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Customers Are the Answer to Everything: How to Get and Keep All the Customers Your Business Wants
Customers Are the Answer to Everything: How to Get and Keep All the Customers Your Business Wants
Customers Are the Answer to Everything: How to Get and Keep All the Customers Your Business Wants
Ebook227 pages2 hours

Customers Are the Answer to Everything: How to Get and Keep All the Customers Your Business Wants

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About this ebook

A concise and unique guide to attracting ideal customers to your business.

Do you dream of a bigger business, leaving your W-2 for your own thing or advancing your marketing or sales career? Customers are the Answer to Everything unravels the mystery of getting customers. This book explores and brilliantly illuminates the happy point where customers understand why they should choose you . . . over and over. Here are just a few discoveries in Customers are the Answer to Everything:
  • Find out what your customers really need but you may not be giving them
  • Discover how to talk to your customer “on their level”
  • Learn how your potential customers really make decisions to buy . . . or not
  • Uncover the formula for the customer who pays, stays, and refers

Customers are the Answer to Everything is already changing the way businesses throughout the world think about and act to create new customers. Why not be next?

Praise for Customers are the Answer to Everything

“It does for small business what so many have forgotten. It shines the light on the marketing foundation every business needs and wants. Then it delivers a series of affordable and easy-to-implement activities and solutions that will really appeal to your customers.” —Heidi Krupp, CEO, Krupp Communications, Inc.

“If your product, service or issue isn’t catching on, Martha Hanlon and Chris Williams will show you how to change that and fast and affordably.” —John Limbocker, Internet Dominator CEO and Godfather of SEO
Release dateNov 1, 2011
Customers Are the Answer to Everything: How to Get and Keep All the Customers Your Business Wants

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    Customers Are the Answer to Everything - Martha Hanlon


    The Foundation

    Want people to get what you do? First you’ve got to get it yourself, and probably in a different way than you have before. Don’t waste any more time and money chasing customers until you master the tools that help you catch and keep them.




    Leadership. Every great business follows a powerful leader. You need to be that leader in your business.

    Vayu Rasta Institute trained more yoga instructors than any company on the planet. Following their unique training system, their students integrated their method and had fun in the process.

    Yet in their humility, Vayu Rasta never shared this leadership with their market. Wouldn’t you want to know when you’re working with the best?

    Many small businesses are just like Vayu Rasta Institute. They fail to share what makes them uniquely qualified, what makes them an expert.

    The first step in establishing a strong foundation for your business is for you to stand in your power, the center of your knowledge and skill that makes you an expert. This is the principle of Preeminence. Preeminence means to stand out; to have paramount rank or superiority; to have dignity and importance. This is what one our mentors, Jay Abraham, teaches. To be Preeminent in your business, you will balance two critical factors: knowing your customer and leading them.


    You must know and empathize with your customers to understand their need, their problem, and their desire. You must know them to understand the shoes they walk in and what they want to accomplish.

    You must lead them because, frankly, you know more about your subject than they do. Without arrogance or boastfulness, you must take your customer where they want to go—because you’ve been there millions of times before and know the way.


    Too many small business owners forget they need to know their customer. They think they only need to know the product or service they offer. They forget their Ideal Prospect doesn’t know everything that they, as the experts, know.

    We’ve all been to a doctor who started spouting off what was wrong with you, even though you had no idea what she was talking about. You might have gone to her office believing you had a certain ailment. Suddenly, she’s talking about something else—if only you could understand what the heck she was saying. She tells you what’s ailing you in the language of a doctor, but you’re not a doctor, are you? You don’t have her language or her knowledge of the human body. And there she is talking to you like you had just completed your Fellowship in Internal Medicine.

    If that doctor really understood her patients, she would speak to them in English. Many business owners make the same mistake. They start yakking. Instead, listen. And ask. Ask key questions that gather useful information. Then speak in the language your customer understands.


    Too many business people—in small, medium and large businesses—sit isolated in their office dreaming up some ideas that they think for sure their customers will want. They know because, well, because they just do. They fall hopelessly in love with their business and ideas. They launch with a big Ta Dah! But instead of cheers, they are greeted by the sounds of crickets.

    Ginny, one of our customers, is a great example. Ginny operated in isolation when she first launched her business. She finally saw the light—with our push—and decided it was time to learn what was going on with her customer.

    She interviewed 50 potential Ideal Prospects and current customers. What she discovered she thought they needed, they didn’t connect with. She uncovered the problem as they saw it, not as Ginny The Expert knew it. Now she had the information she needed to talk to them in their language about how they perceived their needs.

    Ginny learned a valuable lesson. No one can get a Prospect to buy something they don’t think they need.

    Once Ginny understood what their problem was, she could connect them to her solution . . . for that problem. Ginny now understood how to lead her customers to their right solution and to her expertise. Now she’s found new life in her business coupling the needs of her customer together with her Preeminence, her expertise, through her Leadership.

    A thinking entrepreneur might decide that a little marketing will move their beautiful, new product into the hands of hundreds, even thousands of customers. But if the product doesn’t solve the customer’s problem as they perceive it, no marketing program can be fabulous enough to get them to buy it—at least not enough of them. You’ll be busy trying to sell them the answer to a problem they don’t think they have. That’s a non-starter.

    Then there’s the make money business owner. He typically becomes so focused on profits he doesn’t see the customer. He prioritizes money over everything else, either because he is greedy or panicked at not having enough to make a living. He’s mistaken the proverbial golden egg for the goose.

    What’s the solution? Fall in love with your customer instead.


    When you fall in love with your customer and you give them what they require, you will succeed. It’s fool proof. It works every time. Not just some of the time, all of the time. You’ll have customers eager to work with you—so many you won’t know what to do with them. (And doesn’t that sound like a happy problem?)

    There is a little trick—you knew there would be.

    Your customers don’t always know what they want.

    Twenty years ago, if some foresighted interviewer had asked whether you’d like to buy the Internet, you would have said NO. And what the heck are you talking about??? If the interviewer had asked Would you like to access people and information all over the world from the keyboard of your PC? you probably would have said YES.


    You didn’t know the Internet would solve so many problems for you so you didn’t know you needed it. The same is true for your products or services.

    Your prospects aren’t the expert and don’t always have the words or knowledge to point you towards the solution.

    If you ask the right questions, your customers can share what their problem is, what they need. Your job as the Preeminent expert is to translate that into the right product, service or solution and recommend their answer in words they can understand.

    You stop pretending you already know everything about them. You stop arrogantly thinking that you know what makes them tick and what they want. You spend time with them, talk to them, develop deep relationships with them and ASK them about their problems, hopes and desires.


    The market is always changing, people are always changing. So you have to adopt beginners mind, reclaim some innocence and return to wonder. This literally creates some space for new information. It’s just like having a bucket that’s already full—you have to empty it before you can collect something else.


    So, what does your customer want? Be curious. Ask them what they want. Ask them about their life and their needs. Ask them what would make their life easier. Is there an innovative way that is more advantageous to the quality of the life? To their business? How could you dramatically increase the value? These questions are a great place to begin.

    Then dig deeper and keep digging. As you get to know your customer, you’re also going to start to hear the things that they are not saying.

    You’ll start to anticipate where they’re heading and what they need to support them. You’ll understand what they want so that you can lead them toward it on a route that will be more efficient, enjoyable, rewarding or less expensive than the way they’ve gone before.

    When you know your customer that well and can provide that kind of value, they will love you. They will refer others to you. They can’t help it because they’re so happy and so grateful. Because you’re giving them what they want and need, you’ll start to attract all the customers you want.

    This bears repeating: your customer probably doesn’t know what she needs. But you can’t sell her something she don’t recognize that she needs. How do you make these two things come together, even though they seem in conflict?

    Here’s now you unite them. Very few customers are out shopping for a specific product or service. As a matter of fact, something like only 3 to 5 percent are shopping for a specific product or service at any given time. The other 95 percent to 97 percent are looking for ways take away their headaches or make their life better. They don’t know that what you offer takes away their headache or makes their life better. When you understand their problem or need, you’ll understand how to deliver the right solution.

    As the expert, you also know that when you first get started, you can solve perhaps only part of their problem. Your objective is to first get them to work with you. Then you will build trust as you deliver a solution to your customer’s great satisfaction. Now that you have their trust, you can introduce the rest of the solution that really, really solves their problem.

    The only exception to this is when a customer arrives on your doorstep thinking they know what they need and they are totally wrong. You know they are wrong because you are the expert, you really do know more than the customer on this subject.

    Let me give you an example. Recently, we delivered a marketing proposal to a prospect. They started taking the proposal apart. I’m sure that’s never happened to you. This prospect took the proposal apart in such a way that the solution they were left with would not solve their problem. We told them that and politely declined their work as we know it would not meet their needs. Our leadership would not permit us to sell something to a customer that wouldn’t work.

    First things first: fall in love with your customers, not your business. Your business exists only to serve your

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