself to live the Christian life. If she did that, men and women would be crowding into our buildings. They would say, ‘What is the secret of this?’ As Christians, one of our greatest needs is for the Spirit of God to cultivate biblical godliness in us in order to put the beauty of Christ on display through us, all to the glory of the triune God. With this goal in mind, this series of booklets treats matters vital to Christian experience at a basic level. Each booklet addresses a specific question in order to inform the mind, warm the affections, and transform the whole person by the Spirit’s grace, so that the church may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things.

How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?

© 2016 by Joel R. Beeke

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Direct your requests to the publisher at the following address:

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ISBN 978-1-60178-455-1

ISBN 978-1-60178-456-8 (e-pub)

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The gospel produces a praying people.1 Christ died to bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). God calls sinners into union with Christ by the gospel (1 Cor. 1:9) so that in Christ we can have fellowship with Him (1 John 1:3). God has forged in Christ an unbreakable link between the human needs of His people and His infinite resources.2 Yet it is not God’s will that those resources flow to us without our hearts being engaged. God sends His Spirit into the hearts of His children so that they cry out in prayer to the Father (Rom. 8:15; Gal. 4:6). Indeed, they not only cry out to God (Ps. 57:2) but they also cry out for God (Ps. 84:2). He is their

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