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It's the 1970's. The Wild West is the place to be. Sheriff Hoover runs the town, or thinks he does, but the King is the real hero. All he wants to do is return home with his brothers to Italy and eat his Mama's spaghetti. To get there he has to get to the gold which the Heavy Metal Boys and the Red Indian riders are all chasing. Who will get there first?
Release dateJul 2, 2015

Sean Walsh

I've worked and lived in communications all my life: journalist, subeditor, editor, actor, director, producer - here in Ireland and abroad. I fell in love with Hiberno-English a long time ago - English as it is spoken and written in my country - and have been in love with it ever since. I love the challenge of pen and blank paper: creating characters, storylines, drama. If I may share with you some of the gems that have influenced me down the years; I've tried to abide by them but didn't always succeed! "You make your way by taking it... "It does not just happen, you have to make it happen... "Sometimes in stooping down to pick up two pennies one can lose a fortune..." Interests Friendship - when it is not possessive, controlling... Quiet. Silence - a positive value completely overlooked by many today... Reading - carefully judged. If I'm not hooked by the first sequence - the first paragraph - I won't read any further... Trying, day in day out, not to spill any more milk... and to stop crying over milk already spilt. Not suffering fools gladly... Analysing Casablanca, frame for frame, line by line... (TBC...) Publications My scripts have been broadcast on RTE, Radio One, BBC 4 and, in translation, on European networks; televised on RTE One, BBC One and Channel 4; staged at the Peacock by the Abbey National Theatre, at the Project, the Eblana, the Liverpool Playhouse and on the London Fringe… Credits include The Night of the Rouser. Earwig. The Dreamers. Fugitive. Veil. Penny for Your Travels. Far Side of the Moon. Three for Calvary. Jenny One, Two, Three… The Circus. Centre Circle. Where Do We Go from Here, My Lovely? At The Praetorium. Conclave. Assault on a Citadel. Has conducted many workshops on Creative/Script Writing in Dublin and at various centres around Ireland. Favourite authors A D Sertillanges. John Henry Newman. Waugh. Greene. Hemingway. Hans Kung. Likes Good conversation. The company of my fellow searchers... Con pane... meaning, with bread... hence company... Dislikes Arrogant, self-opinionated prigs... Controlling, bullying clerics... Favourite Quote "I passionately hate the idea of being with it. I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time." (Orson Welles (1915 - 1985))

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    Spaghetti - Sean Walsh



    A film script by

    Sean Walsh

    Other Works by Sean Walsh

    Canyon Stars – Film Script 2010

    Ice Cool – Film Script 2011

    Rock Legend Part I – Film Script 2012

    Rock Legend Part II – Film Script 2013

    MOB v MAFIA – Film Script 2014

    Rock Legends Part III - The Legends


    Copyright Sean Walsh © 2015

    eBook Design by Rossendale Books:

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-326-33962-3

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.


    It's the 1970’s.  The Wild West is the place to be. Sheriff Hoover runs the town, or thinks he does, but the King is the real hero. All he wants to do is return home with his brothers to Italy  and eat his Mama's Spaghetti. To get there he has to get to the gold which the Heavy Metal Boys and the Red Indian riders are all chasing. Who will get there first?

    Scenes 1 - 30

    1: Opening scene. Round the campfire

    The opening scene involves one of the main groups of the story, The Cocaine cowboys (A group of six brothers, five of which are sat round a camp fire in the United States, fictional Wild West in the 1970's magic hour).

    The oldest brother and leader of the group, The King is recounting his dream of all the brothers returning to there homeland in Italy and eat there Mama's homemade spaghetti, the best in all of Southern Italy.

    King: I vowed when I took you all out of Italy to make a fortune we would only return to Mama and Papa's farm when we had secured there future on the farm. Do you know how close we are to achieving that dream? (Angrily kicks over coffee pot on camp fire) Nowhere fucking near. I've been carrying you fucking bums for nine years. This is what I want. I want you fucking shit kickers to finally get your act together and help me out. So what are we gonnar do?

    Silence from brothers.

    King: Well come on. What are we gonnar do?

    At this point a cool, mysterious man appears beside the magic hour fire drinking whisky from a golden hip flask.

    Hippy Preacher Man: (Strikes a match on leaning cooly against a tree and lights cigarette) I'll tell you what you're gonnar do King

    King: We've heard your sermon in your wagon Hippy preacher man. You want us to throw our guns in the fire and walk along hand in hand singing the Coke ad. Right?

    Hippy Preacher Man: You're fucking a. Right. So you want to go back to your folks’ farm and eat your Mama's spaghetti. The best in all of Southern Italy. What if I promised that each of you could secure your dreams if you give up your guns.

    King: This is the Wild West. We need 'em for protection.

    Hippy Preacher Man: Wrong. You don't need 'em. You only think you do. What do you think would happen if every one gave up there guns.

    Wayne: No one would need protecting.

    Hippy Preacher Man: That's right Wayne.

    Sonny: Hold on a minute. Isn't it written in your Constitution. The right to bear arms.

    Hippy preacher Man: The Constitution's fucked up. It was wrote in a different time. This is the Seventies. Piece and love. Times have changed. This is the Jesus generation and the will for goodness from the young people is there. In ten years those young people will be ruling the whole fucking country. If we don't seize on this moment we might never get another chance.

    Mungo: (Amused) Are you from san Francisco? You sound like you're from san Francisco.

    Wayne: So what you're saying is. You're a fucker not a fighter.

    Hippy Preacher Man: You're damn right I am.

    Wayne: I don't know King. I think the guy's got a point. I’d rather fuck than fight. I've never shot a man anyway. So I could do without it.

    Hippy Preacher Man: You want me to prove to you? That I’ve got special powers and that gun's aint the way. And I know the right way

    Mungo: (Cocaine Cowboy brother) How you gonnar do that?

    Hippy Preacher Man: I'll turn water into whisky

    Mungo: Bullshit

    Sonny: (Cocaine cowboy brother): Do it man

    The preacher takes a drop of his hip flask and takes the top of the Kings open water bottle and kisses it.

    Hippy Preacher Man: Drink and tell me I’m wrong.

    The king takes a sip and proclaims Whisky. So you've changed water into whisky. If you're gonnar convince us to throw our metal into the fire I’ll need more than that.

    Hippy Preacher Man: I

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