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Ebook408 pages5 hours


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Faye's been Molly's lover and agent for her creature-hunting friends for a year, but she's still unsettled and unwilling to fully-explore her Tainted Side. She is sent on a mission and disappears in South America.

Molly, a powerful witch, searches for Faye ruthlessly, leading to conflict with her team. Meanwhile, she's brought Amelia in to help, and Amelia has her sights on seducing Molly as things fall apart. There may no longer be such a thing as home sweet home.

Content Warning: Rape, torture.

Release dateDec 1, 2020

Adrian J. Smith

Adrian J. Smith has been publishing since 2013 but has been writing nearly her entire life. With a focus on women loving women fiction, AJ jumps genres from action-packed police procedurals to the seedier life of vampires and witches to sweet romances with a May-December twist. She loves writing and reading about women in the midst of the ordinariness of life. Two of her novels received honorable mentions with the Rainbow Awards. AJ currently lives in Cheyenne, WY, although she moves often and has lived all over the United States. She loves to travel to different countries and places. She currently plays the roles of author, wife, mother to two rambunctious toddlers, and occasional handy-woman.

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    Book preview

    De-Termination - Adrian J. Smith

    Chapter One

    Benjamin’s hands deftly twisted the screws into place and turned the perfectly shaped sphere between his fingers. He knew there needed to be at least one more screw shoved in there somewhere, but he couldn’t figure out where. Pausing a moment, he scratched his scruffy beard and narrowed his light blue eyes. The gears in his brain turned just as the gears in the device should.

    He knew it should work, but no matter how many times he took it apart and put it back together again, it wasn’t. It was supposed to create an individual force shield around whoever held the item. Molly, his boss, would like the idea, but she would hate holding a five-pound metal sphere in the middle of whatever trouble she found herself in.

    There! The wobbly metal told him exactly where it needed to go. Sticking his tongue out the corner of his mouth, Ben plopped his magnifying glasses on and picked up the screwdriver and screw. Carefully, he inserted it and twisted until it was tight and flush against the metal.

    Sitting back and pulling off the glasses, he grinned. It was perfect. This time, it had to work. Spinning the device once more in his hands, he gave a satisfying grunt. Perhaps he should try it out before he showed it off to Molly. That way, if it didn’t work, he could tinker with it again. Although a break sounded nice too.

    Twisting the top and the bottom halves in opposite directions, Ben waited with baited breath. There should be, according to his research, a light buzz most humans wouldn’t be able to hear and a blue glow most humans wouldn’t be able to see. Those like himself, Tainted, who had special abilities, would be hit or miss whether they could see it. The blue glow should only last a few milliseconds before it dissipated, giving total and unseen protection to whoever held the device.

    Nothing happened. Pouting, Ben sniffled and shoved the metal onto the table in a fit of anger. He had tried it so many times that day, and he was finally out of patience and brain power. He needed a snack. Walking to the door from his work bench where he’d been bent over for hours, he stretched his back and reached for the door handle. His hand went straight through the metal.

    What the hell?

    He looked at his hand, flipping it over and over again, analyzing his palm and his fingers. It looked completely normal to him. Trying again, he reached slowly for the door handle. Right when his fingers should have latched onto the metal knob, they flew right through.

    Oh shit! he shouted, his voice full of excitement and laced with a tinge of fear. Well, how do I get out?

    Shaking and scratching at his fluffy hair, Ben turned in a full circle. That was the only door in and out of his work area. He bit his lip and then walked straight up to the door. With a deep full breath holding vespers in his lungs, Ben put his palm out flat like he was going to press it against the metal door. He moved slowly as he waited to see if his hand would stop or go straight through. When his fingers vanished, he pulled them back sharply and cradled them with his other hand, letting out a loud whoop.

    He could walk through walls. Giggling, Ben charged straight forward, closing his eyes as he barreled through the door. The hallway on the other side was empty, and he glanced at the door to make sure it was still there and still shut and this wasn’t all in his head. He had to find Molly to show her what he’d done. Heading straight for the elevator that would lead him up to the main part of the house, Ben walked swiftly.

    When he reached it, he took a deep breath and then his stomach fell. If he couldn’t open the doorknob, there would be no way he could hit the button to get the elevator moving. Groaning, he brushed his hands through his hair and spun in a circle. He was literally stuck three levels below the ground with no idea how to get out. Panic set into his chest, his heart fluttering and his stomach twisting.

    Just then the bell dinged, and the doors to the elevator opened. Ben let out a huff and waited to see who was coming out. Joel, his beloved partner, had his nose pressed into a tablet as he walked out of the elevator, not even bothering to look up. Ben grinned and went to grab him but stopped when he realized he wouldn’t be able to touch him.

    Joel continued down the hall. Ben chased after him, calling, Joel! Hey! Wait up!

    When Joel didn’t respond, Ben’s brow furrowed. He swallowed hard and followed closely behind, trying his damnedest to get Joel’s attention and maybe even some help. He was beginning to think he needed help more than anything.

    Joel walked into Ben’s work room, leaving the door open. Ben followed him. Joel stopped short and looked around, a puzzled look flashing over his handsome face. Ben twisted around and waved his hands in front of Joel.

    Hey! Can you hear me? Can you see me? Come on! Please! he pleaded. With each passing second, his heart sunk even more. He wasn’t just able to walk through things; he was invisible.

    Spinning on his toes and glaring at the spherical device on the table, Ben clenched his teeth. That thing, whatever he had done to it, that was what made him this way. He stalked over to it as Joel left the room, determined to once again try and figure it out and hopefully return himself to normal. He couldn’t very well stay this way forever. First things first, though, he would have to figure out exactly what happened to him and why he was invisible to everyone in the house. With notes beside him, a determined look on his face, Ben went to work as Joel walked out of the room.


    Why do you have all of this crap still? Faye picked up an old dusty cloth and held it out in front of her between two fingers like it was going to attack her. She sat on two stacked wood boxes containing even more crap.

    Molly hummed and dug through yet another box and didn’t answer her. From this position, Faye had the perfect view of Molly’s ass as she bent over, searching for something. Whatever it was, Faye wasn’t really interested in the item, more that the item was allowing her to have such a wonderful view.

    Dropping the offending cloth back into the open crate it had come from, Faye dusted her hands on her tight jeans. Molly always dressed impeccably, and today was no different. Her ass was covered in a fine knee-length pencil skirt that matched her buttoned up maroon blouse. Her hair was pulled haphazardly back into a bun at the base of her neck, something she had done when she’d decided to come down to the catacombs hidden away in the basement of the house to search for…something. Faye couldn’t even remember what.

    It’s memories, Molly replied, not glancing up.

    Memories we have in our heads, not shit we have to spend hours combing through.

    Molly shot Faye an annoyed look over her shoulder, her deep brown eyes conveying her mood perfectly. Faye grinned and hopped off the two crates as Molly turned back to looking for…whatever it was. She bit her lip as a thought popped in her head. Taking two very quiet steps, Faye came up behind Molly and skimmed her hand over the curve of her round ass, grinning when Molly jumped and hit her head on the top of the propped open crate.

    Regaining her composure, Molly stood up and put her hands on her hips. In heels, Molly was taller than Faye by a few inches, and Molly tended to always wear heels unless they were out on a pick up or a mission. Faye, however, was technically taller than Molly if they were both barefooted. This time, Molly wore her heels well, and Faye had to look up slightly into Molly’s eyes, determining whether or not she was amused.

    Now is not the time, Molly warned.

    You have had me down here for hours, begging my help to go through these crates and find your shit. Faye raised one delicate eyebrow and pouted her lip out. You won’t even let me touch the boxes.

    I don’t know what’s in each of them.

    Faye rolled her eyes. Then why am I here if not to help you find whatever you’re looking for?

    Pursing her lips, Molly relaxed her shoulders. Her clipped and British tone rang through the dank catacomb they were holed up in as she spoke. I thought maybe you would be pleasant company. I can see now I was wrong.

    You’re not letting me do anything. I’d be better off helping Ben with his toys than doing this. I’m bored, Faye whined.

    Molly scoffed and shook her head. Enough of that. I didn’t bring you here to listen to your complaints.

    Let me go do something else. Faye tried her best to convince her. She’d only been working for Molly for a year, and in that time, she had learned Molly tended to work alone. When she did ask for help, it was usually with good reason, but after hanging out in the dank dark corners of the catacombs for the better part of two hours, Faye’s patience was gone. Not that she had much to begin with.

    No, Molly answered. I want you here.

    For what? What could you possibly be looking for that would warrant me hanging out here doing absolutely nothing? Faye made sure to emphasize the absolutely nothing portion of her complaint.

    Stiffening her back, Molly stood up again, the tendrils of anger pulling at her voice. I was looking for something for you.

    Narrowing her gaze, Faye cocked her head to the side. Something for me?

    Yes, Molly replied, digging back down into the crate and ignoring Faye entirely.

    Faye, not perturbed, stepped closer to Molly, once again skimming her hand over the curve of her ass. I can think of something I want more than whatever it is you’re looking for.

    Giving a heavy sigh, Molly straightened up again. The flame torches on the wall flickered with her mood, moving higher against the walls and intensifying the brightness in the dim hallways. Their gazes locked. Faye could very easily play this game. She’d learned how to do it well in the past few months as they teased each other endlessly and pushed each other to the breaking point.

    Now is not the time, Molly hissed.

    When will it be time?

    Faye, this is not up for debate. I need your help looking for the necklace. It is very important.

    You haven’t told me why it’s important, and again, you won’t let me actually look in any crates.

    Exasperated, Molly stared wide-eyed at Faye. Why do you do this?

    Do what? Faye’s voice echoed loudly as her anger rose.

    Start arguments where there are none.

    You asked me for help. I’m here to help. But now you won’t let me help. What do you think I’m gonna do? Talk about mixed signals. Faye flipped her hand in the air and then turned to head toward the entrance. Tingles worked in her toes and her fingers, and if she wasn’t careful, they would burst and her Tainted side would come out, the side of herself she hated.

    Molly gripped her shoulder and spun her around, showing immense strength for someone over two-hundred years old. Molly shoved Faye into the stone wall, her head making a resounding crack as it hit. With calculated movement, Faye reached behind her head and rubbed lightly with her fingers. When she brought her hand around there was bright red blood staining her fingertips.

    What did you just do? Faye asked, her eyes widening.

    Molly stepped closer, but Faye jerked to the side so Molly couldn’t touch her. Wide eyes met Molly’s dark brown ones, the ones that held so many secrets Faye would never be able to decipher them all. Breathing heavily, the tingles worked into her chest. Molly remained silent, only fueling Faye’s anger even more. She wouldn’t be able to hold them any longer.

    You wanted me down here. Faye’s voice echoed in the stone catacomb as she tried to rein herself in. Why ask me here if you’re not going to let me do anything?

    Faye, as I told you previously, I am looking for something for you.

    Something you won’t even tell me what it is. Her breathing quickened, the tingles now reaching front and center in her forehead. She wasn’t going to be human much longer.

    I will, as soon as I find it. Molly looked around again as if she was searching for the necklace.

    Faye gave in to the tingles. Her nails elongated, dark sharp nails protruding from her fingertips, her teeth grew—all of them—but her two canines were longer than the others. She cracked her neck as she rotated it from side to side, and when she opened her eyes to stare straight at her prey, she knew they were completely pitch black. Molly was one of the few who could probably take her on if she wanted, but Molly never wanted to.

    She hissed, and Molly calmly turned to face her, not fazed by Faye’s transformation. I didn’t realize you were that angry.

    Faye hissed again, stretching her fingers out as she tried to old in the urge to jump forward. With her sharp ears attuned to everything, Faye jerked her head to the side when she thought she heard footsteps. Molly stepped closer to her, heels clicking on the cement floor. Faye tried to drown out the sound but was stuck focusing on the woman before her.

    Molly reached out and touched Faye’s cheek gingerly. Faye closed her eyes and turned her face into the soft sensation. Molly took one more step, and Faye put a hand up to stop her. She turned her head again toward the way they had come, certain she could hear scuffling feet against the ground. It sounded like it was so far off in the distance, miles away, but it felt like whoever it was stood right next to her.

    What is it? Molly whispered, drawing Faye’s attention.

    I hear someone, Faye answered, her voice deeper than when she was in her human form. Stay quiet.

    Listening again, Faye focused all her energy, trying to figure out where the shuffling was coming from and where it was going. Suddenly, whatever had been making the noise, was silent. Faye listened for a few more seconds, but Molly’s hand on her arm drew her back.

    Faye shook her head and tried to pull the tingles in to transform to her human form. Molly put a hand to her cheek. Wait.

    No. Faye slipped into her human form, leaving her Tainted side as far away as she could.

    Molly might have liked to see her vampire side, but Faye could very easily live without it. She swallowed as her teeth pulled in and cringed as her nails shortened to their normal length. In all of her long seventy-two years of living, she never got used to that feeling. Molly was in her space again, grabbing her hand and entwining their fingers.

    I was looking for a necklace for you. Your father gave it to me eons ago. I thought you might like it. It was his mother’s at some point.

    I’ve lived here a year and you’re just now thinking of this? Faye bit her tongue. It was sweet Molly had thought of it, but she was not the sentimental type. Not to mention her father was a bit of an obnoxious bastard she had met once and tried to kill twice. Thinning her lips into a line, Faye smirked. I’d much rather focus on you.

    Back to that? Molly let out a light giggle, and through all her experience, Faye knew she almost had her.

    Always, Faye responded with a bubbly tone in place of her angry one. Now come here.

    Dragging Molly until their bodies collided, Faye pressed their mouths together in a heated kiss.

    Chapter Two

    After an hour trying to reverse the effects of the device, Benjamin was ready to throw it across the room and smash it into pieces to see if that worked. Huffing out a breath, he shoved it down and stormed off.

    He had to find help. There was no way he was going to be able to solve the riddle without help. Molly would be a good option, but clearly communicating with anyone was going to be an issue. The realization hit him that he may he stuck in whatever phased out form he was in permanently and panic set into the center of his chest like a million-pound weight.

    Stalking through the halls, he looked for anyone and everyone who could help him. Since he couldn’t take the elevator, Ben took the stairs. First, he went up to Molly’s office, hoping she’d be in her regular hang out. Instead of Molly, he found Joel propped on one of her couches, his face still in the tablet as he flicked his fingers back and forth over it as he worked on whatever it was Molly had tasked him with.

    Ben bent over Joel’s shoulder and the back of the couch and squinted his eyes to try and figure it out. It was lists of creatures, their abilities, their life span. Frankly, it looked boring. Ben went to press a hand into Joel’s shoulder as he normally would when coming upon him hard at work. His hand melted straight through his body.

    Joel, however, jumped. He wrinkled his nose and looked around him, from the door to the desk and back again. Ben?

    Yes! Ben jumped up and down and tried to reach for Joel again, but Joel settled into the couch.

    Must just be feeling him from this far off. I bet he figured out that stupid thing… Joel trailed off and went back to his tablet.

    Joel must have felt his emotions, not his hand. Empathy should have been good for something. Growling his frustration, Ben made a fist and pounded it down onto the back of the couch only to have his hand go through, and he fell to the ground from the force of his anger. Cursing, Ben pushed himself to sit up and tried to lean backward only to meet the same fate. Opening his eyes, he found himself inside the couch and freaked out. Sitting up and scuttling away, he let out a heavy breath. He had to fix this problem.

    Once again on the hunt for Molly, Ben left her office and an oblivious Joel. His frustration built with each passing second, not at Joel, not at Molly, but at himself. If he had been more careful, then none of this would have happened. He searched every floor of the main house. It was a small white house in the middle of a large lot in the center of old downtown. It looked inconspicuous. Odd, yes, but nothing out of the ordinary. Clearly some homeowner who hadn’t wanted to sell to make a profit on the land.

    What people didn’t know was underneath the house expanding the length and width of the property was a whole other building Molly had made sure remained unknown to everyone. It had been built in secret. There were at least five floors Ben knew of. He’d grown up there, explored, and no matter how many times he went on an adventure as a kid to find the next hidden room, there was always a next hidden room.

    Finding Molly was not necessarily going to be easy. As soon as he finished looking in the main house, Ben went to the first lower level, where guests were housed along with all their recreational areas: the main kitchen, a game room, a workout area. Molly was in none of them. One level down, he continued to traipse through the hallways, finding people at work here and there, creatures who were housed in their own specialized habitats. But still no Molly.

    It took him another two levels before he could pick up her soft voice. Giddiness bubbled in his stomach, and he changed direction, heading for the catacombs. He had never fully explored the catacombs, always scared he would get lost in the dark and knowing no one knew every inch of them except Molly herself. He stepped through the open doorway that led into the stone walkways.

    The torches on the walls were lit, indicating Molly was indeed down there and his superior hearing had been right. Ben headed into the catacombs, noting the fire in the torches was building and receding without anything controlling them. Curiously, he cocked his head to the side and stared at it, wondering what was making that happen.

    He could hear them the closer he got. Molly’s voice first, then Faye’s voice in response. It had taken him a good couple months before he’d fully warmed up to the vampire. Apparently, it was something in their blood or body chemistry—Molly could explain it better—that put off everyone else around them, except other vampires and witches. Well, witches who were full blooded like Molly and had a strong connection to their lineage. Which made sense why she was the only one who had liked Faye at all for the first few months she stayed with them.

    Turning a corner, Ben stopped short. The voices he was hearing were not voices of conversation. Licking his lips, he debated whether or not to turn around and come back later, but it had taken him nearly two hours to find Molly in the first place. Holding his breath, he stepped forward and turned to see Molly pressing Faye up against the dirty stone wall, grinning at her as she fondled her breast with her hand shoved up Faye’s shirt.

    Squeaking, Ben scrunched his eyes shut so he wouldn’t see anything in front of him. Unfortunately, that only intensified his hearing. Faye was breathing heavily, and Molly was loudly pressing kisses to her neck. Squicking out, Ben turned on his heel and ran for the exit. He did not want to see that or hear that any more than he already had to. He would just wait patiently with the door in sight until they were done doing whatever they were doing and catch up with Molly then. It’d give him time to try and find a way to communicate with her anyway.


    Molly had Faye up against the wall, their bodies pressed together like they had done many other times throughout the last year. Sex was something they excelled at. Everything else was a struggle. Molly scraped her teeth against Faye’s lower lip, enjoying the way she gasped in response. She called on her powers to build within her. Everything about a witch’s power was manipulation of something that was already there: a desire, a feeling, a fleeting thought, an object.

    All she had to do—and she’d done it before—was call on Faye’s desire to be with her. Humming against Faye’s neck, Molly pressed kiss after kiss to her delicate skin. Faye was beautiful in her own right. Every vampire would be, it was built in to them, but she was drop dead gorgeous. Her hair she kept long had a slight wave to it, her slate-gray eyes came off initially as cold and uninspiring, but Molly always saw the depth of emotion and the wealth of knowledge and smarts in them.

    She fondled Faye’s breast, rolling her nipple between her thumb and forefinger, mostly as a distraction while she tapped into her own powers. Licking a line up Faye’s neck, Molly settled in as her power worked through her, warming her chest and then her limbs. She called out to it, and then she called out to Faye.

    Faye arched her back in response, her eyes fluttering shut. When Molly risked a glance at her, she saw her relax. Her opportunity was coming. Drawing in a deep breath, Molly plunged Faye’s mouth once again. She focused all her energy on Faye, tapping into her subconscious and everything Faye was thinking that she didn’t want to think about.

    Faye’s hands came up around her back and tugged her in closer, her knee pressing between Molly’s legs. On a sigh, Molly ground down against her, knowing that’s exactly what Faye wanted. Pleasure shot through her core and up her spine.

    She’d gone down to the catacombs originally to find Faye a necklace, one with a green gem in it that Marcellus had given her when they had attempted a relationship centuries ago. She had hoped Faye would find some connection with her father and his family in it, even though they were all long dead by now. Faye had easily distracted her after a short argument. Not that Molly minded being distracted. It had been slow around the house lately, and everyone was itching for something major to happen or some big project to come their way—herself included.

    Sighing into Faye’s rhythm, Molly slipped her hand down to undo the buttons on Faye’s jeans. She snapped the button loose and shoved her hand down between Faye’s sensitive skin and her panties. She didn’t wait as she plunged two fingers inside Faye’s hot and wet body.

    Faye shut her eyes, pure pleasure echoing on her face as her lips parted and her chest rose in a sharp breath. Molly smirked and rolled her thumb across Faye’s clit. Faye was almost exactly where she wanted her, relaxed and not thinking about anything other than sex. They’d had the conversation before, dozens of times, but Molly was always pushing for Faye to accept her vampiric nature and allow herself to play with all it could bring her.

    Molly focused her energy on Faye. It didn’t take long for Faye’s teeth to elongate, slowly coming from their human form to their vampiric form. Molly didn’t ease up on her pattern, knowing Faye’s orgasm would be building. She kissed Faye’s parted lips gently, careful not to touch the fangs even though she wanted them to pierce her flesh so badly. Her heart pumped hard. Molly swallowed.

    Faye came on her fingers, her body pulsing sharply and forcefully. Molly pulled her fingers away and licked them before crushing their mouths together. Faye gasped and jerked back, but Molly kept the pressure, knowing her lips would be cut along with her tongue. She didn’t care—it was exactly how she wanted it.

    Faye tried to shove her away, but Molly held on tight, the tang of iron on her taste buds. She knew Faye smelled it, tasted it, was becoming consumed by it. Faye’s tone changed, it lowered until it was deep and rattled in her chest. Molly pulled away with a grin as she swiped the back of her hand against her mouth, removing some of the blood.

    The glare she received was one she had gotten before, but it didn’t faze her. Breathing heavily, Molly smirked. That was hot.

    It wasn’t, Faye answered, her voice still low, and her eyes pure black as night, not just her pupils and irises, everything.

    Molly’s chest rose and fell, and just from the blood still tingling on her lips, she knew she could get off. Everything about that moment was pure and lustful and natural to both their abilities. She grabbed Faye’s hand, not to pull them back together in an embrace, but to maintain their connection. Faye jerked her hand away. She cracked her neck and then shook her head as she shivered.

    Fingernails extended, Faye turned to the wall and sliced downward, leaving scratch marks in her wake. Her pent-up energy flowed into stone and away from Molly. Stepping forward, Molly slid her palms along Faye’s shoulders, down her arms and to her hands. Threading their fingers together carefully, Molly laced them. She pressed her forehead into Faye’s shoulder and breathed out a sigh.

    I’m sorry, Molly whispered.

    You should be. Faye’s voice was normal again, but her nails were still extended.

    With closed eyes, Molly pressed her lips to Faye’s neck. When she pulled back, specks of blood were still there. I wish you would learn to become more comfortable with your vampiric side. It’s a blessing, not a curse as you see it.

    I hate it.

    I know. Molly’s voice came out as resigned though she was anything but. This was a battle she was willing to fight, and one she knew could easily take a century to complete.

    Faye turned around, tugging down her shirt and buttoning up her pants. You get off on it.

    Molly turned her head to the side before nodding in agreement.

    Rolling her eyes, Faye licked the blood from her lips and moaned as the taste hit her. I can’t—I can’t do this. You know that.

    You need energy as you call it. You can’t live without it.

    Doesn’t mean I like to take it by force.

    This isn’t force! Molly’s voice rose, echoing in the small confined catacomb. She hadn’t wanted this conversation to happen here, away from the comfort of the confines of a bedroom, but Faye was not one for thinking about those things. She was impulsive, and Molly knew she had to follow the conversation for as long as she could before Faye stormed away. I want it. Can’t you see that?

    Yeah. I see it. And it makes no sense. Grunting, Faye shoved Molly to the side so she could step away from her.

    Straining to keep Faye there, Molly put her hand out and closed her fist. All the lit torches went out in an instant. Focusing her hearing, she listened for Faye’s breathing. Can’t leave when you can’t see.

    Forgetting that I can see in the dark and you can’t, Molly?

    Molly was pushed against the very wall Faye had just been, her body warm in the front and cold in the back as the temperature from the stones seeped through her skirt and blouse. She would have moaned as her head hit the rock, but she knew it would only make Faye pause. Thus far, anger was one of the few ways to get Faye to transform, and Molly had learned how to push every one of Faye’s buttons.

    Their mouths were sealed together again, Faye’s hands rough against her body, enticing and causing pain at the same time. Molly’s chest and cheeks heated. This had been what she wanted.

    If you want rough, all you have to do is ask, Faye whispered in her ear, her voice low again. When her mouth touched Molly’s neck, Molly felt the smooth and sharp points of her teeth. Her heart rate doubled.

    I should have asked, yes.

    With a hand firmly against Molly’s crotch, Faye rubbed hard. She brought Molly up higher and closer to her orgasm as she licked the last remnants of blood from her lips and chin. Then, without warning, just as Molly was about to crest over the edge of her orgasm, Faye removed her hand and bit into the soft and supple skin at the adjunct of Molly’s neck and chest, just above her collar bone.

    Molly’s knees buckled, and Faye held her up with one well-placed arm around her waist, lapping at her skin as her blood spilled from the bite. Pleasure soared through Molly’s body, causing her eyes to roll in her head and her body to feel as though it was going to self-combust. She’d felt this before

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