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Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation
Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation
Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation
Ebook277 pages1 hour

Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation

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The most complete and comprehensive book on CSWPA-WD Exam available based on the actual CSWPA-WD Exam with easy and comprehensible steps with screen captures from Solidworks. This book is not only for someone who wants to write and pass the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Weldments (CSWPA-WD ) exam but it is also for those who want to learn the best practice in using Weldment tools in Solidworks as well as those who want to keep their skills honed and or maintain their ingenuity and proficiency with the software. The completion of the Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Weldments (CSWPA-WD ) exam shows that you have successfully demonstrated your ability to use SOLIDWORKS Weldments tools and employers can be confident that an individual with this certification understands the set of SOLIDWORKS tools that aid in the design of Weldments. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step, take the step today by purchasing this Book or infact a roadmap to passing your Certified SOLIDWORKS Professional Advanced Weldments(CSWPA-WD ) Exam and joining a family of thousands of Certified Solidworks Professionals across the Globe.

Release dateAug 23, 2020
Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation

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    this is a nice book with all the examples included with all the methods for Exams.

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Certified Solidworks Professional Advanced Weldments Exam Preparation - Matt G Boston

Chapter 1


You will be creating three Weldment Profiles as shown in the following images and placing them in the Weldment Profile library for use in later exercises of this book.

You will be asked to do the following:

Create the profile

Save the profile to your Weldment Profiles Library

Create a simple Weldment part using the profile

Figure 1 - Weldment Profile One

Figure 2 - Weldment Profile Two

Figure 3 - Weldment Profile Three

Continue to Chapter Two.

Chapter 2


In this Chapter, you are required to create the Profile shown in the following image in Solidworks using the following parameters:

Unit System: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second)

Decimal places: 2

Material: 1060 Aluminium Alloy

Density = 0.0027 g/mm ^ 3

May you also use the following parameters and equations which correspond to the dimensions labeled in the following image.

A = 37mm

B = 67mm

Figure 4 - Weldment Profile WLDM1E

NB: The center of the Weldment Profile will be located at the origin. May you also ensure that the profile has pierce points at the midpoint of each external horizontal and vertical line.

Name the Weldment Profile WLDM1E and save it in the Weldment Profile library so that it can be used to create Weldment parts. Download the file named A.sldprt which contains a rectangular 3D sketch from this Google Drive Location or QR Code below. May you please send a note to [email protected] to report errors or problems with download files.


The following image shows the 3D Sketch in part A.sldprt.

Figure 5 -  3D Sketch in downloaded part A.sldprt

Using the Weldment Profile WLDM1E, create a weldment part as shown in the following image.

Figure 6  -  Weldment Part to be created

NB: Align the center of the Weldment profile to the 3D sketch. Use the End Miter option to join all segments to each other.

Measure the total mass of all four segments created.

NB: Make sure to apply the proper material to the part.

What is the total mass of all four weldment segments in grams?

You are asked to choose an answer from one of the four values listed below (make sure your unit system is in MMGS):






Start a new part in Solidworks.


Go to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Drafting Standard. From the drop down menu, Select the ISO Standard since our dimensions are given in millimeters.

Figure 7 - Document Properties - Drafting Standard

Go to Tools > Options > Document Properties > Units to change the Unit System to MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) and to also set the number of decimal places to two decimal places.

Figure 8 - Document Properties - Unit System

Click OK.


If the material is not already applied as 1060 Alloy - Right-click Material in the FeatureManager design tree. Click Edit Material, select 1060 Alloy in the material tree under Aluminium Alloys, and click Apply, then Close.


Select any plane in the FeatureManager Design Tree and click a sketch entity tool or click Sketch on the Sketch toolbar.

Figure 9 - Starting A Sketch on a Plane

Under the Sketch Tab, Click Center Rectangle.

Figure 10 - Selecting a Center Rectangle

In the Rectangle PropertyManager under Rectangle Type, make sure you have the Center Rectangle selected and under the options select From Midpoints. The From Midpoints option automatically creates the points on the center of the external vertical and horizontal lines which we can use as pierce points later on as required under Note 2 (Question 2 Screen Capture). A pierce point defines the location of the profile, relative to the sketch segment used to create the structural member. The default pierce point is the sketch origin in the profile library feature part. Any vertex or sketch point specified in the profile can also be used as a pierce point.

Figure 11 - Center Rectangle Options

In the graphics area - > Click the Origin to define the center of the rectangle. Drag to sketch the rectangle with centerlines. Release to set the four edges. Your sketch should look as shown in the following image.

Figure 12 - Sketching A Center Rectangle

Dimension the sketch as shown in the following image - NB: All dimensions are in millimeters and to two decimal places as set in the beginning of this question.

Figure 13 - Fully Defined Center Rectangle Sketch

While the sketch is still open, select one entity then Click Offset Entities (Sketch toolbar) or Tools > Sketch Tools > Offset Entities.

Set the properties in the Offset Entities PropertyManager as shown in the following image. Select the Reverse Checkbox if necessary to change the offset direction to the inside of the Fully Defined Center Rectangle. When you click in the graphics area, the offset entity is complete. Set the properties before you click in the graphics area.

Click Ok or click in the graphics area.

An Offset Entities relation is created between the new rectangle and our first Fully Defined Center Rectangle. If the original rectangle changes, the new rectangle updates to maintain the offset.

Figure 14 - Offsetting Sketch Entities

Your sketch should now look as shown in the following image.

Figure 15

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