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Use Intuition and Prophecy to Improve Your Life-By An Adept
Use Intuition and Prophecy to Improve Your Life-By An Adept
Use Intuition and Prophecy to Improve Your Life-By An Adept
Ebook123 pages42 minutes

Use Intuition and Prophecy to Improve Your Life-By An Adept

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About this ebook

Welcome to this book about intuition and prophecy. My first book on the Topic was over ten years ago and is titled "Prophecy: A History and How to Guide". That one was a general overview of the topic. This book is much more focused on how intuition and prophecy skills can be used to improve your life.

So what are intuition and prophecy and why are they important? These two things are spiritual abilities which we all have and which allow us to see outside of the present. Like athletes some of us have more natural abilities than others. However, we can train and exercise our abilities to improve our lives. Prophecy is a more advanced form of intuition and has been used throughout history.


Intuition is more about being immediately aware of what or who is around us while Prophecy is focused specifically on the future.

While intuition is more immediate it too can be very useful. In fact all spiritual abilities can help or hinder our lives. This is true of any physical or mental abilities.

I've also included a lot of information on the history of prophecy and research into the paranormal to show that people have been aware of these subjects throughout history and in modern times they have been researched by scientists.


Lastly, I want to say that like learning anything new there are things to watch out for, but like all things we do there are risks and rewards.

Hoping you enjoy this material and the stories related here.

Release dateSep 7, 2020

Martin K Ettington

Martin’s is an Engineer who is  interested in Spirituality, the Paranormal, Longevity, and the Occult goes back to his childhood. He has had many paranormal experiences and has been a student of Eastern Philosophies and Meditation for 40 years. Seeking Enlightenment; he knows that we are already all Enlightened. We just have to realize this deeply. His books are expressions of his creativity to help others understand what he has internalized through study, experience, and membership in different societies. You can see all of his books on the homepage of  

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    Book preview

    Use Intuition and Prophecy to Improve Your Life-By An Adept - Martin K Ettington

    1.0 Introduction

    Welcome to this book about intuition and prophecy. My first book on the Topic was over ten years ago and is titled Prophecy: A History and How to Guide. That one was a general overview of the topic. This book is much more focused on how intuition and prophecy skills can be used to improve your life.

    Your first question might be why do I call myself and Adept and can I justify saying that? An entire focus of my life has been devoted to learning about spiritual and paranormal development and I’ve done lots of research on these topics including many personal experiences. My greatest experiences are with Prophecy so I feel justified about what I’m writing and my advice here. I’ve also had forty plus years of these experiences in my life.

    I’m also an Engineer and had a forty year plus tech career working for large fortune 100 companies. My analytical perspective contributes to my experiences and analysis of this topic. In fact I wrote a series of books on the paranormal some years ago including one of my most popular titled God Like Powers and Abilities.

    So what are intuition and prophecy and why are they important? These two things are spiritual abilities which we all have and allow us to see outside of the present. Like athletes some of us have more natural abilities than others. However, we can train and exercise our abilities to improve our lives. Prophecy is a more advanced form of intuition and has been used throughout history.

    Intuition is more about being immediately aware of what or who is around us while Prophecy is focused specifically on the

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