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Units of Measurements
Units of Measurements
Units of Measurements
Ebook95 pages43 minutes

Units of Measurements

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About this ebook

We learn about measurements in schools – It is just there in almost all topics of study- It is also there in every walk of life.
Even a child is born after a while - A time measurement. Then the growth of the child is measured in weight and height, The school uniform is measured and tailored to suit the child.
However, there is no specific focus given to this important topic and this book’s purpose is to present this topic as an easy guide and is illustrated with images and short snippets to make learning easy.
This book covers Mass – the difference between mass and weight, speed, velocity, and acceleration- the book also covers other basic concepts like force, pressure, heat, and even a few health measurements.
The author feels that the book will be useful and educative to all those willing to understand the system of measurements.

Release dateJun 28, 2020
Units of Measurements

Dr.Ilango Sivaraman

The author is a Mechanical Engineering graduate from Madras University( Guindy Engineering College, Chennai, India).Then came, IIFT, MBA and Finally PhD in Management from Jain University, Bangalore.Work Experience - Starting with Greaves Cotton,Hyderabad Industries,Ashok Leyland, Best Crompton and Sundaram Clayton - Finally on my own with SEA Hydropower Pvt Ltd.,Hands on experience in managing/ manufacturing hydraulic cylinder/ Power packs and Pneumatic cylinders and control units at SEA Hydropower.Past few years teaching Engineering and Management subjects in Caledonian Engineering College at Muscat,Sultanate of Oman.Living in Muscat with wife, Sandhya.Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics is a print version of my other book( Co authored) and published by PHI learning, India.

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    Book preview

    Units of Measurements - Dr.Ilango Sivaraman

    Simple, Easy to learn and lovable to read

    Units of Measurements

    Easy guide to

    Units of Mass, Force, Pressure, Velocity,

    Power, Heat and More..

    Copyright@author2019 All rights reserved

    Dr. Ilango Sivaraman

    Other books by the same author

    1. Hydraulics and Hydraulic circuits

    2. Pneumatics and Pneumatic Circuits

    3. Understanding Electricity

    4. HVAC -Principles and Systems

    5. Learning Tamil(Thamiz) -Through English.

    Table of Contents

    1 At the Gates of Entry

    2 Units and Dimensions

    3 Area and Volume

    4 A Story about the states of matter and God

    5 Mass and Weights

    6 Pressure Measurement

    7 Measurements of Volume and liquids

    8 The Flow Measurement

    9 Distances, Speeds, Velocity and Acceleration

    10 Heat & Temperature

    11 Unit of Gravitation

    12 Energy

    13 Electricity and the relevant Units

    14 Know about our own measurements

    15 Another Important table

    Feedback comments/suggestions welcome: [email protected]

    Please note there is an image at the end of each chapter that has relevance to the chapter title.

    Feedback comments/suggestions welcome: [email protected]

    Please note there is an image at the end of each chapter that has relevance to the chapter title.

    It was such an embarrassing event for me, that stayed with me, made me focus more on learning about units and dimensions and standards.

    It was my first job.

    One evening, after work, I was asked to go to my directors’ house-

    The task was that I should accompany and take a Japanese visitor who had come to visit our company. The director wanted to entertain the visitor –

    We had tea and some snacks –

    Then the conversation was about the market for the smallest type of domestic water pumps.

    Then the bombshell of a question was posed to me.

    The director looked at me and asked me what the acceptable weight of a domestic water pump in the market would be.

    I had absolutely no idea.

    Never knew and correlated the weight one could easily lift –

    The embarrassment and the stupidity of my response -made me resolve that I should become well versed on this subject.

    This book is the result of that resolution, focus, practical experience and the research that I did to wipe the memory of that embarrassment

    May God never bestow such an embarrassment on any one just to turn out a book!

    1 At the Gates of Entry

    An Anecdote

    I was studying in a primary school in a south Indian city, Coimbatore. Every new academic year, we, from each class will form a line and walk towards a hall – in this hall they would take each one’s measurement of height and weight and they would inoculate (I don’t remember why or what for the injection was given) each student.

    For a few times our heights were measured in feet and in inches and the weight in pounds – but, after a few years, the measurements were changed to expressing in meters for heights and in Kilograms for weights. They said the Indian government adopted metric system for measurements from Imperial units of measurements (Feet and pounds).For the purpose of this book – we should understand that there are two ways of expressing the measurements.

    1. International system of measurement & 2. Imperial system of measurement.

    International system uses Metric system of measurement and is adopted and followed by most of the countries in the world.The Imperial system of measurement is followed by USA,

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