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Journey 1 The Book of Romans: The Journey Series
Journey 1 The Book of Romans: The Journey Series
Journey 1 The Book of Romans: The Journey Series
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Journey 1 The Book of Romans: The Journey Series

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Is Life Puzzling, then you need God's guidance as you read through the Book of Romans.

Release dateMay 11, 2020
Journey 1 The Book of Romans: The Journey Series

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    Journey 1 The Book of Romans - John Inserra Jr.



    Paul inspired by the Holy Ghost authored the Book of Romans.  (Romans 1:1) 

    Brief Description of Paul

    Paul once persecuted Believers. He met the resurrected Christ and after that he was never the same. He became sold out to do the will of Christ after he was converted on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-6). Paul being converted from a persecutor of Believers to a devoted follower is proof that Christ is Lord. The meeting with Christ left him blinded. Ananias was directed by God to lay hands on him and he was miraculously healed and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost (Acts 9:17-18).  After his conversion, he brought the gospel to the Gentile world and established many churches. He suffered greatly for the gospel. He suffered beatings shipwrecks, imprisonments, (2 corinthians11:23-26) and he was martyred because of his professed belief in Christ. 

    Paul had never visited Rome before he wrote the book of Romans (Romans 1:10). In the Book of Romans, Paul discusses how much he had been praying to visit the church in Rome. God answered his prayer but not before he had to be imprisoned and shipwrecked.


    God Uses Trial to Advance the Gospel

    For almost ten years, I, (John Inserra Jr.), prayed to Pastor a

    church. In route to my petition being answered; I foreclosed on my home, I resigned from the job, which I had worked at for 22 years and I moved from South Florida to Eastern Kentucky. The Church I was assigned to pastor was located 50 miles from my new home in Hazard Kentucky. I drove to the Mozelle Church of God during the winter on icy mountain roads in my old used van that’s heater did not work. I had to experience various trials, so that God could answer my prayer to pastor a church. We need to constantly encourage ourselves that God often uses our trials to answer our prayer request (Romans 8:28).

    Dating the Book

    Most Scholars believe the book was written in AD 56. He wrote

    the letter before he left to bring a financial offering to the poor

    believers in the Jerusalem church (Romans 15:25.)


    Christianity Spreads to Rome

    One explanation, of how Christianity spread to Rome, is that on the day of Pentecost there were in Jerusalem, Roman citizens that after their conversion to Christ, they brought back the gospel message to Rome (Acts 2:10).


    Overall Theme of Book

    Men and women by their own efforts cannot become, in right standing with God. Rather, God declares them in right standing with him, only if by faith, they receive Christ into their hearts and confess him, as Lord and Savior. Believers trust that Jesus’ righteousness, now becomes their righteousness; so that no longer God sees them as sinful, but they are now sinless and blameless in his sight. (Romans 1:16-17).

    Outline of the Book of Romans

    Greeting and Introduction (Romans 1:1-15)

    Theme of the Book: God’s righteousness become our righteousness and the just shall live by faith (Romans 1:16-17)

    We are declared Sinners and can’t save ourselves apart from God (Romans 1:18 to 3:23)

    God provides us a remedy by grace through faith in Christ Jesus alone (Romans 3:24 to 8:39)

    Paul’s concern for Israel (Romans Chapters 9 to 11)

    Practical teaching of how followers of Christ should live. (Romans Chapters 12 to 16)

    Journey 1 Begins

    Studying the Book of Romans has expanded my appreciation of how much I need the Lord’s amazing grace. Please read on and I pray God blesses our journeys, as we study His Word together.

    Chapter 1 - Romans

    Verse 1

    Paul called himself a servant; one that was completely and utterly devoted to God. Paul is saying that he put’s God’s will before his own will. Paul’s life work was to share the Gospel (the Good News).

    Verse 2

    This Gospel is not a new clever idea or philosophy; it has always been God’s plan (Deuteronomy 18:15 Isaiah 7:14; Habakkuk 2:4).

    Verse 3

    The center of Christianity is not a moral teaching rather it is centered on Jesus. Jesus is both God and human. He is a descendant of David. God promised David that his family would rule eternally; Jesus fulfilled that promise and he is King of Kings (2 Samuel 7:13).

    Verse 4a

    The resurrection proves Jesus is the Son of God. The evidence that supports the resurrection of Christ is abundant. Eleven out of the twelve apostles sealed their testimony, with their blood that Jesus raised from the dead. They died for the truth they professed. Paul before his conversion persecuted Believers but after he met the resurrected Christ on the road to Damascus; he was forever changed and became the apostle to the gentiles.  Paul never denied his belief in the Savior although he was whipped, stoned and imprisoned. He too sealed his testimony in the resurrected Christ when he was beheaded.

    Verse 4b

    Jesus was declared to be the Son of God by the Father Himself (Mathew 3:17).

    Verse 7

    Paul reminds all believers we are loved by God. Once we trust in Christ by faith, we are no longer sinners but saints. Grace is God’s undeserved favor that brings us peace.

    Verse 8

    Believer’s lives are transformed and faith in Christ produces Good works (Ephesians 2:10).

    Verse 9

    Faith in Christ motivates believers to pray. They should pray without ceasing by keep their mind and spirit focused on Christ. Are we praying to receive applause from people; or to be closer to the Lord?

    Believers should pray for others. Paul said, God is my witness.  God testifies that Paul prays continuously for the church in Rome. What does the Holy Spirit say about us; could He attest to the fact, we intercede for others?

    Verse 11

    Paul desired to see the Christians in Rome and encourage them.   At present due to the COVD-19 virus, I miss spending time with other believers, since the church cannot assemble in the physical building for Sunday morning service. Thankfully we are able to enjoy the service online; but I miss my brothers’ and sisters’ warm hugs and handshakes.

    Verse 12

    When we minister, we both give and receive (Luke 6:38)? I have learned you can never out give God. Often, when I have visited Christ followers in the hospital, they encouraged my faith because they radiated peace and joy.  When believers spend time together, they lift each other up with their faith.

    Verse 13

    Paul desired to encourage and strengthen the Roman believers; but he also expected to be blessed by seeing their faith. The Holy Spirit imparts spiritual gifts to build up the entire body of Christ.

    Verse 14

    Paul was eager to share his faith in the risen Christ with everyone he met. The Gospel is not for one race; it is not exclusive; it is for all those that believe.

    Verse 15

    Paul’s desire was to preach the gospel at Rome. Where is God placing a desire on your heart to share the gospel? What God given dream has he inspired on your heart? God given dreams always come to pass.

    I started my journey studying the Book of Romans, over three years ago. I have been blessed walking through this path God has led me on. Just as Paul was given a vision to preach the gospel to Rome; God gave me a mountain of a vision to write a book on Romans. I had no idea how to accomplish the dream he had inspired on my heart. However, God showed me that he gave Joseph a dream to become a Great Leader and fulfilled it as he journeyed through the pit, prison and finally to the palace (Genesis 41:41-43).

    I knew by faith, similarly, writing a book on Roman was a God given dream and He would surely make it happen. God as promised has brought people into my life that have helped me improve the book and prepare it for publication.

    One unsaved friend told me I love reading your short stories and poems. I shared with him I was writing a book on Romans, but it was not completed yet. He said, Can I read what you have written so far.

    I printed him a copy and he read the unfinished work. He called me a week later and joyfully told me I have received Christ as my Savior after reading that book! 

    My prayer is that God will continue to bless this book that that I have written on Romans to reach the unchurched and save many lost souls, as they read it.  

    Verse 16

    Paul is not ashamed of the gospel. He says the gospel has the power to save men and woman from God’s angry judgments, if they receive it by faith.

    In other places, this word gospel is translated mighty works (Matthew 7:22), miracle (Mark 9:39) and strength (Hebrews 11:11).  It is a power that can’t be stopped by humans or the powers of Hell.

    Verse 17

    Our righteousness is as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Believers are clothed in the righteousness of Christ by faith in Him.

    We live by faith not by feelings. My feelings can deceive me. My faith is stronger than my feelings. Yes, sometimes I become fearful because of circumstances, such as, hearing that people are dying from the COVD-19 virus. As a result, of the virus business are having to shut down, which is resulting in massive unemployment. We are not able to meet for church in the physical building. These are fearful times for many people.

    Whereas the righteous that live not by feelings but by faith know temporarily they may suffer but, in the end, they have a certain glorious future. So, we as believers always need to choose faith not fear because as Christ Followers, we will have a hope that circumstances can’t defeat. We are assured Victory through faith in Christ. I wrote a poem to illustrate this idea.

    Choose Faith Not Fear

    Our fear stumbles us over imaginary hurdles that bruise our knees, as we neglect prayer.

    Our fear disturbs our rest, because we imagine our future, as a nightmare.

    Our fear slows us to a crawl, and we travel nowhere.

    Our fear sinks our feet, paralyzing our will to progress, drowning us in our failure.

    Our faith leaps us over mountains that strengthens our knees, as we depend on prayer.

    Our faith rests our head upon a firm rock trusting in the everlasting arms of God’s constant care.

    Our faith propels us forward, as we walk on water experiencing miracles in abundant measures.

    Our faith lifts us to our feet, freeing our will to love, rising above our failure.

    Verse 18

    Tragically, I have witnessed many people addicted to drugs tell me when they first started using it was fun. They never expected the consequences that they have experienced, as result of them using drugs. They report they denied for a long time they were even addicts. Sometime sadly, they are not given another opportunity to recover after a relapse because they overdose and die.

    Addicts deny their addiction to drugs and continue to abuse them. In a similar manner, people who reject God delude themselves into thinking God is not aware of their sin and they will be spared from His anger. God is giving them time to repent because he is longsuffering but eventually, they will no longer experience His grace but his wrath. What a terrible thing it is to fall into the hands of an angry God.

    Verse 19

    God made it obvious that he created the Heavens and the Earth (Genesis 1:1).

    Verse 20

    God’s wrath against man and woman is justified because there is overwhelming evidence God exist and that He created the world; so, humans are without excuse. They should believe in Him and obey him.  I have watched the births of all four of my children and I was amazed how My God knit them together in their mother’s womb (Psalms 139:13-14).  I have marveled, as I watched the multi colors of a sunset paint the sky. I have trembled and held my breath, as I have seen the fury of ocean waves, as lightning streaked across the sky, accompanied by booming thunders. I have looked through a telescope and saw billions of stars and planets light up the night sky and praised my Creator.  I have looked through a microscope and have seen billions of living cells that were blind to the naked eye.

    I’m confident people that deny the existence of God have nagging doubts and shudder when alone in their bed, unable to sleep, while hearing in the stillness of the night, a voice crying out Believe in Me!

    Verse 21

    Men and women were created to praise God and when they forget God and live a thankless life their heart becomes dark and it leads to depression and they become self-absorbed. They look for worldly pleasures and pursuits that will ultimately never satisfy. Worldly pleasure is like being lost at sea and being thirsty for water and you drink the Salt Ocean water, but it never quenches your thirst. Only drinking from the living water, Jesus Christ can ever quench one’s thirst (John 7:37-39).

    Verse 22

    The Bible actually declares the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fearing God is what make us smart (Proverbs 1:7).

    Famous speakers will teach worldly pleasures actually cause you to live a happier life. Joy is not determined by our circumstances. Joy is not dependent on wealth. Joy is not discovered by traveling to exotic places. Joy is not associated with us being popular.  Success in life does not bring us joy. It is the joy of the Lord that is our strength (Nehemiah 8:1). The fruit of the Holy Spirit is real joy (Galatians 5:22).

    Verse 23

    People try to create God into the image that allows them to fulfill their own lust. People want to manipulate God because they want a God that is tame, and they can control.

    Verse 24

    When we forsake God, it leads to us destroying our health emotionally, physically and psychologically. People become depressed when they forsake God and indulge in selfish pleasures. They somehow think they will end up happy but it is the opposite they end up miserable. Since God has given us freewill, he lets us choose, although in the end it leads to disaster.

    Verse 25

    Serving idols is like cocaine addicts, they always want more of the drug and the high never satisfies them.  Serving idols is like trying to blow up an air mattress with a hole in it. No matter how much air you put

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