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Who Are The Gentiles?
Who Are The Gentiles?
Who Are The Gentiles?
Ebook103 pages1 hour

Who Are The Gentiles?

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About this ebook

This handbook is from our series, For Israelites by Israelites. In our books, we cover the basic precepts needed to understand major topics in the Bible. Discover why the world was flooded in the time of Noah. Our handbooks include our never publicly discussed “Virgin Mary” theory. It is different from anything ever heard from any Israelite or Christian teaching. Hebrew to Negroes.

Release dateMay 20, 2020
Who Are The Gentiles?

Jeremiah Jael Israel

When we first discovered we were Israelites, it was overwhelming. There were thousands of videos and websites from all the various Israelite groups to decipher. Whom do we believe? Which camp do we join? Which Biblical point of view do we follow? How do we know which one is right? Those are questions we eventually had to answer.

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  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

    May 16, 2022

    Lies. Etymology shows what gentiles means. Japheth 7 sons, GENTILES.

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Who Are The Gentiles? - Jeremiah Jael Israel

For Israelites by Israelites

Hebrew Precepts


Handbook Two

Jeremiah and Jael

Copyright © 2019 For Israelites by Israelites., LLC.

All rights reserved.

Authors’ disclaimer: This publication is designed to provide true and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the author(s) are not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. Before a reader decides to make any changes to their personal lives based upon information within this book, he or she should consult with an experienced professional. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The author(s) do not claim to be licensed therapists, doctors, or counselors in any manner. The works written herein are solely the authors’ opinions on matters.

Printed in the USA

ISBN-13: 9781700400024

All rights reserved without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means (electronically, mechanically, or by photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner(s) and the author(s). A reviewer may quote brief passages in a review. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the internet or by any other means without the permission of the owner(s) and author(s) is illegal and punishable by law. Only authorized electronic editions are legal.

A disclaimer: The characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


This introduction is standard for all our handbooks. Our names are Jeremiah and Jael Israel. When we first woke up, we had no idea which direction to go. We searched YouTube for videos in hopes of finding an Israelite church to join.

There are many different Israelite teachings and doctrines, and that became an obstacle for us for a little while. We discovered that the various Israelite congregations are very much like the different Roman Christian churches we have known all our lives; each has a different doctrine. It can be very confusing.

There are some conflicts between the Roman Christian church and the Israelite congregations. Israelite churches teach, for the most part, the truth about our Hebrew history and God's Laws. Christian churches will not teach that, and that is the primary difference.

There are significant flaws in Roman Christian churches, they nail all God's Laws to the cross, they make Jesus God, and they eliminate God's chosen people.

The average Christian church clings to John 3:16 like honey on a bear’s paw. That is their go-to for everything. By studying the Bible front to back and back to front; we have discovered almost everything we know, is an utter lie.

So, what is a woke up Israelite to do?

As God wakes us up, he gives us new information every day and adds to our understanding. Stay away from anyone, Christian or Israelite, who teaches they have all the answers.

If a pastor will not let a person leave the church without damning them to hell, or if a pastor says he is right and cannot be wrong, RUN! Stay away from anyone that commands or demands abusive behavior towards other people or other groups of people.

God does not approve of that, nor does he want his people behaving that way. A person can still help people and teach them without being radical, abusive, and crazy acting.

We, as human beings, can always be wrong about something. If we write something in this book, and God later gives us further clarity, we will admit we were wrong and change accordingly.

That is something most Israelite and Christian churches refuse to do, pride gets in the way, and they do not want to tell their members they made a mistake.

Jael has a master’s degree heavily based on research. She was trained to validate everything with empirical (factual) evidence. That is how we conduct all our research and studies. We do not leave anything up to our interpretation, and we use solid facts to back our findings.

If there is anything, we have an opinion on; we will state it is our opinion. In this book, we will discuss everything we have learned from attending both Roman Christian and Israelite churches.

We have experience studying Biblical, and archeological history, historical records, the original writings of the Hebrews, geographical and scientific records, and more.

We wrote these books to help other people who are newly discovering their heritage. We have put in thousands of hours studying over the past five years. Both of us are writing this book, so we will share the information we both have discovered.

Hopefully, this information will turn the Most High God’s people to him and not away from Him. We say that because many people become overwhelmed once they discover all the lies told to them.

Once that happens, they decide to give up on God, the Bible, and everything they feel ties them to religion. That is the wrong move to make, our Most High God is still real, and His Son, His Word, and the Bible is still real.

Just because they changed a few things, it does not mean everything is not real. We hope to provide clarity, knowledge, and understanding from reading our handbooks of Hebrew precepts.

Peace and love Jeremiah and Jael.

***Disclaimer*** We do not intend to be shocking, sensational, or disrespectful in any manner. The purpose of our handbook series is not to incite violence or encourage dangerous activities. These books are strictly for educational purposes. In no way do we encourage violence or hatred towards any other person or any group of people. The true intention of our hearts is for our readers to be further educated on their history as Israelites, that is it. We hope that you will proceed positively after reading our books. God wants us to work on ourselves getting ready for his son’s return; he does not want us to verbally or physically attack or be violent towards anyone else. Thank you and God

Bless you!

**If possible, please read our books in order. This will allow you to follow the story from beginning to end in a complete fashion. You will be missing some connections if you start in the middle of the series.


1. No Difference in Jew or Greek

2. Moses

3. Paul’s Gentiles

4. Jesus’ Purpose

5. True Israelites

Chapter One

No Difference in Jew or Greek

There is a big debate amongst the Roman Christian

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