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The art of war
The art of war
The art of war
Ebook74 pages1 hour

The art of war

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It is the most famous strategy treatise in the world, which has become a cult book within the company. It proposes valid principles both in the world of military strategy and in business or politics. Despite its age, it is an extremely modern book, which will help to reflect on any type of problem and to propose the necessary strategies to solve it without conflict. The Art of War is the best strategy book of all time. Ideal to apply in all aspects of life to achieve victory without conflict.
Release dateMay 12, 2020

Sun Tzu

Sun Tzu vivió hace más de dos mil años, en el periodo de la historia de China llamado Primaveras y Oto-ños (722-481 a. C.). Fue general, estratega militar y filósofo, y está considerado una de las figuras más importantes de la cultura asiática.

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    The art of war - Sun Tzu



    Sun Tzu was a Chinese general who lived around the 5th century BC. The collection of essays on the art of war attributed to Sun Tzu is the oldest known treatise on the subject. Despite its age, Sun Tzu's advice continues to be valid.

    The Art of War is the best strategy book of all time. He inspired Napoleon, Machiavelli, Mao Tse Tung, and many more historical figures. This 2,500-year-old book is one of the most important Chinese classical texts, in which, despite the time that has elapsed, none of its maxims is outdated, nor is there a single piece of advice that is not useful today. But General Sun Tzu's work is not only a book of military practice, but a treatise that teaches the supreme strategy of wisely applying knowledge of human nature in times of confrontation. It is not, therefore, a book on war; it is a work to understand the roots of a conflict and look for a solution. The best victory is to win without fighting, says Sun Tzu,

    Sun Tzu's work first came to Europe in the period before the French Revolution, in the form of a short translation by the Jesuit priest JJM Amiot. In the various translations that have been made since then, the author is occasionally named Sun Sun or Sun Tzi

    The core of Sun Tzu's philosophy of war rests on these two principles:

    All the Art of War is based on deception. The supreme Art of War is to subdue the enemy without fighting.

    Sun Tzu's ideas spread throughout the rest of Asia to Japan. The Japanese quickly adopted these teachings and possibly added some of their own harvest. There is evidence that the main Japanese book on the subject, The Book of the Five Rings, is influenced by the philosophy of Sun Tzu, since its author, Miyamoto Mushashi, studied the treatise on The Art of War during his training as a Samurai.

    Oriental cultures are usually referred to as cultures of strategy, and Sun Tzu's influence on this cultural development is not small. Today, the philosophy of the art of war has gone beyond strictly military limits, applying to business, sports, diplomacy, and even personal behavior. For example, many key phrases in modern business management manuals are practically literal quotations from Sun Tzu's work (exchanging, for example, army for company, or weaponry for resources, without going any further). The ideas remain completely valid despite the 25 centuries that have passed since they were written.


    About evaluation

    Sun Tzu says: war is of vital importance to the State; it is the domain of life or death, the way to the survival or loss of the Empire: it is necessary to manage it well. Not to seriously reflect on everything that concerns you is to give proof of a guilty indifference regarding the preservation or loss of what is most dear to us; and this must not happen between us.

    It must be assessed in terms of five fundamental factors, and comparisons made between various conditions on the rival sides, with a view to determining the outcome of the war.

    The first of these factors is doctrine; the second, time; the third, the land; the fourth, command; and the fifth, discipline.

    Doctrine means that which brings the people into harmony with their ruler, so that they follow him wherever he is, without fear for their lives or fear of danger.

    Time means Ying and Yang, night and day, cold and heat, clear or rainy days, and the changing of the seasons.

    Terrain implies distances, and refers to where it is easy or difficult to move, and whether it is open field or narrow places, and this influences the chances of survival.

    Command must have as qualities: wisdom, sincerity, benevolence, courage and discipline.

    Finally, discipline is to be understood as organization of the army, graduations and ranks of officers, regulation of supply routes, and provision of military equipment to the army.

    These five fundamental factors must be known by each general. He who dominates them overcomes; he who does not, is defeated. Therefore, when drawing up the plans, the following seven factors must be compared, evaluating each one with the greatest care:


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