When We Quiet Our Fears We Find Love: A Collection of Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael: Book III of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks
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When We Quiet Our Fears We Find Love - Carolyn Ann O'Riley
When We Quiet Our Fears We Find Love: A Collection of Channeled Messages from Archangel Michael: Book III of the Collection Archangel Michael Speaks
Carolyn Ann O'Riley
Copyright © 2012 by Carolyn Ann O’Riley
Print Version Copyright © 2006 by Carolyn Ann O'Riley.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except as may be expressly permitted by 1976 Copyright Act or in writing by the Author. All correspondence and inquiries should be directed to:
Carolyn Ann O'Riley
The Archangel's Pen
18794 Vista Del Sol
Dallas, Texas 75287-4023
Phone: 214-232-7199
E-mail: [email protected]
1st Edition: ISBN 1-891870-09-2
2nd Edition: ISBN 978-1-4116-6486-9
EPUB Edition: ISBN 978-1-105-61163-6
This is dedicated to The Creator and
The Creator's Messenger, Archangel Michael,
for their infinite love, faith and constant presence.
Also to my Guardian Angels for their love, protection,
vigilance and nudging reminders.
Thank You to all the Angelic Kingdom for it has been a
journey of glorious wonder, adventure and remembrance since your re-connection with my physical presence .
To all of my Family both through blood and through Light for their love, may you truly know how very special you are to me.
To my children, Sonia and Chris and my husband, Pat, your Angels will one day catch your attention and you will never doubt again the existence of their presence.
To the devoted readers of
Archangel Michael's Messages
Remember are Archangel Michael tells you, you are loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language could ever express.
Author's Acknowledgment
I have been very blessed to have had these messages of love and hope channeled through me for your understanding and enjoyment.
My desire is to share the love that has been channeled through me with you, so that it may speak directly to your heart, for your own discernment and validation.
The Creator's message is that we must remember how to learn to love ourselves so that we may remember how to love others.
In our remembrance, of The Creator's Love we can remember who we truly are and from whence we came.
We can change the world one person at a time through love.
Love is all there is.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Choosing the Divine
Chapter 2: A Spiritual Family Reunion
Chapter 3: Floating in Peace
Chapter 4: The Glowing Light That You Really Are
Chapter 5: The Waltz to Remember
Chapter 6: Along the Way
Chapter 7: The Stairway to Your Highest Essence
Chapter 8: A Lighthouse
Chapter 9: The Still Quiet Moments
Chapter 10: Opening the Lotus Blossom
Chapter 11: The Mustard Seed
Chapter 12: Opening the Window of Potential
Closing: Until We Meet Again
About The Author: Carolyn Ann O’Riley
Chapter 1: Choosing the Divine
There was once a conversation overheard by an Angel between The Creator and a lady sitting on a bench in tears praying.
She said My Creator take all the pain away and give me only joy.
The Creator said, but then My Child you would not know the difference between the two, it requires the experience of both to have the awareness.
She implored The Creator to take away her crutches so that she could dance.
The Creator hummed into her ears and said, but My Dear One can you not feel Our dancing together within your heart, we have been dancing but an eternity?
She cried, but My Creator take away this anger so the tears will leave my eyes.
The Creator hugged her into Its Essence and said My Beautiful Being I love You dearly, but this is anger that you must release through your own inner work and forgiveness. What have you learned if it is merely erased from your heart?
She continues on, but Creator how will I know towards whom this anger was directed?
The Creator handed her a tissue and said, it was initially directed at yourself when you allowed it into your energy fields through judgments. My Gorgeous Child you must forgive yourself first before the anger leaves your vessel.
She continued but My Creator can't you just take it all away and make me whole again.
My Dear Sweet Child, you were never anything but whole and in perfection within my sight. Your choice to want to clear these things is admirable and one that is yours to work through along your path that you have chosen.
But My Creator you've put these things in my path for me to stumble over, she explained.
Beautiful Being of Light you chose these experiences for yourself before you came for this incarnation. We discussed how hard this lifetime was going to be for you and you felt that this was your chance to grow and evolve to the higher rung on the spiral, do you not remember our conversation before you came? These are your experiences and decisions that are in action. What would you learn if they simply vanished before your time?
Dear Creator can you help me on my path.
My Glorious Child I have never left your side, it is only physicality that has veiled your eyes not my presence that has been making you feel alone.
Thank you My Creator for reminding me who I am.
My Dear One you have never been anyone other than your Magnificent Self. I am always here whispering my love into your heart. I will never leave you.
Oh thank you, thank you My Creator.
Continue on your way My Child we have a lot to experience today and your tears have cleared your vision.
How many times Beautiful Beings of Light have you thought that all was caused by outside influences and forces working against you in your life.
The Creator is calling you to remember your contracts and conversations before you came into this incarnation, so that you can take control of your own Divinity that you so often given away to another.
When the veil lifts for you ever so slightly, you see that all was set in motion within the Earth Bound Playing Field long before you descended back into the construct of matter that we call your physical vessel.
When you quiet your fears of remembering who you truly are, you find the love of The Creator once again that you so often are afraid you've lost.
In truth it has never left you, it is only your spiritual senses that need clearing Dear Ones to allow that love to once again enfold and entwine you in The Essence of the Divine Creator.
When you choose the Divine it is the path that leads you Home My Beloveds.
Work with this exercise and voice your choices to yourself and The Universe
Repeat this three times each day and watch what happens.
I AM choose unconditional love over hate
I AM choose joy over sadness
I AM choose bliss over tears
I AM choose beauty over stagnation
I AM choose walking forward over regression
I AM choose self-empowerment over self-degradation
I AM choose abundance over lack
I AM choose NOW over past or future
I AM choose infinite potentiality over limitation
I AM choose Higher-Self over ego-self
I AM choose vision over disillusion
I AM choose wisdom over fear
I AM choose compassion over judgment
I AM choose divinity over segmentation
I AM choose courage and faith over self doubt
I AM listening to my own inner knowing and wisdom
I AM the light and share my light with all.
I AM asking, receiving and accepting the assistance that is all around me.
I AM in harmony and balance with my Divine Essence
I AM free of outdated belief systems, un-forgiveness, old programming and anger.
I AM allowing others to take control of their own destiny and responsibilities
I AM allowing others to walk their own path
I AM honoring others decisions to embrace what is appropriate themselves
I AM in perfection as The Creator first made me.
I AM a Co-Creator of Heaven on Earth
I AM So It Is
Thank you Creator For The unending Blessings that enfold me.
I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.
Question: What was the first thing you remembered about yourself as you were reading the conversation between the lady and The Creator.
Question: What do you think it was telling you about who you really are?
Journaling is an excellent way to help you remember your answers along with giving you insights further down the road when you re-read your entries. It is always fun to see how much you have grown. Remember to put a time and date on your entries.
Chapter 2: A Spiritual Family Reunion
This moment is but a moment Beautiful Beings of Light that is connected to all the miracles that are waiting to unfold before you Beloved. Can you not feel the sheer energy of wonder emerging within your own Being? The Heavens see that your lights do nothing but grow brighter and brighter.
This Messenger sees you awakening very much like the glorious butterfly's emergence from within its cocoon. You have been sleeping for many eons.
The precise moment that each decides to emerge is so vastly interesting. Ponder for a moment with us Beautiful Warriors of Light; what lead you down this road?
What inner voice have you been listening to all this time to tell you whether to take the right or left fork in the road?
What special remembrance has dawned that has drawn you to these words.
How many have found special groups with similar journeys that they enjoy meditating and traveling with? How did you each meet and decide that you wished to travel together?
Some decide to journey alone others have found company, but all in truth are working individually. No two have the same mission, no two are ever the same, and therefore no two will hold the identical vision. That My Beautiful Beings of Light is how The Creator desired to create each of you. Just as each snowflake is different so to are you all different. This is within the Divine Blue Print each with his/her own part that no other can play.
Does this surprise anyone? Within the Angelic Realms it is the same. Each Angel Essence has