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The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology
The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology
The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology
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The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology

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About this book... This book presents a revolutionary explanation of celestial motion which challenges Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity and Isaac Newton's view that gravity and inertia are the only forces which generate celestial motion.

Employing Electro-Gravitic Theory, Charles Ginenthal maintains that celestial bodies exhibit systematic and symmetric behavior not explained by traditional theory. This theory posits the concept that electromagnetism is a counter force to gravity which can be fully tested in space.
Release dateDec 3, 2015
The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology

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    The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology - Charles Ginenthal

    The Electrogravitic Theory of Celestial Motion and Cosmology



    A Journal of Myth, History and Science

    Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur?

    Special Edition

    By Charles Ginenthal

    Appendix by George Talbott


    Copyright © 2015 Charles Ginenthal.

    First Printing 1999

    ISBN 978-1-329-72557-7

    All rights reserved.  Other than as permitted under the Fair Use section of the United States copyright act of 1976, no part of this publication shall be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of the author. 

    Quoting of this work must be attributed to this book, and not in a manner which would indicate any sort of endorsement.  No derivative works are permitted without express permission of the author.



    "I must admit, however, that in searching for the causes of the great upheavals of the past and in considering their effects, I became skeptical of the great theories concerning the celestial motions that were formulated when the historical facts described here were not known to science.

    The subject deserves to be discussed in detail and quantitatively. All that I would venture to say at this time and in this place is the following: The accepted celestial mechanics, notwithstanding the many calculations that have been carried out to many decimal places, or verified by celestial motions, stands only if the Sun, the source of light, warmth, and other radiation produced by fusion and fission of atoms, is as a whole an electrically neutral body, and also if the planets, in their usual orbits, are neutral bodies.

    "Fundamental principles in celestial mechanics, including the law of gravitation, must come into question if the Sun possesses a charge sufficient to influence the planets in their orbits or comets in theirs. In the Newtonian celestial mechanics, based on the theory of gravitation, electricity and magnetism play no role.

    Immanuel Velikovsky

    Worlds in Collision

    (New York, 1950), page 387

    Descartes had described real motions in our atmosphere, and had argued that the planets are carried around by material vortices.    At the end of Book II [of Principia] Newton produced a powerful argument based on his studies of fluid media, which he regarded as a conclusive refutation of the existence of these vortices. Newton considered this refutation to be one of the great triumphs of the Principia.    Indeed, he went further and argued that the persistence of the orbits of the planets proved that they moved in a near vacuum.[1]

    The theory presented here grew directly out of the concepts offered by Immanuel Velikovsky which reinstates Descarte's vortices. It is posited that there is a counter force to gravity which exerts its force on all electrically charged bodies in space by influencing their magnetic fields. When I read Velikovsky I asked myself this question: If gravity is a force of attraction between bodies, what was electromagnetism?    The obvious answer was that electromagnetism was a force of repulsion between charged celestial bodies. However, the fundamental calculations related to magnetism indicate that, as a force, it dissipates so rapidly that it could never influence the motion of a celestial body. Furthermore, magnetism generates both attractive as well as repulsive forces, and thus appears not to be only a repelling agent, as the theory requires.

    Nevertheless, I learned that, based on the theory of electricity, an electrically charged rotating body was an antenna that emitted two magnetic fields that do not dissipate as do simple iron magnets. An emitting antenna transmits a radial field and a tangential field which weaken to zero over five rotations of the rotating body.[2]

    Based on this law, the Sun emits a magnetic field that transverses the solar system in only the first one percent of one wave. The radial magnetic field falls from a relative intensity of infinity at the center of the Sun to 4,000 over one percent of a wave length, and the same is found for the tangential field. Hence, it appears that magnetic forces are not inconsequential in celestial mechanics.

    With respect to the attractive and repelling forces of magnets, I also learned that superconducting bodies which emit magnetic fields generate only repelling ones. In The New York Times, for September 20, 1988, page CI, an article showed that cryogenically cold, superconducting bodies repel. Two superconducting materials were actually suspended below a magnet in air! The article stated, As long as the chip stays cold enough, it will stay suspended. See figure 1

    The questions that suggest themselves are:

    Do magnetic fields, when they meet in the super-cold environment of space, also repeleach other?

    Is space a kind of superconducting medium?

    Although the answers to these questions is not known, I am working upon the assumption that at least the first question is answered in the affirmative. Hence, the counter force theory has a basis in known and established physical forces; if rotating celestial bodies are charged, their radial and tangential magnetic fields extend far into space, and if in the super-cold environment of space these fields repel one another, then there is a repulsion between their fields which is allied to the bodies interacting.

    If this theory is valid, then the orbital and rotational motions of celestial bodies should exhibit systematic and symmetric behavior.    Upon investigation of the motions of celestial bodies, this is what I believe I have found.   What follows is my research into the above questions.

    [1] John Roche, Newton's Principia, Let Newton Be!, (Oxford, Eng., 1989), pp. 56-57.

    [2] Reference Data for Radio Engineers, 6th Ed., (Indianapolis, Ind., 1975), Ch. 27, pp 1-3.


    Andre Danjon,[3] Gribbin and Plagemann[4] reported that large solar flares ejected toward

    the Earth slowed our planet's rotation temporarily.    Juergens explained that this additional charge acted as a breaking mechanism by changing the Earth's polar moment of inertia.[5] But to reaccelerate the Earth's rotation back to its former velocity also requires a force to do this. I suggest that force is magnetism.

    When the weaker planetary magnetic field encounters the immensely stronger solar field the solar field repels the weaker field, but most strongly on one side of the planet, where the two fields oppose each other. The planet with its field embedded within it adjusts to the superior solar field repulsion by rotating. The same applies to stars in the galaxy and galaxies in general.

    Since space is frictionless, the constant force of the solar field on the planetary field would continue to accelerate it ad infinitum. But this does not occur. The reason is that the solar field transmits an electrical charge which Juergens showed was a brake on the planet's rotation. This breaking charge decreases with distance.   The final rotational velocity of a planet or star is determined by the electromagnetic field strengths of the bodies. The following assumption are all one needs to predict rotational mechanics:

    The strength of a celestial body's magnetospheres varies with the radial andtangential field strength over radial distance.

    The greater the relative charge of a celestial body to another the higher thecurrent from that body to the other.

    A celestial body of oppositely aligned field to another rotates in the same direction; a celestial body whose field is aligned to another rotates in the opposite direction.

    Of two intrinsically charged bodies the one with the lower charge will rotate.

    It is easier to rotate a small mass than a large one. Of two equally charged bodies at equal distance from their primary, the one of smaller mass will rotate more rapidly than the larger mass.

    The angle of alignment of the magnetic and rotational poles will alsodetermine the rate of rotation (see discussion of Uranus).

    A deduction from the postulates: If one of two charged bodies of equal mass rotates at an angular velocity v at a distance r from the other, at the distance R > r it will rotate V > v. Mercury's electromagnetic field is about 0.01 that of Earth. With its small charge and mass but with its very close proximity to the Sun it receives a very great breaking charge. Thus it rotates quite slowly—about 59 days.

    Venus' poles, I assume, are reversed to that of Earth but aligned with that of the Sun. Hence, following postulate 3 Venus' rotation is retrograde. With a minute electromagnetic field to that of Earth and close proximity to the Sun, Venus receives an immense braking charge which causes it to rotate in 243 days.

    Earth's electromagnetic    field is 100 times greater than that of Mercury.    At 1 AU distance from the Sun, the solar braking charge is much smaller than on Mercury or Venus. The Earth rotates in 24 hours.

    The Moon's rotation is difficult to analyze because of the great tidal braking action on it of the Earth. Great gravitational tidal forces can and do overcome magnetic interaction. Mars' electromagnetic field is 1/800 that of Earth and possesses 1/10 Earth's mass. At 1.52 AU distance from the Sun the solar braking charge has so diminished that Mars rotates in about 24.6 hours.

    Jupiter's electromagnetic fields vary in strength from 3 to 14 gauss.[6] Its field is also quadra-polar and octa-polar.[7]  I assume Jupiter's strongest polar alignments are the same as those of the Earth. However, Jupiter is 318 times more massive than Earth and, at 5.2 AU distance from the Sun, the solar braking charge on Jupiter is the smallest yet encountered. Hence Jupiter possesses the greatest rotational velocity of the planets—about 9.8 hours. Saturn's electromagnetic field is 0.7 that of Earth. At nearly twice Jupiter's distance from the Sun (9.5 AU)and 95 times more massive as earth, it rotates in about 10.2 hours. Uranus is lying on its side and thus its rotational pole is tilted 97.9 degrees. However, its magnetic poles are at great distance from that of its rotational poles.    The very same condition also pertains to Neptune. Both planets are of much less mass and at much greater distance from the Sun than Saturn; hence, they should rotate more rapidly than Saturn with magnetic fields assumed to be about the same strength as that larger planet. This appears to be a contradiction to the theory, but it is not.

    Evidence of this phenomenon is clearly observed in the rotation of magnetic stars called Ap stars.    Ap stars are A type stars, but unlike the common A stars, the Aps have their magnetic poles aligned like those of Uranus and Neptune, except that the tilt of these poles is greater than these planets. On the basis of Electro-Gravitic Theory, all Ap stars should be slow rotators, as compared with normal A stars, whose magnetic poles nearly coincide with their rotational poles. This is precisely what is observed. Jean Louis Tassoul, in his book, Theory of Rotating Stars, (Princeton 1978), p. 334, states: On the evidence before us, it thus appears that Ap stars are intrinsically slow rotators. Thus, Uranus and Neptune rotate more slowly than Saturn because of the alignment of their magnetic axes.

    Pluto possesses the largest satellite compared to its mass; Charon is about 0.33 Pluto's mass, and quite close to the planet—17,000 km. The tidal braking action by this nearby satellite is quite large and its rotational period of 6.4 days hardly reflects its much more rapid rotation if it had no moon.

    [3] Andre Danjon, Compes rendu des Sceances de I'Academie des Sciences, Vol. 250, (1960), p. 1399.

    [4] John Gribbin, New Scientist, (May 1975), p. 339.

    [5] Ralph Juergens, On Convection of Electric Charge by the Rotating Earth, KRONOS, Vol. II, No. 3, (1977), pp. 12-30.

    [6] McGraw-Hill, Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Vol. 7, (New York, 1982), p. 456.

    [7] Ibid.


    Stars are classified according to their luminosity and surface temperature. Going from the brightest, hottest stars, to the lease bright, coolest, they are classified as O, B, A, F, G, K, and M.   1 assume that the phenomenon responsible for the production of heat and light is also responsible for electromagnetism in stars.   Thus, O stars have stronger magnetic fields and charges than A stars and so on down the main sequences, as 0 to M stars are termed. Based on this analysis, the rotational velocity of stars should be greatest at the top of the sequence (the O stars) and decrease as we descend the entire main sequence. This is exactly what has been found. In single stars, especially those of early spectral type [such as O, B, and A] rotation is rapid. The velocity of rotation drops rapidly down the main sequence and usually is too small to be detected in single stars of types later than G.[8] Giant old, red stars are bright because they have expanded to great volume. However, their actual brightness in terms of intensity is really extremely small compared to giant O type stars. Old, red giants, therefore, have very tiny magnetic fields and thus, based on the theory, rotate, if at all, only very slowly.

    White dwarf stars, according to Angel and Landstreet, possess magnetic fields of the order of 10 7 > G or 10 million gauss,[9]  far greater than normal main sequence stars. They should rotate at great velocity and they do.   White dwarfs rotate in periods of between 0.3 seconds (based on broadening of the absorption lines by doppler effect) upwards to a half hour.

    Pulsars rotate even more rapidly than white dwarf stars.    They are known to have rotational periods from 33 milliseconds to 3.75 seconds.[10]    Their very nearly constant pulsation period suggests they possess an extremely precise timing mechanism.[11] Hence, their magnetic field strengths must be the greatest yet discussed. The distance measurement and the observed radio flux densities at Earth show that the total radio emissions from the pulsars is of the order of the luminosity of the Sun . . . from 10 6 -10 10 the surface brightness of the Sun at all wavelengths.[12]   Their magnetic fields are on the order of 10 12 gauss[13] and thus they produce immense rotational velocity.    The stellar magnetic fields are interacting with the galaxies magnetic field.

    [8] McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, op. tit., Vol. 13, p. 48.

    [9] J. R. P. Angel, D. Landstreet, White Dwarfs, International Astronomical Union Symposium, No. 42, W. J. Luyten, ed., (New York, 1971), p. 79.

    [10] McGraw-Hill Encycl., op. cit., Vol. 11, p. 98.

    [11] "Ibid.

    [12] Ibid

    [13] Ibid.


    Various forms of galaxies exist: our Milky Way is but one form; the galactic spiral which rotates in about 225 million years. There are billions of galaxies and they also rotate. The galactic electromagnetic fields are interacting with the magnetic field of the Universe. Based on the earlier postulates and evidence, the brightest galaxies should rotate more rapidly than galaxies that are less luminous. This, too, is exactly the case.

    Quasars are among the brightest galactic like structures to be seen. They have diameters of less than one light day or the size of the solar system. They contain energy that is so great that they have internal velocities of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per second.[14] Larger but less luminous objects that have quasar-like characteristics, the radiogalaxies, called N galaxies are found to be surrounded by a faint distribution of stars.[15] They contain so much energy at the center, the nucleus, that the energy there surpasses that of the rest of the galaxy combined,[16] and they rotate slower than pulsars. Larger but less energetic than N galaxies are Seyfert galaxies, named after Carl Seyfert, who discovered them in the 1940s. They pump out a hundred times as much energy in the infrared as they do in the visible light.[17] These galaxies are rotating so rapidly that they are hurling outward from their centers clouds of gas each as massive as ten million suns at speeds of nearly 400 miles per second. The energy required to accomplish this feat is equal to the energy generated by millions of supernovae.[18]

    Spiral galaxies rotate far more slowly than these highly energetic galaxies and exhibit no such immense sources of energy.

    Elliptical galaxies, made up of mostly old, red, giant stars, like the old, red giants, are bright because their constituent stars have expanded outward into a great volume in space. Although these galaxies are bright because of their volume and makeup of old, red giants, their brightness in terms of intensity is really smaller compared to quasars. Elliptical galaxies, thus, possess very tiny magnetic fields, and again, based on the theory, rotate, if at all, only very slowly. The same applies to globular clusters of old, red giants which contain up to a million of these stars with few if any main sequence type stars.   They also exhibit practically no rotation.

    In review, we find the planets that revolve around the Sun rotate in accordance with the postulates outlined earlier. The celestial bodies that revolve around the center of the galaxy, i.e., all the classes of stars on the main sequence show that the greater the strengths of their electromagnetic fields the more rapidly they rotate:    white dwarf stars with even stronger magnetic fields rotate faster than bright main sequence stars. Pulsars with the strongest magnetic fields rotate even more rapidly than white dwarf stars. Among the galaxies the evidence is the same.   The brightest galaxies rotate more rapidly than those less bright and less energetic. Seyfert galaxies rotate faster than spiral galaxies and N galaxies more than Seyferts, and quasars spin faster than N galaxies. In a remarkable manner, it can be observed that the greater the electromagnetic field of a celestial body the greater its rotational velocity.

    [14] McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, op. cit., Vol. 2, p. 196.

    [15] Ibid

    [16] McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia, op. cit., Vol. 6, p. 12.

    [17] "Nigel Calder, Violent Universe, (New York, 1970), p. 107.

    [18] Timothy Ferris, Galaxies, (Ontario, Can.: Sierra Club Books, no date), p. 112.


    A body in orbit around another in which both masses possess electromagnetic fields is subject to two forces—gravity or attraction and magnetism or repulsion. Magnetism's force like that of gravity—is strongest between the two bodies when they are closest to one another while it is weakest between the masses when they are most distant from each other. Therefore, when the orbiting body comes closest to its primary, it feels not only a stronger repulsion on its own field away from that primary, but because the magnetic field of the primary is rotating with it, the orbiting body receives an additional acceleration forward along its orbit.

    Gravity assists this phenomenon because, at closest distance between the two bodies, the orbital velocity is greatest.

    These two magnetic accelerations—one away from the primary and the other forward along the orbit—cause the orbiting mass to have a greater pericenter distance from the center of the primary than if only gravity were operating. An orbiting body without an magnetic field experiences no such repelling accelerations. If the orbiting body is in a retrograde orbit and has a magnetic field, it will experience a resistance throughout its orbit and must spiral inward towards its primary.

    On the other hand, at the greatest distance an orbiting mass is from its primary, the weakest the repulsion away and along its orbit is. At this region of the orbit, gravity pulls the body back toward its primary along its orbit. The two counter forces are always in operation but each becomes more significant for the orbiting body at either nearest approach, say to the Sun—perihelion—or greatest distance—aphelion. The smaller the magnetic field of an orbiting body is the smaller is the final range of distance between greatest and least distance from its primary. An orbiting body with a tiny magnetic field

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