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Mega Projects Mega Realities
Mega Projects Mega Realities
Mega Projects Mega Realities
Ebook35 pages45 minutes

Mega Projects Mega Realities

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About this ebook

Managing mega projects is a Herculean task, a task riddled with real possibilities of cash-burns and heartburns. But, manage you must. Must, not just for your success, for your survival too. As markets go global, as national boundaries melt away, as competition gets murderous, global corporations, their CEOs and project managers need to ensure their projects satisfy the global norms of scale and size. As you get down to translate your mega project dreams, you are sure to run over countless landmines and booby-traps. Where could you go wrong? What errors could you commit? Where could you fail? What could be your misses?

Mega Projects Mega Realities is a compact handbook that will offer you live-wire mega project lessons. The seven unforgettable mega project lessons presented between the covers here have been immortalised through real-life corporate anecdotes. A must-read for CEOs. project managers, B-school academics, MBA students and corporate investors – in fact, for everyone who has a stake in the success of mega projects and their implementing corporations.

PublisherHarish Kumar
Release dateApr 2, 2020
Mega Projects Mega Realities

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    Book preview

    Mega Projects Mega Realities - Harish Kumar

    Why this Book

    As International Inc continues to think big, business projects are getting bigger by the day. Search the maps of global business and look far and wide, you are sure to see mega projects mushrooming all over the place, as if there had been a torrential downpour of global ambitions.

    Around the world, inspired project managers and their CEOs are rapidly realising that it is not just enough to dream big, they need to transform those dreams into mega projects and realities.

    In fact, these inspired bunch of CEOs and project managers are mega devotees of size and scale today. Call them mega fetishists, if you prefer such a high-sounding word.

    This penchant for gigantism in scale and size are furiously driving corporate plans and programmes, assets and ambitions forward today.

    But, CEOs and project managers are also realising that size and scale mean new challenges. As projects turn Goliaths, smart management of mega projects is becoming critical for survival and success.

    Flawless conception of projects and their efficient implementation, besides the ability to stick to pre-budgeted cost and time schedules, are becoming critical for survival and success in the dog-eat-dog global business world, both for the mega projects and project-implementing companies.

    Naturally, project managers and their CEOs need to remember a few ground rules for managing mega projects with global competence. And face up to the challenging ground realities that are sure to develop en route.

    What are these ground rules? What ground realities are waiting to confront them? What challenges are waiting to take them on?

    Which mega project strategies are winsome? How Global Inc should be adopting these strategies and adapting to those of their competitors for better project management?

    What should they do when they discover that chosen project technologies are not suitable for the available feedstocks and fail to fit into their budgetary frameworks and overall corporate schemes?

    What should they

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