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Wesley Singh May
Wesley Singh May
Wesley Singh May
Ebook51 pages36 minutes

Wesley Singh May

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About this ebook

A brief look into my psyche and daily trailing on my way to progress.

PublisherWesley Singh
Release dateJul 30, 2020
Wesley Singh May

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    Book preview

    Wesley Singh May - WESLEY SINGH

    Wesley Singh


    © Wesley Singh


    Wesley Singh

    Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000

    Introduction 100720

    I mention listening to Divine Guidance a lot, but the amount of times that I question what I am listening to is unbecoming. It is continuous work but if I believe so firmly in something, surely I need to jump and believe that I will not fall.

    There has been this presentation or this test presentation which I was meant to give at 3-pm today but, I have been fighting the company, certain individuals, and my attitude in presenting it.

    The entire week, besides being guided to be prepared, which meant reciting my lines at least twice a day, I was told very clearly not to stress because I will not be giving the presentation today.

    Look, it has come to a point when I seem to forget certain aspects of our conversations and this was one of them. I could not see the possibility of this not happening, failing me giving an excuse, which I will not do.

    The day came today, I was prepared to run this event, and still performed another ‘practice run’ at 10:05-am.

    There are many times when I have these moments that are given to me by them that enlighten me to their presence in my life. They will tell me something and it will miraculously materialize even when I see no way of it occurring.

    Point number 1:

    During yesterday’s meditation session I was continually disturbed by my phone's vibrations due to multiple messages being received. I concluded that I should switch off my network settings going forwards as to not be disturbed.

    At this morning's meditation time I continued to switch my phone to Airplane mode, placed it on the ground, and sat in to begin.

    He said, switch it on Son, to which I queried. He replied, Yes, just for today. Five minutes in, Mums phones, which she rarely does at that time with a pivotal question for me. I break out into laughter and gratitude after the conversation was completed and resume my life.

    So now it is 12-pm at the time, three hours away from having to give this presentation and a message comes through from the guy initiating the request, reading, Power Outages In My Area, during the exact time that we were supposed to perform.

    Of course, the messages from them are, We told You Son, you are not going to give this presentation. Of course, I was elated and filled with joyful gratitude again, while laughing and mixing my Futurelife Cereal.

    Through the rescheduling attempts we concur that there will still be outages in that area tomorrow, and the gentleman will have other commitments to cater too as well. In no easy way will he be able to facilitate to the day. 

    Then the ‘dreaded’, what about 1-pm today? message comes along. I start analyzing in my mind that maybe they meant not today as a test of my faith, but now I should take up the opportunity.

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