Healing Dream and Ritual: Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy
By C.A. Meier
About this ebook
C. A. Meier investigates the ancient Greek understanding of dreams and dreaming, Antique incubation and concomitant rituals.
In this greatly expanded version of his classic work, "Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy", Meier compares Asklepian divine medicine with our own contemporary psychotherapeutic approaches to dreaming. He elucidates how the healing cure was found in the very core of illness itself ― a fact of invaluable significance today in both medicine and psychology.
In helping us to recognize the suprapersonal aspects of illness, the dream is shown to reveal a transcendental path to healing.
"Healing Dream and Ritual" is one of the most significant and lasting witnesses of how far beyond immediate psychology the implications of Jung's work stretches. This book is, in my feeling, as important for today's healers as was the early work of Paracelsus to the redirection of medicine in the Renaissance. - Sir Laurens van der Post
C.A. Meier
Biography Professor C.A. Meier practiced as a psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Switzerland from 1936 until his death in 1995. A co-founder of the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, he also served as its first president. As successor to C.G. Jung, he held the Chair of Honorary Professor of Psychology at the Swiss Federal Technical Institute and co-founded the Clinic and Research Center for Jungian Psychology, Zürichberg, in 1964. His numerous books and articles have made unique contributions to the understanding and practice of psychotherapy through much of this century.
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Healing Dream and Ritual - C.A. Meier
[The doctor] ought to be able to bring about love and reconciliation between the most antithetic elements in the body.... Our ancestor Asclepius knew how to bring love and concord to these opposites, and he it was, as poets say and I believe, who founded our art.
Plato, Symposium 186 D
Over fifty years ago, while working in a psychiatric clinic, I became convinced of the need to study incubation in the ancient world. Material produced by psychotic patients seemed to contain symbols and motifs familiar to me from my scanty studies of ancient literature. Yet the content of this material showed quite plainly that, even in psychosis, which medical science usually approached in a defeatist spirit, there was a factor at work that we call today, rather inadequately, the self-healing tendency of the psyche.
I found in C.G. Jung’s analytical psychology a method by which I could observe those spontaneous healing processes at work. This is possible, however, only if the observer adopts a waiting attitude, letting the process happen, listening to it, as it were, and following it in all humility. This, in our modern therapeutic situation, would represent the genius loci. Further, analytical psychology, with its theory and the wealth of parallels it has collected from the history of religion and folk psychology, is an instrument that grants us deep insight into the psyche of sick mankind; with it, too, we can form a truer idea of the developmental processes in those whom we call healthy. Analytical psychology (research workers have already proven its usefulness in many studies in widely separated disciplines) can help us understand historical material previously misinterpreted or poorly explained.
Analytical psychology can help us, for example, to understand the problems a study of incubation raises. The ancient sources are available to us today, but the psychological aspect has been neglected. This is indeed regrettable, since Karl Kerényi’s work has shown that the psychological approach is extremely fruitful when applied to Greek mythology and ritual. Here I wish to acknowledge my gratitude for the guidance gleaned from Kerényi’s work and how stimulating his frequent and friendly conversations with me have been.
R. Herzog¹ spent many years studying Epidaurus and, more particularly, Cos. He has cleared up many points. Alice Walton² published a detailed study of Asclepius in 1894. Yet a more recent work on the subject, by the Edelsteins,³ reveals the complete neglect of the psychological and, even more, comparative standpoint that has characterized all these works.
Since the incubation motif is eternal and ubiquitous, I shall confine myself in this study to material from classical antiquity. The material there is probably the least known, but that period offers everything necessary to an understanding of this subject. It is true that parallels to the healing miracles of Asclepius may be seen in the miraculous cures of the Church right down to the present day. This material, however, contains nothing that cannot be found in the ancient world. Indeed, it may even be more controversial. All that is important from our point of view is to note here that the Church follows very ancient paths and is continuing a great tradition. One thing more should be pointed out: the many similarities in the records of pagan and Christian miraculous cures are not due to imitation. This is sufficiently shown by the striking Indian parallels noted by Weinreich.⁴ Other similarities are dealt with by Reitzenstein⁵ and Deubner.⁶
According to the Samkhya doctrine, all the world’s sickness and suffering are due to the body’s contamination of the soul. These ills will therefore only disappear when discriminating knowledge
– liberation of the soul from the physical world – is attained.⁷ Thus, for example, we should not be surprised to find, in the final initiation rites of some Tibetan monks, a striking similarity to those employed in consulting the Trophonius oracle.⁸
As I have said, I shall, in this work, omit discussing these matters in detail, since the highly developed ancient rite and the discoveries of modern psychology alone enable us to understand incubation. These modern psychological discoveries are to be found in the works of C.G. Jung, so I shall avoid complicating this study by continual references to them.
The general attitude of mind toward dreams prevalent in the ancient world requires some explanation. Incubation’s effectiveness is very closely bound up with the importance accorded to dreams. Only when dreams are very highly valued can they exert great influence. Büchsenschütz⁹ has carefully assembled the source material concerning the opinions held on dreams in antiquity. Therefore, I need not try to assess them here. Only one last point need be emphasized: the Greeks, especially in the early period, regarded the dream as something that really happened; for them it was not, as it was in later times and to modern man
in particular, an imaginary experience.¹⁰ The natural consequence of this attitude was that people felt it necessary to create the conditions that caused dreams to happen. Incubation rites induced a mantikē atechnos (prophecy without system), an artificial mania, in which the soul spoke directly, or, in Latin, divinat.¹¹ In modern analytical psychology, too, we find what might be described as a method for constellating the natural soothsaying
of the psyche.
If, as we put it today, the unconscious is to speak, the conscious must be silent. In antiquity the blind seer – Tiresias is the best known – was the fit embodiment of this idea.
The autonomous factor in the psyche revealed in such images and healing dreams surely merits our highest respect. Thus Aristotle¹² refers to incubation as a therapeutic method. In the book On Diet (Parva Naturalia),¹³ Part IV, he develops a theory on the dream sent by a god. The Stoa developed this idea still further, and regarded healing dreams as an expression of divine pronoia (foresight
). The later Academy and the Epicureans violently criticized this view, but with the Neo-Pythagoreans and the Neo-Platonists it was soon to reach a still higher culmination.
Studying the sources, we see at once that incubation is for the cure of bodily illnesses alone. You might then ask what it has to do with psychotherapy. In the first place, the sources constantly emphasize that Asclepius cares for sōma kai psychē, both body and mind – body and soul
is the corresponding Christian term; and second, bodily sickness and psychic defect were for the ancient world an inseparable unity. The saying mens sana in corpore sano, which is often misunderstood today, is a later formulation of this idea.
Thus in antiquity the symptom
is an expression of the sympatheia,¹⁴ the consensus, the cognatio or coniunctio naturae, the point of correspondence between the outer and the inner. Stoic doctrine understood the concept in a very broad sense; it means the natural coincidence of particular phenomena, perhaps even in different parts of the world; thus it corresponds to C.G. Jung’s notion of synchronicity.
When, later, especially in the Empire, the incubants’ dreams become healing oracles, which prescribe for the illness, the original concept of incubation begins to decay. The dream itself is no longer the cure. I have shown elsewhere¹⁵ that this phenomenon of prescription by dream sometimes occurs even today; it, too, is psychologically interesting in connection herewith.
In what follows the reader should bear in mind one important archetypal theme constantly, namely, the myth of the night-sea-journey, first presented in complete form by Frobenius.¹⁶ The links are particularly striking in connection with the oracle of Trophonius. Here a remark of Paracelsus may be apt; he says that in the belly of the whale Jonah saw the great mysteries.¹⁷
One other significant fact should be rescued from oblivion. The doctors of Attica were required to sacrifice publicly twice
a year to Asclepius and Hygieia for themselves and their patients.¹⁸
Although it will be obvious to anyone acquainted with C.G. Jung’s work how much his discoveries influence this study, I wish to emphasize it once again and express my deep gratitude to him.
C. A. Meier
May 1948
Fall 1988
1 R. Herzog, cf. below, pp. 10 and 13, Chap.
n. 3, Chap. 2; n. 31, Chap. 3; and WHE.
2 Alice Walton, The Cult of Asklepios, Cornell Studies in Classical Philology No. 3 (New York, 1894).
3 Emma J. Edelstein and Ludwig Edelstein, Asclepius (2 vols.; Baltimore, 1945).
4 O. Weinreich, AHW, pp. 176 f.
5 R. Reitzenstein, Hellenistische Wundererzählungen (Leipzig, 1906).
6 L. Deubner, Kosmas und Damian: Texte und Einleitung (Leipzig and Berlin, 1907).
7 Cf. Anandarayamakhi, Das Glück des Lebens, ed. A. Weckerling (Greifswald, 1937).
8 Cf. Alexandra David-Neel, Mystiques et magiciens du Thibet (Paris, 1929), pp. 210 ff.
9 B. Büchsenschütz, Traum und Traumdeutung im Alterthume (Berlin, 1868).
10 Cf. Roscher, Lexikon, III/2, 3203.
11 Cicero De divin. ii. 26.
12 Aristotle, Peri hierēs nousou.
13 Peri diaitēs.
14 Cicero De divin. ii. 124.
15 C.A. Meier, Chirurgie-Psychologie,
Schweiz. Med. Wschr., LXXIII (1943), 457 ff.
16 L. Frobenius, Das Zeitalter des Sonnengottes (Berlin, 1904).
17 Quoted from C.G. Jung, Paracelsica (Zürich, 1942), p. 101.
18 IG, II2, No. 772.
Chapter I – The Divine Sickness
The question whether ancient prototypes of modern psychotherapy exist has never been fully investigated. Since, in antiquity, everything to do with the psyche was embedded in religion, it is necessary to look for these prototypes in ancient religion. The first definite clue I found was a passage in Galen, where this most famous physician of late antiquity proudly styles himself the therapeut
of his fatherly god, Asclepius.
¹⁹ What is the meaning of the word therapeutēs? It can only be the name originally given to those who were the attendants of the cult and who served the god by carrying out the prescribed ritual. From this point of view, therefore, psychotherapists would be people who were concerned with the cult of the psyche. Erwin Rohde,²⁰ in his still unsurpassed work Psyche, has shown how much the religions of antiquity were cults of the psyche, so that the spiritual welfare of anyone taking an active part in religious life was looked out for.
But what happened in case of sickness? Here I got a second reference through a dream dreamt by a woman patient at a critical phase of her treatment. It consisted of the laconic sentence:
I. The best thing he created is Epidaurus.
As is usual with such irrefutable assertions,
no context was obtainable. I knew, however, that my patient had been in Greece, and I reminded her that there was a town of this name in Argolis. She thereupon remembered the theater – perhaps the finest of all ancient theaters²¹ – which she had seen there, and slowly the recollection of the local Asclepian sanctuary, to which Epidaurus owes its fame, came back to her. Thus the appearance of the name in the dream was a sort of cryptomnesia.
Actually this dream prompted me to investigate the whole problem of incubation; and this study is really a somewhat detailed amplification of the key word Epidaurus
appearing in the dream. Thus the riddle of Dream I should always be borne in mind. Some of the amplifications may seem very farfetched. But by bringing forward further material from daily psychotherapeutic practice, it can be shown that these ancient themes are still very much alive in the psyche of modern man. Knowledge of these themes is a valuable help to us for understanding modern problems. But our patients’ problems are the problems of psychotherapy and therefore the psychotherapist’s. Thus we are grateful for all clues to the traditional prototypes of our own activities. I find it very satisfying that many of these are in the classical
field. I shall show that this exploration of antiquity will reward us with some unexpected glimpses into the archaeology
of the human psyche. And, perhaps, the dusty records of the ancient world will take on a surprising new life, vividly illuminating many of the complex problems of modern psychotherapy and enhancing their interest.
Then from a study of what was practiced in the ancient Asclepieia, I was able to obtain an answer to my second question as to what was done in ancient times for the cult of the soul in the case of sickness. The answer was not, as we should be inclined to believe, ancient medicine or a physician, but exclusively a god or savior named Asclepius, not a human, but a divine physician. The reason for this was that classical man saw sickness as the effect of a divine action, which could be cured only by a god or another divine action.
Thus a clear form of homeopathy, the divine sickness being cast out by the divine remedy (similia similibus curantur), was practiced in the clinics of antiquity. When sickness is vested with such dignity, it has the inestimable advantage that it can be vested with a healing power. The divina afflictio then contains its own diagnosis, therapy, and prognosis, provided of course that the right attitude toward it is adopted. This right attitude was made possible by the cult, which simply consisted in leaving the entire art of healing to the divine physician. He was the sickness and the remedy. These two conceptions were identical. Because he was the sickness, he himself was afflicted (wounded or persecuted like Asclepius or Trophonius),²² and because he was the divine patient he also knew the way to healing. To such a god the