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Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide
Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide
Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide
Ebook119 pages1 hour

Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide

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About this ebook

With 250 million monthly users, Pinterest may not be a social media behemoth like Facebook, but it's an important social platform with deep penetration in valuable demographics. Pinterest also drives people to make purchases.
At least, that's what the 100 million-plus businesses that are currently using the social media platform have learned.
A massive 87% of Pinterest users say that they've purchased a product or service because of the app, and 66% of all pins are related to some type of brand or product.
Pinterest is a goldmine for marketers who want to increase their sales and revenue.
It's growing like mad and  the engagement rates are off the chart! And most importantly, your content has a longer shelf life on Pinterest.
So, why wait?
With this high-impact training guide, you're going to learn everything you need to know. We start with the basics of Pinterest. From common terms and words to setting up your page, to creating killer marketing strategies, growing your email list, doing the perfect SEO and dominating the platform.
And that's why we want to make it a total no-brainer for you to get started today!
Pinterest profit Secrets Training Guide will enable you- To improve visibility and engagement for your brand To get more inbound links To drive additional traffic to your blog and attract more business. To outgrow your competitors with latest strategies
Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide -- is massive golden content, written by skilled professionals that walks you through proven and expert tips and practices for your success with Pinterest.
This is an enormous info packed training guide that is compiled with precision and enriched with time-tested methods.
Download this amazing guide and join the 500,000 businesses with Pinterest for Business accounts, and you'll get added marketing features to promote your brand on one of the fastest growing and insanely popular social media platforms.pint
Release dateApr 13, 2020
Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide

Laura Maya

Laura Maya is a writer, coach and culturally curious "digital nomad" who has spent over 20 years wandering slowly through almost 60 countries. Laura prides herself on living simply, chasing impossible dreams and creating a life that supports and enhances the freedom of others. She currently lives on the road in Australia, moving around the country with her husband in a converted school bus named Maurice.

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    Book preview

    Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide - Laura Maya


    Copyright © 2019  Laura Maya  


    Pinterest Profit Secrets 2020 Training Guide

    Table of Content


    Chapter-1 What is Pinterest for Business?

    What is Pinterest?

    Pinterest Demographics

    Chapter-2 Understanding Pinterest for Business Terms

    Different Business Terms

    Benefits of Pinterest Account

    Chapter-3 How to set up Pinterest Account for Business

    Chapter-4 Tips and Tactics for Using Pinterest for business

    Pinterest’s New Profile Look

    Enhance Your Pins’ Breakthrough

    Guidelines For Creating The Perfect Pins

    Add Fresh Content, The More The Better

    Chapter-5 Growing your email list with Pinterest

    Add Relevant Keywords and Your Opt-In

    Share Your Opt-In on Applicable Pinterest Boards

    Use Text Overlay in Pin Designs to Highlight Your Opt-In

    Chapter-6 Best Pinterest Marketing Strategies

    Pinterest target Market

    Set up and customize your business Pinterest account

    Optimize your Pinterest content

    Engage with your Pinterest Audience

    Chapter-7 Ecommerce Pinterest Traffic Strategy

    Create your Pinterest account

    Add 10 Boards With 10 Pins Each

    Use PinGroupie To Find Group Boards

    Reach Out To Board Owners

    Create Pinnable Images For Your Best Articles

    Chapter-8Best tools for Pinterest Marketing : Level up your game...





    Chapter-9 Pinterest SEO Tips: How to Optimize Your Pins for the Changes

    How the Pinterest Search Algorithm Works

    How to Increase Domain Quality

    How to Increase Pin Quality

    How to Increase Pinner Quality

    How to Add Keywords to Pinterest (Relevance)

    Chapter-10 How to use your blog to make money on Pinterest?

    Create a Business Pinterest Account

    Create a Freebie from Your Blog Content

    Make Stunning Graphics and Catchy Pin Titles

    Create a Schedule for Pinning

    Choose Between Income Avenues

    Optimize Your Pins and Promote Yourself

    Chapter-11 How to understand and analyze Pinterest statistics

    Pinterest Profile analytics

    Pinterest Audience analytics

    Pinterest Website analytics

    Best Analytic Tools for Pinterest

    Chapter-12Case Studies



    Believe it or not, there’s more to Pinterest than browsing aspirational Keto recipes, Halloween crafts, and mermaid ombre hairstyles. At least, that’s what the 100 million-plus businesses that are currently using the social media platform have learned.

    In this training guide, expect to learn the key demographics that use Pinterest and, of those, which are most likely to interact with your business Pinterest page at different points in the sales funnel.

    You’ll get a good understanding of the most commonly used Pinterest for business terms and view examples of businesses that have done it well. Finally, you’ll begin to explore the social media marketing benefits of creating a business Pinterest page and maintaining it. Further, You will understand how to grow your email list, create the perfect Pins, check analytics and design and execute the best Pinterest marketing strategy for your business.

    What is Pinterest?

    As you likely know, Pinterest is a free social media platform that allows users to display, share, and collect visual elements (mainly photos, as well as some videos), saving them to virtual "boards.

    A Pinterest board essentially digitizes that vision board that used to hang above your childhood bed. Except instead of shoddily cut-out scraps of Seventeen Magazine, you can pin everything from recipes, fitness tips, and fashion to inspirational quotes, interior design, and travel photos.

    Upon logging in, a user sees a feed that is comprised of content that users they follow are pinning, or saving, on their respective boards. The feed might also contain sponsored posts from companies that have deemed the user to be a good demographic fit for the content being promoted.

    Who uses Pinterest?

    In order to determine if using Pinterest for your business is a good fit, it’s helpful to have an understanding of who exactly is logging into the social media platform and what makes them tick.

    Though Pinterest’s user base isn’t nearly as large as that of Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, it’s important to keep in mind that the users are deeply engaged.

    Pinterest's Demographics

    Here’s Pinterest’s main audience and a bit about each demographic.


    Since its inception in 2010, Pinterest has proven itself to be a platform that heavily appeals to women. In fact, Pew Research estimates that nearly half of all women online are Pinterest users, compared to just 17 percent of men.

    However, like most areas of society that women predominantly inhabit, men continue to encroach. More than 50 percent of new Pinterest sign-ups identify as men.


    Half of adults aged 18 to 34 use Pinterest at least once a month. This is a huge advantage for businesses that want to sell to people in this age range.

    Higher income

    40 percent of Pinterest users have a household income of more than $100,000 annually, while 50 percent of users make $50,000 or more individually. This is huge—and a lot of buying power. It’s clear that Pinterest users are ready and willing to spend money on the products and services they see presented by businesses on Pinterest.

    Mobile users

    Nearly 85 percent of Pinterest searches happen on mobile devices, which makes sense if

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