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Moments Remembered: A 30-Day Devotional for Families
Moments Remembered: A 30-Day Devotional for Families
Moments Remembered: A 30-Day Devotional for Families
Ebook73 pages36 minutes

Moments Remembered: A 30-Day Devotional for Families

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About this ebook

Family is important to God. Within our family relationships, we see each member's faith journey with its many shades and unique challenges. In Moments Remembered, we get an opportunity to glimpse into the faith journey of the author's family through their life circumstances—circumstances that reveal God's presence at work in their lives and will be a springboard to illuminating God's presence in the life of your family.


Among the 30 devotionals in Moments Remembered, you will find family devotions for guiding children to grow closer to God. But these devotions also allow parents to peek into the thoughts and challenges of a child or teen as they try to make sense of God, which can help parents to understand their child's struggle with faith. Each devotion includes a Scripture reading and a suggested prayer to help draw you and your family closer to God.


However, there are also devotions written primarily for parents, not only help moms and dads deepen in faith, but to allow children to see God working in the lives of their parents as they work through the difficulties of raising a family.


As you create memorable moments with your own family, let Moments Remembered be a part of you and your family's Christian walk.

Release dateAug 30, 2020
Moments Remembered: A 30-Day Devotional for Families

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    Book preview

    Moments Remembered - Douglas Lim


    But as for me and my household,

    we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15).


    Day 1

    Dark Rooms

    The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalms 27:1).

    The power went off in the house. Silence and darkness filled our home. I suddenly heard shouts from the children upstairs. The darkness frightened them, especially the monsters and ghosts the kids believed lurked in the dark. I lit candles and rushed upstairs. As the candle lights filled the room, they felt safe once again.

    As adults, we also find ourselves in dark places. It is the darkness of everyday worries, of an unknown future, or a hurtful past that frightens us.

    When Christ came into this world as the Light, He made it possible for us to see our way out of the darkness. But we must engage our faith and trust in Him for His light to illuminate the dark places and banish the fears. We do not know what the future holds, but our Master does. He is in control when we cannot be.

    Like a child who wants his Mom and Dad to leave the lights on to feel safe, the Light of Christ will comfort all who seek Him.



    Heavenly Father, in moments of great distress, help me to open my heart wide to Your light that has the power to scatter the darkness of fear inside of me. Amen.


    Day 2

    Models of Faith

    Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

    There is more I need to teach my children.

    After dinner, my wife and I helped our kids with homework. We also set aside time to talk with them about school and their friends. We encouraged them to ask us questions about whatever was on their minds.

    We often worried about their grades, health, and safety. But we should be concerned about something more. God commands us to teach our children about Jesus Christ and frequently reminds us how much it matters to educate them on the things of God.

    As parents, our vocation is to lead our children to the Savior and ensure they arrive at the place of our heavenly Father. This means clearing a path for them to encounter Him. He called us to this mission as mothers and fathers from the beginning.

    God wants us to be models of faith to our kids and cautions us not to block their path with our bad example. We need to walk with them on their faith journey until they are ready to walk with Jesus by themselves.

    He equipped us to guide our children to love Christ through the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the power of grace. Joyful will be the day our Lord welcomes our children to walk alongside Him—and they follow.



    Lord, help me to

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