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The Heavenly Life
The Heavenly Life
The Heavenly Life
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The Heavenly Life

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Experience the life-changing power of James Allen with this unforgettable book.
Release dateSep 13, 2020

James Allen

James Allen war ein britischer Schriftsteller und Philosoph, der als einer der Pioniere der Selbsthilfe-Literatur gilt. Seine Werke, insbesondere das weltbekannte Buch As a Man Thinketh, sind geprägt von der Überzeugung, dass die Gedanken eines Menschen dessen Realität und Lebensumstände formen. Dieses Werk basiert auf einem Vers aus den Sprüchen der Bibel und veranschaulicht eindrücklich, wie kraftvoll das Denken auf unser Leben wirkt. Allen, der aus einer Arbeiterfamilie in Leicester stammte, begann seine Karriere zunächst als Sekretär und Schriftsetzer. Erst Ende der 1890er Jahre fand er seine Berufung als Autor, inspiriert durch spirituelle und philosophische Überzeugungen. Sein erstes Buch, From Poverty to Power, markierte den Beginn seiner schriftstellerischen Laufbahn, in der er mehr als ein Dutzend Werke verfasste. Zu diesen zählen unter anderem The Life Triumphant und Eight Pillars of Prosperity. Besonders bemerkenswert ist, dass Allen seine Botschaften nicht nur theoretisch formulierte, sondern diese in seinem eigenen Leben anwandte. Seine Schriften basieren auf persönlichen Erfahrungen und tiefen Einsichten, wie seine Frau nach seinem Tod betonte. Auch nach seinem Tod setzte sie die Veröffentlichung seiner Werke fort, was Allens Lehren über die Kraft des positiven Denkens zu einem langfristigen Vermächtnis machte.

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    Book preview

    The Heavenly Life - James Allen

    The Heavenly Life

    James Allen


    Chapter 1


    THE SECRET OF LIFE, of abundant life, with its strength, its joy, and its unbroken peace is to find the Divine Center within oneself. It is to live in and from that, instead of in that outer circumference of disturbances—the clamors, cravings, and argumentations which make up the animal and intellectual man. These selfish elements constitute the mere husks of life, and must be thrown away by him who would penetrate to the Central Heart of things—to Life itself.

    To not know that within you which is changeless, and defiant of time and death, is not to know anything, but is to play vainly with unsubstantial reflections in the mirror of time. To not find within yourself those passionless Principles which are unmoved by the strifes, shows, and vanities of the world, is to find nothing but illusions which vanish as they are grasped.

    He who resolves that he will not rest satisfied with appearances, shadows, and illusions shall, by the piercing light of that resolve, disperse every fleeting fantasy, and will enter into the substance and reality of life. He will learn how to live, and he will live. He will be no slave of passion, no servant of opinion, no enthusiast of fond error. By finding the Divine Center within his own heart, he will be calm, strong, and wise. He will ceaselessly radiate the Heavenly Life in which he lives—which is himself.

    Having taken himself to the Divine Refuge within, and remaining there, a man is free from sin. All his yesterdays are as the tide-washed and untrodden sands. No sin shall rise up against him to torment and accuse him and destroy his sacred peace. The fires of remorse shall no longer scorch him, nor can the storms of regret devastate his dwelling-place.

    His tomorrows are as seeds which germinate, bursting into the beauty and potency of life. No doubt shall shake his trust, no uncertainty shall rob him of repose. The Present is his, and only in the immortal Present does he live. And it is as the eternal vault of blue above, which looks down silently and calmly, yet radiant with purity and light, upon the upturned and tear-stained faces of the centuries.

    The Death of The Ego-Personality

    Men love their desires, for gratification seems sweet to them, but its end is pain and emptiness. They love the argumentations of the intellect, for egotism seems most desirable to them, but the fruits thereof are humiliation and sorrow. When the soul has reached the end of gratification and reaped the bitter fruits of egotism, it is ready to receive the Divine Wisdom and to enter into the Divine Life. Only the crucified can be transfigured. Only by the death of self can the Lord of the heart rise again into the immortal life, and stand radiant upon the Mount of Wisdom.

    Do you have trials? Every outward trial is the replica of an inward imperfection. You shall grow wise by knowing this, and thereby transmute your trials into active joy. You shall find the Kingdom where trial cannot come. When wilt thou learn thy lessons, O child of earth! All your sorrows cry out against you. Every pain is your just accuser, and your griefs are but the shadows of your unworthy and perishable self. The Kingdom of Heaven is yours. How long will you reject it, preferring the lurid atmosphere of Hell—the hell of your own self-seeking self?

    Where self or ego is not—there is the Garden of the Heavenly Life

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