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It Is Wonderful
It Is Wonderful
It Is Wonderful
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It Is Wonderful

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Experience the life-changing power of Walter C. Lanyon with this unforgettable book.
Release dateOct 10, 2020
It Is Wonderful

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    It Is Wonderful - Walter C. Lanyon

    It Is Wonderful

    Walter C. Lanyon



    Chapter One

    Thou art the Bright Messenger – the Shining One, the being of pure Spirit. Thou art not the man thou hast been, lo these many years.

    Thou art new – born, fresh, clean, and pure. Thou art not an old creature patched up by various treatments. Thou, Bright Messenger, Golden One, hast never descended to the level of belief, and therefore hast not consorted with the shadows of the play – life.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger, with winged feet, who goeth where he will, and knoweth no obstruction, nor condition. Thou art the unconditioned, the untrammeled, the free – the individualized yet inseparable manifestation of the All God.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thou art full of light – bathed in All Light. Whithersoever thou goest is light – not consciously projected, but unconsciously conveyed; a natural effect of thy presence.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thine eye is single to the Allness of God, the Oneness of creation. Thou therefore seest with the eye of light. Thou lookest into a universe of All Light, and seest through the shadows of belief. Thou seest the world in a world, the rose in a rose, and the Man in a man. Thou perceivest with thine eye of Light that which IS and always has been – not that which shall be changed by begging, beseeching, or praying to a tyrant called God to make whole. With the eye of Light thou seest nothing to heal, for thy sight is perfect in the understanding: I AM of too pure eyes to behold iniquity. Thou art the Bright Messenger – the being of light. In the touch of thy hand is light. As the warmth of Spring touches the frozen earth, so thy touch of light causes the seed to swell and burst and the flower to leap from her chalice. Thy touch of light is like the soft rain on the parched desert, which causes it to bloom as a rose. Whomsoever thou touchest – in the true sense of the word – thou transformest, instantly, gloriously, freely, joyously.

    And men shall call it health, but thou shalt call it revelation.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thou hast the golden touch which transforms everything into the gold of which Ophir never dreamed.

    Thy touch shall be able to take from the fish’s mouth the needed symbol. Thy touch it is which gives that which is beyond price, and which makes a man rich even when the saying goes, Silver and gold have I none, but of such as I have, I give unto thee. Such as thou hast in the touch, O Bright Messenger, is beyond the price of pearls and rubies – the transforming touch which is gentle yet firm, which is soft like the surface of the ocean, but which has the power to dash a whole fleet of evil ships into oblivion. Thou art the Bright Messenger – thy touch is Golden.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger. The aroma of thy presence precedes thee. Thy passing is as the passing of a cloud of incense from the sacred lilies of the enchanted woods. In thy presence the precious perfume of the soul is sensed above the stagnant odours of human beliefs. When thou comest to the soul it is as the bridegroom before whom the lovely flowers of purity open and shed their perfume in superabundance. At thy coming the rose loosens the silken tassel of her soul and gives forth the glorious attar of her being. At thy coming the trees and minerals loosen the glorious refreshing odours of woods and stones. From thy nostrils comes the Breath of Life. From thy breath comes the appearance of the new creation. Man becomes a living soul by breathing thy breath – man lives, and moves, and breathes, and has his being in thy breath. Thy breath fans the small sparks of faith into the flame of realization. From thy nostrils comes the flashing, dazzling fire which consumes the dross of belief. Thou art the Bright Messenger.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger. Thy invitation is, Oh, taste and see that the lord is good. Eat my body (my substance) and drink my blood (inspiration). Thy taste is Golden. The milk and honey of the universe of the All God are thine. The hidden manna (that which the eye – the human belief – cannot see) thou feedest upon.

    Thy eternal drink is the Living Water. Thou shalt never be without the sustenance of Spirit, no matter whither thou goest. Thou shalt realize this all-substance, and shalt cease from thy thought-taking process of wondering wherewithal shall we be clothed and fed. Thou shalt eat, and hunger no more; drink, and thirst no more – for thou shalt feed upon the reality of life instead of the husks of material belief, with its shadow appearances.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger, the bearer of Glad Tidings. Upon thy breastplate, encrusted in gold, is the motto, Speak no evil nor listen to. Thou art of too pure ears to hear evil – thou hearest with the ear of Spirit. Thou hearest with the silent ear – closed to the din of the human relative conditions, but open to that which eye hath not seen, ear hath not heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man (human thought) the things which are prepared for them that love thy LAW. Thou hearest the word of peace and a whole ocean of fury of belief ceaseth – stilled and made calm. Thou hearest the reports of that which IS, and thou tellest of these. Thou hearest the things that Ear hath not heard – the ear of man whose breath is in his nostrils, and whose eye is double – and yet thou hearest the report of the Kingdom Here and Now – thou hearest the Glad Tidings of the eternal Christ walking to-day in the Garden of Attainment. Thou hearest the words This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, and thou recognizest these words as addressed to thee.

    Thou art not ashamed, nor afraid because of thy nakedness; the stark tragedies of the human belief fade into the distance when thou answerest this call with the Aye, Aye of Spirit. Thou hearest in the truest sense of the word – in the fearless sense of the word, Arise and shine, for thy light hath come. No need to create this light, to stimulate it, but only to recognize this light as within.

    How can a man who is constantly looking for evil to heal and treat know anything of the Kingdom? How can he understand the things which cannot be seen nor heard with the human ears? How can he set right that which he has already done? And yet there are those poor deluded souls who have appointed themselves the official stone-casters for the Christ, not realizing that they are casting stones at HIM.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger – the Being of Light – the Unafraid.

    Why should there be fear when the realization has come that thou art the Bright Messenger, the being of pure Spirit – not subject to the beliefs of the thought world, not subject to the failures and successes of thy human life, but suddenly up and above that which has always seemed so real.

    Bright Messenger, Unafraid Being, Holy Creature, Son of God – arise – shine. Arise, let thy light so shine. Take no thought – if thou take thought, it will be of fear or limitation. Thou art the Bright Messenger – the Being of Light that goeth forth before the manifestation of thy human self, and maketh straight the way. Thou art the Unafraid, the Unbound, the Prometheus Unbound. Thou shalt smite the rock and make it gust forth the Living Water of Life.

    Thou art the Bright Messenger, the Being of Light, the Unafraid.

    Thou art glorious – thou art free – thou art not bound by human limitations – Thou art not another [a separate one] but the same one. Thou art the Christ. Hail! Soul of Me, I salute you Son of God – Christ – Bright Messenger.


    Chapter Two

    He made himself as GodI and my Father are One. It is natural that in making himself as God, Becoming One with the Father, Christ partook quite freely of the Divine nature. In other words, he ASSUMED the nature of God; the demonstrations of a necessity followed – the signs follow. When man makes this ASSUMPTION, when he recognizes that all life is God, he will ASSUME the qualities of God naturally, and find them out-pictured in his life. He will not then try to demonstrate the various attributes of this Invisible Power, but, by ASSUMPTION, will be able to call them forth into manifestation at his will.

    Ye shall decree a thing and it shall come to pass can only be true of one possessing or ASSUMING the God nature. As long as this manifestation of God seems unusual or miraculous, just so long will it be little in evidence to him. But when man comes to the place where he makes himself as God – not A God, but as God: of the same nature and substance – then by this ASSUMPTION the natural flow of God-expression will take place, and he will begin to understand he is under grace. He will understand and accept the truth of the statement, Joint heirs with Christ, and Son of the Living God. He will begin to make his ASSUMPTION in the secret place within. He will recognize that, being created of God, he must of necessity partake of the nature of God. His ASSUMPTION of his God nature will have nothing to do with the former idea of wishing and hoping for things to come to pass. Once man is conscious of his true self, hid decrees will be surrounded with confidence and abandon. He will not find it unnatural that the Son of the Living God should appropriate the gifts of the Spirit.

    Assumption of the God nature, as shown by the Master, is not akin to the old idea of visualization, wherein the person composed a picture to his liking and floated it in the imagination, trying to make it come into manifestation. Assuming the full stature of Christ is really contemplating the vision shown to you on the Mount. You do not create it or imagine it. It is already existent and revealed to you. Assuming the Divine nature (making yourself as God), man perceive the perfect where he formally saw the imperfect.

    The assumption of the Virgin (single-minded purity of consciousness) brought forth the new idea. The word became flesh – in other words, the assumption became manifest.

    From the standpoint of assumption, man finds ease more natural than dis-ease. He ceases to get rid of disease as a reality, and contemplates the Son of God living in the perfect ease of Spirit.

    One moment of this realization and his disease has vanished into nothingness, for the perfect Self is thereby revealed and made manifest.

    From the standpoint of assumption, man gains the actual, concrete results he has failed to accomplish by the process of imagination he formerly used. Are you afraid to follow in the steps of the Master, and assume your Divine rights and see them into manifestation? Are you afraid to accept the results of consciously accepting your birthright? The worm of the dust finally discovers that he can do nothing to change or better himself, for he is a product of the dual belief in good and evil. Working with the body and personality is exactly the same thing.

    No matter what you have been, done, or left undone, when the Christ has been recognized as your true Self, all former limitations fade away. Thousands of sincere souls, seeking the light, have spent years trying to better the condition of the worm in the dust – trying to make John Smith a better man, healthier, richer, or happier – but have accomplished little. The caterpillar can not change except from within. No good trying to make a caterpillar fly; it is impossible. a complete change has to take place, a transformation. Jesus the carpenter becomes the Christ, the Son of the Living God, with all power. The caterpillar becomes the butterfly.

    Certain laws have to be heeded. If the caterpillar fails to close itself within its cocoon, it might have the desire and the capacity to become a butterfly, but would be utterly unable to do so, because it failed to heed the law of secrecy. To lose the personality, secrecy is necessary. The change would be too great for the prying, doubting Thomas to participate in the glory of it.

    See that ye tell no man wraps a cloak about the one who suddenly begins the process of ASSUMPTION, just as the cocoon is built around the grub that is to become the butterfly. Later, that which acts as a cloak of protection becomes a hindrance and is cast off. The scaffolding is torn down finally, in order that the perfect structure can be seen. The secrecy gives up its perfect manifestation, then man may say, Go and show John. The change that is made between the grub and the butterfly is tremendous, but it is nothing as compared to the change that takes place in the one who evolves from the John Smith personality (the worm of the dust) into the Son of the Living God. What was impossible to John Smith is divinely natural to the New Idea.

    As the butterfly seeks a new mode and means of expression after it has given up its caterpillar state of existence, so the man who has ASSUMED his Son ship, and seen it out to manifestation, moves into a new heaven and a new earth. The butterfly takes no cognizance of its former expression – no worrying over its mistakes, shortcomings, omissions, and fears. They are nothing.

    The new expression is so far removed from the old, it is as a dream. The former things shall pass away – they shall be remembered no more, neither shall they come into mind. So the new Son of the Living God, moving into his NEW kingdom of expression, drops off all worries and fears, the cause and effect of the John Smith personality.

    Be still and know that I AM God, takes on a new meaning: Be still and ASSUME the glories of this new estate. ASSUME them in the secret place – easily, naturally; ASSUME them and rest them in the silence. Be wise as serpents – harmless as doves. Know nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, then you will know all, see all, and hear all.

    Come away from the noisy personality who wants to change the John Smith and heal him and make him prosper. You are the Son of the Living God, and when you recognize this you are through with the foolish idea of making demonstrations, and you will see the constant out-pouring of the substance of God through the new idea by the ASSUMPTION of the Son. One in all and All in One. Be still and serenely assume the God-given qualities, and hide them deep in the cocoon of silence. Then will they burst forth as glorious freed expressions. Be not afraid; it is I – the very I that is able to ASSUME its God inheritance is at this time speaking to you, Behold, I stand at the door and knock. It is already there, awaiting recognition. It does not need healing, prosperity, being made happy or joyous. It is already these things. Identify yourself with It. Acquaint now thyself with HIM and be at peace.Know ye not that ye are gods? Do you

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