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Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way! (Companion Audio)
Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way! (Companion Audio)
Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way! (Companion Audio)
Ebook250 pages1 hour

Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way! (Companion Audio)

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About this ebook

This workbook is designed for use with the Elementary Mandarin Chinese Textbook and offers a wealth of carefully-designed practice activities to help you solidify every aspect of your Chinese skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It includes extensive interactive drills, exercises and other practice materials. Online audio files are available for use in the relevant exercises.

The lessons in this workbook correspond to the 24 lessons in the Elementary Mandarin Chinese Textbook. The materials in this workbook are meant to be completed by students outside of class to strengthen and consolidate their understanding of the materials in the textbook.

Lessons 1 and 2 of the Workbook contain exercises to learn to read and pronounce the Pinyin alphabet along with simple classroom expressions. They also introduce 48 basic Chinese characters. Beginning with Lesson 3, each lesson of the workbook contains two parts. Each part has two sets of listening comprehension exercises, one translation exercise, one character practice sheet, and one reading and writing exercise. Lessons 13 and 24 of the textbook are review lessons and therefore have no corresponding workbook materials.
Release dateMay 26, 2020
Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Chinese the Easy Way! (Companion Audio)

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    Book preview

    Elementary Mandarin Chinese Workbook - Cornelius C. Kubler


    This workbook is designed to accompany the textbook Elementary Mandarin Chinese. Used together, along with the online audio files, these materials will help learners establish a strong foundation in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Mandarin Chinese.

    In a college or university environment, it is recommended that these materials be taught at the rate of approximately one lesson per week. Each lesson is divided into two parts, so Part One could be taken up on the first class day each week and Part Two on the second day, with the third day being used for review, testing, and supplemental activities. Since it would take 24 weeks to go through the materials at this rate but most institutions schedule 25-35 weeks of instruction per academic year, this would still leave some time for other activities, or else allow for a somewhat slower rate of progress through the materials, if preferred. The exact schedule and rate of progress will need to be determined based on local conditions.

    The material in this workbook is meant to be done by students as homework, to strengthen and consolidate their control of the material. Lessons 1 and 2 of the workbook contain special exercises on Pinyin and classroom expressions and also introduce 48 basic Chinese characters. Beginning with Lesson 3, each lesson of the workbook contains two parts, each part including two listening comprehension exercises, one translation exercise, one character practice sheet, and one reading and writing exercise. Since they are review lessons, lessons 13 and 24 of the textbook have no corresponding workbook materials.

    I wish to acknowledge here the following, who have been particularly helpful in the preparation and publication of these materials: Yang Wang, who created the drafts of the listening comprehension exercises; Jerling G. Kubler, who prepared the character practice sheets; Eric Oey; and Nancy Goh.

    Cornelius C. Kubler

    Williamstown, Massachusetts

    LESSON 1

    Orientation to the Study of Chinese

    Dictation Exercise 1


    NAME ______________________________

    COURSE ____________________________

    DATE _______________________________

    Based on the recording for this exercise, write in the correct Pinyin initials. The finals and tones are indicated. You may listen to the recording as many times as needed.

    1. _____________________ ā

    2. _____________________ ū

    3. _____________________ ī

    4. _____________________ ō

    5. _____________________ āi

    6. _____________________ iā

    7. _____________________ ōu

    8. _____________________ āo

    9. _____________________ iē

    10. ____________________ īn

    11. ____________________ ēn

    12. ____________________ uī

    13. ____________________ ān

    14. ____________________ ū

    15. ____________________ ū

    16. ____________________ ē

    17. ____________________ ā

    18. ____________________ ī

    19. ____________________ ī

    20. ____________________ iān

    21. ____________________ uē

    22. ____________________ ēng

    23. ____________________ ōng

    24. ____________________ uān

    25. ____________________ uān

    26. ____________________ āng

    27. ____________________ uī

    28. ____________________ ā

    29. ____________________ āo

    30. ____________________ ī

    Dictation Exercise 2


    NAME ______________________________

    COURSE ____________________________

    DATE _______________________________

    Based on the recording for this exercise, write in the correct Pinyin finals, which are all in Tone One. The initials are indicated. You may listen to the recording as many times as needed.

    1. f ______________________

    2. j ______________________

    3. t ______________________

    4. x ______________________

    5. j ______________________

    6. c ______________________

    7. sh _____________________

    8. y ______________________

    9. z ______________________

    10. ch ____________________

    11. r _____________________

    12. g _____________________

    13. w _____________________

    14. l _____________________

    15. zh ____________________

    16. b _____________________

    17. x _____________________

    18. m _____________________

    19. k _____________________

    20. p _____________________

    21. y _____________________

    22. z _____________________

    23. q _____________________

    24. r _____________________

    25. n _____________________

    26. j _____________________

    27. q _____________________

    28. s _____________________

    29. z _____________________

    30. zh ____________________

    Dictation Exercise 3


    NAME ______________________________

    COURSE ____________________________

    DATE _______________________________

    Based on the recording for this exercise, add the correct Pinyin tones. The initials and finals are indicated. You may listen to the recording as many times as needed.

    1. ta ____________________

    2. ma ___________________

    3. wo ___________________

    4. shei __________________

    5. hao __________________

    6. lei ___________________

    7. sha __________________

    8. gui __________________

    9. ni ___________________

    10. mei _________________

    11. zhi __________________

    12. shu _________________

    13. tan _________________

    14. lü ___________________

    15. lu ___________________

    16. ru ___________________

    17. rou __________________

    18. lüe ___________________

    19. ku ___________________

    20. li _____________________

    21. xue __________________

    22. lan ___________________

    23. mai __________________

    24. mai __________________

    25. pai ___________________

    26. er ____________________

    27. xiu ___________________

    28. shuo __________________

    29. kuang _________________

    30. feng __________________

    Dictation Exercise 4


    NAME ______________________________

    COURSE ____________________________

    DATE _______________________________

    Based on the recording for this exercise, write the initial, final, and tone for the syllables you hear. You may listen to the recording as many times as needed.

    1. ______________________

    2. ______________________

    3. ______________________

    4. ______________________

    5. ______________________

    6. ______________________

    7. ______________________

    8. ______________________

    9. ______________________

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