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High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong -: COOKBOOK, #3
High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong -: COOKBOOK, #3
High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong -: COOKBOOK, #3
Ebook76 pages44 minutes

High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong -: COOKBOOK, #3

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About this ebook

What does the high protein diet consist of, and what are the ideal menus?

Find out everything you need to know about this type of diet!

We have all heard of it: women, to lose weight quickly and a lot, men to gain muscle mass and become very strong. 

  • The 4 Day Meal Plan 2000 calories
  • Useful supplements in case of a high-protein diet
  • The 7 Day Meal Plan High-Protein Diet
  • Protein
  • Which Protein, how many proteins?
  • High-protein diet: example and recipes
  • Alternatives for breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner
  • The high-protein diet: recipes
  • The menu of the week of the protein diet
  • Tips for perfecting a protein diet
  • Protein diet, 7 recipes for weight loss in a balanced way
Release dateSep 14, 2020
High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong -: COOKBOOK, #3

Jonathan Price

Jonathan Price is an author and expert in all things nutrition. His love for good, healthy, nourishing food is translated in his books, wherein he helps hundreds of readers from all over the world lose weight quickly and efficiently, while retaining or building muscle mass and increasing strength and resistance. However, Jonathan did not always start out this way. Almost a decade ago, he was overweight and suffered from a myriad of health issues, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis. When he turned 25, he was constantly out of breath and took regular trips to the Emergency Room. After suffering from a mild stroke shortly after, he knew it was time to turn his life around for the better, or lose it for good. He then spent the next three years studying, applying, and promoting proven health-based principles he has learned from all the health and wellness experts he has had the privilege to work with. Now, Jonathan has penned three best-selling diet and recipe books (and counting), filled with evidence-based information gleaned from his years doing research and working with the best of the best. Kick start your health and weight loss journey, or simply indulge your inner foodie with Jonathan’s well-loved books — all of which are now available online, including the “High Protein & Low Carb Diet”, the “2020 Cookbook: Pizza 100+ Recipes”, and the “2020 Essential Diets”.

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    High Protein & Low Carb Diet Women - Lose Weight Quickly and Much - Men - Increase Muscle Mass and Become Very Strong - - Jonathan Price


    The high-protein diet is a particular diet characterized by a reduced consumption of carbohydrates combined with a high intake of proteins and fats.

    Before analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of the high-protein diet, it is good to open a small parenthesis on proteins and their function in our body:

    ❖  proteins or protids (from the Greek proteios, primary) comprise a large group of organic compounds formed by sequences of amino acids linked together through peptide bonds.

    The main function of proteins is to supply the tissues with the amino acids necessary for cell renewal processes (plastic function).

    Proteins also have an energetic function in particular conditions, but in a balanced diet this role is marginal. This process is instead active during prolonged fasting or in the midst of long-lasting demanding physical activity. In both cases the branched chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, valine) are degraded for energy purposes.


    Nutritionists recommend taking around 15-20% of your daily calorie intake throughout the day. This dose corresponds roughly to a protein intake of 0.8-1.2 g of protein per kg of body weight. To guarantee the correct functioning of the organism and protect it from certain diseases, 2/3 of these proteins should derive from products of animal origin and 1/3 from products of vegetable origin (legumes). Legumes are in fact foods rich in fiber and vitamins that regulate intestinal function while protecting the body from toxins and chemical residues, often contained in meat.

    The high-protein diet, on the other hand, provides significantly higher contributions in the order of 1.8 - 2.2 g / kg



    Consequences of excessive protein consumption depend on the total amount of energy introduced during the day.

    In particular, if the quantity of calories taken in the form of carbohydrates and lipids is sufficient to cover energy requirements, the excess of proteins inevitably turns into storage fat (high-protein and low-carb diet).

    If the amount of energy taken in the form of carbohydrates and lipids is not sufficient to cover energy needs, the excess of protein is instead used to derive energy (high-protein and low-carb diet).

    In any case, both processes lead to an increased renal effort necessary for the elimination of nitrogen contained in proteins. For this reason, it is very important to always associate an adequate supply of

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